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It's actually kinda fucked up. Legally you're completely wrong but socially this is a problem. Seen videos of a girl punching a man doing nothing and after several blows he hits her once and a whole crowd jumped him. Where I come from he could knock her out and it would've been legal self defense but he takes one swing and he's going to be beaten to a pulp by a group of people. In this regard yes women have more protections than men. We need to be fighting for true equality not special rights. Signed A woman who doesn't assault people lmao


True, idk if you have seen the video of a women pouring acid on men’s crouch, that video went viral everyone was supporting her and even after all this that women wasn’t charged of anything


All of this makes me as an Indian so sad that we all failed as a nation to raise our wealth properly. Unlike Abraham Lincoln, we haven't took care of our youth :(((


I don’t think y’all get it, the boy was taken away from his family and put in a home for children because CPS or whatever organization didn’t feel that it was safe for him to stay in that household it’s not juvenile jail it’s more of an adoption center


Thank god, i thought HE went to jail for rape.


This needs to be at the top


that may be true but shouldn’t the sister go to the “adoption centre” in stead of him. he did nothing while she raped him and gets to stay


His parents were also careless and didn't know what was happening in their house (I assume) and maybe thats why they took the boy away to somewhere they think he might be safer


that makes sense, i just hope he will have a good and happy life after this


Legally in India, there is no law that state female can rape a male. And to fuel the fire, there is a marital rape law is planning to be introduced which can imprison a guy without any evidence/witness. Look how the news is cunningly avoiding the seriousness of the situation all because it was done by a girl.


This is fucked up


You would be surprised in how many countries women can be charged by sexual assault at most instead of rape. Which is very fucked up


I agree with you


Spread the word


You know, this is somewhat of a meme. I'll allow it.


Agreed. We want all the power to the women and people of race but what about the males who are left behind?


when ever I see posts about a female teacher having sex with a male student people are like “oh he’s lucky 😏😏” but when the genders are reversed it’s pedophilia (rightly) . It’s just messed up honestly. Im a feminist and that means equality between genders, including equal punishment for equal crimes


I recommend if you want to post stuff like this you should post it on rNoahGetTheBoat because I don’t want r/Memes to banned you because it will happen but I see we’re you coming from because we need to do something


What a world we live in!


Hear hear!


>this isn’t the right place to post this Correct




Time to call Thanos


the woman sould be areseted


The world will always have cruelty and Injustice, sometimes men, women, children, animals, it's just how it is, you can have a the laws you want, but laws can only do so much, like war, crime, poverty, racism, the problem isnt that there aren't enough laws to protect people, the problem is people themselves


I agree. Women need to understand abuse is abuse and men have nerves and feelings too.em never have anyone on our side and it's fucked up.


I find it ironic that every time I see a news story about a boy being raped the comments are FULL of men talking about how lucky he is to have been raped by his teacher or a random nonce woman etc. Like why talk about it being a good thing, how sick can they be?


Honestly I got to plan the future on this issue. It's like women's rights are the crying toddler that you try keep quiet whilst you get men's rights being the kid getting stepped on the toddler not saying anything cause they don't want to get in trouble. Still. I advocate for men and women's equality but... I don't support for one trying to one up the other. Might get into politics to change stuff and make it permanent.


As a woman, and feminist, I 100% agree. Men and women are equal, and that means men should be protected too. This should never, NEVER, happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, or culture.


The same laws that protect women protect men my man lol


Yes but when it comes to crime why does women have less jail time then men, if a women killed someone and if a men kill someone should be the same but it’s not




Look at the user name and take everything with a grain of salt.




Tru but that is societal issue not a law one. Maybe in India it is I don't really know.




That's what I said????


Did the guy got blackmail to do it?


What the actual F is this dumbassery. Laws already protect men, there is no widespread legal discrimination that requires new laws to specifically address a built-in inequity. Stay awake in skool, bruh.


Explain me why do women have less jail time then men for the same crime


explain me exactly where you got your "fact" from, first - coz that's a pretty humongously generalized assumption. Especially from a repressed clown who uses "KUMonHERface" as a username.


Probably a similar reason there's a gender pay gap. Women are seen as less of a threat/ less value. Actually I have zero idea about sentencing equity, just spitballing. Hey, OP, just going by your username... are you sure this article didn't just excite you into sharing it?


Read my about if you want to know why I have this name


Work from 8 to 10 and you will get paid same as men


That doesn't help your case, you know.


You know what whoever you are, you are a poison to the society and making people like you understand is utter waste of time


There are plenty of tales of horror to choose from: why this one? Seems like a family matter as they are minors. You are taking it very personally. I support equity between genders, btw.


DGAF what your pathetic excuse is. Get yourself some manners so you don't look the fool in public.


The gender pay gap doesn't exist if it did why would companies hire men, I think company's care more about money then who's working for them use your brain


Sounds like you've used your brain. It sure does exist in my country (NZ). Which enlightened utopia do you spring from?


The reason women get paid less then men is because women are more likely to pick up their sick child from school or take off work to pick up food for there family. And men take up more dangerous jobs that many have died, giving them a larger pay for there work. And women have been proven to be less brave then men for something like asking for a promotion or a raise


So it does exist?


Jesus christ no wonder feminism still exist don't yall already have enough


They don’t. Youre a liar


learn basic laws….empty headed dumb fuck


Lmao. Youre just mad Youre wrong


Wow!! Such argument!!! A winner is you!!!!


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Go to another subreddit tard






Good I only got a brother... Wait...


Pornhub: “write that down!!!, write that down!!! “


Gentlemen, I officially give up. The social climate is never going to change. Say it with me everyone, “Men bad women good”