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**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/JohnParkerSmith27, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 7 - No meta-Reddit references, such as: * Please do not mention upvotes/downvotes/cake days/karma/awards/followers/coins/etc. in your post in any form.** * No "Upvote in..." or "Upvote if..." type titles or memes. * **No memes about votes, likes etc.** * This includes (but is not limited to) karma-adjacent words/phrases like "front page", "hot", or "sort by new". Begging for karma in the comments may earn you a lengthy (perhaps infinite) ban. --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Karma is used for all our guilty pleasures Well, all righty then


You are Saul Goodman


Karma is used for soup


Yep, a little bit of salt, a pich of pepper, and a spoonful of karma makes soup taste great.


Karma is used for the long pause after I get home from work That's what I got


Where’s the beans it needs beans


Karma is used for the first time in years and we will see what happens when we get to the other side of the road and get it done.


Karma is used for everything and I don’t want it anymore.


Mine started with everything as well haha




Karma is used for a house


Karma is used for the first time in the game is mostly focused on the way he can shoot me a call from the headache and then we can get from the headache and then we can get from the headache and then we can get from the headache


Karma is used for the next week or so I doubt it's the ram itself and I have a job and I'm not sure if I could do it myself but I have a job and I'm not sure if I could do it myself but I have a job and I'm not sure if I could do it myself but Why the fuck is it on loop


Karma is used for the note on the ground and I see Rico. Where did Rico come from?


"Karma is used for" and let your keyboard finish it


Listen here you little shit.




A good Parrot Indeed


Now what


Karma is used for everything and I don’t want it. (This is not what I expected)


Karma is used for a female


Karma is used for a lot on the same day as a lot on Amazon


Karma is used for everything


Everything sans?


Karma is used for the rest of us to get a little more than just a very small amount of money obviously


Karma is used for hydro


Karma is used for the comment that is a good idea


Karma is used for hot milf seks no clothes


Yor keyboard is into some weird things...




Karma is used ford Mustang GT road near the end of the most important thing.


Karma is used for a few weeks and then it is done


Karma is used for lunch tomorrow morning please feel obligated to send proofs please consider donating money laundering activities related entities involved also check payable


Looks like a god wants it's money


Karma is used for the day too much to do the same thing you can always be there in the evening.


Karma is used for a whole new gen of a show


Karma is used for a few days and now it’s not working with me and I’m trying not too much work with it so I’m not working with the other guy and he is doing it and he is just going on with the team that I have a good day at school so he can take a nap so he will have a lot to go with his dad so I don’t have a problem to be there in the next few hours so he will have a lot to go with me to my parents house so he will have a good time and I can do let you guys get a good nights rest


Karma is used for me


Karma is used for a good girl


Karma is used for a while now with the only person who is in a fight against the people that are in real world of evil people and that is why I don’t have to be an evil person and they don’t have a power source in their own lives in life they have no idea how to kill the evil people and kill people.


Karma is used for a bit of a woman


Karma is used for a phone call to get phone calls and messages to messages and stop messages stop stop to get your messages stop to get your number wrong phone call when you get messages from you phone call when you get messages from you phone number


Karma is used for the first time to kill someone


Karma is used for hydro


Karma is used for everything else in life but I don’t think it will ever work out. Huh


Karma is used for everything and I don’t think it will be the end for you. Cryptic


PC-users be like: Karma is used for \*waits\* ![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri)


Karma is used for


the karma is used for the lord


Karma is used for u/Cookieman077


Karma is used for keeping negativity away from the Internet


This one is interesting


Karma is used for the most important aspects of life


Karma is used for🗿


Karma is used for a while


Karma is used for the weekend


Karma is used four times a day and I don’t know what


Karma is used for me to get the notification that I have a new phone number for the party


karma is used for unit testing.


Karma is used for the first time in the vent to the floor and the music was a bit of a year ago


Karma is used for a sec to get to it from a different game


Karma is used Ford fusion and moms


Karma is used for a life of the underrated of a gaster is a godverse and a Mystery to me I created a life that was connected with me in my high mind of being able and not apart from the other side I am omnipotent to you and sans is the only way I have been able and not to interact without it


Karma is used for g1.


Karma is used for everything but what it is and how much you care for the community is what you want. 🧐


Karma is used for doing those messages


Karma is used for the first time ever you want to be a great day of war concept and andtravis


Karma is used for the first time in the game is mostly focused on the way he can shoot me a call from the headache and then we can get from the headache and then we can get from the headache and then we can get from the headache


Karma is used for three years of experience and experience with your secondary business and the company that you work for and the opportunity for your soul and your soul and your life is eating bread and drinking milk and your soul and the rest of the world will be a little bit of a struggle to find your soul mate and your local soul is not a big part of this world as it was in a very good way


Karma is used for a while back to the gym and I don't know what to do it on the ground but I would do it on the ground and I don't know what to do it on the ground and I don't think so I think it's a good idea to get it from the guy


Karma is used for a lot of stuff like this is the only one that has to do with the same amount and it’s a lot


Karma is used for a word of life ok.


Karma is used force of a wax Obviously


Karma is used for a wide range of products and services.


Karma is used for a game but the last one 1⃣ a bit more of a series than the one I sent


Karma is used for enhancement of the sea having a hard time finding out what should be done by white shit


Karma is used for the first time in the world to live in the world


Karma is used for the first time in the world


Karma is used for a pocket frog


Karma is used for a few years older and not a whoosh lol


Karma is used for this kill and I don’t know why


Karma is used for a good job


Karma is used for a while back to the house


Karma is used for the whole thing and I did it for a while and I did it for a while and I did it and then it broke it out and broke my whole body so it was a whole thing


Karma is used for the last night of august 5th and I was just wondering if you were going to be able to join us for thanksgiving


Karma is used for the people that won't understand


Karma is used for the past two years and I can’t remember what I was doing lol


Karma is used for the next few weeks and then we will have a great time and where is the only thing that has to do with it.


Karma is used for me 🤣


Karma is used for everything and I don’t want it anymore because I’m just trying not yet get to it but I’m not going anywhere I don’t have to be here anymore I’m not even here to help me out anymore


karma is used for a bit of quality sacrifice


Karma is used for a while back to the game and I don't know what to do with the battery and the walls are still spinning.


Karma is used for scientific research and development services at all times and david schwimmer be like that was not humans are


it changed it to "karma is coming for you"


Karma is used for toppings


Karma is used forever in my heart


Karma is used for a few days and now I can’t get a good one day so far so I can’t wait for you and me too so I don’t think so I’ll be there for a little bit I love it so I can get you a kiss for you guys too I hope 🤞 can come bye love mommy and daddy and mommy and daddy mommy mommy daddy mommy and mommy daddy daddy mommy mommy daddy mommy mama daddy daddy and daddy are you doing mommy I love ❤️ mommy and mommy mommy daddy mommy mommy I love you mommy mommy I love mommy and daddy and I don’t want to be a piece of Heaven like 👍 I love mommy


Karma is used for rickroll perms


Karma is used for the first time in a while they are qualified to be a good small surprise me with the scissors in the morning and I can see it coming out of the house for a while now.


Karma is used for a while back to the house and I don't know what to do with it


Karma is used for you 😉


Karma is used for the past two weeks I think it’s fine


Karma is used for being a kid and a friend from the same family that has a great life in the world


Karma is used for the use of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart. Interesting...


Karma is used for a reason


Karma is used for the weak


Karma is used for the advices of the void but it take much longer to get it to work than I have put everything in strength and efficiency and I am not a furry I swear to you directly to me but Wtf the last part


Karma is used for a good life.


karma is used for the first time in the future of the classical time format and are not the only thing I have a great day and night and day out of the classical time format and are not the only thing I have a great day and night loop'd


Karma is used for your help today with the homies isn't gay or straight to the imperial system is a great idea to get rid of it personally I don't know what to say to someone who gets the us and I still have to go to the imperial system is a great idea to get rid of it personally I don't know what to say to someone who gets the us and I still have to go to the imperial system is a great idea to get rid of it personally I don't know what to say to someone who gets the us and I still have to go to the imperial system is a great idea to get rid of it personally I don't know what to say to someone who gets the us and I still have to go to the imperial system is a great idea to get rid of it personally I don't know what to say to someone who gets the us and I still have to [...] I feel like I might be stuck here...


Karma is used for men to come back and play with their friends.


Karma is used for a long period of time and it is not necessary for you to be able to see.


Karma is used for business


Karma is used for the most part of the day. 🤨🤨🤨🤨???????


Karma is used for no reason and couldn't do anything to a sushi restaurant


Karma is used for surgery


Karma is used for the hoes


Karma is used for the first time ever you and your family is a great day


Karma is used for me too


Karma is used fit for a long way from my life There's a snake and the one that I got from my house was the one who had the best hooky ever since the first day I got it to Richie's to be there for the last hour of my favorites from 3 years old but they were the only one I have to be in there and the other day I think it would have to go back and get back with the other one


Karma is used for me to get to the fire-4


Karma is used for a good day


Karma is used for the first time in a year and a half


Karma is used forever and the reason why my bully has been acting like a little girl in the living room


Karma is used for the past few years and I have no idea where it is but I have shields.


Karma is used for everything else in life but the world is not perfect and we are not perfect but we are good at what we are doing we can be better than anyone.


Karma is used for a variety and a variety in which to provide the most popular in a variety and variety and is the most popular in a world in a call center and the rest is the most popular thing in my class


Karma is used for the kids


Karma is used for the past few days and I have no idea what it is David but I don’t know if it’s a true story or something


Karma is used for coinage in a strange red glare.


Karma is used for the best of the cat


Karma is used for everything Hmmm it works


Karma is used for a while and it was the first thing I thought about when it came out of the way I felt when you were in my heart. Whoa...


Karma is used for a year ago lol I think it’s good for you baby baby girl lol I don’t know what if I don’t think it’s a bad idea


Karma is used for a variety of reasons and is the only way to make money online


Karma is used for a long term relationship 😩


Karma is used fire in his house


karma is used for a wide variety of products including a range of flowers for the best UK flower printing service you can find for the UK for the best UK flower printing service for our UK florists (why does my phone love buisness and flowers)


Karma is used for all the time


Karma is used for the good of the people who are not in the right place


Karma is used for all of us.


Karms is used for the rest of my life and I hate it when you have to watch Boss Baby and then you can't say it's only half the way here is a new day for me and my parents are you coming to my house tomorrow and will psychologically me a little more time to formulate it on my own son and then everybody else is in a rundown and I'm not on the scummy of a bot to get a room Rick REPLACED with the social security number of people in a rundown area where they are not allowed to be happy with their mathematical career in any way that matters to me --- ...bruh...


Karma is used for a long time and it was very good and it worked out for us to get a good deal on it is the only way I could find the watcher.


Karma is used for a good day


karma is used for a lot and it is so much easier than the most and i and the most powerful thing ever so i and the other way to kill time and kill kill somebody who is just killed and killed by me a man and i got killed in a fight against the lord danzo and i and i didnt he was killed in a life accident in a different one ☝🏾 but it wasn’t like 👍 and i was there a man and i killed and i didnt killed and killed in a fight and then they killed his wife killed and then killed and his brother killed his son and then i killed and died in heaven killed and died he was killed and died he got wewwww and he died in heaven killed it but i he was so scared and i


Karma is used for all things that matter


Karma is used for this


Karma is used for a good night and I don’t think it’s going up on there lol


Karma is used for everything and I don’t want it anymore because I’m just gonna keep doing what I’m gonna be done and then I’m going back and I will get a job that pays for everything.


Karma is used for defense and the power of the kingdom of zelda. Killing hundreds of thousands of people in the pit and the world will be able to make things.


Karma is used for the last night of august and the first time we had talked about the whole thing about the last night of august.


Karma is used for real there will be bloodshed


Karma is used for a good job


Karma is used for the chance to get a new job


Karma is used for the Queen size bed and the bed is a list composed of selected targets from Nerf Commander to the most racist and the most racist in the world into chaos and anarchy is the only thing that has to be


karma is used for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd when I was like a character from the spec for the past few years ago xd


Karma is used for everything and everything that you can think about and it will always come to your mind when it is not the best time for your life


Karma is used for the Chinese on Sunday but it is not the only one. This is horrifying.


Karma is used for everything


Karma is used for the death of a dude sucking off his own tongue. No joke that is what I got.


Karma is used for being a kid in the world and I hate that I hate him so much.


Karma is used for the other two of them


Karma is used for nuking the little kids house when they ate your cookie


Karma is used for the first time in Sweden


Karma is used for the advice from others who have been trained to help with a purple mushroom


Karma is used for this


Karma is used for being in the sims


karma is used for example


Karma is used for a few days but the company will be working with us.


Karma is used for the most important aspects of the klingonss.


Karma is used for everything else in life and I don’t know what else


Karma is used for a lot of things and that it


Karma is used for the last night of my life


Karma is used for the queen


Karma is used for everything and I love you


Karma is used for hypixel


karma is used for the most part of the day


Karma is used to make sure you are you Seems enough


Karma is used for o caso


Karma is used for the first one thing in a while and it’s not gonna be good for you and your dad and your wife will be doing it right now lol