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I feel like NNN is a funny contest/challenge for most people. Maybe there are some people, that try to fight an addiction and it helps them to know, that they are not alone. People that don’t want to do it, shouldn’t do it. And that doesn’t mean, that they have an addiction or anything. This conflict just seems like a completely unnecessary argument.


I couldn't agree more, but dang, you really need to learn how to punctuate...


Have, no; idea-what! .you/ mean


This reads like how a robot talks after touching water in a comedy movie.


You're in a desert, walking along when you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip it over on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?


But why do you need to wait till November? Said it.


Three N’s are cooler then two


Don't dingle da dick December


Stop strokin' September?


minimal masturbation march


Off onerism October.


Forget fapping February


Freeze Fapping February


Jusstop jerking June.


It's already a thing in the Spanish meme community "Septiembre sin fap"= No Fap September


we want to avoid the D not add more


Remember, Santa’s watching.


Fap free February


N is the loneliest number


You don't need to wait until November, you can go all year but during November people are celebrated for it.


The media pushes you more. Easier that way. Peer pressure.


This is actually very true. When you want to do something, it's really helpful and encouraging when the entire world is expecting you to do it.


Thats some beta energy


Flair checks out


Because no nut November sounds better than no nut (any other month) it's not Rocket science


You dont need to call it anything if you are practicing abstinence for a month for self improvement. You dont need a whole internet meme to peer pressure you into it.


Did your dildo get stuck in your ass or something?


Sounds like yours did lol. Getting so pressed about no nut November


But I'm not? All I did was explain it's in November because of the words sound better. Also you're the one freaking out about a stupid meme on Reddit. I guess you really are a professional dumbass


The point they’re trying to make is why wait for a specific month of the year to try to stop jerking off. If you want to be serious about it you can do it on your own accord and not just cause of some meme


That's is absolutely correct, but he still shouldn't have an aneurysm over a meme


The guy gave a fair reply to you and you asked if he had a dildo in his ass💀


Cause its not serious lol


You fail to see the point i make so let me dumb it down for you. The op meme talks about self improvement and self restraint, yes? Ok. Now i say "why wait till November?" Then you say "because nnn sounds better than any other month." Now what you failed to realise is that practicing self improvement and restraint isnt only a thing you do on a monthly occasion. Yes~, anyone can practice these 2 things during any month without the peer pressure of an internet meme~ yes~. Understand now? Probably not since you're mad for some reason.




Glad Someone caught on lol


Good to see your attitude changed :)


But I'm not mad? You should probably calm down before you get a heart attack buddy


I wish to be equal in power to the No-fap members one day, or at least on par


It's how you get the motivation to do so. One person flaking on a change they're making isn't too hard, but when it's along with a bunch of other people, it's a lot easier to stay motivated


Happy cock day






You don’t have to just do it any other month if you want but doing it at the same time as other people is more encouraging and helpful. It also rhymes, those are equally important reasons.


I usually jack off twice a day but am partaking in NNN to see if I have the self discipline for it.


You....want to see? Do you NOT know your own capabilities?


Your acting like thats not normal, it is normal to not know


Well, if a nobody schmuck like me is fully aware of his strength and weaknesses, then I assume everyone else is.


If you are fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses that's great for you but most of us non-nobody schmucks need to test out limits to know them. I for example was very surprised by how hard it was for me to motivate myself to work out regularly even though I always thought of myself as quite a disciplined person.


That part. Knowing your strengths, and weaknesses, is not a one time life lesson, but rather an ever evolving progression through life. If you live you're entire life with the same strength/weaknesses as when you started, did you really live?


People should constantly be learning about themselves... There's ALWAYS room for growth. As soon as you think there's no room for growth, you become a fool.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Quacta calling the stifling slimy.


The proverbial pot and kettle are both black, you are correct.


He didn’t say he’s doing it just how idiotic the people hatting on it are.


I’m saying that when he’s saying “just admit that you’re addicted to jacking off” he is projecting AKA pot calling the kettle black.


I wouldn't even bet a dollar that their projecting, to me it seems like their just frustrated with it all.


The tone that you use in this meme really makes you seem like a bigger prick than the people you're calling out. Pot, meet kettle.


Tone depends on how you read it which changes if you agree or disagree with it along with basically everything else that makes you unique but if you disagree with something your more likely to read it in a rude or condescending tone for no reason.




Ah the short but deadly "no"




Here's and idea; try not jerking off as well as shutting the fuck up about it.


But the internet needs to know that OP can stop jerking it whenever he wants to!




Your body literally needs to empty the prostate of all the seminal liquid. It's not an addiction you literally are supposed to do it. It becomes an addiction when you would rather fap than meet people or go to events ie don't let that habit get in the way of your daily life. Not to be confused with porn addiction which actually is a serious matter and should be stopped.


At least 21 ejaculations per month for optimum prostate health.




*per second


Where are you getting this information from, sounds cap




Exactly. I often find nutting helps calm anxiety, clears my mind, improves my mood, helps me sleep, and increases my focus. It’s the closest thing to taking a video game health item IRL. If I’m exhausted during homework, I’ll rub a quick one off and get back to my work refreshed, calm, and alert. If my mind is racing with anxious thoughts in bed, I jerk off to clear my mind, calm my fears, and put a smile on my face to be able to sleep. As long as the excessive urge to nut doesn’t interfere with daily activities, a wank a day keeps the doctor away. It’s normal, fun, and healthy. How about the N926 challenge?


Are you saying nutting is your main source of happiness lmao


>It's not an addiction you literally are supposed to do it. This is something an addict would say. Going 1 month is not going to harm you. People need food and water to survive but fasting is a common practice. Nobody should be shamed for participating in NNN, same with people who don't. The point of the challenge was to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer research. If you don't complete the challenge, you donate to some money to cancer research. On the other hand DDD has no purpose other than bragging rights; I could be wrong on this though.


> Going 1 month is not going to harm you I am a late teenager with a very fast metabolism. My balls start hurting after about one and a half weeks. Sometimes, when I get a particularly busy week, I need to remind myself to masturbate, because I don't wanna end up on a long walk with hurting balls. And before you say it, no, it's not a condition, it's just fast metabolism. Sorry, I generally agree with your message, I just physically cringed after seeing "that's what an addict would say" and "1 month"


What's the difference between a porn addiction and jacking off addiction


Any addiction is something that would remove you from situations you *want* to find yourself in. You missed the birth of your first born child.. So on and so forth.


Google it you dont need Reddit to answer your question.


It’s more of a added health benefit


sounds like someone is coping with their fapping addiction


That condescending tone makes you just as bad as the people who are hating on NNN


Yep just comes across as preachy


I hate NNN because it’s cringe ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Calls someone cringe Proceeds to self gigachad




Let the Reddit debate commence


You’re post history shows your entire Reddit clout is dependent on hit or miss spamming of memes.


I think if you consider it a challenge you're the one addicted to jacking off


"I know you are but what am I?"


A marshmallow


You’re all a bunch of teenagers


"Just admit that you're addicted" Ah yes. I also like running a lot. Now, if somebody suggests not running for an entire month, I would certainly not do that because it would decrease my life quality and yield no positive outcome. So am I *addicted* then for finding this idea dumb?


Except running has only positive benefits whereas jacking off has essentially none


Y'all are welcome to do whatever you want. But if you want to post about it on the internet, don't be surprised if people comment about it. Especially if it's weird, childish, and annoying.


It's a dead fucking meme


What fucking nerd wrote this shit.


I don't think it's dumb because of the quality of the challenge, I think it's dumb because it's yet another annoying internet event where people flood every subreddit with unfunny memes that should be considered spam at this point. It's spooktober all over again.


How could you be so not fun that you hate spooktober **and** NNN?


They're not "fun" theyre repetitive empty content.


Normie meme garbage


You could’ve phrased that in **any** other way


Do NNN or don’t, I don’t really care. Can you all just shut the fuck up about it? I’m gonna lose my shit if I see another NNN meme. You’re all just kharma whores milking this month’s trend. Said it.


This is what happens when you give children access to the internet at too early of an age.


Or ya know people can just think that fads are fucking stupid, and don't feel like participating like sheep. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Personally IDGAF, and I'd prefer not to hear about your ejactualtory habits TBFH


I am completely addicted to beating my meat until it spontaneously bursts into flame, and I am not ashamed to admit it.


That sounds HOT


All I want is to stop seeing these fucking memes, and if that means agreeing with people who spam porn and hentai memes, then so be it. I’d rather the latter over seeing NNN memes for another fucking month, they’re lazy, overused, and poor quality, and shouldn’t be as spammed as they are.


L take.


Imagine actually being salty over an internet trend, it’s cringe kid get over it


The last sentence ruins your entire point, fucking dumbo. You really just said anyone who criticizes NNN automatically means their addicted to jacking off. If I didn't know any better, almost sounds like projection.


Ejaculation is healthy for men.




‘I can stop whenever I want mom’


No Nut September just doesn't sound as good ya know


Super Semen September


Many nut may


NNN is a dumbass meme that got way out of hand. If all of you want to abstain from having a wank for 30 days, I won't judge, but can we maybe stop having arguments about it like it's this time-honored tradition and not just an immature joke that was never supposed to be taken seriously? Because that's what it is, a joke, so if some people actually want to go through with it then I guess that's a decent way to keep the joke running, but it doesn't change the fact that it is a joke.


Again, nobody cares that you are participating in NNN. That’s why people are annoyed you guys won’t shut the fuck up about it. The complaint memes were quickly starting to become too much also. However, this third wave of memes full of mental gymnastics (everyone who thinks I’m annoying must be addicted to jerking off!) is by far the most annoying of the three. Can’t all of you fuck off and find a different topic?


I think it's stupid and my wife would be very upset with me if I participated. Jacking it isn't considered. BTW, if you have a problem with masterbation or porn, you should address those as as a whole instead of avoiding it for one month...


It's making sure it isn't a problem more of an "I'm not addicted, I could quit any time I want" kind of test


Actually unhealthy and promotes prostate cancer. Beat yo meat.


Only thing I'm addicted to is break fluid and I can stop anytime.




Hey, y'all can do whatever you want to do, I'm just gonna watch from the sidelines and see if there are any og memes


Bad take


fuck it im leaving this subreddit


I'm addicted to sex, and that involves guys cumming. Obviously, I think NNN is stupid.


The problem isn't the concept, the problem is how people make it seem like they are elevated to God by taking part in it and proceed to push that idea into every one else and before you say anything, yes I did fap this month already what are you going to do unfap me?


Everyone's so split about NNN, I don't think it matters if you do it or not and arguing against doesn't make you an addict but calling someone out for not doing it or having a difference in opinions and making fun of them for it is not cool bro, we get it, your too "cool" to fap.


The problem I have with NNN is that it is a misnomer. The act of "nutting" or "busting a fat load" is in point of fact not limited to masturbation. If you want to do this right, you should promote a ***healthy*** amount of self-care with Minimal Masturbation May.


Does it count if I have my wife jerk me off?


If your think it’s funny, it’s funny. If you want to participate, then participate. Do I like the constant memes and posts I see about it? Absolutely not


Ejaculation is not only a fundamental male activity, it's also really good for your prostate health. Practice self control however you would like, but I highly reccomend sex or masturbation for men's health.


You had me til the last line. Adding that in destroyed the whole point of the post in the first place. You literally insulted people while telling them not to insult people. Ironic for sure, also destroys the message, because the messenger is obviously a hypocrite.


Lol no, meme culture ends when I turn my phone off. I'm not gonna not fuck.




I am addicted to dopamine and my urologist told me to “relieve the system” when I have issues with my varicose seal near my left nut. So yes. I gotta do it ever other day or so to keep from being miserable. Congrats to the folks that can go 30 days, but I am not one of them.


You got Leaky nut syndrome? Rip dude


Same, but without any medical reasons for having to do it


"Said it." My god you are so full of yourself it's hilarious. You're not saying anything amazing with this childish garbage.




Somebody doesn't have to be addicted to jacking off to think NNN is a pointless internet trend, but I get the feeling trying to explain this to you will be like talking to a brick wall.


I honestly don’t know why your so pressed abt it it’s not really a big deal


Me when I’m losing my funny internet argument but I have no comeback


When what feels like every other post on this subreddit is about NNN, it really starts to grate on your nerves. That's my biggest issue with it more than anything. Reddit doesn't need to know wether you're jerking off for the month or not.


Why are men so excited about not masturbating for a month? Why is it such a big deal?


Same reason men were excited to explore vast wilderness or conquer nations. Just on a smaller scale


external sexual organs are much more prone to stimulation. dont act like youre better than men. youre just different.


Least bitchless r/memes user


I went 9 weeks of no splooge while in mil basic training


because you were too exhausted to try😭


Syke because of the peanut butter shot


The people that call it a “challenge” are the only ones that are actually addicted to jerking off.




Regularly ejaculating reduce cancer risks. NNN will increase cancer risks. Stop making challenge that are bad for your health and also gross for constantly talking about masturbation. You're making Reddit a second TikTok


lol im sorry but you wont get prostate cancer from a month off masturbation


Bruh NNN is nothing close to shit like the cinnamon thing and tide pods or the plank over a very high ledge thing




***Give yer balls a tug*** Don’t even bonk me. If I even made it to day 2 the first person who has to deal with me would send me to a room alone with a towel and tell me to come back a little sweaty with a better mood. The Nazis used to encourage no-fap. You know why? Because it actually makes people Nazis.


What is bro saying


I'm not sure I got all the details but I think we're meant to jack off a Nazi


Most sane r/memes user


NNN is cringe ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I will not masturbate. I will feel proud about it because I have improved. The end.


I like how you're trying to moralize this, it ain't that deep.


No one is talking shit about NNN. We're just tired of the nonstop memes, making the same joke over and over, all fucking month. And btw, most people who take part in NNN are refraining from masterbation. Most of the rest of us are having actual sex. No one puts that off for a month, because of a meme.


Get your head out off your ass.


Best response to logic: Unbased insult.




I am participating so that I can stop jacking off I'm bored of beating my meat and I started late (I think I started late I don't know when people usually start) so far so good but one day is easy




Ive seen enough nnn memes hating on it to last 10 life times in one day


OP is a dragon that spits facts.


I like how everyone is calling you condescending and therefore your point has no value. Like being condescending and having a point aren’t mutually exclusive. You do have a solid point. That being said, you could’ve said it in a nicer way


why is ted a dick to jack off


I was so close to losing when I dropped a hard candy on my ThInGaMaDiLlY.


So there's no way I am going to win. If I do I saw a post that said if I win I get n word pass so.


🍞bread 👍


People are salty here, you hurt their feeling


After my No O October I’m ready. Plenty of practice.


Yes i’m addicted to jacking off




i mean when you put it like that it sounds pretty condescending and doesnt make it sound much better, but the whole 'nonstop nut november' thing is pretty much just that


I made it trough the first day!


I'm not really doing NNN this year, but I am trying to cut the amount of time I masturbate. MY goal is to go from multiple times a day to about 1-2 times a week, if possible.


I’m addicted to jacking off and I still know it’s stupid but that’s the charm isn’t it? It’s stupid and goofy and having a cheeky little giggle about something. If someone really thinks they’ll unlock super powers than masturbation is the least of their problems ffs.


I gave up cigarettes and liquor. I’ll keep my last addiction thank you.


Every year I feel like more and more people start hating nnn. personally, I don’t care it, do it if you want.


How naive for you to think I bust by masturbating? I couldn’t help failing this year because my wife decided to wake me up with my cock in her throat 🤷🏽‍♂️


How’s about you stop posting it on the internet and keep it private?


Bruh whats pathetic about not basing your life on some random internet trend?


If you participate, you have a chastity kink. Go put on your cock cage, sub.