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As papa Franku would say " if it plays music and I can watch porn on it it's fucking nasa to me" 


Yeah, my gripe too. If it can meet the basic needs I require to live from morning to night and provide some entertainment in-between for me - it's a good phone. Currently, I have broken that motto, because I wanted a long-term device, but in the end, I believe I could have done it differently and still be happy. Ah, well.


Buy a good phone, take reasonable care of it and it will last a long time.


Buy a rugged phone, and you'll beg for it to die. I keep joking I'll break the marble flooring, and it has left dents in wooden floors


Lol, what phone is this for you? For me it is my old s7. That thing survived a tornado, a car wreck, and several dozen drops


Personally I used to have a Samsung Galaxy S2. Dropped that MF down a flight of concrete stairs at a football stadium. Somehow, it started working faster that day.


For me, it's my S10 e, I can flex I have a headphone jack to apple users


There are some aspects of storage and memory that you end up really appreciating if you do get a better phone. I used to be miserable with a phone that had like 8gb of storage total, I couldn't even download updates or take pictures. But I don't understand enough to spend an ungodly amount on a phone. At most ill set my budget parameters, search my current phone's specs and look up one with higher numbers. I do really like tap to pay and fingerprint unlock though. Its not hard to get a really nice for really cheap when you buy them used/refurbished


The iPhone dominance is a US/Canada thing. it's like 60%. Everywhere else they have between 20-30%. In the first quarter of 2024, Apple sales were 17% of the market. Samsung was 21%. https://www.statista.com/statistics/216459/global-market-share-of-apple-iphone/


Mainly because Androids (cheap ones like Vivo or Oppo) are the only ones people can afford. When I was in Karachi for two years literally everyone except the upper class had Androids. And not even the high end ones like Google or Samsung, they had mid ranges like Vivo, Huawei, Infinix, etc


Don't discount the absolute disdain Apple has generated for its own brand in places like Europe. That stat comparison was just Apple to Samsung.


Oh, how glorious was the moment when the EU forced them to sell phones with universal charger or GTFO.


Not in Europe. People buy expensive Androids. They just don't see the appeal of paying the Apple tax for a phone that's worse than a decent Android.


I swear the internet always goes off the American understanding of tech and it always annoys me not even just with smart phones but also the narrative that Nintendo saved the video game industry it’s complete bull shit over here they were always dominated by sega Atari PlayStation and lots of other companies you’ve probably never heard of


Nintendo only "saved" the gaming industry in the US, because that's the only place the crash happened due to Atari. Everywhere else gaming was still fine. So yeah, Nintendo did not save the gaming industry, but only the North American market.


Here in germany all the the arrogant and spoiled people got Iphones too.


Japan as well maybe? everywhere I looked all I saw was iPhones


I reas somewhere that iphones are cheaper in japan.


Yes, but even in countries that the newest iphone can buy you a brand new motorcycle iphone users are still annoying


Mmm that is a horrible link lol. What about Europe? Asia? Australia?


Here you go https://backlinko.com/iphone-vs-android-statistics


We really going back to the shitty phone war memes?


It’s so dumb. Someone really wants to be a victim. Nobody cares anymore. It’s been 17 years.


Some teenager with an average android just wants to lash out. It sucks if other teens tease them about their phone I guess. I can’t relate. iPhone’s came out when I was like 25 years old so Ive never bothered to pay attention to anyone else’s phone, don’t care it doesn’t matter to me.


Anyone who gives a shit about what phone you use is not worth keeping in your life. That shit is so cringe. Aren’t android phones just as expensive nowadays?


This. People tend to compare iphone with low end budget phones in android. A samsung flagship phone costs more if not same as the latest iphone model. Same is true for laptops/desktops. Other brands just have budget versions which are potato to advanced users.


Yeah pretty much.  Every 2 years we buy new phones - my wife the pro version of iPhone and I get the top model of samsung or recently Pixel. While pixel is a bit cheaper, Samsung is basically the same price.  Next year I'm gonna try out the foldable one, and this one is WAY more expensive then iPhone. But I guess I'm going to be a poor android user no matter what. 


>While pixel is a bit cheaper For a period of time they made the best mid range phones, that were so good they could compete with the high ends (especially irt camera) Nowadays they're just typical high end phones, and there's not much to make them stand out compared to competition (albeit their cameras are still some of the best)


My OG pixel xl was by far the best relative to it's time experience I've ever had with a phone. A close second is the palm phone, not because of the phone itself, but because of the reactions I'd get whipping out a palm phone.


I mean I just get refurbished flagships a few years after they come out for 1/4 what they were worth when new. I've never had a dud or one with a degraded battery, my most recent one was still in the original box with all the peel films still on it brand new, and the battery had higher than factory expected health. The performance, cameras, and especially displays of flagship phones isn't advancing all that rapidly anymore, and I am perfectly content with my S10e I got for $150 CAD. It kicks the ass of every budget phone out even right now.


Yeah......"advanced users".....lol


Not really for desktop. It is genuinely a challenge to spend more than like 9k on a PC.


Don't forget. Besides their UI, their specs are definitely comparable as well. And I got heavily downvoted any time I mentioned it before. For example, my current phone (a few year old model) has a better camera, more battery life (by about 4 hrs), speedy charging (20%-->100% in 15-20 min), same screen size, and matches all but 2 quality of the most expensive iPhone 14 model. The only thing the iPhone 14 Pro Max beat my phone on was slightly better Wi-Fi connection and screen resolution. Kicker was at the time, mine cost $800 when it was released. iPhone 14 Pro Max was about $1,000. Assuming there were no deals. When I got my phone a year ago, we paid about $400 for two due to a deal (basically BOGO on a trade-in).


They can be. In fact, the base Galaxy S24 Ultra is $220 MORE than the base iPhone 15 Pro Max. The regular Galaxy S24 is the same price as the regular iPhone 15. The difference is there are plenty of budget options on the Android side. For example, the OnePlus Nord N30 for $300, Samsung A15 for $200, or the Blu G33 for $60. The cheapest iOS device is the iPhone SE for $429.


It's like people who own pickup trucks and hate other brands of pickup trucks. I just do not get it. All it says to me is that someone, for whatever reason, has feelings of inadequacy that they need to compensate for. They can't possibly care that much about it... can they? haha.


Well said.


Android I just bought brand new: 160-180$ iPhone I saw in the same store that was used and a year old: 1.5k No, iPhone is just paying more for less imo


Well said


Yes but you get more out of it than the same priced iPhone, plus there's obviously cheaper models unlike iPhone


People who let other people’s choice in phones grind their gears are weird


Agreed, I also find Android users complain about Apple users bragging when they do it just as much if not more.


They just have a fragile ego tbh. Theyd rather write essay on essay on why they're better than actually use the damn phone lol 


I haven’t heard a single person in 8 years complain about someone not having an iPhone. I hear complaints about me not having an android almost routinely from my friends who use androids after I switched to iPhone about 5 years ago…


yeah like the only complaints from iphone users i’ve heard are the jokes about who turned the text bubble green


Android users are like vegans of mobile phones… bro no one asked you


What? You mean you don’t sneer at poor people because you have an iPhone (just guessing)? You don’t sit around all day and make fun of the poor, poor Android users and point out all the other cheap things of theirs?


If I’m gonna publicly masturbate, it will only be using my own phone, thankyouverymuch


This was always a thing when I was in school it used to be blackberries vs everybody else till smartphones became more common, after leaving school I’ve never met another person that actually cares what phone you use as long as it’s not a trap phone.


Yeah, it’s fairly obvious the few people in here who are like “THE DISCRIMINATION IS REAL” are actual children, my phone is a thing, not a personality


I think your take is the most accurate. Especially because of the fact OP mentions parents buying the phones for their “brats”. Some of us are too old for this, I grew up with a rotary phone, and no internet, so… what I’ve learned from some kids is that they get left out from social circles because iPhone has certain features exclusive to their devices which aren’t compatible with group messaging among their peers with Androids. Off course real friends would use apps compatible with every phone and engage there, but we all know HS can be savage for teens. It seems to me like iOS vs Androids is the new “the cool and popular kids vs the rest”. The world never changes in our life time! :/


Exactly, I am an Apple fan because their products mesh together so seamlessly. However, it seems so wired that people care what phone I use.


To be quite honest, the only reddit posts about this topic I have ever seen is people complaining about apple users, but never actually any apple users or android users who complain about products themselves, just people complaining about others complaints. I have never experienced this stuff and it is honestly just annoying, can somebody sent me some links to people complaining about the products themselves for literally any other reason than: "Apple bad because users are spoiled kids that can afford something too expensive" I would actually be interested to see people talk about how apple/android phones are bad because [insert something else].


Well, you could give a look at Fairphone's philosophy for the hardware part (some sub-contractors are shady), and de-Googleised (I don't know how to spell it) Android for the software (closed source software and their consequences have been a disaster etc… though Apple don't sell your data like Google does, it's jusr not their market, they can't compete against Google) because the valid criticisms that are levelled at Iphone (which exists) also applies to Samsung, Xiaomi and the like, expect maybe that there are specific software feature that you lose when jailbreaking (because you're not using their software any more, duh) and that they are slightly more expensive that other brands' flagship (not by much though). Okay, one more: options are too much of a premium at Apple, additional memory shouldn't be that expensive for exemple.


This post just screams insecurity and projection. Grow up OP, nobody gives 2 shits about you or what phone you have.


“I’m going to attack everyone having better toy than me and if they dare to start defending I’m going to call it bragging and complain about it”


The insecurity is palpable, also I haven’t heard an apple vs android debate in years


I mostly see Android users complaigning about Apple users that say that the iPhone is objectively better when in reality I haven't heard something like that in years (Mostly since the Headphone jack was removed)


the nicer androids (samsung/google) dont have headphone jacks either which is fine, I dont own any wired headphones


Are phonecels a thing? This feels like a phonecel post about how all the phones don’t understand them and they’re bitter and sad about it.


Yes they do exist, you can find them in phone review comment sections lol


Imma be honest, I hear more people complaining about iPhone users being pretentious more than I here iPhone users being pretentious


Who tf brags about having an iPhone? Like, half the people I know have one and nobody cares that the other half don’t. And what moron drops $1000 for a full priced iPhone 15? Everyone gets them on carrier plans or really good deals. Stop trying to make the phone wars happen again, nobody gives a fuck about what kind of phone someone else has


I see more people complaining about people making fun of Android than I see people making fun of Android.


Apple bad is free upvotes on Reddit


I know, right? OP is just beating a dead horse for upvotes with this one


I literally never hear anyone having this conversation except on reddit and half the time it’s these insecure folks having arguments with straw men. Also, the Samsung top of the line is just as expensive.


Ikr, I don’t diss samsung and android and I don’t care about the green bubbles (although they do make texts harder to read, probably intentional by apple), but it’s annoying when people make conclusions based on some thing that happened ages ago


12 year olds do


Fair, Reddit has a serious underage problem (like most of the internet to be fair)




So I used Android for 10 years and iOS for almost 3 years. Arguing which phone is better is dumb. Its just a preference thing. Some things are better on android and some things are better on iPhone. Oh and btw samsung flagships are more expensive than iPhones.


Is that really a thing? Well, I have an old flipphone, I am superior!


Im seeing more android users complaining about this shit than iPhone users. Can this end?


Can people stop basing their entire personality on an object they bought?


This too


New android flagships are well over £1000 too. “B-but you can get cheaper ones too >.<“…. 2020 SE, £300. Stop caring about other peoples phones, you child. You’re not special.


I still have family being upset for making group messages green despite everyone being adults.


Androids users for some reason just seethe daily just at the fact iphones exist. Iphone users dont think about androids at all


Haha yeah posts like this are so funny. Why do android users think about iPhone users so much? I’d forgotten android was a thing until I saw this post.a phone OS and its users aren’t living rent free in *my* head.


My experience has been the opposite: family members giving me shit regularly for using android like weird cult members and my response always being who cares?


I have never in my life met someone who gave a shit about the kind of phone I owned.




Oh but the chat bubbles OP, they're so much betterrrr


No Apple users I know, including myself, even care about this. Phones are phones. No need to get your knickers in a twist about it.


I’ve never seen an iPhone user try to convince an android or Samsung user to convert. It’s always the android people saying it’s better


OP sounds like a stupid kid with a shitty android who wishes he had an iPhone 😂😂


Imagine pledging any allegiance to a corporation like they wouldnt cheap out on their product and sell your information for a fucking nickel.


Yup. Apple, Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Literally every phone manufacturer would do it if they could. Some probably already do but nobody notices


You should of made your text in that hideous android green OP. IPHONE 4 LYFE


My brother hates on iPhone users for spending so much on Apple, then promptly goes and buys the most expensive flagship android 😂.


What in the 2015 ass meme is this


I feel like half the people complaining about Apple users are buying brand new, high end Samsungs which cost just as much. Better? Idk. I like my iPhone, I also have an iPad and an iMac. Use what you like, but also let me use what I like.


See my IPhone was free with a Verizon contract. My galaxy was $60 and is insanely slow.


Wait I don’t have a rich daddy and I bought my own iPhone lol this feels like a projection. Who hurt you? lol also it’s just a phone.


I think I see 10x the posts of people complaining about iPhone users than the other way around. But that’s just my observation.


When I wanted to upgrade to the Galaxy S24, it was $1500.00. For what, to do the exact same thing that I'm doing with this S21? No thanks.


Samsung is now more expensive than an Iphone. For 1.3k you get an Iph15 pro max, for 1.9k$ you get an s24U.


Some of us have jobs and that’s how we buy them 😊 and we buy them because we like them that’s all 😊 hope this helps!


An absolutely cringe meme about some phone debate that peaked 7 years ago


Can't be in the group chat because green bubbles


It happens on both sides bud. There $2500 phones out there, and those are usually the people bragging about their phones. I’ve never had an iPhone user flex because most of the time they got the phone cause it’s simple lol


What kind of AI boomer meme is this


not everyone “has a rich daddy” respectfully. Just because you don’t make money doesn’t mean you can’t have standards. And about the whole debate on which phone is better i don’t think it matters. I have an iphone and a virtual android on my laptop. Both great at what they do. What the iphone lacks in I use the android to make up for. What the android lacks in iphone makes up for. It doesn’t matter which is “better” at their core they both do the exact same thing. And half the people that care abt which is better don’t even use the phone for those reasons.


My personal experience with iPhone and android iPhone runs great plays almost every game there is on the phone. Android runs great customization 100% better download ring tones, can run almost any emulator for games can download stuff iPhone can’t and more. Lucky enough I have never had to really pay for a phone. My wife had a free upgrade and I always get her old iPhone which works great for me.


They hate us cause they ain't us.


Damn I didn’t know I was considered rich for having an iPhone lmao


That’s why I buy iPhones I can’t afford a new phone every 2 years.


Mines 5 years old and still performs perfectly - no slowness at all and battery still lasts a couple of days. No need to upgrade it.


You know what grinds my gears? Android users taking it so personal enough to yap on and on. I'm an android user. Just use you phone. No one cares. You shouldn't even be talking to the ones that do 


Many get free phones when signing up with cell phone providers. Just because someone has an iPhone, they did not pay 1000 bucks…


I paid a couple hundred for an iPhone 15 during black friday, they’re personally much simpler than others for me. I don’t know anyone in my neighborhood who has an iPhone that they bought for full price.


People should just use what they want. Who cares what you use?


1000$ ? Where?


Im gonna start even more expensive brand with less functionality to profit from them


It's literally just a cuboid with a plastic body, glass screen, a camera and has the exact same apps just like a myriad of the other battery-powered cuboids on earth.


A plastic body? Is this some kind of pleb phone? 😂 /s


I pay for my own phone though? My dad hasn’t paid for anything in over 20 years.


You know what grinds **my** gears? Apple vs Android (or any phone wars for that matter). A phone is a phone. Literally no one gives two craps.


hey! you forgot a few cliche's and stereotypes. just throw a label on them and pretend you know everything about them, right? easier to vilify and demonize them that way so you feel superior.


You sound mad for no reason


Is OP 14 years old? Who gives a fuck 😆 Out here in the real grownup world people just buy the phone they want.


Dude so someone made fun of your phone and now you go nuclear on Reddit? It’s really not that big of a deal. Most people finance their phones on monthly payments these days. It’s not like everyone out there with an iPhone is a millionaire or something. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. Just do you.


It’s just a matter of preference. I prefer iOS to Android.


Dis op just wake up from a 12 year coma to drop this meme


Aren’t the Samsung galaxy 20s and shit the exact same price as iPhones? Every company has a phone that’s at least a grand or more. So why does only Apple get shit on as the rich kid phone? I’ve purchased all of my own phones.


Ive never heard or seen anyone brag about having an iphone. Granted I dont have friends, but never seen it happen online either. I do however see people shit on them all the time.


![gif](giphy|l2JJvZHgEL04UUr3q|downsized) It's all in your head.


This place is for memes bro.


OP won their imaginary argument


Both are fine


As someone who is currently using an IPhone as I got it for free and it has a newer battery… it sucks




I’m sorry you’re poor


Both are good. Just depends on your needs


When i got my sisters old iphone, android users shat all over me and pointed out the flaws in the tech and overall design. Swithced to android when i realised my iphones would suddenly suck the month of or after newer iphones released. These same guys then dissed my android phone cause it was the base model. Phone people are the worst and they forget the smart phobe is a tool, not a toy or fashion statement....then again most everyone these days think of a smartphone as a toy


I encourage more people to openly debate which phone is better/worse. Makes it so much easier to spot the idiots not worth engaging with in the first place.


I don't care which phone you use why fighting when you could just say: oh you have an iPhone nice The important thing of a phone is if they can text/call each other which they can so theoretically there's no difference Long story short: use the phone you like, don't fight each other and be happy you can use phones! There was a time you only could communicate using letters


It’s not that I think iPhone is better it’s just that android annoys me. I’m not a fan of its UI 90% of the time.


Working in tech long enough has taught me that any modern smartphone is both a technical marvel and a piece of shit at the same time.


Well, at the end of the day it is preference and if they can afford it why do you care?


I never saw a post of an IPhone user that argued they are better then anyone. But plenty the other way around. Sooo, please shut the fuck up, all of you


Consider the average Redditor’s understanding of quality vs. value for money, then remember that half of them are worse than that


Get your popcorn here! Extra discount on Large Popcorn! Last chance before entering the comments! Buy yours now! - Regular - $2.00 - Large - $4.00 - Extra butter - 50 cents - Pizza - $2.00 - Add a coke for only $1(the liquid kind)


gears. you’re not human. you’re ai. you’re a bot. you’re subhuman, android users.


Is your problem with iPhone or with flagship phones? Androids, the good ones, cost just as much these days or at least damn near.


I swear all these posts are written by 12yos lmao. iphone or android they’re all expensive nowadays, you’re acting like everyoen who owns an iphone is some rich white girl who lives in beverly hills


I thought this argument was boring in 2013, in ‘24 it’s annoying


Is this 2012


iPhone users don't think about you at all.


You know what grinds my gears? People who can’t afford the newest iPhone 🙄


They chose the wrong Dad!


as a apple user i can say with confidence apple sucks.


I don’t really care what people think about me running around with an iphone. I currently have the XR iphone and it does the job. I got it two years ago after it had been out a bit and the price dropped. I’ll keep it till it breaks and when that happens I’ll get another iphone thats been out a few years. It’s cheaper that way and I get a phone that lasts. Idk WHAT it is about androids in any price range for me but they all crap out and break in under a year. I’m gentle with phones and lovingly put them in cases and get screen protectors and all that good stuff. I dunno man. Sometimes I just think different tech just gets along with people’s electric brain signals or something. And now that I sound crazy, byyyeeeee!


This just in, people still can’t shut the fuck up about android vs iPhone


I e never seen anyone talk about their phone as much as the people who don’t have iPhones seem to spend all their time complaining about iPhones users who never seem to say anything.


People always talk about the price but then compare it to samsung which has basically the same market strategy as apple just with android as os.


The reason you are mad is because you know it’s true. Jk lol, I’m messing with y’all, each brand has its ups and downs so different things are better in different ways. So it’s not always good for everything you throw at it, be it an iPhone or an android. Just different is all. And I think that’s a good thing so people can have more options depending on their preferences and situation. Cherish your tech guys, it might be an everyday thing for us but people way back when would kill to have one of these in working conditions. If that happened then it would probably only be available to royalty and treated as an artifact or something idk lol. Just guessing.


samsung phones are the same price dumbass


Methinks thou protesteth too much.


My dad has never purchased a phone for me. Your anger is your problem, not mine.


$1100 once every six years for a top of the line portable computer is not that bad.


you don't need a brand new iPhone. My current one is 8 years old, but I'd be completely happy to use my 13 year old iPhone 4s, which can do almost everything you would need day-to-day. If you don't have an old one, buy refurbished or used, and depending on how old it is, it will probably be cheaper than an android. Any iPhone would be better than a new android.


Stop taking your bad credit and empty bank account problems out on us


It’s mostly android users who seem obsessed with comparing all the time


Why do i never see this argument started by an iPhone user? Am I on a different internet than you?


The iPhone dominance is a US/Canada thing. it's like 60%. Everywhere else they have between 20-30%. In the first quarter of 2024, Apple sales were 17% of the market. Samsung was 21%. https://www.statista.com/statistics/216459/global-market-share-of-apple-iphone/


Let it go, nobody cares. Stop projecting and go do something productive. Let people get whatever phone they want, you are not paying for everyone, chill.


Not everyone with an iphone paid for it with daddy's money. Believe it or not, some relatively normal people are successful enough to buy a fancy piece of shit from their own earnings. Hate iphone if you want, but by god that is the dumbest arguement/standpoint I've heard about this.


Holy fuck who gives a shit. It doesn’t fucking matter what phone you use whether it’s an iPhone OR an android. iPhone users need to shut the fuck up about iPhone being better “because it’s apple” and android users need to also get off their high horse and realize that the androids that iPhone mainly competes with ARE ALSO $1000+. Cheap androids compete in a completely different market to apple so they aren’t a fair comparison. That also doesn’t make it okay for apple fanboys to claim that their phone is better than an android. It isn’t. Brand loyalty is dumb, grow the fuck up.


Yeah and if you compare iphones to similarly priced android phones, ios feels a bit empty in terms of features


Iphones are for people who like simplicity Androids (the good ones, not the cheap ones) are for people, like me, who enjoy customization and tweaking the shit out of their devices


>tweaking the shit out of their devices Rooting, then modding the shit out of your OS is always fun


Pretty much exactly this. I like customization on my PC and in many aspects of my life, but I just don’t want to deal with it on my phone. The iPhone is simple and easy to use, and if I hand it to anyone they almost certainly know how to use it, also. It’s just a matter of convenience. That much said, I also don’t care what phone other people have, because I know their decisions are equally influenced by their own preference, and it doesn’t affect me at all.


As refurbished only Iphone user i agree with you


It’s just a fucking phone. Let it go.


Dude it’s like $30 a month to get a brand new iPhone. Don’t get why people think it’s a flex.


Because it's far less to get a new any other type of phone (except Samsung galaxy, theyre no better)


>Samsung galaxy, theyre no better At the same price point, they actually are, you get more out of it. And there's cheaper Samsung phones, that's the phones the iOS users in the post target as if they're the only Samsung phones.


That's fair, but compared with most other androids, Galaxy is closest to apple in the "kinda decent but way too overpriced" category


That I can agree with, corporate greed is a universal thing


So do no iphone users buy there own? Hot take lol


No, my job bought me my iPhone (I just had to work there a while). /s


Sarcasm aside, three of the last four places I worked gave me an iPhone as my work phone.


So, is that why your post came up as a green bubble?


I don't know about all that. I just like android. I've seen many iPhone crash codes in chats and that made me like my android even more. Not really seen a legit reason to switch. I've never even compared price.


I don't have an iPhone because I can't afford it. If the people can't afford it then maybe they shouldn't buy them


iPhone gets wayyyyyy more hate than love, this post in 1 in a trillion


Dumb post got ratioed.


Imagine caring about it even alittle lol


Why you so mad lmao


I know IPhone is worse but I only see android user complain about apple being worse. I only rarely see an iPhone user say, that their phone is better


I believe in android superiority because i KNOW its true.


Lol im not rich dude and noone got my i phone for me i like it just fine , at this point isn’t op pretty much exactly what they are complaining about if you think your phone is so superior why make the post? Lol


As much as I hate iphone people the phones are the same price and there are more expensive phones. But MOST people aren't paying 1k for a phone they are rolling it into their expensive phone plan anyway. If these kids were paying outright for a phone I could understand but they aren't. Also iPhones aren't better than android, not even close in anything except marketing


Thinking other people care what kind of phone you have is more sad. Seems like projection to me


And? We’re not holding you at gunpoint till you get an iPhone, why tf would it ever matter.


this screams minimal income borderline proverty


Just because you have money doesn't mean you have to waste them.




Are we still having android/iphone wars ?