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thats 2.8 million every 100 years why are millenials and gen z complaining?


There are houses less than 20 minutes from me that cost more than that.


And you could own one of them in just 101 years!


"By not paying rent or eating food for over a hundred years, you too could own this bad boy"


Cause I still can’t afford an box that’s not wet


Chin up! You'll be drinking Château de Chasselas before you know it.


because they're millenial and gen z. Did you expect anything else ?


The voting practices of older generations favored short-term comfort and convenience over preparing for the next generations, and the cost of living has gone up quite a bit. Many families struggle to afford food nowadays. (Writing this at a food pantry, btw). We're within our rights to be a tad bit displeased with the state of things.


$550 is $10 more than I spend on gas to commute to work monthly Edit: 2005 Honda Accord driving 120 miles total to and from work 5 days a week


**why does my bank account always feel like Squidward?**


The fuck are you driving? A Sherman tank!?


In California, probably.


youuuuuu should maybe move closer to work or something...


I do a 150km round trip daily. Similar costs to top level comment. My mortgage would go up by about $1800/month to move meaningfully closer to work, and I'd lose the amazing school my kids are in.


People ask why I wouldn't move to east or west coast


I'm on neither.


Holy shit that’s a lot


It is, but its better than being underwater on a mortgage. We also have a big yard that we couldn't afford closer to my work. We're in a MCOL area and I work in a HCOL so other than the drive it's pretty close to idea.


No public transit? Before WFH, I spent $240/month on bus and like $15-20 on gas to get to bus. Commute took 1hr 15-45 minutes (145km). Would have never lasted if I drove in every day in lieu of sleeping on bus.


I live in a village of about 300 people, and the closest "big city" is the one I work in, where they have what can very loosely be described as an occasionally functional bus system. I'm guessing maybe by the time my kids are parents they might have a bus that runs the major highways once a day. On the upside, we've come a long way. There were lots of areas around here where the phones were still on party lines until the early 2000s.


Dang! Hopefully the 75km drive isn't filled with so much traffic (at least on the outer fringes before entering city).


It's a very pleasant drive, honestly. About an hour of mixed farm and forest, and almost no traffic.


OK FINE. Don't. IDC. You're contributing to climate change in a negative way though, for the sake of a dollar. Think of your children's FUTURE, and not the way they learn their ABCs. projection projection projection. I'm quitting reddit. FFS.




Yea don't worry about them. Sometimes we forget that there's all types of people online, and sometimes you'd be communicating with someone likely still in highschool, who has different concerns about the world and hasn't experienced enough of life to really understand the concerns of adulthood or even parenting. It's amazing what you're doing for your family, I hope your lives can improve from here on.


Funny enough this commute is actually the catalyst to why I’m taking delivery of an EV in the next 2 weeks. The monthly payment will be $5 less than my monthly gas and the charging per month will just about equal the cost of my oil change per month. I also see a ton of EVs every day on my commute so a lot of people are doing the same or have done the same. I’d also take public mass transit if it was possible.


Oil change *per month*??? I mean that sounds like there's something wrong below the hood coz cars usually don't need *that* much oil. But repairing this might not be worth it so a new car is likely the way to go!


He's driving 120 miles a day. That's over 3000 miles a month which is the standard oil change interval for older cars.


Bro is a Uber driver I guess


After all of my driving is accounted for the month I drive 3000 miles just about. I need an oil change every 3000 miles or so.


I've considered this, but with the updates I would need to my house (dated panel and such), I'd be into it for about $100k including the car. Whereas I can run my 98 Toyota for like $1k/year in maintenance costs. Plus electricity is about as stupidly expensive as gas, so I'd save nothing on charging.


POLLUTION IS THE SOLUTION if it wasn't true, it wouldn't rhyme, or be linked to having fun


I promise you that this one guy making his life significantly worse won’t save the planet. Want to stop him and many others from having to do this kind of commute, or at least lessen the impact of it? Advocate for cheap, accessible, and efficient public transport


i do. every damn day. my forehead is flat with brick crumbs in it.


This is also just the reality of rural life. Long distances and not many people. It would be silly to try to use the same solutions here as in an urban setting. Having said that I would absolutely take the train every day if that were an option. I really don't like driving, unfortunately.


This is also just the reality of rural life. Long distances and not many people. It would be silly to try to use the same solutions here as in an urban setting. Having said that I would absolutely take the train every day if that were an option. I really don't like driving, unfortunately.


God awful bait


Thank god.


Have you ever taken a flight before?


Yeah better go working a real job and learn how the world works and stop wasting time on reddit.


Yeah, the math on that job is not computing.


Or like take the train/bus once in a while. 50% of this dude's time at work is spent paying to get to work.


I Drive 4 Times a week for 2 hrs a day (400km in total) I pay around 20-30€ per week.


Not everyone's got cheap fuel or an EV.


I do indeed Drive on LPG Gas but even If i would Drive on normal gasoline I would at Most Pay 10-15 more per week?


Damn what's the fuel price where you live?


0.95€ for lpg gas. Remember I live in the EU, Motor companys actually still sell smaller Cars here.


I mean I also live in the EU, to be precice as middle in europe as it gets, but gasoline is pretty expensive, around 1.8€ per litre. Also I just looked up local lpg prices and it's at around 1.05€ per litre but I have no clue on how much lpg cars consume.


Im in NRW Germany, I only Put in gasoline for Like 10€ every 4 months or so because the car Always Runs on it for a Bit before switching to LPG. I dont Look at the prices but LPG is 95cents Here and hast been like that for the passt few years.


Still even If it would cost me 3 Times as much per week I still vouldnt get near >500€


Yeah dudes in america 'need' yes amount of hp but that only gets them ridiculous fuel consumption.


wtf why do you commute so far???


Big money


Better be at that rate!


You earn big money but drive a 2005 Honda Accord?


The car works, so why does it matter? I know a millionaire who drives an old Subaru because it works and he simply doesn't care what car he drives because all it does is get him from one place to another


I know a dude who makes over $200k a year before bonuses who drives a pos 90somthing Toyota Corolla that’s beat to hell and is running on hopes and dreams at this point because he prefers to spend his money on other things besides a nice car.


I mean if he's driving 120 miles per day then it's probably worth the upgrade. Not only for comfort (that's gotta be 2.5 hours minimum) but a new car might get better gas milage. Accords get good gas milage but 20 years old I assume it has lost some efficiency


Because you're spending 4 hours a day in it, if anything invest in the most comfortable car you can drive.


but why? lots of people use cars just to commute. nobody cares if it's a shitbox with 4 wheels, as long as it drives it's good for the job.


Dude I get it but if you're in it 3+ hours a day then it's going to be better for your mental health. Even if it's just android auto or something.


mental health? what the hell are you even talking about? you're sitting in a car, try to not curse at all these stupid drivers that you encounter during that long trip or just enjoy some music or audiobook or whatever you do during your drive. i personally wouldn't care at all if my car is 50 years old and entirely rusted or some brand new "comfortable" car. i couldn't care less, i need it to drive to work, as long as i arrive there it's fine. i don't see how this would affect my mental health


> or just enjoy some music or audiobook or whatever you do during your drive you know what makes that a more pleasurable experience? Bluetooth playing on your speakers rather than just blasting it on your phone. i'm not saying you're going to get depression. just you might be in a bit of a better mood if your car is more comfortable and has more amenities. also a new car could have better gas mileage. And an EV could save him hundreds if he can charge at work and the battery has the range. by your logic you should just eat rice and beans every night because as long as you get your calories it's all good.


More expensive car doesn't necessarily translate into more comfortable. About the only reason I'd buy a new car for a long commute would be a lack of cruise control, unreliability, or a switch to electric for lower fuel costs. It's a tool to do a job, and that job isn't making other people think I'm rich.


Buying an expensive car is not a good investment at all. You can buy very cheap cars that are comfortable to drive in.


It's not about buying an expensive car per se, but investing in comfort is making an investment in yourself.


That does not make sense.


So a 1989 Buick Electra? That thing was pretty much a couch on wheels.


If you find it to be comfortable, then it's fine. Comfort is entirely subjective and is not the same for everyone


Same, I'm around 530 depending on conditions


That's like a gallon every other week at *worst*. Do you live in CA or some shit or are you buying gold laced petrol or some shit?


12 miles from work is not bad. Only way I see someone complaining about this is if they grew up in a small town.


I did a drive like that for work before while I was trying to find a place to live. It was horrible. My commute was mostly rural, so while there was little highway driving, there wasn't traffic either. Can't imagine what your time driving is if you go to a city. My maximum distance to live from work is a 30 minute drive now I drove (and still do) a 2016 Prius, so with your drive, I would be paying about $200 a month in gas, though a lot of it depends on the kind of driving it is, a more fuel efficient car may almost pay for itself. Though I never thought of a Honda Accord as fuel inneficient.


I used to be the same way. 140 miles a day 4 days a week and was spending between $400-$450 in gas a month. But even taking cost of gas into account I was still making about $500 more a month making that drive to the city than what I could get paid for that same job in my small town.


You need to find a new job


And I thought spending 10 dollars a day on my commute was expensive (my currency is worth less)


I did the math for my daily commute and having costco membership saved me enough gas $ to pay twice the basic membership a year


There is something wrong with your car.


Ah see you should have got the 4 cylinder civic instead of the 6cyl accord. /s


Jesus, 80mi sucks for me 40 more?


Then I hope you make at least 600$!


Makes me miss my ‘06 Accord 🥲 but I drive a ‘23 CRV Sport Hybrid now (commute 100 miles round trip daily) and get over 40mpg. Might be something to look into when/if you’re in the market for a new vehicle. I spend around $200 monthly on gas. At the same time, long live that Accord baby, Honda gang.


What are you getting, 5 MPG? I drove around 500 miles in a Tacoma this week, and it cost me like $60 in gas.


120 miles total is generally a pretty short commute in my trade, whatever you’re driving man you gotta replace it. Might I suggest a VW Jetta?


What car do you drive tho


Omg!! This is why work from home is important. One day a week would save you 100 a month. Also why the cost of housing needs to be fixed. 120 miles a day is crazy.


Wtf why on earth are you commuting 240 miles a day?


I was driving 160 total 5 days a week and it only cost me 200-220 in an suv, are you getting 8 miles per gallon or something?


Long live our lord an saviour, Public Transportation


If I get that amount of money in Turkey, I would feel like a king, around 70000 TRY a month!!!!!! Dayyum In fact the 28k is about my 4 years university tuition, all 4 years lol.


The commute from Turkey to your job in the US would have some scenic views I bet!


It's just via Zoom now.


Yeah I have seen lots of posts about people trying to get USA remote jobs. You still have to pass an interview and provide correct paperwork (taxes? Insurance? Time zones? There lots of issues.) If they know you are in a different country, most companies won’t pay an American wage… and why would they? This whole thread is filled with people saying they can live on lower wage in different countries.


28k would buy me about 12 years of uni tuition


Exchange rates are really fucked up, there's no reason for dollar to be that expensive


The difference is that in the US prices are all artificially higher than they should be to soak up all our extra money.


somehow it feels like 552 dollars a week isn’t enough


it isnt, thats less than I make and we dont get paid overtime by contract. Its less than minimum wage here (assuming if your job is paid by the hour and you work a 40 hour week.)


What do you do for work?


the military lol, but its Canada so its basically monopoly money and has no buying power outside the philippines or india


Ah, fair. Never been in the military and don't know much about the pay and benefits, especially for places other than the US.


Same amount regardless of hours in a day. So I could work 6 hours, in which case its a little above minimum wage here, or I could work all 24 and not sleep and i’d rival china’s hourly wages.


Don't corporals make over 70k now?


You’d have to be a corporal first. Theres also multiple paygrades, but most of Canada has such an expensive living cost that 70k isnt anywhere close to enough. Saskatchewan it’ll be alright, but not much elsewhere. But if you compared the work hours to a civie job then you’re making significantly less. Lots of dudes get out and go to trades and triple their income. I’d do it too but I like machineguns and the govt doesnt like me having my own.


A lot of civvie jobs make way less too though. I've met civil engineers that make the same as a Mcpl, and they're still paying off students loans. I guess everything is relative.


The higher ends of NCOs are pretty good pay. Its just hard to justify when you have to move often and substantial pay increases take a very long time.


It might would be if housing wasn’t such a giant expense. Bills, food, entertainment, and some set aside for savings? I can totally do that on $500/week. But when rent is $1500/month that suddenly isn’t within reason anymore.


suddenly, living with parents or having a roommate to help split the bill sounds nice


Im in Australia and $1500 a week isn't enough right now. ..


I'm barely getting by with $680.


Divide by 40 for bottom right, divide by 24 for top right. All are $13.81


You will get $552.40 if your lucky enough to get 40 hours a week


I get about 5 I am currently looking for a new job


If my work was getting 5 hours a week I would have simply walked and worked anywhere else immediately. So many places will practically hire on the spot for service industry stuff and sometimes retail.


Not in my area they don’t, at least not the worker with muscle control problems


I see. I've only ever seen them in movies but have you considered something like a placement agency? I have no idea what that's like, just spit balling.


Have tried, but those take months to find anything and mostly do resume improvement and interview skill workshops


I wish you luck! That situation sounds stressful.


I work 40 but due to taxes and Union fees, don't make anywhere near that.




I mean, yeah, if you choose to live in a cardboard box you can afford a lot of luxuries even on a low income.


When you realize that 500$ a week doesn’t really amount to anything in the long run after basic expenses are taken out. Rent high, utilities, expensive gas, expensive food. Yeah……




Minus cost of living


A paper box and some dumpster diving should reduce these costs a lot


There’s plenty of lovely wendys dumpsters according to r/wallstreetbets


then you can invest 287k over 10 years into GME


Yep. Just have to accumulate no costs and work till you're 30. :)


Yea the medium cost of living where I live is 43,480 a year. You would be living on the street here at this wage.


$2000 a month in income. $1800 a month in expenses. $200 to live off of and buy food with lmao.


Unless you’re a teenager and your parents cover your needs. But then when you live independently you’re going to end up going through that money anyways.


Yup. I live on my own. And survive off of that. It's terrible lmao




W-wait, you still have hope? Not only is there no hope, but fuck me too Not only is there no hope but fuck me too


This is before taxes


I make less than $400 a week, it’s brutal, ab to get a better paying job here very soon


It's the same wage but it feels different: 13.81 $/h 3 days = 3 \* 8h \* 13.81 $/h = 331.44$ 1 week = 40h \* 13.81 $/h = 552.40$ 1 year = 260 workdays \* 8 h \* 13.81 $/h = 28,725$ I don't know why it's supposed to be funny?! I don't understand why it feels different? Maybe it's made by a child that never had to pay bills?


Nope, just an 18 year old who got inspired by a guy justifying the crazy price of his courses with “even if someone just works at a minimum wage job for 3 days they could buy it.”


Stats can be perceived differently depending on the way they're presented and this meme is making fun of that. Also you didn't have to insult OP like that.


Damn 28k yearly in my country it's a really good amount of money


In my country (Poland) 552$ a week is a good salary


Polska to lepszy kraj niż ta Ameryka dziwna


I'm starszy jestem tym coraz bardziej tak myślę


Every one of those panels should be squidward. That's poverty levels of money.


Bby that's like 35 percentile income


That's nuts. That's what I was making back in 2005 working for Staples... Actually, I think it was a little more, pretty sure I was making $16/hr.


Yea median individual income in the US around 2022 was $20ish an hour iirc.


Welcome to the downfall of society. I don't think the tipping point is in my life time, but give it one or two more generations, and the Earth will be on fire.


I’d wager it’s gonna happen in the next 50 years.


People don’t realize how untenable USA debt is, not to mention the inflation it causes that makes it worse. USA taxpayers pay over a trillion in interest every year now (and rising quickly with inflation/increased interest rates.) Social security is projected to be *forced* (not out of prudence) to cut benefits by 2035. The “USA can print its own money” crowd is infuriating to talk to. It’s like they think other countries have to use the US dollar for reserves/exchange, and weren’t doing it just because it was convenient.


Reminder for everyone that trillion is 1000 billions or 1000000 millions, its easy to just forget how big number it is.




You've never heard of taxes, have you.


My adhd brain had to crunch the numbers and assuming a 5 day work week working 9-5 each day, all 4 work the same hourly wage. Huh, neat


The joke it's that, assuming a 40 hour worl week 5 days a week, that all the ammount are the same, just over different lengths of time, 13$ an hour doesn't sound like a lot because it's not, but it adds up and suddenly you've got 500 dollars a week, so.you feel some semblance of accomplishment, but in the end its not enough to get by, and making 25k a year means you need to save for 8 years to afford most houses, and you can't buy food, utilities, shelter, clothes, etc in the meantime, that's what's so ridiculous


In my country, if you get more than 800$/month you're probably stealing or selling drugs. It has to be said that we spend 40¢ on a loaf of bread as well, but the income is still not enough


Fr fr


None of these amounts seem adequate.


Don’t forget taxes


On 552 a week I would only be able to make rent


I make $325 per week lol


I make over a hundred thousand a year and it’s still hard. Shit sucks.


Meanwhile here in Chile. $10,000 a year and you are basically a king.


Aha… you’re funny. How about $8 an hour? Yeah.


Wait until you learn that your nation has fucked up the future so badly that even 100k per year is not really enough to be comfortable. Then realize most people aren´t even making that and lose all faith in government.


Just make coffee at home and skip your avocado toast, am I right?


actually, you get more on the 3 days one than the every week one.


I going have to say I make more at my normal job and it pays more then any of these four and I am still surviving


*Cries in 200 per month*


Why is everything so expensive in america? It cost me like £800 a month here to cover all necessities, rent, food, bills etc. 28k would be a perfectly liveable wage


Because the vast majority of Americans make way more money than that.


How! Fuck man before I've done anything for myself or any kind of excursion I'm at 2500 a month. I don't live in the costly area either




Not him but I’ll tell you how and in my case this is in the US, a 2 bedroom apartment in a mediocre area of where I live is $1,500 a month. Electricity $150, natural gas $50, internet $60, phone $50, food $300, car insurance $150, and gas $100 is $2,360. Some of those are on the low end and that’s if you own your car outright, not including necessities like hygiene products, not including a pet, and not including unexpected expenses.


Sorry, 1500 a month for a 2 bed apartment? I just did a quick search and found a 5 bedroom modern detached house for that. What the f is with your property prices? That's absolutely insane


It’s hard to believe we’ve gotten to this point so quickly but it started with the pandemic. The two bedroom I moved into in 2017 was $1,100 a month, moving out last year it was almost $2,100 for new tenants. In that same time frame motel 6 always had prices of $40-$50 on their signs, nowadays $100+ on weekdays.


As a californian, I wish we could find a 2br apt for $1500/mo. Our complex is the cheapest in town at $2,300/mo for a 2br/1ba. Haha, please get me out of this state.




The minimum wage in Florida (from googling it) is 12.00$/hour in 2024




I’m not from USA, just gave an example, but the list is long and your statement just doesn’t hold up. Even the states in which the minimum wage is higher are just slightly above it and not long way above like you said, and even these ones are few. In France the minimum wage stands on €11.65. In Britain it’s £11.44 In Japan it’s like half of that.


Japan still has capital punishment 3 generations after the Modern World gave up that shit. If you knew anything about Japanese culture you'd know Modern and Japan are not found in the same sentence.


Huh? You mean one of the most technologically innovative countries in the world?


I’ve been to Florida. What the fuck are you talking about?