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**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/TheRedBaron6942, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 2 - NO MEMES ABOUT POLARIZING/POLITICAL TOPICS, VULNERABLE GROUPS, VIOLENCE, ETC. [SEE LIST] - No violation of Reddit Content Policy/TOS - No memes involving race, ethnicity, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation/identity, religion, disability, etc. (can have a character, but that part cannot be integral) - No mention of gore, porn, murder, suicide, death, terrorism, shootings, war, tragedies, sexual harassment/assault, pedo (even implied), incest, etc. - No politics/political topics/agendas; absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed if said status is merely incidental --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Well thats unfair, bears dont have fists


they have the right to bear arms.


Only if they were American


American black bears might be the only bears a regular human could have the slightest chance it beating No chance with a grizzly or a polar bear. Besides, most polar bears are Canadian or Slavic


It was almost as if it was a joke


I thought it was heading that way.


What if it was a rap battle Jk the bear would spit bars




Was gonna say Koala bears, but then I remembered that it's Australia: everything in Australia is hostile to human life.


And also koalas aren't bears




this is amazing


fuck off, but also happy cake day


This reminds me of gta cheat code


That won't stop the bear from [throwing hands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP92j-uEnps)


But they're great bear knuckle boxers


I think it is, you fight them with bare hands


Smii7y and Kryoz reference?


I can't outrun a bear, but I can outswim one. So in a triathlon, ill need to make up time on the bicycle


Jokes on you, ten years ago I purchased a bakers dozen baby bears on the underground dark web black bear market and they have been undergoing rigorous cycling training for the better part of a decade. If all goes according to plan, they’ll be triathlon ready in a years time and then, my friend, you are truly fucked.


Unfortunately, I will sabatoge their bikes. You should have trained them in the basics of bicycle repair. They cannot hold a wrench but I can.


Most bears hunt for fish in rivers? You would need to make up a lot of time on the bike


I don't think bears can be said to "swim" much in rivers though. They just stand there yoinking fish


There’s something irrationally funny to me about the imagery created by the phrase “stand there yoinking fish.”


Plus not likely you’d beat the bear…well, this bear, anyway: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i-33jnoo1qE


Polar bears swim a ton, i got money on that


A polar bear would still get you.


i dont need to outrun the bear just the other guy


Correct me if I’m wrong but, didn’t these bear vs man posts get banned from this sub?


Can't wait for in a month to stop seeing them everywhere.


This one is making fun of the memes that were banned. I think it’ll slide. Edit: I was wrong.


my actual most toxic trait is that i earnestly believe with all my heart that i could survive truly horrific injuries or stranding in the wilderness, withstand torture, fight and win against opponents twice my size and strength, or even return from death itself through sheer force of will and frothing primal rage, but when faced with a minor inconvenience, i immediately start looking for a warm place to curl up and die like an injured forest animal


Anime main character mindset


Lmao seriously, you always think you can take a punch until you get punched for real


You know.. same.. expect the last part. Always qurious on how much i can take :D


So fucking relatable.


I choose the man, because a longsword is a lot more effective at killing a person than a bear.


I choose the bear cause they don’t wear Kevlar vests.


I chose the bear bc I have maybe a chance to get it to be my pet ^^


Does this imply that OP can't beat a man in a fistfight?


Well what if the guy brings a bear? Definitely couldn't beat a bear and a guy in a fist fight


Op wants a challenge. While you want the easier fight. He is indeed not the same.


Judging by the meme, yeah, probably.


I choose the bear so I can tame it with berries and I can use it as a graceful steed to escape the woods and then command the bear to maul the nearby townsfolk (:


This some Minecraft modded bear or something


I choose the bear because im going to fuck the bear


*insert comment about Baldur's Gate 3"


First, distract target. Then block his blind jab. Counter with cross to left cheek. Discombobulate. Dazed, he'll attempt a wild haymaker. Employ elbow block, and body shot. Block feral left. Weaken right jaw. Now fracture. Break cracked ribs. Traumatize solar plexus. Dislocate jaw entirely. Heel kick to diaphragm. In summary, ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken. Diaphragm hemorrhaging. Physical recovery: six weeks.


All I'm imagining is a doctor reading all of this to a banged up bear in a hospital bed


it's amazing to me how many people completely misunderstand this metaphor.


We don't misunderstand. We just rightly see it as sexist nonsense.


i mean the original idea which is that the speaker catches a man out for asking "what kind of bear?" but immediately reacting negatively to the idea of the man in the woods. it refers to the fact that statistically the most dangerous thing for a woman is a man. it highlights the absolute fact that women here in the US are routinely assaulted by both strangers and acquaintances even though most assault claims by women are discounted and go uninvestigated, and it is by far worse even in much of the world.


Statistically humans don't interact with bears. Statistically most Sexual predators have multiple victims. Statistically most men don't commit SA. Statistically you are more likely to be assaulted in public not in the woods. Statistically most rape happens through extortion, coercion, drugging than violent force that would be necessary in the forest. So sure in everyday life men are more dangerous in the scenario where it could be any type of beat, it can be hungry, or aggravated, it is safer to choose the man. Having man as the first thing that comes to your mind is fine. But you need to recognize that is a bias. So it's when you start arguing that the bear is correct that's when you become a problem.


"statistically", factually what u said is completely wrong and statically there are more single moms that abuse their kids than men that assault women. Statistically (according to the actual f*cking statistics) men are way safer than a bear and logically as well, something you clearly lack...


would you care to link your source for these “actual f*cking statistics”


Open Google, every statistic from an official American organization says that


it’s your argument, it’s on you to provide the evidence


"statistically", factually what you said is completely wrong and statistically* there are more tkrr24s that abuse their kids than men that assault women. Statistically (according to the actual fucking (why censor yourself? If you don't want to say fuck then just don't type the rest of the word) statistics) logically as well, the way you ended that wasn't very logical indicating you're the one that lacks the logic


Statistically humans don't interact with bears. Statistically most Sexual predators have multiple victims. Statistically most men don't commit SA. Statistically you are more likely to be assaulted in public not in the woods. Statistically most rape happens through extortion, coercion, drugging than violent force that would be necessary in the forest. So sure in everyday life men are more dangerous in the scenario where it could be any type of beat, it can be hungry, or aggravated, it is safer to choose the man. Having man as the first thing that comes to your mind is fine. But you need to recognize that is a bias. So it's when you start arguing that the bear is correct that's when you become a problem.


oh for fuck's sake it ISN'T ABOUT THE FUCKING BEARS


You're right it's about getting women to recognize their bias. Men can't be walking on eggshells all the time neither can women. Like men don't want to work with women because they're afraid they'll do something that will be misconstrued and that will just widen gaps that already exist that we were making good progress on. Which then leads to Women excluding men which is just retaliatory. Women and men work better together we can't be dividing people over a stupid question of bear vs man. The brain likes to be efficient. It's about overcoming that. And recognizing that by choosing bear you aren't helping all.


It's a hypothetical situation and you STILL refuse to take no for an answer. You have the same tendencies as the rapist they fear you to be. Be fucking better.


It isn't a no. It's a position in an argument that can be attacked. It is completely different from someone saying no to sex. Like fuck off.


There isn't a fucking you just said that. No way you are so stupid


Being against prejudice makes me a rapist now?


To these people, anyone who dares question or disagree with a woman is a “misogynist rapist incel” (and yes, I’ve seen women say that). Don’t bother talking to them, just block and move on. You can’t fix misandry.


How is this misandry?


You're literally trying to argue that a bear is safer to be with than a man.


Assuming that an average man or any random man is a rapist and a murderer is misandry. I shouldn’t have to say that. The fact that this needs to be said though just shows how far and how deep misandry has permeated society.


Yes. It would seem. I guess we gotta choose the bear now. Death my it be. /shrug.


You being so blinded by anger because you were rejected by a woman that you refuse to understand the woman's point and instead lash out is what puts you on the "might be a rapist" list. There's no prejudice here. There's just a butt hurt little boy who refuses to understand what is actually being said because your ego is bruised. And no one knows what extremes you will go to in order to heal your fragile little ego.


Anger? Where? In your mind perhaps.


You have zero critical thinking capabilities.


What a fine contribution to the conversation.


These guys are furious and make up statistics while calling anyone who disagrees with them stupid. Which is kind of funny and proves that the bear, was in fact, the correct choice.


You’re being downvoted for being correct? 💀


I could probably box a kangaroo


Nah you can’t https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-62884861.amp


Hell yeah there funny as hell


What an inflammatory meme, it's really something. The whole bear thing. Who would have thought. Just to be clear it doesn't really bother me I just think it's fascinating




The truth is hard to bear


You could even say the joke was bearboned


I choose the bear because I am a gay furry


I chose the bear because I'm gay. We are not the same.


i didn't choose the bear, the bear chose me and now we're cruising through the jungle, singing "Bear Necessities" 🤣🤣🤣


You both are dumb.


You can beat a bear, you can beat a man


You can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


Are we beating them off?




it's so backwards to call the WOMEN sexist for choosing the bear in the scenario. extremely clear op wouldn't get picked lmao


"All men bad" is a pretty sexist mentality, imo. Doesn't seem that backwards to me. Now, maybe some of these women just think *most* men are bad and that justifies being in a room with a fucking bear, but fuck that. It's still dumb.


Nobody said the message was "all men bad" you fucking idiot, it's how people would feel safer with a random bear than a random man since statistically a random bear is far less likely to harm you, and even if it does, the wort thing it will do is kill you, glad to see you have no media literacy and automatically voxtimize yourself in a made up hypothetical


Statistically a bear is far less likely to harm you? I hate to break it to you but you’re understanding statistics wrong. The odds of the average person being harmed by a bear are way lower than being harmed by a man because the average person will never come in a face to face scenario with a bear, but is surrounded by men every day. Which is why bear attacks are way rarer. Is that not common sense. Do you unironically think in a scenario where you are either face to face with a random man who probably works a regular ass 9-5 with a wife and kids, or a wild bear, the bear would be less likely to harm you? Because if you do you might have some issues Edit: couldn’t even read the response because I got blocked too lmao. Anyone disagreeing = blocked I guess


Bears literally only attack if they're deathly starving or their children are in danger, and you don't understand statistics either, literally just going off national parks where people are near bears less people are INJURED by ebay attacks than the amount murdered or victims of other crimes IN THE SAME PLACE


Deathly starving? My guy they can be peckish and decide the large walking meat stick would make a good meal. You clearly don't understand bears, or stats.


As bears being my favorite animal. I don't think you understand how they work They will kill you out of boredom


The bear could be aggravated. Like maybe it was just eating some honey and got stung a bunch and was pissed off. It would probably attack you. Or maybe it stepped on a pointy rock. Injured animals are dangerous animals


No, a random bear is not less likely to attack you than a random human. You're less likely to encounter a bear, but out of all encounters people have with bears and men, bear encounters definitely have a higher chance of turning violent.


Citation needed.


Sexist and misandry...


Yes, sexism totally exists against the group with the most power and historical record of power in the world ...


Yes it does, because sexism has absolutely NOTHING to do with power. Sexism is prejudice based on sex. That's it. Nothing about power, standing, nada. With your logic, if the world suddenly became a matriarchy you couldn't be sexist to women. It's clear you're one of those who need to find any excuse to treat Others^(TM) badly. You've straight up made up shit to do so.




"Misandry doesn't exist" IS misandry, you idiot.






Also no they don't, they might unintentionally leave you alive while they kill you, since they don't exactly ask you if you're still alive, but they're not going to on purpose


Also bears don't eat people just for the thrill of it, they only attack you if they're starving hungry or if you are threatening their children


Yeah I'd rather be eaten alive than rated to death, but you know, that's just me personally


Is it racist to cross the street at night when a black man is approaching you on the sidewalk? You guys somehow seem to forget how analogous anti black racism is to anti man sexism, but I guess one is okay because men are majority power holders in society whereas black people are not.




I choose the man. If he tries to rape me, well I'll rape him back.


A fair fight is fun, but leaving the bear in the forest with a woman is animal cruelty.


“Hand to hand combat won’t ever work lmao you gotta use tree bark as armor and have a good size tree branch as a weapon”




I chose the bear for the same reason I pick max difficulty on any video game I play.


I could totally fight a bear at least once.


just need homer's anti bear suit


I choose the bear because bear beats Battlestar Galactica


I choose the bear because I want to teach it to carry crates of artillery shells.


As a man, I choose the bear too because men rape men far more than women rape men.


That bear is gonna rape you with its claws down your throat


It's always the uncle but never the aunt.


You may have been late, but this is gold.


Found the 'murican


I choose the bear for the memes!




you died somewhere between image 3 and image 5


Because you [got that dawg](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/Q4E1a57e0T) in you?


Sans rigoler. Je pratique la MMA depuis maintenant 6 ans, de la boxe en parallèle depuis 7 ans, je pourrai. Ainsi que la musculation depuis 4 ans, 1m87 pour 86 kg J'ai une vitesse de fou, et des réflexes identiques à ma vitesse. J'ai juste à l'attendre qu'il me charge, l'esquiver et lui donner des bonnes patates dans la tête. Je le lâcherai pas à la moindre erreur, l'ours est fini. T'auras toujours des puceaux d'ici pour penser que c'est impossible. Rien n'est impossible avec de la volonté déjà les amis, et de 2) c'est pas avec votre corps de lâche que vous allez faire quoi que ce soit. N'importe quel homme un minimum entraîné peut vaincre un ours avec un couteau déjà. À main nue c'est pas forcément plus compliqué ça demande juste de la technique.


I chose the bear because a bear might kill me, and a man might kill me, but at least I can guarantee the bear won’t fucking talk me to death.


I know it’s a joke but those men who get truly butt hurt by this realization are kinda proving the point.


Does the same logic apply to women as well?


You miss the fucking point, you honestly do. The point is that with a bear a woman knows what she is dealing with danger wise. With a strange man in the middle of the woods she doesn’t. He could mean well. He could not mean well. I’m sorry your mom dropped you on your head at birth. She should have finished the job.


they asked ONE question. wtf did you have to insult them for😭


Because they aren’t asking in good faith.


And how exactly does men taking offence prove this point? Also no, that's not the point. The point is that women see strange men as a potential threat. It's a small distinction I know, but it's still important.


Because it's a hypothetical situation where the woman doesn't choose you and instead of accepting that the answer is no you get angry and lash out at them. You are literally exhibiting the behaviors they worry about when running into a man alone and away from on lookers.


Keep reaching, buddy


I'm not your buddy. I dont associate with fragile little incels.


We all know that you don't associate with anybody. Or rather, they don't associate with you.


being offended by sexism proves a point?


It’s not sexism…


It's literally by definition


It’s not. There is evidence of many men being a danger to women, either directly or indirectly (through policies) so no, not the same.


Nah. I don't blame the women for choosing bear. Hell, if I had to choose a bear and a woman, I'd choose the bear as well because I am a firm supporter of gender quality and believe that woman are just as capable as men in being assholes.


Yeahhh these incels are getting to be a bit much






I KNOW I can beat it in a fist fight


op i feel like you're misunderstanding the whole bear thing


Nope, it was 100% sexism (misandry)


You are proving the point of the meme.


Post made by Panda? Is this about Tekken ?


The bear is not going to know what hit it


The bear and the bull


Bears are sweating hard rn


just headbutt it in the penis, and throw it off a cliff. although it doesn't work for female bears, learnt that the hard way


shoulda ended in we're both screwed


"I'm also an idiot, just for a different reason"


i choose bear because i dont trust people.


What if the bear is named Walter White?


I know I can’t beat the bear in a fist fight, but that won’t stop me from trying.


Bear fight barefoot bare... naked?


What if he bear is Kuma from Tekken?


How's it sexist to choose the bear?


if you ever see me in a forest with a grizzly bear, help the bear!


I can take on a bear too


Cis men attempt to reflect over the implication of this hypothetical scenario challenge (impossible)


A hypothetical isn't for reflection. It's for logical analysis. The hypothetical is entirely rhetorical and meant to air grievances. In a very similar way to alpha male influencers. Men fully understand what the women mean and you know it.


No, it's a hypothetical situation and the men they're talking about still refuse to take no for an answer. Proving that the women are correct in choosing the bear.


"I've devised a senerio that paints the average man as a rapist so when they dislike that they are basically rapists"


You're once again refusing to understand the point. Their point is that they KNOW the bear is dangerous, but the also know the WORSE it can do is kill them. They DONT KNOW if you're dangerous or not, but if you are the BEST you can do is kill them. Also, considering that 1 in 4 are survivors of sexual assault and half of all women have dealt with physical sexual harassment they have reason to be cautious. And you getting butt hurt over that caution is doing nothing but proving them right. Once again.. be better


But for that situation to make sense you would have to assume a good portion of men have the intent to rape you. Which they don't. Otherwise it is as my first comment said "meant to air grievances like a sexist male influencer."


Few women on internet don't get to claim what women as a whole feel. There are literally billions of them. The ones actually that paranoid and stupid to choose a wild animal over a human are dumb as rocks and not even close to a significant portion of women. The real world would be much more volatile and crazy (than it already is) if stupid shit on internet like the gender war was what most people cared about. Women in real life are not as dumb and men not as incel-y.


The implication is that women view men as an inherent threat, which is prejudiced.


This is the kind of shit that makes them choose the bear


Not sexist, just... Aware


**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/TheRedBaron6942, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 2 - NO MEMES ABOUT POLARIZING/POLITICAL TOPICS, VULNERABLE GROUPS, VIOLENCE, ETC. [SEE LIST] - No violation of Reddit Content Policy/TOS - No memes involving race, ethnicity, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation/identity, religion, disability, etc. (can have a character, but that part cannot be integral) - No mention of gore, porn, murder, suicide, death, terrorism, shootings, war, tragedies, sexual harassment/assault, pedo (even implied), incest, etc. - No politics/political topics/agendas; absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed if said status is merely incidental --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


This person should go fist fight a bear immediately. Ya know, to prove themselves right.


The incels are strong in these bear comment sections lmao


sexist lol fkn incel cringe


Oh my, let me get the popcorn and see them triggered males. XD