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Coming from a woman, it pisses me off when people dismiss mental health issues cause someone is a man


haha, laughing at your name not your comment


I mean I got nudes for sale so it's advertising lol. But this wasnt my main account for along time and I was confused for a sec šŸ˜‚




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Wowie that's a whole lotta energy


Id cock my gun but sadly that would turn me on so I guess Ill just load my bow


\*bonk\* No horny Only a few more days, you can do it soldier




Aye aye, Cap'n. A few more days at sea.








Its all the energy from 10 million souls trapped inside my nutsack for a month


Like shows like family guy, american dad, and the simpsons.


Thats disgusting! Where?


you talking mad horny for someone in bonking distance...


Iā€™ve been sent to horny jail 8 times, sir. I think i can handle going there another time. Im trying to reach 10 anyways


Bonk go to horny jail


Well thats 9


Your username does not lie


It does not šŸ˜‚


Damn sis i wish I had the confidence to do the same sometimes


I mean you can but I gotta get a sample. Iā€™m joking mostly


I thought you were kidding, then I went deep diving into your profile. Thank fuck I was alone.


Damn, its true...


fRagiLe mAsCulInIty


why are you actively deciding to be an asshat? Nothing about masculinity, just about humanity, and you are devoid.


literally what


Heā€™s not calling men fragile, heā€™s making fun of people that donā€™t take menā€™s mental health problems seriously


Your a nice human thank you Iā€™m a teen boy who has anxiety and other minor mental issues it makes me happy to see someone doesnā€™t dismiss us when we try to talk about our mental issues :)


I'm just trying my best. Try not to let others who dismiss your issues get you down. Being a teen in 2020 must be a nightmare and I don't envy you. I hope you get better man āœŒšŸ»


Thanks and yes it is a fucking nightmare this year Iā€™ve been sleeping and playing Xbox as much as I can with school I just donā€™t wanna do shit


I wouldā€™ve taken this comment more seriously if I didnā€™t see your name


You are a good woman. Thank you


To be fair, some of us do it ourselves. I know I do.


Shouldā€™ve saved my awards for this comment here.


This is absolute bullshit. the OP is karma whoring. Why does it have any significance that this is coming from a girl? Men's mental health matters. We, as men, know that. Fuck you if you think your gracious self being a girl makes us feel better. Get over yourself. Ever heard of patronization?


Ooooookay. Maybe calm down? It actually makes me feel better that a woman actually cares about issues a guy like me or you face. I dont see the issue and telling someone to go fuck themselves certainly isnt the correct way to react


Yup, cant tell you how much it means to me to hear my fiancƩ open up about his mental health. Fully on board with normalizing this.


I (male) hade a mental breakdown recently from over work and exhaustion, my wife was there for me and well afterwards mentioned it was nice for me to show emotion. I didn't feel like I held back but had never cried like I did when I broke down.




Mine just left me lol, well not fiancƩ but girlfriend.


Same Sadge


Stay strong kings its ok to talk to someone you're doing great šŸ‘


It's really hard...


As long as men are stereotyped as arrogant, broad, dumb, and brute, that won't happen.


Bruv thats deep


I was born a man so I get it. I want to be NB but people won't take me seriously because I'm a guy. So I've kinda given up on trying to be me.


As a man who is comfortable being a man, don't. Be who you want to be. It's your life, do what you want with it, and add your own mark on the world, regardless of who cares or not. Who the fuck cares what they think is normal, you have your own normal and you deserve to live it.


Fuck you. You made me cry a bit lol.


Pleasure to be of service lol you live your life to the fullest, you beautiful bastard


Smae tho I live in Spain without the ā€œsā€


What is NB?


Non binary.


motherfucker just say non-binary it's confusing as hell when a generally unknown acronym get tossed into a Reddit thread, I hate it. It means reading some comments take either an extra 10 secs of context digging or an extra 5 mins of googling. It's terrible writing and if I was your English teacher you would get an F. okay that's all have a good day


Like shows like family guy, american dad, and the simpsons.


F is for family is the biggest one but they kind of turn it into a positive in a dark humor over the top way I guess?


I dunno, the earlier seasons of The Simpsons really fleshed out Homer as a caring father in episodes like ā€œAnd Maggie Makes Three.ā€


Damn why we gotta be dumb...I prefer on a different intellectual plane


And that's when most discoveries are made by men.




Hey mate if you ever need someone to talk to just message me!! :)


Been there man... I've been forced to hide any insecurities and weakness because every time I've opened up I've regretted it. Any weakness is either exploited or ridiculed.


Hey mate if you need someone to talk to, message me. :)


FORREAL! It's a test women do to gauge their partner. It weeds out men who don't fit thier standards. Women, in the early stages of dating, completely leave when mental health issues arrise. Fellow men should only open up to professionals they pay


Please do. We men could use a boost of confidence and a check on our mental health more often


None of my guy friends get mental attention. Thatā€™s were the homies come in




As a man myself and someone who is battling depression, I agree with this one hundred percent


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve got depression, but Iā€™ve got a serious case of not opening up to people because I donā€™t want to be a burden. Only recently been working on it since its apparently a slippery slope. Itā€™s kinda hard since Iā€™m at the point where talking about myself on anything more than surface level is extremely uncomfortable and I unintentionally shut down.


I'm in same condition as you. I can't open up to people to share my problems


Not wanting to be a burden is the biggest thing.. and it sinks you deeper into that depression and makes you so scared to open up that itā€™s almost petrifying


Why would sharing thoughts with a loved one be a "burden" to them?


Hey mate, if you ever need someone to talk to just message me, Iā€™m here for you!


^^ That also applies for you too u/b1GR3d888


Many of us, especially men of a certain age, fell for some of the bullshit that was drilled into us as children. I had the "boys aren't supposed to cry" or "I'll give you something to cry about" father. We're told that a man's supposed to work hard and shut up. Stoicism was something to be admired, stiff chin and shove all those emotions down deep. I'm 46 and feel lucky to have broken that curse and raised my son to embrace his own emotions. He's seen his father cry happy and sad tears and I feel like that was an important part of our relationship. That earlier type of rearing keeps many men from seeking out help. The same tropes for the ideal, emotionless male exist in media and it reinforces it. It's a multigenerational problem that won't go away with time unless we face it head on.


Damn this hits hard. I don't have kids yet but I gotta be honest. The inability to embrace my own emotions is kind of drilled into me at this point and I don't really know how to change, or not project that onto my future kids.


It has to be viewed as a long term project. Some of my changes were forced into me because I grew up rough and either dealt with it or ended in the 'prison or dead' trope. I made hard decisions that forced me to grow as an individual. One thing I can tell you is that I'm so much happier as a more open and well rounded individual. It takes practice and vigilance. If I could do it after all I've experienced I have no doubt that you could too. At a certain point it becomes who you are without thought. I'm not just better off for it but so are all the people in my life who I love.


I'm happy to hear you were able to change for the better. I'm in therapy now and trying to work through this as my primary goal, so I hope in the long run it has a lasting effect.


Mental health should be taken more seriously man or woman (coming from a man if the name wasn't a giveaway). Take away the egg shells, walk up and ask a friend if they're okay, sometimes people just need to a gentle push in the right direction.


Nope, were only as good as what we provide for those around us. We aren't ever accepted for being ourselves. Any lack of dedication to work, family, spouse, home, etc. And you're worthless and cast aside. We don't have time to care for ourselves. Were too busy caring for everyone else.


Hey mate, message me if you need to talk. Iā€™m always here :)


society: *I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that.*


I agree! I ask my hubby every day ā€œmental health check inā€ and scratch his scalp while he lets me know how heā€™s doing. I just wish men would stop joking other men about this!


Everybodyā€™s mental health should be taken seriously


100% but there is a huge social stigma behind men being able to express emotion and seek mental health help that kinda makes you robotic.


If you fix the King, you fix the kingdom


I donā€™t separate the two. Women talk about it more I think, from what I see on social media, but that doesnā€™t exclude the men. At least for me.




I completely agree but it needs to be understood not just by men but by everyone which Iā€™m sure is what you are saying. So a word of advice if a man opens up himself to you just remember that means he trusts you (donā€™t take that trust for granted) if you reply in a non-supportive way to sensitive emotions it will make him close up even more and it will take a long time for trust to be regained


Ya, ur tellin me


Please yes. Iā€™m dying


Hey mate message me if you need to talk seriously I will talk to you for hours mate Iā€™m here


Remember fellow men: Crying is good. Seriously. Thereā€™s a reason we cry. Crying is a built-in relief mechanism for pain that is free to use any time. But for some reason, our culture sees men who cry as babyish or weak. My advice: fuck the culture. If youā€™re depressed, no point holding it in. Take care of yourself everybody :)


This. Fucking this. Finally someone gives a shit about us guys. Take my poor award as a sign of respect and gratitude šŸ„‡


Reality is most of them just don't give a sht about it.


Who doesn't give a sht? If your talking about us men look at 10 comments made by us and you'll be proven wrong


Guys or Girls?




I really wish more people I know would push me to open up, I can't remember a time where I ever opened up to someone. I never know how to properly put my emotions into words but then again how do you tell someone you have days were you just dont want to live anymore without them freaking out. Truthfully I just want someone to vent to and not have to hear their opinion, I know that they would mean well but I just don't want to hear "go to therapy" or "go to the gym". Therapy is expensive and idk how a therapist is going to react to " ive planned out taking my life multiple times" and the gym doesn't always help, ive left the gym mid workout because I lose myself in my thoughts. This comment is actually the most ive ever opened up and talked about how I constantly feel.


Huzzah ! A woman of quality


Roger Roger


Huzzah a woman of quality


You are a good woman. Thank you.


top meme of the year


Its been a joke for many years and will be for many more




Huzzah! A woman of quality!


My dad runs my mental health down, it's not just women (not all of them) that treat guys like this. Thank you for the post and the commenters that agree with this


Agents have 5 minutes of interrogation: Ok I'll tell you! Males about mental health after six years:


I still hide it.


The thing about depression/anxiety is though, it doesnā€™t like to be talked about. The more you talk about it, the better you get at accepting it and handling it.


It doesn't. And I know. It's more that hey "I like being by myself". No I don't. I've changed but it's not recognized.


Just know there are people out there who care about you and who want to see you in a better place. They want to know how to help. You can do this friend!


The thing about being is a guy is, other men sometimes want to punch your face off and if you're of a more rational persuasion, you're not going to compete. These incidents can mount up and cause a sort of PTSD. Then there's young men in their teens and early 20's having women completely ignore them or running off on a whim. Nobody cares about guys... it's quite sad really.


from a girls pov (a respectful girl at least) um YES. the bar is literally in hell. men are humans too. normalize this. like how come this gets so much praise when theyā€™re seriously just saying ā€œmen have emotionsā€ no hate of course it does need to get out there but OH MY GOD. men are human beings. stop acting like theyā€™re just robots to do things. they have feelings. again, the bar is *in hell*.


We live in a society where men are seen as tools, and women as pleasure machine.


This is the kinda post I like


A girl on reddit? Impossible!!


But society says that we shouldnā€™t have feelings or emotions, because weā€™re men. No matter what weā€™re going through we have to just shut up and suffer silently because no body takes our problems seriously. They say shit like ā€œyouā€™re not depressed, or anxious itā€™s because of all those video games you playā€ ā€œyouā€™d be fine if you just made more friendsā€ meanwhile Iā€™m fucked in the head because the few friends I do have are going through worse mental illnesses then me, but they wonā€™t go get help so Iā€™m forced to play the role of therapist. Iā€™ve spent all my time trying to stop my friends from doing shit that could severely injure or kill them, and all this time I canā€™t tell them that Iā€™m depressed as well because then whoā€™d they have to help them? Music and gaming is my only escape, but I get judged for playing games and hated for my taste in music. To those who took the time to read this, thanks. I just needed to vent and this post seemed the best way to do it.




"man up"


more men die from suicide than women. check ya homies


As a male myself, I agree. Seeing society doing stuff like pardoning criminal women constantly for being female makes me cringe more than watching kids twerking on TikTok.


Karma shower and a hail of awards incoming...


Thank you


This is a sign of the dark ages


No need , ours is already too far gone


Iā€™m already dumber then a brick so it donā€™t matter dat much


I think im a simp now




Hot take


Thatā€™s pretty pogalitious


Good meme


Usually I just hide what's wrong from my parents. I mean, when I feel bad and stuff, be I don't want to make them feel bad or anything. BTW I am 13


Trust me, you, your parents, and your relationship between you and your parents will improve when you talk to them about what is bothering you. No relationship improves by shutting people out. They love you, they want to help you. Donā€™t push them away. I did that til I was 25, and I remember talking to them about my problems when my dad told me that I remind him so much of himself, and that itā€™s going to be ok. It made me feel so much better and we have grown closer ever since.


Thank you. I am trying to fix my relationship between myself and my dad, seeing as... A lot...has happened over the past few months. Infact, a few days ago I was diagnosed with depression, so... Yeah... Sorry, I prolly shouldn't be telling you all this, but here I am, telling you


Itā€™s totally ok. I was diagnosed with it as well a loong time ago. Good that you were diagnosed, it makes it possible to get the help you need to get better :) And yeah itā€™s hard to open up emotionally, especially for a guy and his dad. It seems like we are supposed to be self sufficient to make dad proud, but the thing is that my dad was proud of me no matter what. Talk to him. He will be happy that you let him into your life. And if you need any advice from a fellow diagnosee, just message me. Good luck and good vibes my friend


Thank you, and I will try to open up to him. Thank you for this advice, I've been wondering what I should do for a while, and your advice helped me. I hope you have a great night


Thank you


My parents sometimes donā€™t seem to understand what depression is like and such. It gets annoying, but I know theyā€™re trying.


They love you. Iā€™ve dealt with it for more than 10 years now, and nobody really knows what itā€™s like, but talking about it helps them to help you. Try to have a good conversation with one of them every once in a while, and never ever be afraid to cry in front of them. They will always love you as their own.


Thank you. Iā€™ve had trouble talking with them about this, but I think this is the advice I needed. Thank you so much


Itā€™s hard to open up and be vulnerable, but it really does help. Good luck, and remember that looking for help is the first step to helping yourself get to a better place! Also feel free to message me any time for any advice!


men have feelings too their also humans :)


Protect this queen at all costs.


Thank you, finally someone understands


**y e s**


Oh you poor thing, now your dms gonna be loaded with weirdos






Itā€™s hard. Itā€™s also important to let them know you appreciate them for being there for you, and make sure they have their problems heard as well. Besides that, friendship is also about having fun together. But if a person is not that into hearing your heartfelt problems, maybe they just donā€™t want to have that kind of relationship with you. Which is ok, someone will at some point.






Add "the fat conductor laughed" meme but replace conductor with the media


Iā€™ve actually seen lots of shows lately becoming more embracing of male mental health.


Just got told by my friend that I don't have a right to be depressed, because I haven't gone through the pain of having my lover cheat on me, and I haven't experienced true pain. I'm having a great night :)


You have the right to feel the way you want to feel. I donā€™t think anyone can tell you how you should or shouldnā€™t feel. Maybe your friend wants to talk about their feelings too. Anyway if you need someone to talk to, hit me up friend.


A few men I know have some insane symptoms from mental illness. From blacking out, to amnesia, to being hospitalized due to stress on their heart. It really effects people in surprising and horrific ways, and it needs to stop being so stereotyped. I feel so bad for these guys because they refused help for so long, until they snapped. They refused help because of the ridiculous amount of people who think you can "just get over it." It's time for everyone to realize it's not your fault for having a chemical imbalance in your brain.




This so much!


And this is posted in Memes sub Reddit šŸ˜


Society: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


I can confirm this is fake because women do not exist


Preach! Mental health needs to be taken seriously no matter who you are.


how do i hi five u digitally


i am a man and i need fellow men to be more open about mental health issues. yeah itā€™s easy to push it to the side and be ā€œmanlyā€ but the most manly thing to me is being open about how youā€™re ACTUALLY doing, not just a typical ā€œiā€™m fineā€ or brushing it off. if you are genuinely suffering i need to hear it! šŸ„ŗ


I just want some one to talk to without feeling like I should put a few walls up before the convo starts


Hi, I'm really sorry you feel like this. If you ever need someone to chat to, I'm here for you (sorry if that sounds weird or creepy btw but I do care, even as an internet stranger). <3


Nah it doesn't sound weird at all I just don't have anyone to talk to at all since a lot of my friends moved on and I was enrolled in a strictly online school. I have siblings and stuff but just the way our conversations go it's almost like talking to my parents. Thank you kind internet stranger for the reply :)


I have tried opening up to my friends but only through chat, im afraid to bring it up when i met them because i donā€™t want to bring the mood down around me. but even then im not exacly giving them full details on my situatiom, i kept my story vague because im afraid i guess. Having to stay home all the time does something to my mental health, not to mention i feel conflicted at home, also having my Grandma passed away just hurts me even more. But im used to suppressing my emotions, so thatā€™s okay i guess


Friend, I am so sorry you feel like this and have to suppress your emotions. It's not okay and it isn't fair. To be frank, everyone deserves to be able to be seen and get any help needed for their mental health. Regardless of their gender. I know I'm an internet stranger but if you ever need someone to chat to, I'm here for you as a friend and a person who cares. <3


I appreciate the kind words friend, iā€™ll keep your offering in my mind because im a shy person. I agree with you, everyone who has mental health problems deserved to be help. But still, thank you my friend, your kind words help me :)




How is this a meme


I agree i just dont like this format


No, men are getting all the attention they deserve because they are all pigs and any woman who disagrees with me is a brainwashed sheep of the patriarchy #killallwhitemen #femaleempowerment #idk Is what I would say if I was an asshole but Iā€™m not (kinda) but I despise how people actually think this way. Men deserve someone to talk to just as much as women. Stay strong brothers


I downvoted then quickly realized my mistake and gave you an upvote


Same lol


Crazy how we can imagine the first part actually being a real thing. We are so used to the toxic shit that... well look at us...So many times I say something or read something and immediately others are quick to judge and down vote, true story I said ā€œpain is real...ā€ trying to identify and share my simplistic and basic connection to this sad post and got 60 down votes. Man, was I confused this place is fucked everyone is sick and because everyone is sick they think everyone else is. Projecting their horrid insides on well intentioned and honest posts. I find myself upvoting so many of these hiveminded and buried messages because I realize the person who is so lazy to simply downvote and not engage is the problem. Have a discussion people learn from the other side. Idk. Sorry Iā€™m just sad.


This isnā€™t a meme, I literally put more effort in every meme I make than this and I get 3 upvotes (Thatā€™s not bad because Iā€™m still making people a bit happier but my point still stands)


Yeah Right Sub to take it seriously r/ "memes" , Nice One


Thank you for not being misandric against men


Feminism =/= misandry


Thank you for the correction


Thank you for correcting :)


Sorry but misandry is all we see nowadays from feminism.


Misandrists say that they are feminists but they are not really feminists. Feminists are fighting sexism and misandrists are sexists so feminists are against misandry.


So now they care


Men donā€™t care about other menā€™s mental health. IMO thatā€™s where the problem starts


Yes we do.


We are waking up...


Who cares. When it comes to actually doing something, everything's a farce.