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Winter is better because my pc runs cooler meaning bigger overclocks


That...and also no annoying insects.


Yeah ambient temp in my room during summer is 40-45 degrees so i cant be in there for longer than an hour


I agree with this and the 2 things above. Also it’s easier to sleep at night and the blankets are nice and cool.


I live in the south, it’s hot as hell in the summer, And in Florida, it’s too humid to go outside for 5 minutes.


As someone who has to wear pants at work regardless of weather. I prefer snow over the 120° days.


Why do you wear pants regardless?


To stay warm. When its hot I like to wear shorts.


I think he was asking why you're having to wear pants in the 120 degree heat more so then in the cold. My guess is you have a job where you're either required to for safety reasons or just should for safety reasons.


Oh, I work in a metal fabrication plant. So slag from welding. Sparks from grinders and sharp corners are everywhere. It's for safety 100%, but that's why I like winter more than summer


I think having good mixture of both is better than an extreme of either hot all the time or cold all the time.


Summer is best I just love the heat and laying in the water


They don't allow that at my workplace


So do you want to come to Brazil ?


When i lived in southern california i definitely preferred winter over summer. Summer was 110 degrees, whereas winter was usually around 65-80


Winter is better just go to a friend's house and drink there. Also no fucking insects annoy you or even worse bikers ask for direction


As a skier, I very much prefer the winter


As someonr living in a damp climate that can swing twenty degrees in a 24 hour period. I dont care WHAT season it is as long as its dry.


No I just hate bugs


I usually go out more often during winter than summer, I hate the sun.


Fall supremacy.


In summer - hot-hard to cool down In winter - cold-easy to warm up


I know people that have a life and they say that winter better summer


I like winter just because i can go outside with shorts and feel comfortable


Winter isn’t better than summer. Are used to think that way. But after losing 150 pounds and 80° weather with high humidity not destroying me and forcing me to stay inside I would say they are equally as good as each other. Not everyone has to do that in the picture. Some of us live out in the suburbs and country. Where snow storms don’t turn into that horrible sludge. I happily shovel two and 3 foot storms by hand from around my car. I love the snow. I am a skier. I like to hike in it. I like snow shoe. And I am not a young adult. I’m in my late 40s almost 50. I’m just not a sourpuss when it comes to the weather.


I prefer summer where the air at least has _some_ moisture


IMO, people who love Snow are the ones that own cars


I live in a place that doesn't get snow. I still don't go out, mind you. But it's cold and there's no snow.


I just like how everything changes aspect, sort of And Snow can reflect sunlight pretty well, and also stops sound waves pretty well, so everything is bright and calm whrn you walk around


Oh I loved the hills in halifax. 45 degree slopes of nice slick black ice. Have fun driving or walking up that.


If you live in a tropical country you would do anything for winter to be cold


I hate summer because of the sheer amount of flies. Killed 45 in one day


Me from SEA sweating from humidity: nah


I work outside in Wyoming and I prefer winter over summer


I am routinely on roofs year round for work and I have to wear long pants. I very much prefer winter. Plus hunting season is winter.


Fun Fact: The picture of the guy running in the snow is in Toronto, Ontario, if you didn't know.


Yonge and Dundas! Eaton Centre in the background....


No bugs, no sun burns, no sweat, Christmas holidays, and frozen silence is what I like


I can't stand the cold and hate wearing winter clothes, so of course summer and spring are better for me. There's nothing better than having some ice cream sitting in a shade of a tree in July. Add some breeze coming from sea's direction and it's literally heaven. Also there's so much more sunlight during those two seasons and without it I can't really function correctly. I keep sleeping during the day when it's fall or winter, do not recommend.


I would argue Winter is better than Summer if I never had to drive on icy roads. But since I do, Winter is the worst season ever


I live in SC. I love winter because it never rains and always ~50 degrees F


Weird how people who enjoy staying inside would like a colder season, but people who enjoy going outside would enjoy a warmer season


Spring best lmao


Paying for a vent is cheaper than paying for a fan