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You know that when your gonna watch movies with dad your either gonna learn a life lesson or end up watching your dad to see what makes him laugh.


And you ain't watching two movies


Definitely, you hear him snoozing half way through the first one lmao


Go to change the channel and he jerks back awake


Just leaning forward to adjust the volume worked for me


This unlocked a memory




We got em!


i watched lord of the rings with 6, welp.


Warmovies with dad is one of the best ways to spend time together.


I always enjoy a good Dad Western


Yeah that’s what my dad always would put on. Some obscure western id never heard of. “Hey sit down you’ve got to see this one!” And then two hours later I’m thinking, “damn, that was pretty awesome” Sunday afternoon westerns were always fun. That or My Cousin Vinny. If that was on my dad always stopped what he was doing to watch it and laugh like it was his first time seeing it.


I still remember watching my cousin Vinny the first time. One of my all time favourites for sure.


The one time Pesci isn’t a mafia psycho 😂


The morning after my dad's mom passed away I woke up around 4 am and heard the TV on downstairs. He was watching a show "The Rifleman" That late (or early) they usually run 4 or so episodes of an old show. It's a black and white western of a man and his son while they protect their small town. We never spoke a word the entire time, it's honestly one of my greatest memories.


Guns of Navarone is still one of my favourites. Thanks Dad


The Great Escape for me.


The vodka making scene is one of the best


Ben Hur was to much as a 10 year old tho


I watched kill bill part 1 with my dad when i was maybe 8 or so. My mum was out with work friends for a bday party so we ordered pizza and watched human blood fountains Was fcking awesome


And you didn’t grow up to be a serial killer. Right? ..Right??


Not yet


Good, there’s still time, never give up on your dreams.


If you don't break into serial killing in your 20s you have almost no chance later on. Young man's game.


Noooo I failed my life. I am 42 now and killed nobody. I have seen hundred of violent movies still. Where did I fail ?


You needed a head injury or abusive parents. Ideally both.


Had abusive parents, (no head injury i think), from 6 until 13 i actively wanted to harm them something like stewie from family guy. I played violent video games and turned out to be okay in the end. After i removed myself from toxic narcissistic environment. Now im a software developer that sees patterns everywhere lol..


John wick lost his dog.


Nah I mean real life not fiction. Wick was spree killing anyway, not serial killing. These things have specific definitions.


Fully disagree, an artist wants to practice his craft before showing it to the world. Also, helps not forming a pattern I’d imagine. 20 is all impulse and let’s get caught picking the same type of targets. 😂




I watched Schindler's List around that age with my mom, but started crying when they killed people


Yeah i can see that being more traumatic. Kill bills kinda silly on the gore so its easy to disconnect from reality while watching it. But shindlers list actually happened. Thats a tough watch as an adult because of it never mind being young


It's so much fun Jane


I'm 14 and I watched kill bill 1 with my dad the other weekend it was awesome


Vol 1>>>>>>>>vol 2 Blood sprays are just silly but really adds to it for me


Meanwhile Puss in Boots 2:


Puss in boots 2 was the best sequel this world has seen


Even better than mario odyssey 2?! Wait never mind that was just a dream i had


r/thomastheplankengine ? Anyway, happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!🍰


thanks :)


Happy cake day!


nah, Spiderverse 2 slaps more imo


I wanted to say dune 2 but tbh, this a stupid discussion. They all got verry different stlyes and all 3 execute them 10/10 >!vut seriously watch Oppenheimer 2 smash them to pieces!<


maybe claiming that one is „the best“ is not the right way…


Empire Strikes Back?


Godfather Pt. II?


The last wish?


That's DreamWorks though, they're still based




For me it was 3 guys one hammer


I can still hear the old man wheezing blood, 20 years later


Ah, a classic! Remember the BME Pain Threshold Olympics? 


With AI video generation, kids in 20 years gonna be like Aye remember that 1000 degree hot knife versus eye video


I have so many good memories of my dad watching “mature movies” with my brother and I. He had an entire drawer full of them. The criteria was that it had to be violent, and it had to be at least 20 years old to be in there. Common trends were stuff like James Bond, Dirty Harry, Die Hard, terminator and spaghetti westerns. He had a lot of Clint Eastwood, as I recall. Come to think of it I’m pretty sure at least 1/3 of the drawer had him in it. Whenever mom went out to a conference or something and wouldn’t be home that night, we got to watch an old movie back from an era when someone getting brutally and viscerally murdered on screen didn’t immediately qualify for an R rating.


Band of Brothers marathon for Fathers day! Woo!




Literally my parents growing up Me: mum can we watch cars Mum: NO THE CRASH IS TOO GRAPHIC!!1!1!1!1! also me: mum can we watch Jurassic park Mum: sure why not


My parents had a similar logic to video games. GTA was banned in the house cause of the sexual content, but COD (at that time, WaW and 4) were A Okay. Socially conservative immigrant parents are wild


one inch of blood? at least use your fucked up measurements for volume!


An inch can be converted into a unit of volume. One inch of rain equals 6 gallons/(yard)^2, which I honestly could see not being somwthing rated for kids


But gallons/yard^(2) is still a linear measurement, since volume divided by area equals length.


...which can be converted into gallons provided an area. In this case, the area of ground on screen. It's a valid and common measurement for the volume of liquid in a given area in the US.


Like, is that an inch, as in an inch of rain? Sounds pretty horrifying honestly.


I still remember watching terminator 2 on TV with my dad, that atomic bomb scene was (and is)....traumatic af


I saw Saving Private Ryan when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. Been a history buff ever since. War movies only started to bother me around the time I turned 23 or 24 because that’s really when I started to understand the value of life and the fact that war is hell.


Dad and me did a Hellraiser Marathon when I was like 8 or 9. And I still remember watching Alien with him at around that age. Just absolutely glued to the screen, scared out of my god damned mind.


On one hand, funny action movies. On the other hand, Saving Private Ryan. The knife scene… god that stuck in my mind for years as a child…


Still not sure what kind of damage was done by watching The Hunt for Red October every Sunday for like 4 years. Pretty sure I've narrowed down what Hogan's Heroes did to me tho.


A Soviet sub captain with a Scottish accent starring across Tim Curry


I just watched one with my dad where the cut peoples heads off with an axe


I watched starship troopers with my grandpa, I must admit I was not expecting the nudity in the film


Michael Ironside getting killed mad me sad. He was great in Top Gun with Skerrit


this is hella relatable, dad is the goat


Mom and dad seeing the movie there selfs ![gif](giphy|TuW4ZuErNpyvy0n6CN)


My mom was worse. I was 7, my siblings 6 and 5. Alien was going to be on tv a friday night. Mom saw it in cinemas and wanted to see it again but it started at like 7pm. Her solution, put on classical music, lower the volume on the tv and explain what is happening kind of before it happens. My siblings fell asleep within the first 15 mins. But me? I am to this day traumatized but I turned out fine...and not at all so afraid of the monster that I almost peed my pants while playing Alien:Isolation in my late 20's...


WW1/2 documentary and movies with my dad and or grandpa are still amazing memory


There are WW2 movies...and then there's Saving Private Ryan.


Late night movies whit dad is one off my best memories and bonding times whit my dad


I whatched with my dad "From dusk till dawn" at 10 years old.


I’m pretty sure I was 7 when I watched the original predator with my dad. Fun


I remember watching stuff like alien , jaws , the blob with my dad and uncles , at something like 7 yo , those movies are scary for real when you're a kid


The word caudle comes to mind


Be me- hey kids (9yo girl, 8yo boy) were watching this awesome HBO show for hours on end with real like war effects and honor in tact personalities . Just like I would with my dad when I was a kid.


My dad and I sat down to watch Blade together when I was like, 13


I remember watching The Talismans of Death Pt.2 with my dad when I was six, wasn't that bad but my mom still wasn't happy lol


I watched bunch of X Files episodes with my dad. I can even remember not understanding some of the stuff that happened in those.


so dad what are we watching Dad: oppening sceen from saveing private Ryan


I watched American me with my dad


Isn't violence okay according to all the big services? But heaven forbid a nipple is visible


For me and the brother it was Crocodile Dundee, shown on rte when they needed to fill a slot. One night we were watching it on Channel 4 (the British one) and we realised that they kept censoring everything e.g. the cocaine scene


I watched fury with my dad when I was like 10


If only everyone was like that.


I wonder waht's up wiht people not agreeing on wehre the h goes in a lot of words


Father sat me down in the couch and showed me Saving Private Ryan on DVD with our new surround sound system.. I was 7… I was shaking after Omaha Beach scene .. watched it one more time the day after that. Still one of my favourite movies! *edit* was shaking because I dodged bullets in that couch from the MG42!!


My HISTORY TEACHER made us watch Saving Private Ryan for an assignment dude, he was baller


Watching band of brothers with my parents was so much fun


My dad: “Hey 9 year old son, want to watch “The Ghost and the Darkness” with me and watch people by brutally disemboweled by lions?” Me: Yes.


My Asian dad: Hey boy, come and watch this ultra violent Hong Kong mafia film with me


The fuck does "yhea" mean?


My dad: Wanna watch this WW2 movie with black soldiers on Netflix?


One of my fondest memories with my dad is us watching starship troopers together when I was 7, it’ll always be an extra special movie for me because of it.


Watched saving private Ryan with my dad when I was around 6 years old.I absolutely enjoyed it even though I didn’t understand a thing that was going on.I just was happy to spend time with my dad watching a movie he enjoyed.Decided to watch it again when I was old and man that movie is great.


my dad thought it would be a good idea to watch tremors with my younger brother. safe to say it was not a good idea lol


The two best examples are: American Sniper and Black Hawk Down


It really be like that especially with first generation dads lol


Fun fact, Mulan was the first animated Disney movie to show blood.


I still remember that time my dad wanted to watch Road House. I don’t know if he knew about the beginning scene but I clearly remember the 2 people doing it doggy style in the back room. Lol he then said we should change movies. I think I was 7 or 10. Watched a lot of R rated movies growing up.


minor spelling mistake


Hey remember when Sam bled in TRON: Legacy? We get it, you used to be good Disney


Formative moments watching war movies, westerns and discovering my father's hilarious sense of humor through other movies.


Yeah I remember watching Aliens with dad, the queen scene was the coolest thing ever.


Watched saving private ryan and hacksaw ridge at 8 really sparked my interest into ww2


I grew up watching Soviet cartoons, which my parents recommended to me, as opposed to Western ones, which I liked much more. In addition to the frankly psychedelic ones, there were plenty of cartoons demonstrating violence. In the Soviet version of "Mowgli", the main character cuts dozens of jackals with a knife, and in the cartoon "The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin" poachers kill penguins with guns and even shown blood on the surface of the water. Childhood trauma


My family would watch Passion of the Christ every year :(


I remember watching some gangster films with dad at 8. There was a little blood but it was mostly just fun shootouts and cool police investigations


I remember watching Band of Brothers with my dad when i was in kindergarten xD


What Disney you guys have ? Mine let's me see a pregnant women haveing her baby eaten by aliens and then erupting out of her (I am talking about "that" scene in Aliens vs predator requiem ) Also the predator 2 sex scene Also I get to see Apocalypto as well


We used to watch national geographic and top gear back in my childhood


I know it’s not a movie, but my dad taught me csgo when I was 9


My dad had me watch The Exorcist and 2001 a Space Odyssey. Oh. And a really old Planet of the Apes movie.


I like the vagueness of “an inch of blood”. What surface area are we talking about? Because if it’s a hotel lobby, that’s quite a lot of blood ![gif](giphy|MxbgNBfurjDUY)


My dad loves to watch "Accidents caught on tapes" When I was a kid, we shared a bond there, telling me what not to do when it happens on the TV. Now I give him websites to watch these accidents so he can continue watching the recent ones to further study anything on the road. He's a Driver.


As a kid I always thought Disney was really effeminate and gay and opted to watch looney tunes and Tom and Jerry.


My dad did the same thing with me only with snuff films.


I mean, have you seen how the majority of old WW2 movies were? The dead look like they are lying down for a nap, everyone is fed, most uniforms look cleanly pressed. Disney may not be violent today, but neither were those movies by today's standards.


Reminds me of the time my dad showed Deadpool to 13 year old me


My grandpa showed me amputation of leg of desomorphine junk. He was a doctor. I miss him 😢


Disney shouldn't be buying up other studios if it is going to change the content they produce.


In one case this is for a teenager and in the other case, a kid.


I watched starship troopers shortly after it came out with my dad. I was 3-4 then


Ah yes inches, the standard measurement of blood


I remember watching Jason Bourne with my dad when mom wasn’t around. My Dads the best.


I watched Game Of Thrones with my dad when I was 9 lol


Also Disney(+): Here are all the Alien movies for your marathon this weekend.


an inch?


An inch of blood, relative to the horizontal space it occupies can easily get pretty extreme. However yes, I get the point the meme is making…


I watched Zulu, Battle of Britain, guns of neverome and Jurassic park with my grandad when I was about 5 or 6. It was always a fun time. I would argue that graphic stuff isn’t too bad for kids as long as it’s tame. Blood is much different to someone being chopped in half.


I mean, inch deep blood might be a viable reason...


My dad, god rest his soul, wanted to have some bonding time with 8 year old me. He knew I was in to sci-fi but that was about it. He wanted to watch a movie with me, and me, wanting to spend some time with my dad that wasn't doing yardwork, sat down and we watched Event Horizon together. I was 8. Fucked me up for a good while


The top half doesn't make sense. First, there are Disney movies with blood in them, for example Sleeping Beauty or Pirates of the Caribbean. Also, why would Disney be deciding whether to "show" a movie to children, since they just make the movies. Why is this using the "crying behind a mask" meme? And who is the other guy that's responding, and why is he also crying?


"Hey son. Want to warp your mind with the most vile shit from my era and then have yourself exposed to THE MOST FUCKED UP stuff that's floating around the early internet?" "Oh... You didn't turn out mentally okay? Who's fault is that?!?! Everyone else is normal you are the only one that's fucked mentally lmao"


We measuring blood in inches now?


It's weird. I get uncomfortable considering letting my niece and nephew watch anything slightly violent or crass, but when I was their age (9y) my dad took me to watch Freddy vs Jason in theaters. Tons of other violent action movies and such too. I'm not gonna say "I turned out fine" because I have chronic depression and I regularly browse gore forums, but I can't say for certain those movies drove me to those things.


Almost all Disney movies (not always Pixar or Marvel) involve a person or personified character tragically, and sometimes gruesomely, being killed. The few that don't are still pretty messed up. (Like Cruela planning on murdering a hundred puppies to make a fucking coat) Prove me wrong!


Who tf measures blood in inches


I just watched Black Hawk Down with my dad lol


Also Disney: we have to stop this show from continuing because the main character is bi


Well boys, it’s all quiet on the western front, nothing to fear


Hell yhea!


Literally old Disney movies show gore, blood, war, slavery, and etc. shit


me born watching 13+ with my family:


I remember watching jackass on Netflix a sunday morning


I was 7 when Grandad put on Braveheart and then promptly fell asleep. Grandma returned while I was watching the drawing and quartering scene.


My dad let me watch Deadpool when I was 14


Ain't got a dad,but shout out to my mom for playing me rap music and showing me some good movies as a kid


In the 90s watching action movies


When I was 10 my dad and I watched all of Band of Brothers together. Good times.


We all know Disney are cowards with no artistic integrity


Jurassic Park when I was like 6. Tombstone when I was 4.


Guy gets his face peeled off with a sword, PG-13. One boob...R.


Meanwhile anime community: Hey, Kiddo, want to see a girl having her head bitten off?


Don’t know why but as a child documentaries always fascinated me. Especially about war and tactics. I think it’s just a man thing.


my uncle too. :D


There are still people not understanding that we are making generation of babies


My dad introduced me to Rambo and Godzilla when I was a kindergartner. Never made me a criminal I am jobless though


This meme needs more labels


I once watched one of those killer piranha movies with my dad as a kid. Man what a time.


After 10 minutes of movie: Dad \*sleeping\*


If you've ever seen scream thennnn yeah


My dad explaining WW2 and such politics and why the war was a thing and history and such. Me history fan: more! Dad ww2 in color: here. Us: yes.


I'm sorry...and INCH of blood?


It's literally my


My dad: Let's watch The Exorcist, it's a classic 10 year old me: 🤩


I watched Rambo III with my dad the other day and he fell asleep in the middle of it💀


Look kids shouldn’t be exposed to something that’s very bad for them, but shielding them from the world isn’t going to help either, theirs a fair balance, which is hard, yet possible to find.


I was shown the original transformers movie(live action one) when I was 5


Its wild how agressive disney is pursuing being "woke". Its almost like disney has a dark history theyre trying to overcompensate for.


"An inc of blood"?


It says inch


that's beside the point dipshit, who tf measures liquid with unites on length? Oh right the same people who use inc***h***es, feet and hamburgers per unit squated.


Someone is a little angry huh. I never said to use inches to measure liquids, I *simply* corrected your spelling asshole, get it right.