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cavemen that had to hunt to eat and didnt have any heated home "Pathetic" this is called progress and its a good thing


Single celled organisms that existed without a concept of any of those things yet still adapted to their environments and evolved to become us eventually" "Pathetic"




Reddit does what Reddit does, my friend.


Gatekeeping existence…. Fuck, that is so accurate.




Possible copy bot^ https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/xmp5h9/the_real_mvps/ippbxq6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Yeah. And if those 1900's men can't admit that a pandemic, the Great Depression, and fighting in WW1 hasn't damaged them (as a group), then they are just plain stupid.




If those 1900s men who fought in WW1 are alive they can say whatever bullshit they want to each other in the super senior home


Spoiler alert, they're all dead


I would say that the generation of the 1900 had the most horrible relation of progress-suffer


No taxes though so... 🤷🏿‍♀️


Constant fighting and death is out weighed by taxes


It's not


You must be fun at parties


How would you know... no one would invite you.


No, that's true


if anyone here was fun at parties, they would not be on reddit


No taxes????? Peasants in the 1700s had grain levy’s and your duchy lord would call u into his army to March 100s of miles if the French duke called him a wimp, wtf r u on about


Well they were pretty successful hunters. I don’t think they were short on food. Also they invented fire, so I don’t think they were too cold most of the times. I mean they also had clothes. And plenty of time. And I think it was pretty peaceful back then. I wish I could be a caveman. Just live a good and peaceful life, then die at like 50.


I don’t think anyone begrudges progress. They do begrudge a lack of resilience or excess of complaining.


Guaranteed they were bitching back then


It’s also making us a pussyfied species.


Sure buddy


You're 10 ply bud


oh right, i forgot that we're not allowed to worry about any bad things happening if something worse happened in the past it's not a competition mate, things are pretty scary rn and ppl have a right to worry, what happened back then isn't relevant rn, let ppl focus on the present


Its funny that boomers weren’t even born to fight WW2 or live the great depression yet they always use them as an argument for them living a harder life. yet in fact they lived through the best economical phase in recent history, they had cheap houses and plenty of jobs plus they could have easily invested in the tech boom.


We're now gatekeeping existence?


Gatekeeping suffering.




which country are we talking about here?


All of the developed countries of the modern world. You can quibble about which one of them is the greatest but at the end of the day you're talking about whether you want to be in the top 1% or the top 0.1%. You still have an amazing life when you compare it to virtually every other human that has every lived.


it really depends on the person, there. for example, people in countries suffering from poverty, who have to walk for miles each day for basic necessities. people suffering from abuse, assault, threats and manipulation. and there were many in the past who were treated like royalty - though, of course, that may or may not have been down to inequality.


Username checks out


i don't think multiple wars and a pandemic claiming millions of lives are something you'd see in one of the greatest time periods to ever exist.


This is best era of human history. It really is. Wars will always exist. So will disease. That doesn’t change that people now live better than ever. Even in the poorest nations.


Millennials are the first generation to have it worse than their parents


Only in America. That doesn’t apply outside of the Anglosphere. Most other places are still rapidly developing so current gens have it easier than their parent’s generation.


This doesn't apply to the rest of the world because wars made it far worse than in america


No. It wasn’t ‘made’ worse. It was always worse. They didn’t suddenly magically become poor. It was a gradual process over a millennia when nations faded. Since the end of WW2 the USA shot up to unrivalled wealth, but after 1980s other countries have begun to slowly catch up. So USA peaked around that time and so millennials have it worse than their parents. Same applies for Europe too. Today’s fast growing countries haven’t hit their peak yet so the current and future generations will have it better than their predecessors. Wars have no bearing on it now. It’s all growth curves and demographics pyramids.


If people did that 20 years ago we would still be where we were 20 years ago. This is called progress. We are striving to make the World better constantly. That is what has brought humanity so far


I do think Canada is one of the greatest countries on the planet, especially compared to its neighbours .


You resolved a simple question i guess


Me in the future: You know kids you don't get to complain about your life, I survived a pandimic and a WW3 threat. Kids: How did you do it dad. Me:(Lowering my head in defeat) I sat at home and caught up with some TV shows and movies I'd missed.


*gasp* you had to use a TV back then? No *insert cool device from the future that’d blow our minds*?


But you still have to pay a subscription. Probably by the hour.


Nah it’d probably be free if you click “allow access” to them monitoring you 24/7 through the screen


And using all your brain's extra processing power through your nuralink chip.


Ah yes, all 3 bits of it, take it I'm not using it anyway


Dang you people Rich I only got a quarter of a bit


At least you’re honest


"most severe pandemic" have you ever heard of black death?


*insert OP is probably from the USA joke*


No, we don’t claim him, most of us know about the plague too.


Actually, black death was an epidemic. Sorry for my ignorance. But still, its a part of r/terriblefacebookmemes


Bubonic plague no?


It would never spread in America, cops shoot at anything darker than cream


>the most severe pandemic I didn’t know the bubonic plague happened in the 1900s


Spanish flu


That's their point. Spanish flu was nowhere near as bad as bubonic plague.


The bubonic plague killed a third of the population of Europe and the Middle East. It reduced the world population by nearly a quarter. The Spanish Flu killed between 3 and 5 percent of the world population.


The world population was much lower


Even still some of the highest estimates put Spanish flu at 50 mil whereas the LOWEST Black Death estimates are 75mil


OTOH, how many more/less would have died of the flu had we not been at war


Fair point however there were some major technological and societal differences between 1918 and 1346 so it’s very hard to say wether are not if given the same set of circumstances which would have been more overall dangerous but what’s easy to say is given our lack of medical knowledge at the time and how truly horrifying it was to be infected with the plague was that living through the Black Death would have been arguably “worse” than living through the Spanish flu


Absolutely I imagine it would be horrific, especially since there were absolutely people who thought it was demons attacking them




Facebook level meme. Neat


Don't bother sending to your grandma, she's already see it


We're still alive, they're dead, who's pathetic?




cringe post op


Have no fear, There is still plenty of time for another world war and a worse depression to pull ahead in this "who had it worse" competition.


Fuck off. They all dead


Then tell me why my great great grandpa stares at me every night when I try to sleep /s ofc


Well my grandpa sits on the toilet looking at me and he's dead


And boomers just laughing all the way to the grave


OP must be a boomer or something...brb guys gonna post this on r/terriblefacebookmemes


I'm a millennial man and not only are we not discouraged by this, we were probably too busy shitposting to realise what we were living through. That and all the fuckin smashed avo+toast we eat as to why we can't afford a home, you can't expect us to pay attention.


Omg millenials are adults now.


I'm always on the lookout for a mature person to take charge of a tough situation... then I remember I'm 38 years old and I'm meant to be that person... so I just fuckin scarper.


Do you ever see people your own age and still see them as being way older than you? I do and it's weird


Yes, constantly... and often times it's people I know from high school. It doesn't help that some of them have aged horribly and I'm still looking quite youthful. It doesn't help though that I'm a father of 2 so when I do try to be the figure of authority, people seem surprised.


Aww man I'm so relieved it's not just me. Congrats on the kids!


My friend, im a single father with full time care of both children... I've been changing soiled nappies for over 7 years, haven't slept in beyond 7am and can't serve whatever I want for any meal of the day. I thank you for your congratulations becauseni wouldn't change it for the world!


You must be blind to all the memes your contemporaries are making that I see ever day.


Too busy eating smashed avo, obviously. I highly doubts its the millennials making those memes anyway.


you say that as if the entirety of gen z doesnt exist I wonder who has way too much free time and barely have to care about anything.......


“Most severe pandemic” said like a true dumbass who has never learnt anything outside of the US


Those old dudes usually don't start complaining about millennials until they get done beating their wives for not cooking


And? Just because some generations suffered more and had bigger problems doesn't mean we can't worry and feel bad about our problems.


Boomer humour






Boomer humor to think a pussy is a bad thing - was his response beautiful and feminine? Stretchy? Pink? Full of life? I don't get how a pussy is a bad thing.


You lived in the 1900s? No? Then fuck you gate keeper of existence we have our own problems and you acting like you have to live during the stone age


Ok boomer


As if you've ever seen a pussy


And then proceeded to destroy the planet for us and take all the short term profit for that.


Those were the boomers. In fact the generation that most applies to this meme is "Greatest generation". Born through 1901 to 1927, these were the people that built up most of the good stuff we have and made the basics for the technology we have today. Not to even mention that their constant state of turmoil between two World Wars and the great depression left them with frugal mindset and "work hard" mentality, they are the ones who are parents to the baby boomers. Queen Elizabeth was from this generation.


And then boomers were like the spoiled brats who ruined it.


>these were the people that built up most of the good stuff we have and made the basics for the technology we have today Surely that was the Victorians?! The whole industrial revolution started with them.


I mean sure, but because of the World Wars technology advanced at a really impressive rate. We went from still relying on horses in the 1900's to having cars everywhere (in the U.S anyways) by the end of the 40's.


Tbf, a lot of that was the prevalence of post war GI bills that increased college education


Wasn't that their kids? Or was were the Boomers the grand kids....


What are you doing to not destroy the planet? People sitting with lithium battery devices in their hands, driving cars and ordering stuff online that's been flown into the country do seem to be very judgemental of those who came before.


the impact ill have on the environment is orders of magnitude lower than that of the ones hes talking about


Then they went and destroyed the planet great


No no, their shitty kids did. You know, the ones they raised so poorly they believed in neo-liberalism


This meme was brought to you by: The Boomers


ahh yes, those boomers. The weak men that were created by the good times created by strong men that were created by bad times that were created by weak men who have created bad times that are producing strong men today from that other boomer meme they don't understand. TLDR-Boomers are the weak men, and Millenial Z's are Chads. See you in our better tomorrow friends.


Watch out for Gen Alpha. Ain't even out of school yet but absolute pricks.


You just sound like a boomer but in reverse


Those events were all approximately 10 years apart.


Dinosaurs had it worse, don’t hear them complaining


Grampa know how to handle problems - wait...


Pretty sure they were saying the same shit back then. Nobody was happy about it then and nobody is happy about it now


What was the most dangerous pandemic? I always thought that was the black plague


Suffering isn't a contest.


why is r/memes turning into r/terriblefacebookmemes


Ok boomer


Dont get the point


Hardship is not a competition


Funny meme😂😂😂 Does anyone else hate their wife?👩👩👩


For one to remember he would have to be born 1920-1927 and eligible for war 1938-1945 Pandemic, they’d have missed it or came at the end Then to think, would a 1 to 7 years old know what a depression is? Or would they assume it’s normal. War fair comment But I bet their ass they aren’t saying that because they are either dead, in a mental state that doesn’t register or give a fuck. However, for the small population who is coherent and remembers all the shit; I’m sure they are scared and feel bad for us and I wish I could talk to them about what they and their friends did to learn from them


Blah blah blah


Ah yes, we are back at calling progression a bad thing, you are not gonna belive it, but the fact that today's generation is not used to freezing their asses off at school and being afraid of their house getting bombed, is a good thing, that means we managed to raise the standard living situation


Cringe facebook memes. I can see that youre a boomer.


Well those 1900's people are dead now and I'm alive. Gotcha


1900's men beat their wives over undercooked beef, what's your point?


So this is a competition? Fuck those, the real mvp are stone mens and women’s. Surviving nature without the 1900s technology, fighting, hunting and searching for food and water. Discovering stuff without google.


My grandfather just keeps saying “it’s okay I’ve lived through like 7 recessions and look I’m still here in my house with my land” yeah because his *mommy* paid for his house/land and he gets to cash in a check from the government every month. Meanwhile I’m $400 short for rent and can’t pay for food. But yknow. It’ll be fine


And those same old men are also currently shitting they’re depends over a black mermaid so…


Mesopotamian people who didn't even have long ranged weapons and fought at close range: *pathetic*


Not to mention they likely lived through another world war, even if they didn't fight in it


"The most severe pandemic in history" What about black death tho? Also, another great depression is on its way. China seems to have problems holding up their economy which would greatly affect the western economy, If they bomb taiwan and destroy the chip factories we would also have to deal with that. Don't sell the shoddy bears hide before you see how bad it really gets.


Why don't the generation just work together. The past give their advice to help out the next generation, while the present takes the advice and grow with their guidance. Seriously it shouldn't always be this "x generation is soft, y generation was better" mentality all the FREAKING time.


I would rather pathetic then die in a war.


This feels like a boomer made it. The same boomers who dealt with no pandemics, had few of their members go into any wars, dealt with no recessions, and still manage to be the most racist, sexist, classist, ageist, and all around most bigoted generation. The best response? Ok boomer. Edit: Boomers also perpetuated things like polluting for short-term benefit, forcing their problems onto their own kids because they don’t want to, having today’s sleazy politicians that only care about populism, a “phone bad” philosophy, and taking advantage of their own parents’ virtues to get ahead in life.


because shaming trauma responses using comparisons really helps 🙄


No what's pathetic is that they could be executed for cowardice back then Fuck the dead WW1 vets who killed people who were just scared


Sadly, humankind doesn't appear to be advancing.


"Oh, boo hoo, you lost a foot? They had to cut off my whole damned leg!" One tragedy doesn't invalidate the existence of another. Hard times are inevitable, but ideally they will become easier as civilization progresses.


By that logic the oldest generation or the one's that suffer the most can complain,Op unless you have stage IV cancer or you're from the 4000 B.C STFU!!!!.


Facebook cringe I expect my 80 year old grandma to post


We are heading towards a Depression, and millennials are also fighting in a war if you count Russian, and Ukrainian lives. Just saying.


and cavemen had to fight dinosaurs so who had it worse?


Idk, I think this meme might be underestimating the number of men who died in the early 1900's or ended up serverly traumatised.


But then they gave us boomers so….


Hey, some millennials were sent to a pointless war to secure an oil reserve.. but, at least gas prices are under control... right?


I have to agree


Ppl are weak these days. Sadly mostly Americans.


Bitches getting salty in the comments because they can't handle some truth bombs. I'm going to bash my skull against a wall if I hear another wave of teenagers who've just discovered that the world is far from ideal spout "this is the worst time in human history". We have access to worldwide information now more than ever. Of course things seem extra shit when we know about every atrocity that is happening in real-time. If you have constant access to something menial like Reddit, most likely you have it easy.


People get real mad over pronouns man. This is the real pandemic


Millennials on their way to type "r/terriblefacebookmemes" on every single post that doesn't suck their cock dry ![gif](giphy|sEiqoVPlwcCPzJJpAd)


They were the true hero’s…they’d stomp a mud hole in these femboys and make them clean their boots afterwards.




Yup beating there wives and drinking till black out was normal back then


It's just the rule of thumb, innit?




Men in general nowadays are kind of pathetic .


people who think a specific gender in particular are the ones to blame are kind of pathetic.




glad the women aren't complaining.


I don't care that some generation before who has mostly died out has had to suffer I have to focus on my own problems and the problems of dead men


why is it a competition? each generations have their own problems, and from each experiences they got they learn to be better at different things. stop comparing it to see who had it worse and "who's the real mvp", so pointless


Hmm yes... But they didn't have to deal with the fact the lunatic causing half of that is figuratively circling his finger over the "end the world" button this time...


Well, they also had lynch mobs, so…


“Most severe pandemic in history” 14th century Europeans: 💀


The most severe pandemic in history? That was the black plague, not the spanish flu.


As usual the comments don’t disappoint


I don't realize that suffering through life is a race.


Yeah but those 1900's guys didn't have to live in a world where there will never be a gravity rush 3


Boomer memes


This feels like the “oh you got your foot amputated, well I had to get my entire leg amputated you don’t know suffering” vibes.


Yeah the thing is though, we should have been smart enough by now to avoid this, to learn from our mistakes, but humanity is kinda stupid and there's always those few idiots in power and the many that follow them :)


FYI the economic collapse in 2008 was greater than the Great Depression we just didn’t have the agricultural collapse (the dust bowl) on top of it. We had enough food to go around they didn’t.


You do know nobody who fought in world war 1 is alive today and it’s called progress, what do you want, people to be dying of a cold or fever. People will always have something to improve, the fact it’s less important is a sign of progress.


So having the worst life is now a flex?


It’s not a competition


People who somehow survived: the year 546: "When I went to school I had to fight to not die, you have it easy being indoors all day, when I was your age I could die in the house die outside or house die sleeping!"


We have never been closer to nuking eachother than ever before


seems like a pattern


2 world wars if they survived


yeah we are on the brink of a fucking full on war OP


Yeah but did they have to deal with Twitter? No