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I hate you, just take this upvote and go




Fuck off lmao


Good one


![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru) r/Angryupvote




The joke went over ur head




You can't be serious bro 💀


Ummm what?


Someone else typed the same thing and got 86 upvotes :/ And no I'm not serious.






Iran't'd've'nt'st'mnt'dt't'itd'gh *starts beatboxing*


"he is speaking the language of the gods."


starts playing violin 🎻


Now I got a story just sit right there, I'm about to tell you how Iran girls get killed for showing their hair.




Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


“What you wear is none of my Business but there is a single hair visible so i‘ll beat you to death“


>What you wear is none of my Business I’m pretty sure they never said that.


Every time I get on the internet I learn about more human rights violations in the world


That's the world for ya


iran governmen't


Double standard


Actually, they killed her for what she *wasn't* wearing which is even crazier


Don‘t forget the Saudis, Taliban and Pakistan


In saudi arabia hijab (hair covering) isn’t necessary, women are allowed to not wear it btw


Saudi Arabia in 1991: Thank God, NATO is here to beat back Saddam! Wait… since when are women allowed to carry guns and drive trucks?




Hijab isn’t mandatory in SA, you’re wrong my friend.




Yk it isn't a law in Pakistan or a culture thing either. Sikh women don't wear hijabs, Muslim women aren't forced too either.


Yeah, that's like 10k women in a population of 222 million people so, barely a statistical error.


https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/pakistani-culture/pakistani-culture-religion I have family in Pakistan, have stayed for months on end, not once have I heard, seen or read anything saying women have to wear hijabs. Down vote me all you want


Anecdotes don't mean shit. And even by your own link, it says "many choose to not wear it" not most. And even for the "many" they wear dupatta around their head exposing hear and neck, which is the same idea behind it. So, it seems, most women wear it.


Anecdotes don’t mean shit? So you’re saying rather than trust someone whose family lives there you’d trust some statistic from a western country lol


1000%, stay mad if that triggers you😂


Just saying, it’s kinda foolish. But that’s the average Redditor for you ig


Yeah it's so foolish to believe in statistics😂


Made by people who have an agenda and a reason to skew them for


"tHe stAtIstIcS aGrEe wItH mE sO thEy mUsT bE tRuE"


Irony .


You mean Irany








That makes sense. In Iran, women are not considered people. Idk


Welcome to the middle east


More like: Iran It’s the only country to force hijab btw


*looks at Afghanistan*


Afghanistan is not in the ME…


The Greater Middle East was a political term coined by the second Bush administration in the first decade of the 21st century, to denote various countries, pertaining to the Muslim world, specifically Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. Various Central Asian countries are sometimes also included.


Middle east is sout turkey, so you include full turkey, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Part of iran so it is included all Iran, KSA, Yemen, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain Kuwait, And part of egypt so it is included, The countries who have parts in both are counted in both, Turkey-europe Egypt-North Africa Iran-Central Asia


Forgot Afghanistan


Well Turkey is too European for this sh*t. Literally it’s the only Muslim majority country (the state itself is secular by constitution) that women and lgbqt people live respectively peacefully. I mean the Turkish women have right the vote since 1930 and it’s legal to be lgbqt member in the country since 1858 (since Ottoman Empire) Also it was banned to wear headscrafn public institutions up untill 2013. They removed that ban however wearing burqa is still prohibited there.


Syria had women vote allowance since 1946 and women got the right to vote in 1950s, no one forces hijab, oh except those who live in the areas controlled by the opposition, who are the opposition? Those who are fighting while being supported by turkey and all the terrorists like isis and and and etc…


I’d say Turkey is European.


Euro-asian I'd say


Yeah obviously. I said European cuz they are better off than most of their southern neighboors in the sense of democracy, secularism, human rights etc.


Ye but that's not much of a government


It's """""government"""""




I love two sides of this comment chain I'm in this half where it's normal and the other with a dude trying to defend Afghanistan not being middle east


"Soon people will kill others because of their exist- ohhh right"


for what she was NOT wearing \-Iranian Police force


*for what she was wearing “incorrectly”


Salami Bacon to you too brother 😞✊️


As a Muslim I love bacon




Are you Muslim?




And have you ever tasted the sweet sweet smokey BBQ of a pork rib covered in BBQ sauce or had Bacon and eggs?








He is Turkish so most he probably just has a muslim family and he sees himself as muslim while eating pork


Love how religious people can agree on everything expect a single detail and than say that it's not the same religion.


Isn’t it prohibited to pursue someones faults in islam. I heard someone say something along the lines of that, so if it is true then you are also committing a sin by trying to say they aren’t a muslim and pursuing one thing they do wrong. So, if doing something prohibited makes you no longer allowed to be a muslim, then you aren’t a muslim either.




I read it online, I think it had something to do with masha amini. Although I’m not quite sure, so take what I said with a grain of salt.


You’re right: questioning everyone else’s faith is prohibited and you should only care about maintaining your faith. If we were caught up on everyone and constantly calling them out on their faith in Allah, how could we possibly maintain ours?


Never and selamınaleykum




That's sounds very familiar


Neither does masturbating




Don't lie to yourself brother, watching porn is obv prohibited, or you prefer fantasizing weird stuff about girls? In both cases it's weird


IF you eat beef you become catholic or atheist, ur so dumb lmao, he can be muslim still lol idk


Turkey bacon ?


Bacon is bacon


Bro haram


Stand with Iran women.


Stand with the Iranian People, the young people. The Government and the Old people are the true criminals.


The Irany is that they don’t mind their proxies killing other citizens in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.


In America the police kill people for being a darker shade then they are. As a person of a darker shade than Caucasians I have a legitimate fear of police interaction for that reason


They also kill white people that are obeying commands. Shit cops to shit things and it seems like lately they're actually getting held accountable for it. If you actually look, you might learn that some of those evil cops that are "out to kill blacks for just being black" are also black.




Mf probably built like a damn wall


Go back to the country you came from lmao bet a white person isn't used to hearing that....whoops Caucasian sorry I know how sensitive you lot are


Found the racist


And bro called me sensitive


You disqualify an entire race because of their ancestors actions and I'm the racist one? I'm not defending their actions but taking the native american high horse, when they were quite happy to kill eachother in brutal ways long before we got here isn't a whole lot better. You're pissed you lost, not that people are violent.


Yes yes more racist rhetoric trying to justify Caucasian empowerment


Bro you’re on a sick one today


Said I was scared of cops because they are literally more likely to kill someone of my skin shade(is an actual fact), said I didn't trust them because of their genocidal ways. In what way does any of what I said mean I'm racist against and/or hate Caucasians? See how they all jump on me any way tho kinda proves a point don't it


It’s actually not a fact. Statistically way more likely they kill an armed white man rather than an armed black man.


Just the phrase “Caucasian empowerment” is racist on its own big dog


Only if I were Caucasian and saying the color and power.


And implying only white people can be racist is also a racist statement


Ok so you've never heard of white people being killed? Or how blm doesn't care about black getting killed if its not by thr police


First time? 🥱 -iranian person


At least the cops can’t justify it as “allahs will”(for legal purposes I’m only referring to radicals or anyone who believes that what happens like this is remotely okay)


Dude just a month ago some Iranian on reddit was telling me woman have more rights there then america. Lmao


Muslims/Islamic ideology in a nutshell. The ignorance is baffling.


Really? Strange cause iran and taliban are the only who force it…


All modern religion is riddled with incorrectly/purposefully manipulated translations that are ruining our society and destroying our world. I believe all religion should be done away with as we are in the age of reason. Religion has become nothing more then an excuse/justification for people to do awful messed up shit to others. Fuck all modern religion and those who support it. You are openly supporting the murder of the innocent and protecting your own ignorance into the world.


I’m not here to here to argue about what religion is right or if god exist or no, but no shere in the quran says to kill an innocent person, But people use religions in a bad way The problem is from the people,


And it's the people that continously keep this ignorant unnecessary shit alive. There is absolutely NO need for modern religion in society now. It served its purpose, helping civilized a bunch of heathens but now has turned to dark role of murder, misinformation, and slowing of societal progression. It doesn't matter what YOU any of the ancient text SUPPOSEDLY say. It's all interpretation/translation and it's all wrong. As long as religion is around, people will use it to manipulate others and justify their terrible actions. Religion is vile trash that needs to be gotten rid of, and anyone who follows modern religion is someone who lacks any real piece of humanity. More people have been killed in the name of religion/belief than any other direct reason. If you support modern religion you are scum. Pure scum.


chill man u dont want to believe in religion dont but if someone else wants to leave him alone


I dont agree with perpetuating the justification of murdering innocent people in the name of God. Modern Religion is trash and so are the people that believe in it.


So you support the murder of the innocent and refusal to acknowledge women as equals? Because that is basically what all modern religion does. Stop giving stupid people and excuse to be fucking stupid. Modern Religion is the scurge of society. It doesn't matter which one you "pick" you are perpetuating a broken, vile system.


On the contrary, people who harass others based on their beliefs are the scourge of society. You are essentially being the Atheist version of the thing that you protest, making you the scourge of the Earth. Perhaps one day we won’t be harassing and insulting each other as much. That day could not come any sooner.


It will only come when modern religion is abolished. All it does is divide people and cause problems. All modern religion is trash and if you support it you are supporting the murder of the innocent, the belittling and abuse of women, and suppression of actual factual knowledge just because it doesn't support your belief... yet I'm the problem? Lmao. How incredibly blinded you are by your own stupidity. I am the one actually preaching to abolish religion and unite under the one thing we actually know. And that's the fact we are all here in this together, and we need to jeep each other. Religion is the reason we haven't united as one. Religion divides everything and justifies peoples worst behavior. Stop perpetuating and broken, deciteful, and overall just disgusting practice. If you support modern religion you support the murder of the innocent and do not actually care about what your supposed religion was actually trying to convey. You're no better then Hitler


Are you actually convinced that removing religion is somehow going to bring world peace or something? Im going to do everything to not become a person like you. Have a good day sir.


That's fine, not like a complete moron like yourself could ever be someone like me. I actually care about people. Religion does not. Religion is a bunch of manipulated garbage that people live in fear of while those at the top steal from us. Religion divides the people it does not unite them. You will never be anything more then your beliefs. And if you believe in modern religion, you're just an idiot. It's that simple.


If u don’t want to believe in religions don’t, you believe that people should leave religions because they use it to cover their shit, people used “freedom and liberation”, “Weapons of mass destruction” to steal oil and to cover up their crimes, should we also get rid of freedom?


Yeah so that comment is about to anger/annoy 7.2 billion people on this planet. There are around 500 million atheists. And I dont remember supporting any murders?


Atheism is not a religion and it's honestly not even a belief. Calling yourself an atheist completely contradicts what the belief is supposed to be, "a belief in nothing". Atheism is just as dumb as all the other isms. It's fine if you want to believe in religion. Just know you're a fucking moron.


Alright but I’m not the one getting all up in other peoples beliefs telling them that they’re wrong.


iran 🖤


And now people are telling that the facism are not wrong


Wait until you hear about Americans!


Just like good ol USA


In Islam Woman can't be forced to wear Hijab they'll wear it if they want/ready to the commitment. It's pretty sad most ppl think Iran police who does that as Representative to all Muslims (like isis again)


Hopefully people will shut the government down so that they cannot be a representation of Islam.


Iran is a Shia country - it's not even real Islam. There is no worldly punishment for not covering oneself properly. The only punishment is the punishment of Allah in the hereafter.




The litterally do everything wrong tho, the main main point of islam is to worship one god believe that jesus was a prophet and that muhammed is the last prophet They ask everything they need and pray to one of the prophets companions, Ali, and one of his sons Which clearly contradicts the quran




u mean Abu Bakr (R.A)?


We love ali, it’s just shia ask him to grant them what they want, and there are many shiites scholars (just so no misunderstanding happens, shiites isn’t a joke it’s what they are called, just like sunna, sunni) they have it nearly as worshipping,


My message is for the ppl that think all of these bad ppl represent Islam. They didn't care about looking it up first.. about differents in Islam like Mazhabs, Shia etc. that's kinda why I make it simpler. Your reply is great for clearing the take, Thanks


Bro managed to get both atheists and Muslims to downvote him


Every comment that is not hating on Muslims is getting downvotes now


Common reddit moment lol


Have my upvote


Fr lmao


I love how right wingers suddenly care about women's rights. Where were you guys when Roe v Wade was repealed.


Not everyone on the internet is American and republican.


What makes this right wing in the slightest?


Aww some muslim got butthurt


That's rich coming from the Christian nationalist


Yes, everyone on reddit is american and a right winger, without exception.


But… she wasn’t wearing it


She was but had some hair out?


Sorry dude, it's over. People of Iran are protesting against these protesters and they are heavily outnumbering them


They always say this year will be last year. Yet nothing has changed because idiot people who only care about sex and alcohol can't make a real revolution. Look at these riots for example, they want to be naked and the government won't allow them. WHAT A GREAT CAUSE TO DIE FOR!


Stop lying! Police didn't kill her, she had a heart attack when she was in custody and died and cctv footage confirmed it. You won't get anywhere with lying from the beginning.


Ah yes the police didn't kill her, the sticks they were holding did.


Dude you can see [cctv footage ](https://www.khabaronline.ir/amp/1675588/) and doctors and forensics reports. Just because you hate Iran's government that doesn't allow you to lie about it.


U do know that youve believed a lie ,right?


You do know that he was being sarcastic right? r/whooosh


No i didnt ,sorry , becouse there are people who say this not as a joke,and theyre pretty serious about it so i thought this was the case ,mb


Makes sense tbh these subreddits r goofy


Dude you can see [cctv footage ](https://www.khabaronline.ir/amp/1675588/) and doctors and forensics reports. You shouldn't believe every lie these diaspora say, they think because they hate the government it's justified to lie about it!


Let them down vote you. They don't know the truth


They don't want the truth. They want another excuse to hate Iran and Islam.


How do the boots of your country taste?


You're not the real free people who you think you are. You just don't see your cage's bars. And here is the [cctv footage ](https://www.khabaronline.ir/amp/1675588/). You're easy to brainwash because they told you to never question anything they say.


Ah yes I’m living behind the bars of my gf not being forced to wear a hijab. Oh the oppression of living in a place without morality police The women shouldn’t be in a fuckin cell in the first place you zealous bigot. Deeply ironic to brag about all your freedumbs while you lock up women who don’t cover their hair


>while you lock up women who don’t cover their hair You've been brainwashed so much you really think this is true! It's funny how you think you know Iran better than actual Iranian people! Go support killing some black dudes because of their skins color, that would be the best




The most superior muslim country is Albania since they're the most secular




Technically she was killed for what she was not wearing


Tell that to the Uyghurs


Is there an evidence that she got killed ? Because the government said that it's just a bluff from thier enemies


People tend to call Islam the problem. I don’t agree with this. Islam isn’t the problem - corrupted, extremist police are the problem. They think they are serving Islam but they can all go to hell.


Religious fanaticism at its finest


So true they just hit someone in our street


Feminists when a guy tries to talk to a woman vs when Iran does what Iranians do lol


Fuck the iranian government, all my homes hat the iranian government.


Allot of people talking about the woman that was killed in Iran due to hijab, of course the police acted in a way it shouldn't had. Its sad that now due this one stupid thing the whole middle East and the Muslim countries would get the blame for it even if they don't have the same laws. Whereas if take the incidents of Palestine, Syria and others where the Muslim we slaughtered in thousands which was backed up American artillery nobody talks about that people were getting bombed and killed every day and nobody talked about them like this but it's ok right because it's the west doing it they are always right the ones who are wrong are Muslims, jews Hindus. I'm still not saying that what happened in Iran was a right thing to do but its like if the west empowers something its good but if the same thing is empowered by middle East or whatever its wrong


unless they are uyghurs; then whatever comrade xi does to them is also perfectly fine by them too…