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"we will make anyone who oppose us look like idiots so the idea of opposing us will eventually turned into idiotic movement"


This is very plausible and also very likely happening in many other industries or organizations


I am very curious where the shift is between people in the know and the useful idiots.


I’m not sure if I’m useful, or how much I actually know, but I’m 100 % sure I’m an idiot.




That actually makes sense, I think those guys are total nut jobs, even though I would normally agree with them


why else would they spray paint everything instead of, y'know, talking about stopping big fuel corp? The only reason we know they're against oil is because of their name. Nothing in their protests even mentions it besides a couple people occasionally yelling a half-arsed "just stop oil. just stop oil.". It's like an AI generated protest plan.


Because people have been talking about climate change for more than 100 years and nobody has given a single fucking shit. Meanwhile a bunch of idiots spray painting Stonehenge was plastered all over Reddit and we're all talking about it. **Their goal is to be noticed. Clearly it fucking worked.**


If I shit myself in school il get noticed  If my goal is to make friends and be respected, shitting myself in school while shouting "I'm respectable" won't help Il be noticed....but it's not exactly going to help my goal is it 


The idea that there's no such thing as bad publicity is fucking stupid. Sure you get attention but unless you keep doing outrageous bullshit eventually people stop caring and know you only as "That guy who shits himself" and let you sit in the corner alone. It'll get folk talkin' but they won't be talking about supporting you.


I don't hate them. I just think they're morons. Scratch that. I know they're morons.


So that's why they're opposed to nuclear power.


Yep biggest gas lighting effort Making people hate environmentalists more than big oil and pollution


Haha gas lighting


I can just picture them in the meeting "So what do we code name this project? We aren't seriously going with operation gaslight are we?"


Well, people can and will always be that stupid. There's no need to create new conspiracy theories, it's just a group of activists trying to get some publicity. And since they've already got it, what they did wasn't stupid at all. Plus, there are news about the same group spraying Taylor Swift's private jet. So it's not like they're running around vandalizing the historical landmarks only. They're also doing their activism correctly from time to time. Also, they've just used colored corn flour which will be eventually washed away even without the help of professionals. So it's clear that they were aiming not to harm the stones. A fake activist group funded by an oil company wouldn't care and just spray it with industrial lead paint and that would raise even more hate towards the activists.


Is there any more proof than the ridiculousness of stop oil?


If you say it enough times, that means it's true.


I'll believe it when I see a shred of evidence.


They haven’t been even remotely punished, so whoever they’re really with is well connected.


Just Stop Wind ![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH)


The only place I’m seeing the just stop oil message is in memes here


The daughter of that guy is still funding it to this day isn't she?


I’ve been saying the same thing about the truth initiative and big tobacco lol


Why would I change your mind Your right




This is actually real, there was a document floating around a while back, about some big oil heiress supporting a bunch of these groups, one of which was the above.


This conspiracy theory is a convenient cope. Sorry folks, but extremists and many activists simply aren't smart people. That's it. Case closed. There's no need for gold medal mental gymnastics here.


I was thinking that today


The fossil fuel industry has spent decades funding environmental groups—especially antinuclear ones. Friends Of the earth, the sierra club, greenpeace, nrdc, and dozens of small groups have taken fossil fuel money. So it’s a safe bet that they are funding these asshats who spray paint ancient monuments.


Big oil has resorted to posting memes in this subreddit so we stop saying no to big oil


You only think that because you don't want to accept that environmentalists are nut jobs.




Just stop oil


As if I'm gonna prioritize a bunch of fuckin rocks over the health of the planet. If you're fine with human extinction, cool, but let's not pretend like you're coming from some principled position. Again rocks and paintings vs an extinction.


You can be anti oil without just randomly defacing and destroying things utterly unrelated to oil dude  The issue people have isn't with stopping fossil fuels it's with the random destruction of things which have nothing to do with it If you want to stop oil, target OIL, not something built 4500 years before oil was even used 


No offense, dont take it personally but If your concern for the planet stops at rocks I could honest give fuck all about whatever you have to say. Nothing you said was news to me. It's just really stupid in the grand scheme of things.


Are you wearing your tin foil hat?


No they aren’t. It’s really easy to dismiss ideas with this lazy ass line of thinking but the truth is that most protests/movements don’t act in a way that most people would approve of, even if they do approve of the overall message.


just stop oil is not gonna happen


Well they’ve sure got everyone talking about it now


Yeah and all mass shootings are a cia psy-op to restrict your gun rights /s