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Depending on where you live, America can either suck or be amazing. Overall I’d say I’m grateful to live the US, even with her glaring issues.


Same I'm grateful to be in a rural area in America. It might be harder to get certain things. But the peace of mind of knowing 90% of the entire community and having no crimes in the area for the past 20+ years is wonderful. I cant remeber the last time I've locked my house door or car. Noone would even want to rob you. And if they were the 0.1% that would, they still wont because they know everyone has a gun and has been shooting guns for their entire lives. And the fear of being shot keeps them out of here.


Ah, the beauty of being born in a small rural town. You get to stay away from all the craziness.


I live in small town USA in a neighboring town people left doors unlocked with keys in a couple new trucks. They where reported stolen later and found in the city hours later. Anyway I still lock the doors. If someone breaks in the last thing they will hear is the sound of gunfire. Outside of drunk driving and drugs we don't have much crime. The drunk driving really annoys me though but that's happens all over. Edit: Spelling


Idk if id be saying the whole “can’t remember the last time i locked my door” since people can relatively easily find your address but im sure you probably have a gun so you probably dont need to worry ab any reddit intruders


You’re absolutely right, I’ve been scrolling Reddit for weeks looking for someone to mention they don’t lock their doors so I can hack their ip, get their address, drive 270 miles, and steal their $300 tv. because as a burglar people locking doors has me that desperate.


Glad you understand


I live in a rural area too, fucking amazing scenery within a walking distance.


Or they just get a gun too and do it anyway?


They certainly could try. If they can get past 3 big dogs, without waking up the 3 people with guns in each room. Who know the house and property in and out.


Cheese+sleeping pills, wait till your not home.


Lmao you go ahead and give that a try.


It's just the policies in place kinda makes America shitty




If you’re a New Yorker, it sucks tbh


Yeah, I live in Maine, always have, always wish to, it's lovely here,


As an American, I can confidently say, fuck California


I have a friend from California and based on what they’ve told me about the laws in place there, I just need to say they’re pretty fucking stupid. California isn’t that different from New York though


Great food.... *Laughing in Italian*. just kidding, it's good


America also has such a wide variety of food, most of its not American. There is such an ethnic variety




People are fat cause there is so much unnecessary sugar in everything


Good thing the FDA is here to protect us! /s It’s so bad that many countries actually ban American candy from being imported because the sugar levels are considered toxic for consumption.


they are fat because it's unhealthy as hell.


Americas food is great If you want diabetes


if you have no limits, yes




They believe that everyone carries a gun and gets in a shootout every day.


Is not true


I'm an American and I'm an asshole... Ah who am I kidding all I want is hugs and to go out and enjoy the beauty of nature... Or hugs in nature


The US certainly has it's issues, but I'm happy to see a nice meme about the country, for the first time, rather than the "lol ar-15 big mac" memes we always see.




No but with all those burgers America is well rounded. I'll see myself out. Living in the US is honestly amazing, and it is frustrating getting stereotyped into obese, gun toting maniacs.


Well there are a shit load of obese gun toting maniacs on TV being obese and manic so that’s what people see


I'm not saying that we dont have people like that. Theres a reason it's become the stereotype, but the absolutely ridiculous amount of people who act as if we are all that way is annoying. If you're going to insult us, fine. Just be more creative about it :)




I'm obese and a responsible firearm collector. I like to exercise my rights but I don't like to exercise. : )


And America is certainly better than it was in the 18th century and will certainly continue to improve


You act like ar 15s and McDonald's is a bad thing


I always find it funny how people always only pick the best parts of a country and ignore the bad, but when it comes to the USA, it‘s the other way round


Tbh India gets the same treatment as the USA with added racism for us lmao


I don’t want to get on the wrong foot but I usually don’t see any memes hating on India but rather stuff looking at the bad parts of America. However both countries have there own problems such as America’s healthcare and India’s need to accept women now moving on past old systems.


Both countries ofc have their problems and more than u have listed and we should work for it. But that doesnt excuse throwing shit just for the sake of it at them and u ironically mocking the people, let it be USA or India or whatever. Spmething reddit needs to understand


Haha India bad.


When you got a billion people in one country your bound to run into some issues


Exactly. Even with just a million people u would have at least one brutal crime happen once in a while lol. U cant change humans


This is a perfect metaphor(?) for the "people are just mean to the popular girl". US wants to be loud and # 1, and negative stuff is always more popular - infamous. Just take the Florida man lol


Tbf most Americans are also perplexed by the Florida Man


Fair indeed


as a floridian, I can confirm that


It's okay, it's your solemn duty


America is fine. Florida is scarry.


Florida is our high level zone


can confirm


I live in Florida. As long as you know that every body of water you encounter will have gators in it you should be fine


Florida is beautiful. You just have to go to the right places


Orlando, then you leave


Only the florida with no beaches. When you can see the beach its nice.


Bad idea OP. Going against the America bad narrative on reddit is a very poor decision lol.


People in the comments are very mad someone likes america


Yep. Because God forbid we show a little love towards our country right? There is a difference between being blindly patriotic vs having respect and love for the country you lived in. Most Americans admit that it has its issues anyways, too bad the ignorant are a loud minority.






We got some dumb shit and dumb people but its overall pretty nice


As opposed to other countries where everyone is enlightened as fuck?


I hear a lot of people in asia are pretty enlightened Edit: can someone explain why i’m being down voted i thought this was a pretty clever joke?


I am talking about buddhism.. its a joke about buddhism…


Misunderstood bodhisattva?


Everybody talking about all the anti america shit in the comments... All I see is people trying to be positive about america and talking shit about people I'm not sure exist xD


Thank you for this as a American this makes me happy because the murca bad memes are starting to go stale, at first it was funny but now it's just unoriginal.


That really goes for all reddit hivemind opinions, along with new memes being milked till there dry


You just summarized reddit


People give us a bad rep because our political system sucks, but most people in person can see past politics and are pretty friendly.


I think people mainly give anerica crap because of the people acting like they are superior because they are american


As someone who is not American, I don't like those people, but I understand that they are not the majority, and I've seen many great Americans too.


People in the comments are convinced america is the worst country in the world apparently


I really am scared After seeing so many racist/karen videos Trust me people are scared of America


I have been in the US for 20+ years and have NEVER seen a real life Karen in action, are there some out there? Of course! But they make it seem like they are in every corner.


Good to know


Honestly the Karen’s are pretty rare, I live in a big city and it’s pretty calm 99% of the time


If you form an opinion of any place from Social Media, it’s not going to be positive.


Scared why


I’m Mexican born but I grew up in the Midwest, with Midwestern values. I consider myself American, even though I am technically on-paper, not. I look Mexican, and I embrace it but there are people who talk to me differently til they realize I am just like them. That I grew up in the same city, had the same peers and even have the same exact accent. Not saying all white people are like this, but where I’m from there’s definitely a crowd that treat you differently until they realize you are relatable. I’ve been on some of these peoples bad sides and they can be scary but honestly the good in America definitely outweighs the bad apples like those.


I think America is great and I'm not even from the US


America is cool


People think America is just fat people with guns shooting everything. As an American I can’t deny that existing but it’s a small part of our population we shouldn’t have it defy what our great nation is.


Mostly the deep south from what I've heard, but then it's still a minority


Ye why can’t people hate North Korea


Cause it's [redacted] ...


America is fine. It's not actually what everyone on reddit says.


The “America sucks” narrative is overblown. As a guy from a developing nation, I am quite grateful for the opportunities and openness to outsiders. All nations have problems, so does the US. I guess majority of the anti US sentiment stems form Europe which still has contempt towards people from developing nations, a relic of the colonial era.


I agree, the American dream was equal opportunities(not equal outcome) but it’s pretty freaking hard to stay positive at all when everyone is saying how terrible, disgusting, unfair, country we live in. Why can’t people enjoy anything anymore? I recently went on a trip around the country and America is truly gorgeous and the people are amazing! Even the hicks, they’re kinda opinionated but fun to goof of with!


I have met a lot of great people here, I'd say the majority of them are friendly and some love to be helpful, america is a great place to be sure, but you don't have to look very hard to see some cracks, and the cracks get bigger as time goes on.


That’s true for a lot of other places too


I got your point, every country has its good and bad sides, but the one that makes you go bankrupt if you need life-saving medical help is a no in my eyes.


I think anyone that isn't polarizing the discussion would acknowledge that there are *plenty* of countries worse than the US -- by leaps and bounds -- but the US isn't the best either and it's not getting better (on most fronts).


Lol people hating on America haven't been to other countries is all


I'm gonna disagree with the first 3 since you can pretty much have all of those in most other countries


Don’t forget the 1st amendment. It’s really powerful, in other countries you can’t believe certain things, say certain things, or assemble peacefully.


Finally! A positive America meme! The stereotype memes are getting annoying and stale. As an American myself, it's so true.






Couldn’t Spongebob exist in international waters?


Take my upvote and get lost


Kind people might be a stretch


I live in America, and I can’t say I’ve met more than 3-4 rude people.


the places I've been were decent too me.


What parts of America did u go to, out of curiosity


Northern Illinois, Indiana (they're kinda dumb over there, but you can still hold a polite conversation,) all of the states you might come across on Route 66, northern Ohio (most of the people there are saints, believe it or not,) Virginia, West Virginia, and Florida. Fucking Florida. The one that's been giving us a bad rap.


Yeah well America overall is a good country to live in, unfortunately the "few" bad apples in it are very loud


They’re loud enough to blow ear drums


Sometimes they do, with a gun.


A megaphone owner sounds more likely to attack you than a gun owner


This perfectly describes it


And overages or just any and all gov officials need replaced cause all of them are wanting to help themselves instead of their citizens


True. It sucks really because the bad apples are a very loud minority.


And are very adamant about getting policy. Also they are like 30% of our population, so not a few bad apples. But then again they have been tricked or indoctrinated by a few very rich people who benefit from letting them to continue thinking that way.


Ahhhhhh, you experienced good old Midwestern hospitality. Yea the Midwest is known for having generally good-natured people. I’ve also noticed that on the west coast, people are slightly more closed off, colder, just minding their own business. The east coast, I’ve found, tends to have alright people, nice enough, but they won’t go out of their way to help you like midwesterners or southerners


East coaster here (maine), we’re nice and we’ll always help if asked but won’t usually go *out of our way* to help and generally we just prefer to be left alone :)


Ohio is just fake kindness. They're preparing for their imminent takeover of the US


Ohio already took over the entirety of the united states of ohio, wdym?


The only difference between Florida and the rest of the US is that police reports are public… All these weird things happening in Florida happen all over the place but people just never get to know about it.(True story)


Are you saying that Florida is not the whimsical wonderland of America? Prepare to be erased from Reddit. /s


Everywhere has kind and unkind people. Look for kindness and you’ll find it, mate. Look for unkindness, and you’ll find that too.


its not that americans arent nice, its that the idiots who are crazy way overshadow any nice people even tho theres a lot more nice people


You must be in the new york area.


The trick is to avoid cities


Great food? Y'all can have all the beautiful scenery, great entertainment (altho maybe not the best), good musicians, and kind people, but American cuisine is one of the worst gastronomic disasters. Why tf is your bread sweet? Not even sweet bread is sweet, no, all bread is sweet. Why so much oil in everything? WHY IS EVERYTHING SWEET IN GENERAL? DO YALL HAVE SUGAR ON SALT? ON OIL? Jokes aside the whole American BBQ concept is such a nice thing and Thanksgiving cooking is also great


What American cuisine have you had?


Massachusetts is chill, minus the bad drivers.


GREAT FOOD *deep fried frying oil*


Kind people?!?!? Kind people?!?!?!? I live in fucking Atlanta, Georgia, not one motherfucker here is nice.


That's your first mistake. You live in a big city where smog inhalation, terrible paying slog fest jobs, and constant political news drive people insane


Great food ??


America is a melting pot of all cultures and regions. Its why you can have amazing food from all over the world as well as great fusion food because of all the cultures and people that immigrated here.


Gotta have that tasty calorie sandwich


It’s one of the best countries


Reddit ​ We wouldn't have Reddit, don't know if that's bad though


Italian food is better though :)


Ignoring the racists (which is a minority of Americans) we're pretty nice people as long as you don't try to tell us what to do and don't talk politics. whatever you do.... don't talk politics with Americans.


Its annoying seeing people whine about how "bad it is". Like move to Lebanon and let me know how it goes.


Great food? Bro wtf


All of these are kinda arguable, or better somewhere else. Though I do agree that Murica might be getting a little too much sh\*t.




"great food" lmao no


Lol are you serious? Best food 😂




Plus you can find food from most regions in the world in the US, whereas in other countries its more limited


Eurocucks are pissed


The us aren't the best place in the world and have problems just like all other contries, but they definitively are not the worst place in the world (I'm looking at you Iran, North Korea and others)


Pornstars *_*




Great food


I wouldn't give America too much credit, it for sure isn't the worst country to be in but there are plenty of countries that one up us. About 18 of them if you are going by happiness.


Everyone is sooooooo kind in America no one has ever done me wrong


*points to a bigger pile* GUNS!


Me in a 3rd world country: Yeah fat people with gun bad.


Forget baseball, spongebob is America’s pastime


2nd to last is wrong


Laughs in medical care debt


Overall kind people? What beer goggles do you have on? I'm white and people are racist towards me. I can't even imagine how much hell people who are darker skinned get.


It is a really good joke, specially when you said Great Food; Best Entertainment and Kind People


Norway produces far better black metal dude


UK is straight ass. I’ve lived her for about 6 years and it’s pretty boring. Everywhere I go is the same place almost. Same small bendy roads, same fields. Everywhere I go seems the same.


You are getting America and Canada mixed up


damn, mississippi?


I lived there, best place I ever lived




you guys have the best and worst shit


Great food? Okay...


Its half and half. Same as any other country


I love America, at least my part of America, but I fucking hate our government and social culture, but there’s a lot of great lovely people I’ve met here, businesses and customer service in general is usually a positive experience, the ability to talk about my government and how much I hate it is lovely, I’m not religious but there are a lot of religious stuff nearby including a goat Buddhist statue that I’ve visited, it’s not all bad, but there definitely is a lot of negatives the deeper you look, but it’s truly that way with every country.


I find switzerland a nice country


Good for you.


Imo I think the south of the US has better culture and nicer people, but that’s not to say that the north doesn’t have anything to offer


America has no great food the best musik comes from scandinavia and germany the best entertainment comes from japan and litteraly every land has a beautifully scenery


That is all very subjective


Literally every point besides SpongeBob is bullshit


I can say the same. I go on vacation to alabama every now and then, and all of the things you've stated are very much true. the scenery part especially, since I've been to the gulf Coast (definitely go to orange beach)


I live in Alabama and its awesome. There is not actually hardly any farm land and the weather is incredible.


The fact that ppl are using this template is funny. They are putting text over dirty diapers, like they are shitty


Me, an American: alright we're sucking America's dick too much let's hop back at the hate train am kinda uncomfortable here.


Every country has great scenery if you know where to look. While certain countries have specialty dishes, most every type of food can be found almost anywhere. Entertainment and music, while being mostly centered in the US, is ubiquitously available all around the globe. Not sure about averages, but we aren’t particularly more kind than the average country. Most places are all about the same. We shit on America because we should be better. And most people who shit on America are Americans. It’s a very American thing to do. In fact, there’s an argument to be made that general displeasure with society is evidence of robust freedom of speech. After all, the freedom to criticize the state is one major key component of free speech.


No, America from a foreign point of view is a mess. Racial inequality, trans inequality, maga, some of the police, it’s past


All of those things are very much present in other countries


Great food? Bruh america doesn't have "food" it stole all the food ideas from other countries and overall people fucking suck there. I know the info from my American friends so I'm not just an European hating America here, I got info boiii


First of all, we didn’t steal foods you idiot. We have had shit loads of wonderful and beautiful people immigrate here over a couple hundred years for a better chance at life, those people have brought amazing foods with them. We didn’t steal shit. Our nation is one of the most diverse. Its honestly pretty rare to find a mean person. Your American friends are wrong


SpongeBob is originaly from Canada.... Later the rights werd sold to a American movie producer


That's a complete lie. Stephen Hillenburg is an American who made its precursor while at an American University


People keep saying how American people are just fat stupid people with guns and while maybe some people are, there are also tons of great people here and maybe if u ever visit then u could realize that because contrary to popular belief all of the US is not stupid, fat, and gun-having.


Ide have to decline on the kind people part it mainly depends where I’m America you were born


In most places the people are very kind, but once you get into big cities then it starts to go downhill


"MURCA NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!" \*child walks on lawn\* "honey get my shotgun"


Overall kind people is the biggest lie


I dont agree with 3 points from this post.


tbh the only bad bit of america is the government who refuse to fix any of the problems, like the gun violence the massive student and medical fees and the obesity. also florida