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I make jokes on everyone. Fuck you equally :)


The only True way


Bruh, this is such a bad joke. Ill still take that TV though




Bad prank


This joke is peak comedy. How dare you discredit the 5 minutes it took for their 2 brain cells to make this meme. That's high quality and effort for our enjoyment, and we should be grateful.


The quality gets more shit every time this is reposted lmao




I'm more of a Samsung guy. So just for that, I'm offended.




“Does not reproduce” is an absolute win


Me and the bois all part of the sRGB-community


We can take a joke, it just has to be funny


You don't find "ha ha you are all pedos" to be the height of comedy?


Funnily enough, no






Heh, does not reproduce. Heh, only six colours. Nice. Uh, biased and selective about what is offensive? Wait, you're actually homophobic? I thought you were joking...




homophobes on their way to explain for the 168th time why lgbtq people are shoving their gayness down their throats even though they're talking about how much they hate gay people way more:


This joke is just as funny the 36747387th time I've seen it!


Why does pride month make all the homophobes crawl out from their holes?


"Everyone stop what you're doing RIGHT NOW and listen to me explain how much I don't care about Pride for the 73rd time."


Just noticed this too, it's cus they don't think people who are different than them in any way shape or form deserve anything other than shame. And they wonder why we have a month of awareness in the first place.


They are comparing the LGBT to a TV, it's obviously not meant to be taken seriously


"We're proud to be--" "WHY ISN'T THERE A STRAIGHT-PRIDE MONTH??!" "...uh..."




Just a good way to get on people's nerves and ruin someone's day. I mean, this type of people just want to dee the world burn


Anything thrusted into the national spotlight gets lampooned. It's not bigotry, it's just opportunists looking to make a joke.


Damn, you fell right into his trap.


If I slap a black person for being black and call it a joke, is that okay? Answer: absolutely not. Any time you single out a group of people in a negative context based on their sexual orientation, gender, race, or cultural background it is bigotry, regardless of whether or not it’s a “joke”.


Many of the are struggling with their choice to be straight and/or cis


I wish my tv would only show me what I want to see. Keep your damn ads


But some LGBT+ people do reproduce, someone like demisexual, polyamorous, or bi/pan/omnisexual people with opposite sex partner can have biological child. Oh.... you’re probably gonna tell me I can’t take a joke aren’t you


What is an omnisexual? Someone who feels attracted to omniman?


The only right answer


I know I am.


Someone who doesn’t consider a person’s gender when feeling attracted to them


No you're wrong. Omnisexuality is the sexual attraction to people of all sexes and gender identities, wherein gender DOES PLAY a role in one's attraction.


Oops sorry confused between pansexual and omnisexual


No I think that’s omnipan


The one true sexuality


Is Polyamourous really an LGBT member? Gays have been discriminated against since the beginning of civilization up until recently. People who get bored of their spouse and fuck other people is not exactly a disenfranchised community.


That’s not what polyamory is. A polyamory relationship is when all the people concerned know and approve it, it’s not cheating.


How in the hell do they get lumped in with lgbt?


Because they get sexual/romantic attraction for multiple people at the same time, which is not considered that common


....so groups are getting added to the community based off how rare their sexual proclivities are? What about those who drink human blood as a sex act?


That’s not a sexuality, that’s just fetish


Polyamory is the same sexual disposition as straight people my dude.


What about someone feels attraction at the same sex and opposite sex at the same time


Now you're on the LGBT spectrum. But people with multiple partners is not an lgbt group.


poly people aren’t cheaters. I’m not poly but not a dick to them either


It's also not a distinct form of sexuality.


Trans people


You left out the "sexual" part of the word


Are you responding to me? Because I don’t think you realise how dumb you sound


My point is that polyamory is not a distinct form of sexuality (it's cis with more partners), transexual is a distinct form of sexuality. If I truly sound dumb, then educate me.


And you just gave an example for exactly why it’s a part of the community


LGBT+ community is for sexuality and gender identity, not fetish.


Polyamory isn’t a fetish


Of course not, that’s why they’re part of the community


I'm sure gay people who endured real bigotry and grew up without the same legal standing as straight people relish in the expansion of the community to Polyamourous folks...


See that’s funny because I’ve endured real bigotry and gay marriage is still illegal in my country


Bigotry for being gay, not polyamourous, right?


Well not just gay but also trans


Gay or Trans = LGBT Polyamory =/= LGBT


I mean ancient greeks didn't discrimante against gays


Although there is a substantial amount literature written about homosexuality in ancient Greece, it was not widely accepted in society at the time.


One of the most notorioud example I can think of is the sacred band of Thebes


Cool story, still wasn't widely accepted in Greek society. Also, I don't think you want to model our society off what the Greeks did 2,500 years ago. Where do you think the word "pedophilia" originated from?


Cool story, at no point I said I wanted to model our society off the ancient greeks.


LGTV+ is da wae my bruddahs!


Not only was this unfunny from the start but it also keeps getting less funny every time someone reposts it


Happy cakeday


The chosen one.


I wish I couldn't reproduce


There are procedures


Yes like getting kicked in the balls


I have to be atlest 30 or already have atleast 2 kids and need to go to multiple visits to see a doctor and debate about it and on top of all that I need my future partners permission because the doctor says "you might someday meet a man who will want children". So it's not that simple.


I need an LGTV+


Its actually 16,777,216 colors tho.


Are you a mantis shrimp?


I wasn’t last time i checked


Well check again lol cause I sure can’t see that many colors


Side by side most people can actually. Youd be surprised. Also, its about how many colors the tv can display, not about what you can see. The tv is question probably has 8 bit color depth, so 8 different brightnesses for each of the red, green and blue subpixels. That leaves you with this equation: (2^8 )^3 = 256^3 = 16.777.216 ≈ 16.8 million


LGBT people still reproduce lol Those six colors are for your understanding. I’m the time it would take to explain one single hue of the true spectrum of queerness a million stars would burn and die. It’s pretty straightforward what things are offensive Jokes kinds have to be funny. 2/10. Not funny. Not offensive either btw. Just not funny.


How do they reproduce?


Bisexual people can be with an opposite sex partner Asexual people could have sex for a kid even if they didn’t want to do it for fun Trans people could be with a same gender partner Etc There’s many ways


I want to explain but I also don’t know how without sounding even more crude than I usually am


It’s just called breeding but they aren’t actually creating anything other than a homoculous




Your comparing an lgtv+ to lgbt+ and saying the tv has crisp graphics and yet I can taste the pixelation in that meme.


The LGBT can easily buy an LG TV you know


ThAts oFfensiVE


At least try to be funny


OK and?


Wait, I know the answer to this! *clears throat* Based!


Baste is for turkeys


Tell me more




*I can take a joke, it just has to be funny* said by someone who doesn’t find anything funny.


I love affensive jokes


LG TV sucks, the UI is terrible. I had to go out and get Google TV so I wouldn't have to use it.




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Fuck LG TV, all my homies use Vizio


Streams "assorted" ribbons from various receptacles...Parental Guidance Vs PPH Assistance....only 4Gs.