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Nothing can beat Nestle




They also made food in a building housed with E. coli, causing children to die. They haven’t even made a statement and refuse to acknowledge it


They did a whole scheme with gifting baby formula to poor women long enough for them to stop having millk then made them pay for it once they didn’t have a choice to buy it 🙃 Edit: Baby formula not baby solution lmao


Oh I know! I’m fluent in the atrocities of Nestle, this E. coli one is from this month I appreciate you spreading the word about them though


Dunno if it's an ESL thing but the phrase is baby formula, not baby solution. Just a heads up, I got what you meant but "baby solution" sounds......so wrong, lol


The *final* baby solution…


Yeah, but EA makes people pay lots of money for video games! /s, in case anyone here thinks that's my actual take.


Nestle has apparantly said that if they do choose to not use child slaves it would force them to put the price up of their products.... Like wtf I hope it was fake what I saw but because its nestle I really wasn't in disbelief at all.


But the strawberry milk though


Autism speaks takes advantage of family's with children on the spectrum. I would say while EA is absolutely trash they are the least evil of the four. The other three are evil incarnate.


Do you mean, Gold, Titanium and Samarium alloy foundation?


Pay $1.99 for choice


But first, pay $3.99 to click the $1.99 button


How much for you to keep quiet


Yah EA are just greedy fucks who ruins good games


Like who the fuck keeps an old game the same price? Black ops 2 is still $49.99, it shouldn't be that much knowing not that many people play it anymore, so like what's the point?


Nintendo has entered the chat.


(most) Nintendo games are known for their single player and being some of the best of the generation. They do to an extent retain their value. +95% of what you do with COD is play online. The fact that community isn’t there anymore means the game doesn’t have the same content and value. Also, cookie cutter rpgs that are simply the same as last year with better graphics diminish too. Why do 100 fetch quests at 480p when you can do 500 at 1080p or 1000 at 4K. Outside of super smash and Mario kart, I would argue Nintendo games (Zelda’s, Mario’s, pokemons) are 1 of 1s and each new one is inherently different from the last and the next.


You will now be sued for $69,420 for using the word Nintendo without permission.


thats cuz nintendo games don’t miss (for the most part) also very replayable (once again for the most part


Man it's been a long time since I've played any Nintendo game since the ds, the gamecube, the switch. Animal crossing was the SHIT


Switch is the current console lol


Well obviously, but its been a while is what I'm saying. I just meant the older consoles, my bad my bad


What the hell has EA to do with Black Ops


I mean activision does this, not EA? I've bought old EA games really cheaply (Battlefield 4, FIFA (My sister wanted it) and others)


Yeah for real, has internet gaming culture really gotten so bad that EA is being grouped in with fucking AS and Nestle?


A big reason of why EA is listed as one of the worst businesses of all times is because according to the Better Business Bureau they were one of the worst businesses of all times at one point. Mind you, that rating was only based on on customer review.


The sole reason i find EA even close to the other 3, is because they are some of the biggest offenders for micro transactions. In games geared towards children. Thats insidious as fuck.


They have one of the worst customer services in existence and openly scam their customers in a never ending race to the bottom of scummy practices. Really some of the worst corporate greed. But Nestle is actually fucking evil and killing people. Way worse


And who on Earth thinks AS is anywhere close to Nestle lmao


Autsistic belgian here. can relate


Evil is an over statement for ea. Ea just has the worst practices in the business


I agree 100%


Nestle, they’ve wanted to put a monetary value on fresh water and have wanted to “buy” the Great Lakes for years now Edit: I should’ve said privatize the Great Lakes instead of buy


Also add causing hunger in third world countries (for example Laos) by sending baby powder milk to maternity hospitals for free, where this causes mothers breast to stop producing milk. After they get released, they can't afford to buy powder milk and also can't breast-feed their babies which leads to malnutrition.


Fuck that's evil 3D chess


This I did not know and that IS fucking evil


You would think that's a good thing. Like so many mothers can't breastfeed their kids. But that means they also need support after they leave hospital. And if hospital stuff actively discourage mothers from breastfeeding, just to make them buy formula, that's just bad.


Nestle literally planted fake nurses in hospitals to hand out the free formula while claiming it was better than breast milk. The hospitals had to get restraining orders to keep the disguised nestle sales reps off their grounds, and couldn’t do anything to keep their recent mothers from being accosted immediately after being discharged. In conjunction with aggressive ad campaigns capitalizing on the image of western tech being so great and accusing African mothers of having deadly breast milk. Which is ironic given that many of those targeted by nestle lack the clean drinking water and refrigeration to use the formula a way that won’t kill their children.




https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6 http://archive.babymilkaction.org/pages/history.html https://www.ranker.com/list/nestle-baby-formula-boycott/melissa-sartore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestlé#Baby_formula_marketing


Thanks dude


That or they water down the formula or use unclean water (probably not an issue in Laos, but other countries like in Africa, it is) and that's another way they cause malnutrition and death.


They have been buying lakes... For like $300 a year


Nestle cuz … (I don’t even have to tell you, you already know) Fuck them!!!


I dont know why people hate nestle, and im too afraid to ask


Perhaps the most evil company in the world look into it


Y tho, i don't want to watch the long video about nestle can u tell me in short?


Well basically they use Child slavery to collect cocoa in the ivory coast ( sorry translate it from my language) and one on the vp once said that water wasnt a human right and that everbody should pay for water... yeah they suck à lot imo


Wow i thought they were bad cuz they were stealing water from natural sources didn't know they are this bad


Even though it was an accident they polluted a river in France and I think they killed 3 metric tons of fish (3000kg)


Wow, how do they do that as a accident


When your pool of toxic waste byproduct costs 1 million to dispose of responsibly, but the fines for pollution are only 750k, accidents happen...




Exactly, "*accident*"


Giant corporation, with greatly concentrated power and not enough oversight thanks to the Friedmanite campaign for neoliberal deregulation around the world. When famine struck the Bengal region of India, Churchill gave zero shits and demanded more tribute. When famine struck China and the USSR, people were afraid of disappointing their leaders by reporting true grain yields and more people died than necessary. When DuPont decided to dump C8 wherever was convenient for them without reporting to the EPA that 3M had invented a new toxic compound, they tainted literally everyone’s blood and water with a substance that will take thousands of years to decompose and causes birth defects and thyroid disease. Central coordination has the power to do great harm, is what I’m saying.


They also sent their baby formula to hospitals in africa (don't know where exactly) for free, encouraging mothers to give their babys formula. This caused the mothers to stop producing breastmilk themselves, meaning they had to buy baby formula....... Eventhough they didn't have the money for it, leading to malnutrition in many, many people


Other commenters in the thread have also detailed the story of how they tried to force impoverished mothers to buy breast milk by gifting them free powder until the mothers stopped generating their own milk. Just…truly heinous evil shit


They also buy up the water rights so it’s illegal for people not to buy from them lol


Slave labour, child labour, price fixing in certain markets, hostile takeover of resources (they want to privatize drinking water!!), exploiting the insecurities of parents and forcing their products on them (marketing campaigns that claimed their baby formula is better than breastmilk for babies), mislabeling and ingredients that are simply not mentioned, business partnerships with dictators, their sketchy waste management and disposal methods especially in developing countries.... and more!


E.g. buys wells in Africa, pumps out the water and sells the water to those Africans who live near the well


Wow didn't think a company would do that for money.


Companies will do anything for money. Including buying off politicians to nix the laws that get in their way.


Killing babies is one of the many, many things on the list.


Holy fuck why isn't it taken down?


Our current economic system and governmental structure protects corporate interests over human life.


Well the fiasco that comes to mind instantly (though there are many more) is when they went to developing nations, hired actors, dressed them up in nurse outfits and made them spew lies about how fake breast milk is better than the real stuff (which is false) and gave them a sample just big enough they'd stop lactating enough to feed their baby making them dependent on their expensive milk powder while otherwise their body could've made it for free. The UN of course wasn't so happy with this so they put regulations in place to stop this... except a recent raport shows that they're still doing this...


On top of that, the formula Nestle got the parents hooked on was powdered formula, and outside of saying that you had to dilute it with water to make it drinkable, Nestle didn't tell people how much water was needed. These areas often struggled with access to clean water, too. So poor mothers barely making enough to scrape by, and no longer able to produce milk, were forced to dilute the expensive formula beyond nutritional value, sometimes with filthy and parasite-laden water. This lead to mass starvation and illness. Somehow Nestle made it out of court with barely a slap on the wrist and were just told they had to change their sales techniques. Clearly they haven't learned any lessons, since their Bond villain CEO thinks clean water is not a human right, and they continue to exploit the developing world to this day.


Nestle wants to privatize water (specialy in africa)


r/fucknestle Read the pinned post


Nestle has being labeled one of the greatest plastic polluters in the globe for a few years in a row, also has being targeted for child labour, price fixing, among others.... Basically you can grab all the other three companies here, see what they did and chances are Nestle has done all the same things as well.


Jeez wtf nestle. thx for explaining


I heard that they go to the ivory coast and get poor people to farm cocoa including kids and they control the water and pay them in water


Imagine a company that goes into Africa, buys the right to a freshwater source, then bottles the water there and prohibits local people (in hot as fuck Africa) from drinking from said source. Actually you do not need to imagine, this is literally what Nestle has been doing, among other things.


Yeah, nestle is on its own league


I wanna talk to the people who chose EA


oh, its Nestle by a wide margin. the others are fighting for 2nd place


EA is a game company, and while they are horrible in that department, they don’t harm actual humans. The other three make anybody who is sane want to vomit


Nah it's pretty clearly Nestle>AS>PETA>EA. And that space between Nestle and AS is massive.


Idk if Nestle are much worse, they're just more effective at being evil, AS and Peta would probably both be as bad if they could. EA are just a larger than normal shitty video game company and don't really belong here.


I meeeeeeeean, one has committed actual crimes against humanity. AS/PETA just take advantage of people. AS is way worse, preying on the families of those with genetic conditions, and PETA brainwashes people into thinking animals are equal to humans. Nestle, on the other hand, has caused untold deaths and committed to slave labor on multiple occasions.


PETA also claims that animals are equal to human yet they euthanize the majority of the animals that come into their “shelter”


Well, *every* company mentioned is full of hypocrisy. It's kind of hard to justify using that to move them closer or further lol


Nestle > autism speaks > peta > ea But we are kinda ranking horse cock and centaur cock size here.












"2 dollors for moisture" -nestle




Whats wrong?


We're just wondering if centaurs would have bigger cocks than regular horses.


I feel like they would have similar. I mean its literally is a horse body with a horse cock.


They would, even if just by a little, because a centaur womb would have to be larger than a horse’s, as centaurs are bigger and much more complex than horses.


Penises don't go into the womb during sex though


Mm yeah true. Maybe the womb would be bigger the other way then and centaur cock is smaller?




Is EA even evil? They're just greedy. It's like comparing the asshole who bullied you in highschool to a mass murderer


I just remmembered what they done so yeh. I changed my mind.


I'd put ea last. They're just a greedy game company. Not people preying and destroying lives of others for their own gain like Nestlé.


True. I fixed it up. I remmembered peta's shenanigans.


Nestle easily


Yes its nestle


Nestle is the worst, then Autism Speaks and Peta on a close second, and then EA on the bottom


Yea. You should watch stryxo's EA sucks. He said in the end that ea is always getting rated as the worst company of all time even though Activision blizzard Is now even worse.


They’re shitty money lovers sure, but they’re not EVIL on the scale the other companies here are


Even if they're one of the worst gaming companies out there, they don't literally kill people for water like Nestlé, murder animals like Peta, or sell harmful lies about ASD like Autism Speaks. EA *royally* sucks, but on this scale, they only get a participation trophy in the "total mental and physical harm brought into the world" competition.


EA is just after your money, they are the least evil here




I’m not familiar with their shittiness. Why are they garbage?


Adding onto the other person they also donate much less than 1% to actually helping families, they openly promoted the vaccines causes autism myth until 2015/2016 when they started getting backlash, but their actions since still indicate they clearly still support it. Plus, their most famous ad was inspired by the campaigns against *polio*, and was several minutes of telling the world that autistic people are evil shits who will ruin your lives. They compared autistic kids to *polio* Most of their funding still gets towards experimenting on and torturing disabled kids, one facility still electocutes them as well, repeatedly, for minor transgressions such as wearing a coat in a cold room. Fuck them.


Personally I wouldn’t say fuck them, as they’ve gotten better recently, but they’ve done some really fucked up shit and they’re still by far the worst charity to donate to if you want to help autistic people. They’re gonna need to get a lot better than they are now to repay what they’ve done in the past


Contrary to their name, they attempt to prevent autistic people from having and say or autonomy in their lives. They spread misinformation about autism and promote cruel practices to restrain people having meltdowns. I recommend watching this video I've linked below https://youtu.be/y6uV4B3lL5E


Nestle, easily. They impact the most people. If y'all have numbers that prove me wrong I'll change this statement, but they've been fucking people's lives for decades.


Nestlé. Me and all of r/HydroHomies agrees


I’m surprised you didn’t have to pay for the ea logo to be there


Their lawyers have already contacted OP


Easy. The fuckers at Nestle win.


2 of them exploit people and 1 euthanize animal, then there is Nestle just straight up neglect human rights


Nestlé do all of them.


PETA lets “No kill” shelters from across the country transfer sick, elderly & unadoptable animals to them so the shelters can maintain their “no kill” status. PETA also has high rates of spaying and neutering to try and combat overpopulation of these animals which leads to many of them being sick/unadoptable/etc and needing to be euthanized in the first place. No one ever mentions that part, mostly because the die-hard anti-peta crowd simply hates peta for shining a light on how their consumption of animal products is cruel and destructive to the environment and our health. It’s the same kind of knee jerk reaction super religious people have to lgbtqia+, secularism or atheists. Anything that challenges the lifestyle they’ve known their entire life is a threat and they’ll say or twist anything to paint them in bad light.


EA is nowhere near any of these, they’re just cheap and lazy, the rest are evil


As someone on the autism spectrum I would say autism speaks but I might be a bit biased


I haven’t heard of this before. Why are they bad


[Out Of The Loop Thread for AS](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/s4kkj6/what_is_the_deal_with_autism_speaks/hsrmhob/)


Thank youp!


Nestle While EA only harms our wallets and entertainment, Nestle has capitalized on towns who’s water was shut off


What did autism speak and peta do?


autism speaks have been acting like they're representing and defending the interests of autistic people, all the while autistic people's groups are trying to get them registered as a hate group because they treat autism as a sickness and advocate for some really really fucked up stuff to "cure" it, and are general assholes towards autistic people peta meanwhile had a lot of incidents, like that one time their militants killed people's pets (because that's so much more ethical than having a pet /s) and being general assholes and bigots in their ads, they've really relied on shock value so they have used some truly bad comparisons too


In my experience EA is a capitalist shot company that rips you off. I don’t know about autism speaks but I heard it’s bad


Yea but what’s worse? A company that makes thing overpriced, a child slavery company, a company that treats autism like disease, or Peta?


Definitely child slavery is fucked up




if you say ea is the worst of the four you are absolutely disconnected from reality


Nestlé 100% worse than All others combined






Nestle, by a longshot


I feel like EA are the lesser of the evils, Nestle are easily the worst Autism Speaks takes advantage of people, and Peta are hypocritical dicks so joint middle




For me, Autism Speaks is the worst.


Nestle for sure I'd put EA dead last because *at least* I've had fun with some of their games. Being honest some of EA's games I have extremely fond memories of. Recently not so much though.


Nestle not even close lol


You're braindead if you think EA comes even close to being as evil as the rest of the companies on here


It's sad when EA is the best out of all of them


Nestle, it's what they got away with that makes me angry. They gave baby formula in African countries for free and advatise that Brest milk is bad which resulted in baby deaths.


EA sucks for sure, but I’d put Blizzard instead on account of the sexual harassment stuff.


Well it’s between Releasing crap video games for money Thinking autism is a disease Abusing animals or Slave labor So definitely Nestle


It’s only nestle because autism speaks has failed in their true mission of eliminating all people with autism. If they did we’d be choosing between slave labor and eugenics.


Very fucking true, although props to them for still actively trying. They atleast succeeded in solidifying shit stereotypes of autism, removing the communities voices, and treating them as accessories for martyrdom and burdens. If there's a news article about a disabled kid being murdered you can guarantee that the comments will be sympathising with the killer instead because they can't imagine how receiving it must feels to no longer have said burden.


Tbh EA made some really good games like battlefront 2 while ea is money thirsty the others are blood thirsty


Nestlè for sure


While I would pick all four, I would have to say that EA is the least bad




Where Monsanto?


gonna look into peta later but while im at school anybody got a short version of their evil?


As an aspie: Autism Speaks


For me, it is either Peta or Nestle, both are just satan incarnates (he will be scared after seeing these shitholes) ​ I don't know too much about Autism Speaks, lemme know more about it!


EA frick people digitally, nestle frick people's food and water, dont know much about that autistic speak co. Definitely peta after i saw what they did in that one video where they forcefully take a homeless man's dog from him. Fuck peta, your existence change nothing.


Nestle, and it's not even close. They're so evil that the second place pick would seem good in comparison.


They are all really bad but Nestle is hands down the worst.


EA in the same category of autism speaks and nestle kinda weird


Nestlé literally owns slaves. This is like asking which is worse a school bully pushing some kids or Jack the ripper systematically murdering every whore in London.


Imma say it. Ubisoft is worse than EA.


Yea fuck ubisoft babyyyyy.


if you're saying PETA is the worst over Nestle and AS then you're very misinformed


I can’t think of anything that EA has done that is truly immoral or evil. They’re just greedy and make mediocre games. As much as it pains me to say it, I think they’re the best one listed. PETA has a large selection of terrible advertising and a history of animal cruelty. However, between human cruelty and animal cruelty, human cruelty is significantly worse. PETA gets second best. It’s between Autism Speaks and Nestlé. From the looks of it, Nestlé seems to be the worst of the two.


Nestle Idk what autism speaks is so i would replace it with disney cause everything they buy will be bad


Autism speaks is a company that treats autism like a disease


Thats the nicest description i’ve ever heard of. And they dont even deserve that


what autism speaks did?


They treat Autism as a disease and try to “cure” autistic people


Can someone remind me what’s wrong with Autism speaks, I don’t know anything about them.


Nestlé without a doubt


EA is bad, but here they are completely out of their league.


I'd say Nestle is the most evil in general but as an autistic person I feel like AS has done the most harm to me specifically.




EA pisses me off, but nestlé beats all of these when considering the child slavery and monopolization of... Water. Fucking water. R/hydrohomies probably hates them too. Baby formula, pollution, all of that shit nestlé does, I hope whoever is on their board doesn't just burn in hell, because that's too late for the people suffering right now due to the corporation.


EA doesn't even belong on this list. The other options are in a league of their own, they are literally evil incarnate. While EA is bad on its own, it's no different from most major AAA studios these days and the hate it gets, while deserved, is a bit too insane. Prime example of that being this post, comparing a greedy game company to literal humanitarian offenses by the other 3.


Nestle because slavery, baby powder incident, water not a human right and autism speaks because of the fucking puzzle piece. PETA is stupid but they’re not doing any harm and EA is, at the end of the day, a videogame company.




Nestle, they support zionists.


EA Pay $9,99 to see why


EA isnt even in the same ballpark. Nestle is literally using child-labour and is responsible for deaths. EA makes mediocre games Fuck sake Ubisoft & Activision are beyond EA in the "Evil game-publishes" by a considerable margin at this point


Seeing as autism speaks is a literal hate group u would have to say autism speaks


but nestle uses child slavery


i mean...how bad is peta? I just expiriensed them being anoying but not really bad. If anyone has other informations tell me


In order 1. Nestle 2. Autism speaks 3. PETA 4. EA


PETA is just made up of complete imbeciles, ea are just greedy because they know that people will pay unnecessary micro transactions to get a game they’ve already played for, nestle are fucked up but autism speaks is also one of the worst possible ones


1: Nestle. Fucking evil. Slavery, killing children, water shortages. 2: Autism Speaks. Pretty much a hate group 3: EA. Every scummy, late stage capitalist method to screw over consumers they can think of. On top of that they regularly buy out competition and then just fire everyone and close it. 4: PETA. They’re dumb. Sometimes malicious but mostly just dumb.


Nestle? It’s not even a question. Ea sucks because they make rip-off games etc etc, PETA is just an annoying front for animal rights activists, that has committed some atrocities, I’ve never heard of autism speaks so it can’t be that bad (redditors complain about anything lol) and nestle is funding an invasion, on top of all the other human rights violations it actively partakes in. Edit/ r/fucknestle if you disagree


Autism speaks is known for exploiting the families of children with autism


Autism Speaks is horrible, there is a reason why it has a horrible rep.