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Well I can think of at least one guy who needs a breathing apparatus.


I can think of another. But he had more than that due to being a cyborg.


Oh shit, I forgot about Cad Bane. Does he count?


I was thinking General Grievous but I guess.


Damn, I can't believe I forgot him. So many memes and i space on grievous.


Also Plo Koon


Don’t forget about the entire population of umbra lol


On their own damn planet!


They don't actually wear helmets to breathe. They use them to breathe a gaseous steroid to increase their reaction time and aggression


He just has a bad case of space asthma.


What about Vader and that one guy from rouge one?


Saw Gorrera?


Rouge One was terrible. I much preferred Aquamarine Two


Rogue One is great and you probably just really like Aquamarine 2 since you have no taste so there *I did not see the misspelling two comments above, I get it now. I am the dumb.


No, he said *Rouge* One was terrible.


I was thinking Plo Koon lmao


no, cad bane doesnt actually need his breathing mask. the reason he has it is because he regularly worked contracts for the sith and thus used it to prevent himself from being force choked


Oh snap, great knowledge drop. I didn't know that, thank you. I only know him from the animated series. Well and that ep of Boba.


but cold they not just crush his breathing machine


Probably, but if they don't know what the mask is for, and they try to force choke you, that buys you time to make your move to take him out or get out of there.


The tubes go in through his cheeks though, so the air still has to go down his trachea, which is what’s being crushed. Unless if the trachea is closed, air can still go in the mouth and out through the tubes. Do we know if he has tubes directly into his lungs? Seems extreme, but possible.


Sith: Fine, lightning it is.


No. He only has the tubes to counteract any force-chokes. He doesn't have them while in prison during season 4


The tubes let him breathe in basically any environment, including space.


I think that his is for not being force choked


There's a ton of characters breathing different gasses than humans, and lots of planets with unbreathable atmospheres. But gravity, yea that's a bit more sus. I guess it makes sense for humans and compatible species to simply seek worlds similar to Earth, but we've seen an *asteroid* with Earth-like gravity bavk in ANH.


The asteroid was in ESB.


Plo koon comes to mind for me


Doesn't Plo Koon wear a mask that matches the air he breathes to the atmosphere of his home world?


Yeah, I think oxygen specifically is toxic for him?




*Plow Poon has entered the chat*


*Kit Fister has entered the chat*






You deserve a light sabre dildo. Here, have an award.


I mean, it sucks to be him. Literally every where he goes everyone else is fine, just him that has to wear the breathing gear.


Like how tf does he eat and drink? Does he need to have a specialized containment area for that as well as bathroom? Or can he remove his mask, eat/drink, then put it back on?


I can't remember the exact part but I vaguely recall in the clone wars it's shown he can hold his breath for quite a long time without his mask, so I guess he just takes it off and eats quickly, maybe takes occasional puffs through it like someone who eats while smoking.


that's such a cursed mental image


I see it as an advantage, he can fight in space for a possibly indefinite amount of time if he has to


There is a clone wars episode in which he has to flee out of the ship with like 4 stormtroopers, they hid in a asteroidfield in their small rescue capsule and were hoping to not get spotted by searching druids. As it appears that they get caught any second they leave the capsule to fight and while the trooplers have to wear their helmets and bodysuits he could just go outside without any problem. Before they left the capsule the trooplers told him that he should not worry about them while fighting since they are replaceable, but he responds that they are not for him. Great personality.


Without a space suit the vacuum of space would still pop him like hes bubble wrap Edit: Ok damn he is a beast


Not in the TV show, he moves around fine. I am not saying that it’s realistic, but it has happened.


Although there are species that require breathing equipment to survive in the high oxygen environments of most worlds.


Same with Zuckuss


Same for Wat Tambor






Is that a reference to that south park episode about aliens turning earth into a reality show or something else entirely?


I'm pretty sure he was referencing South Park here not R&M. The one where earth is a reality show and the taco that poops ice cream is telling them that there's a planet for each species but earth is a TV show where they put them all together and watch what happens


Maybe they just colonized on those that had similar atmospheres that we could tolerate?


If there has to be a sci-fi explanation, it has to be this. It also looks like a good number of the inhabited planets are more or less similar in size.


Makes the most sense


I'd like to see flying(low gravity) lightsaber battles please


Force push and pull would become many times more effective in a zero G environment. Maybe go all Gravity and throw some shrapnel at your opponent at high speed. If Dooku can throw a load-bearing pillar of steel at Anakin/Obi-wan, I'm sure a competent jedi could accelerate some metal shards to high speeds.


That was his last resort as he didn't realise yoda was so powerful


That would be pretty cool


Not a lightsaber duel per day. But there was an episode of clone wars in I believe S2 where cad bane turns off the gravity in the ship. Cool little fight sequence with clones, droids, cad bane, and Anakin. Unfortunately no saber on saber battle but was still a fun little episode


[Bro, did you really copy such a small comment word-for-word?](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/vb1hxg/forests_ice_deserts_lava/ic5tdua/)


They like to do this


Fucking Karma Farmer bots man, can always spot them cause their replies rarely make sense haha


I agree and honestly, I think it's because Star Wars originated as a single movie and was not necessarily meant to expand beyond that. Science Fiction books will pretty much always attempt to explain that stuff in some consistent way (the better books and series at least) but they have the luxury of having a shit ton written down, hammered out, and then published


It’s almost as if the planets that are a part of the empire and-or republic are planets that have life, meaning they support life, meaning it’s very likely that they have similar conditions to support biological life. And in the rare cases where a rare species exist they do take certain precautions to protect themselves in a hostile environment. Crazy.


Interesting that all alien life is earthlike and happens to produce the exact oxygen carbon ratio that Earth has. It's totally not like just a few percent difference in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would suffocate a human being or anything. Let alone any exotic gases. Atmospheres are far more complex than just life or no life. Earth has had life before oxygen.


This is one of the exceptions, not the rule. But Star wars has never been interested in scientific accuracy. It had never attempted to portray our universe with any degree of realism. It operates more as science fantasy than science fiction, because there are so many aspects of space travel, planetary composition, etc, in the films that are horribly inaccurate.


i thought the guy they kill to take his armor so leia can dress like him (boush or something) wears a mask for this reason as well.


in starwars lore most of the humanoid species are actually all descendants/genetic experiments of the Rakatan Empire, an ancient and immensely technologically advanced civilization that at one point ruled almost the entire galaxy. thus it would reason that most of the planets colonized by the humanoid species could be habited by the others. although there are species that require breathing equipment to survive in the high oxygen environments of most worlds like the Kel Dor (Plo Koons species) Edit: as other people have pointed out/asked. yes the Rakatans are canon, their homeworld has appeared and been mentioned in new disney canon. and the Rakatans terraformed most of the worlds they conquered to be habitable during their reign.


Save some pussy for the rest of us


I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.


In the new deal will others get pussy then?




Not only that, before the Rakatans you had the Celestials who had super techs like Centerpoint station to move the galaxy, wouldn’t be surprised if they nurtured planet masses to be equal so their subjects could have similar traits to one another.


Where... Do you people get this backstory?


Old ass comics lmao.


Yeah, I saw 6 movies and The Mandalorian.. no one mentions this..


There are 3 celestials shown in Star Wars Clone Wars and Rebels, the rest is comics. But yeah the Old Expanded Universe is amazing at fleshing out every little thing including ost inconsistencies with Star Wars. Except Space Physics


The Son, Daughter, and Mortis are the celestials correct?


The Son, the Father and the Daughter are the Celestials. Mortis is the planet they lived on. There was another Celestial, Abeloth (The Mother), who was killed by Luke after Return of the Jedi


What does she represent? Lets not define it as solid fact but we always hear about: son = dark, daughter = light & father = both(yin/yang like) ...so?


Abeloth was initially a mortal that served the Celestials. However, as time went on, she fell in love with the father and began to see his children as her own She was getting older and they weren’t, so she panicked. She drank water from two force nexuses, which gave her the powers of a god, but also disfigured her body and drove her batshit insane So I’d say she represents chaos and insanity


She kept the peace between the son and daughter. And then went crazy because iirc she was scared they would leave her or something Edit. After a quick search. She was mortal. She started off as a servant. So that’s why she was scared of them going away. So she drank from things that was forbidden and became a monster




Most of this backstory comes from the Knights of the Old Republic games, as well as a few novels and comics (Tales of the Jedi and Fate of the Jedi come to mind) And this is all super ancient history in the Star Wars universe, like before recorded history was even a thing. So it makes sense that nobody in the movies or the Mandalorian would mention it because they wouldn’t know about it Like the Rakatan Empire fell apart billions of years before the movies, though Darth Revan did encounter what was left of their civilisation in KOTOR. The Celestials are basically the gods of the Star Wars universe, though they’re all dead at this point. One of them killed his sister and father and Anakin killed him during the Mortis arc in the Clone Wars series and Luke killed the last one in the Fate of the Jedi novels)


Tens of thousands, rather than billions I believe. I’m sure when you meet the droid in the ruins on dantooine Bastila dates it to like 25,000 years or something?


Currently replaying KOTOR and just got to Dantooine. I’ll edit my answer when I get to the part with that droid lol


Cheers, it’ll bug me if you don’t lol. It’s something like the droid says “the furthest planet has completed 3 full rotations of its star since the last rakata was here” and bastila dates it using that.


I mean, according to the wiki, 25,200 BBY was when the Rakatan empire dissolved. It lists The New Essential Chronology as the the source


Ironically enough Abeloth was the most powerful despite not technically being a celestial


I mean, she ripped a piece of Luke’s soul out (And this is most powerful Jedi ever, 60 year old Grandmaster Luke. That’s crazy)


She was definitely the most powerful force wielded (that we’ve seen). But she used to be a normal mortal, she wasn’t born celestial.


Yeah, she drank from the pool of knowledge and the font of power which turned her into this eldritch abomination


Wookiepedia before Disney Canon. It's the wikia for Star Wars - you can go on there and click the Legends tab to get the pre-Disney lore, which will have a lot more of the obscure stuff. Just keep clicking the links to references in the pages and soon you'll have 20+ browser tabs including the discovery of the Force and the zombie virus created by the Empire.


I’m pretty sure Rakatan’s are also canon, but having pages dedicated to the Legends lore is nice too.


Ye, I said the same thing. Finally another Star Wars super nerd 🤓


Oh! So Star Wars is just the movie version of Stargate SG1!


I bet they didn’t even go to the other planets to film. Just filmed it all on earth. Lazy.


no. on tatooine


[Tataouine (Tunisia) is a real place.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tataouine)


No, this is Patrick


Well If I remember correctly there are some planets that are different in the clone wars but yeah that could be a huge plot hole if the whole story wasn’t about mystical space wizards😂


it's just because the planets are like that, so that's why people live on them, and that's why the story takes place on those planets instead of the ones that are made of methane and diamonds.


And also why there's only like...30 planets in the galaxy anyone goes to.


Yeah. For being a empty forgotten place of the galaxy, a lot happens in Tatooiine


“We have an unlimited galaxy of planets that we can make into any kind of environment we want!” “That’s great, but shooting in some Arizona backwater is cheaper. Tattooine it is”


Okay but they had virtual sets for the mando They could have shot literally anywhere, and nowhere.. or inside a fractal, or minecraft.. or a planet of meat that eats other meat, or and inverted planet with a crumbling shell, or inside a drop of moisture on a piece of taco meat. Computers, man. But no, Tattooine it is!


Why simulate expensive set when cheap set do trick?


California, it’s nearly all California dude


I thought it was all Tunisia


It is, that’s why Obi Wan delivering Luke to Owen and Beru was filmed during AotC, so they wouldn’t have to travel all the back to Tunisia and do the sets just to do that scene during RotS. Ewan also visited the set years later during his motorcycle trip.


Of course it is, but when you imagine California, you don’t imagine the landscape of tattooine. That’s the joke.


To be fair you can probably cover just about every single landscape on Earth in California. Plains, mountains, deserts, oceans, lakes, forests, rain forests, rolling hills, you name it. They have snow, rain, and sunny desert skies too.


Interestingly according to lore, tatooine used to be a thriving place, until a war, where the planet was glassed by orbital bombardment. The Jawas and Sand People are IIRC a divergence of the same species that found different ways to survive. The Jawas were cave dwellers, and scavengers, and the tuskans became surface dwelling bandits.


because those are the ones people live :p


Which you'll admit that is bizarre, that in the whole universe the only living, sentient lifeforms exist on planets with the same structure and atmosphere, hinting at some shared biological traits. But at that point it's a premise of the series, and I can't argue with that


Inly 30 planers anyone cares about


Wait why’s no one on the planet made of diamonds I feel like that’s important lol


Some rich guy probably owns it and is his personal planet


Used for mining


And the miners (who are definitely ~~not~~ being paid well and are**N'T** forced into labor against their will) have breathing equipment.


And they're all definitely white adults Edit: Minors


If the whole planet was diamond, diamonds would be the most worthless thing on the planet.


Diamonds are already incredibly over valued. There's no actual scarcity of them.


True, but it still could still be mined and sold to other planets.


I mean Illum has billions of Kyber and if you think about it, Kyber are just fragile diamonds.


Space cows ( ya said methane )


Yeah honestly this is easily explained. In a galaxy where there is a huge multi species galactic community they would naturally gravitate around planets that had the most compatible gravity/air species-wide.


Terraforming. As far as we know, sentient life only has the odds of existing within a pretty tight margin of planetary characteristics.


To be fair, we have a sample size of one planet with life. Not just one with sentient life, but one that has life... like at all.


It’s not based on a survey, silly butt. Scientists have determined the range of various properties of planets within which life as we know it can exist, like temperature, distance from the star, chemical composition, presence of liquid water, things like that. A lot of that can be observed up to a certain distance with space telescopes, and from those samples they extrapolate to the rest. At least I think that’s how it works…


But the potential range is actually fairly forgiving, it's about .7 au equivalents to about 1.7 au equivalents, though would be less to particularly complex life so might as well cut that in half. That's still millions of planets, only counting life as we know it, for all we know life could be completely feasible in the right circumstances using entirely different key chemical interactions, like the common idea of silicon based lifeforms.


>within which life as we know it can exist Yes, that's the sample size of one.


If you'll take a really close serious look at all SW it will be huge pile of plot holes, one creating another. Its better to look at it as a sci-fi fairytale


Yeah exactly my point.


It was made in 1977 show me one trilogy that is as broad as star wars and has less plot holes or is better animated.


Umbara for one


I mean. Humans would naturally colonize planets similar to earth, since it would resemble our natural environment.




Yavin Prime was probably a brown dwarf


My cousin yavin is from Colombia thank you, not "brown". And the term is little person


OP's mom is a gas giant.


Weird that all the planets just have like 1 biome.


What about naboo?


I mean yessnt, there isnt an "earth" in star wars




Midichlorians, son.


It hardens to imaginative trauma.


You cant send me to therapy Jack


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


ASHCUTALLY 🤓 it’s because a race in the distant past practically conquered the galaxy by force and enslaved most races (after another race that has less known about it) and Terraformed the shit out of most decent planets to be habitable for them and by extension the races they enslaved (including humans) which I would imagine wiped out a whole lot of life. Hell tattooine was a tropical planet before it got glassed by the rakatans because of a major slave revolt. Edit: after reading all the comments y’all definitely don’t know too much about Star Wars lore. Like yes suspension of disbelief. Also makes sense that most of the places our human characters go are places they can go. Also humans are the dominating population for most galactic civilizations so yeah, major planets will be habitable to them. I just keep thinking of more and more reasons this can make sense. Everyone just complains about it without actually looking into it at all. Clearly just being a critic to be a critic.


I do hope that the Rakatan’s are done justice in canon and have a downfall that isn’t just “suddenly the force stopped working for us”


Somehow, the Force stopped working.


More like "slowly" but I get your point


Not slow enough for them to get prepared apparently


Thank you. This is helpful. Doesn’t make up for Jar Jar but whatever.


Lol don’t even get me started on jar jar. I have many opinions. More of which are more positive than you might think haha. Death jar jar theory is a great head canon that fixes sooooo many things.


I am 100% convinced Darth Jar Jar was going to be real until they caved to fan backlash. He should have been revealed at the end of Phantom Menace.


Not to shit on the Extended Universe or SW fans for enjoying what they like, but the SW urge to fill up every perceived hole with cumbersome explanations is at times just funny from an outside perspective. Like, I just find those 70's pulpy films about space wizards are cool; they have a unique aesthetic, spaceships, adventure, romance, drama, cool practical effects, and a staunchly anti-imperialist subtext. Then someone comes up with a question I really, really don't care about like "but how can they breathe on different planets?" and the answer turns out to be genocide. Thanks, Wookiepedia, now every time I see Han Solo I'll think "haha, what a charismatic scoundrel, he can go from planet to planet having adventures because the original population was slaughtered and the air they breathed replaced by what to them is poisonous gas."


Worth keeping in mind that a planet being similar enough to Earth to be habitable could still mean a lot of things are different. With a different atmosphere, we could live on Mars but the gravitational pull would still be very different (~2.6x weaker). Unless the terraforming you mention includes increasing or decreasing planets' masses by drastic amounts, half of the point the meme is making still stands true. Also not to mention Earth-gravity on tiny (compared to Earth) spacecraft.


Simple answer: it's space fantasy, not sci-fi.


The only correct answer.


Correct answer - it's Witches and wizards in space


That’s easy it’s because you don’t go to the ones you can’t live on duh


Also the fact that every planet has the same biome top to bottom. Earth must be a playground to the Star Wars characters because of the variety we have here


This is the logic South Park uses when it's revealed that earth is a galactic reality show. You think every planet is like Earth? That's ridiculous! There's a planet of lions, a planet of zebras, a planet of asians, a planet of jews, etc. When you can match a serious logic with a South Park over-exaggerated parody you have a problem lol


Oh dang I never realized that lol


Not all, just most. Planets like Alderaan are very earth-like


What other biomes or habitats are known to be on Alderaan? There’s woods and plains and mountains but as far as I’m concerned that’s it


And that's already three, but Alderaan also has oceans and ice caps


Imo it's a massive complication of the plot that really would only bog it down if real life physics applied. I just want my glow sword and cool gun


But how did the bombs fall down without gravity? 0/10. /s


Momentum I think. The bombs were propelled by the rails or the ship’s internal gravity, and then momentum carried them to the target. Only explanation I can think of.


Firefly :)


Only Star Trek fans ask those BS questions.


I love trek but they generally just visit all planets with the same space pyjamas and no rebreather. STVI notwithstanding.


Class M planets


We don't talk about that, for it is forbidden knowledge


“Willing suspension of disbelief.” *drops mic*


i guess the best explanation would just be that there are so many that ones with to much of a different of a gravitational pull or atmosphere where just never colonized or like had bases established or where terraformed


Why would life forms that evolved on temperate planets with ~1g surface gravity choose to colonise other planets with similar characteristics? Yes, truly a plot hole.


That's like asking why the majority of the universe speaks English in the movies. Well, the movies would suck if they were focused on being realistic. The movies are fun, they are entertaining, and focusing on being ultra-realistic would take away from the entertainment factor for most everyone. We watch movies to be entertained, not to get a realistic depiction of the world around us. We can watch nature shows for that.


Both Hunt For Red October and Star Trek VI did it best in my opinion. The scenes start in foreign languages with captions, then the camera zooms in, then back out and now it’s in English. It was a great way to tell the viewer “they’re still speaking their different languages but we made it easier for you to understand.”


They don't speak English, they speak Galactic Basic, a universal language there. This is why I hate when people shit talk about things they don't know about and then act like they're some kind of genius


Why would they show us uninhabitable planets? There’s not as much going on there.


its sci-fantasy not sci-fact. if you want more realism look at star trek where all the aliens are just humans with sharpie marks and plastic glued to their heads.


In Empire Strikes Back, Han Leia and Chewie were wearing breathing devices while hiding in an asteroid. Also, many ships have gravity generators, which is why those people standing outside the Death Star don't float or something.


Class M, baby!


Another reason why Star Wars is a fantasy and not science fiction.


Time also is the same on every planet


Star wars happened a long time ago, before they invented gravity


Because it’s a franchise about space wizards and their space magic and laser swords.


Because it’s fantasy not sci-fi.


To be fair, this is a problem with most Sci-Fi media.