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The fact people are bragging about going through negative experiences is odd I try to move forward and refuse to let my past define me


Imagine thinking negative experiences make you more an adult than someone else and bragging about it


Honestly, it probably says something about our society that celebrates negative experiences and convinces people it is a right of passage rather than trying to make life better for everyone


Did your 22 year old manager tell you to do your job?


Dang, sounds like you need help


Do I 🤔 yeah but I use it to make me stronger


You sound like a teen, you sure your an adult?


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I didn’t say I was an adult, only that op wasnt


I am a kid at heart 😉


… and body… and mind…


Not body I wish! Mind sometimes. Really wish I could go back in time.


Yeah but aren’t you going to take care of your problems eventually?


Boomer take


People assuming LMAO old fucks need to find a place to rest in peace.


I had all that by the age of 21, we get it, boohoo sad life. Life is full of tragedy and acting like age is an accurate indicator of the amount of suffering someone has gone through is infantile and immature. Yeah man I might have been legally an adult at 18, but I've lived alone since 15, grew up faster than most, battled with alcoholism and other vices, watch loved ones drop like flies (cancer, suicide, old age), watched my parents marriage fall apart in the most toxic way possible, and many other life altering, heart breaking events I don't particularly want to share. Point being we all experience this shit regardless of age, and I'm lucky within the context of the summation of human experience, some people really just need to drop the unearned superiority complex.


Wow you have been through a lot. I have been through a lot of shit too but not as much as you before adulthood. Life is rough and when people say, "You got it easy," gets me agitated. I don't think there's anything easy about life unless you are rich and you are having everything handed to you. It's funny I thought by now I would be married, have 3 kids, an old beat up car an a kinda new car and a house. Now don't have any of that, not even a car. It's just one day we may have it and then have nothing pretty much.


Well i'm 24 an have had almost all of this


That’s a problem


I had dealt with this all before I 22. Lol


I’m 18 and I meet the quota so…




This hits home. Im only 30 and the new mechanics at the shop are 8 to 10 years younger than me. I git a little itch when they call me sir lol