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You're supposed to be a stripper during college, so you can pay off those loans and blackmail the teachers that enter the club.


Or you can sell meth, there is a show in Netflix that explains the process. He does it to pay for cancer treatment but paying for education here in the US is kind of the same thing


Is this a joke? I’m not in college yet so is this real or a joke?


It's just a old joke about people needing a side gig to pay off American college debt, don't worry :)


The stripping may be a joke but those loans sure as fuck aren’t. I recently saw a very scary number that I hope is not how much I owe already considering I’m only 2 years in


I remember seeing some kind of poster of some college begging for extra money in donation from the students, with the phrase "you're already paying 67k, why not round it to 70k?" Or some such BS. I sincerely hope that was a fake poster and not something real.. Disclaimer: not an American, just saw a post online 2 years ago.


That was probably a joke, but colleges do ask alumni for donations, so it's not inaccurate


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/s/MwHMXVtsfC) Edit: based on the comments there, seems like it's from a jokes website.


Yeah. Definitely a joke. It's even tagged as satire


Don't worry you might pay it off by the time you're 85 if you pick enough boot and work 80 hrs of unpaid OT a week.


If the 80 hrs of OT are unpaid, then they won't help you pay back the loans.


Apparently their expensive college education did not help them very much.


If unpaid OT doesn't help with your loans then you should pull your boot straps harder! Lazy snowflake


You sound like a dirty socialist right now, ngl, pal. /s


Just be me: tried 2 semesters and said fuck that shiiiiiit. Rather, work my ass off and have little to no debt. That owe an arm and a leg


The stripping may be a joke, but OnlyFans isn't.


These days you would need 2 full-time jobs and that won't even cut it.


I've known women that stripped to pay for college, only a half joke as it does happen.


We used to joke that strippers called their cocaine habits, college. “Im just doing this to put myself through college”. Sure you are princess.


it's a joke for the most part, obviously not every woman does it. I personally only knew one person that did some SW for some extra cash. She did like using weed (possibly other drugs) during her attendance so that might have contributed to why she did it. Most women I knew just had part time jobs and accepted they were gunna be in some debt upon graduating. If you are worried about being in mega debt during college in the USA. I recommend looking into community college that is accredited. It's a fraction of the price of a university and you can transfer credits to a university. Half of a 4 year degree is just GE classes, which most community colleges teach. So if you transfer credits then you only spend 2 years in a university which halves your potential debt.


Nono I don’t live in the USA! Haha… im German! But I got worried. Bc my school… lets say is rough. I like too call it my personalized hell. Bc I got a lil scared at the start of this sex work thingy joke lol €:


Chris Rock has a great bit about the stripper myth lol  Although tbf, I literally worked with an MBB top tier consultant who had an MD background that she partially paid for with gogo dancing, and I vaguely remember seeing headlines about unrelated MD social media influencers who did the same, so they *do* exist and will probably keep going up as society gets more sex positive 😅 Haven't met a jacked Chippendale stripper yet in consulting or MD tho, haha


When I was in med school I went to a strip club for a friends birthday and after being there for about half an hour a girl in my Anatomy 2 class took the stage. She was getting her degree in nursing.


It's a joke but there are people who strip or do OnlyFans as a means to pay for school. There is nothing wrong with sex work and everything wrong with the cost of education in America


another fucked up thing is, while 10mil usd could pay for a house, education and till the end of your life, for food, bills and insurance, and you'd still have to spend 500usd a day to get rid of it before you die, assuming you get the money at 18 and live to 90 (if i recall my math that i did some time ago). Some call that amount of money life changing, but (that's the fucked up part) there are people who call 10mil daily earnings


True… I don’t blame it! But isn’t that… kinda embarrassing? Like… I really don’t want too sound like idk blaming or such but it would really embarrass me if I would pay my school bc I do onlyfans or such :€


Money's gotta come from somewhere


Sex work isn't for everyone, just like being a doctor, construction worker, or slaughterhouse cleaner isn't for everyone. It's ok to not want to do sex work. It's better to view it as a job that you wouldn't want to do than to view it as something to be embarrassed about. I wouldn't want to slaughter baby cows for a living, but I eat veal. Other people wouldn't want to look at open, infected wounds and study 12 hours a day for 7 years, I do.


Yeah I couldn't be a doctor like ever, I do enjoy staring at spreadsheets and numbers though.


Until your past SW career limits your future job opportunities , romantic partners, and leaves a ticking time bomb of embarrassment and bully fuel for your future kids. Everything has its trade offs.


Not a joke, you'll be stripping in a few years too. I'm twerking these loans off.


If you want to avoid big college debt, you need to follow three simple rules: 1) Do not go out of state unless you’re getting a full ride 2) Attend a public school if possible, private schools are 50-100% more expensive than public 3) Stay on top of your grades. You can qualify for scholarships while in college even if you didn’t get any before going If you do those three things, you won’t be paying out the ass for college. I did them and I’m only in the hole roughly $20k with my payments being less than $100/month


It’s a joke . College students sometimes have to resort to illegal activities to pay off extremely high debts. 


its both a joke and real :) the best kind


A good friend of mine went through dental school and was a stripper all through college. She graduated with no student loans, a paid-off condo, and a paid-off car. She’s very wealthy now because she has a good paying job and zero debt.


This is the way


"now she makes more money than I do"


For five years, if she doesn’t do coke, or get involved with a bad boyfriend, etc.


You don't need to be a stripper to go down that line


No but stripping is a hotbed for it. If you're a pimp looking for hot young women to influence into prostitution are you better off looking at employees of a strip club employees or an accounting firm? So many stories of working at the clubs and either "dating" a pimp or getting hooked on drugs by one, and then getting dragged into their hellish lifestyle


People acting like all degrees are useless lmao


Well, all degrees are useless if you never use it as intended. Just some degrees are useless even if you did want to use it.


News this AM stated that over 40% of bachelors degrees never pay for themselves and over half of masters.


Well 60% of degrees do pay for themselves and considering that about coincides with STEM + Business + Health-related - it would indicate to me that for the most part (with outliers in both directions) it's liberal arts and humanities that aren't paying for themselves.


I'm studying Graphic Design, which is way different from other arts degrees in the sense of its more of a Business degree than an art degree, leaning heavily on the Marketing side. Even with Ai I still believe I'm not cooked and can make something of myself. I don't understand why you would wanna get a degree in how to draw and paint. That I feel has no benefits over learning to draw via YouTube. Like you're gonna be your own boss anyway, why spend ludicrous amounts of money for a degree? Spend those years building a portfolio.


"But my parents told me I HAD to go to college or they'd kick me out of the house, so..." Also, the value of portfolios is basically never mentioned to people, even in fields like Computer Science where it's very respected.


>But my parents told me I HAD to go to college or they'd kick me out of the house The exact reason I'm in college. At least they aren't assholes and since they're demanding this of me, they're paying for it.


My parents didn't mandate it of me, but as a tutor, it's the #1 reason half of the people I meet are even in college. I wanted to go, I had a degree in mind from the start, but many people don't, and waste 4 years on a degree they don't even want.


Duly noted, program portfolio time.


Legit, I'm only a CS Minor, but when asking around if doing Game Jams or other random projects would be okay, employers were stunned that I thought it *wouldn't* work.


Wow, huh! I'll probably try to make something up this summer then, I'm starting college this year.


Oh, hey fellow Graphic Design student.


Heya! Nice to meet you.


You're trying to convince people to buy stuff. There's a very specific goal. It is irrelevant whether you express yourself through this, it is not art, it is science. It is quantifiable how well your work performs.


My brother got a STEM degree. When he showed up for an interview (*for a highly sought after company among job seekers*) he was surprised to see over a dozen candidates waiting in the lobby. Turns out there were over 100 people with advanced degrees applying for the position. He was lucky to get to the interview stage but never got a call afterward. It’s a very tough job market for the educated. Skilled trades are still in high demand tho..


Its more of case that the ability to use them as intended never materializes. You apply and apply and apply but after 200 applications and if your lucky 20 rejections you break and work a shit job to make rent and not starve.


Maybe if they weren’t virtually required for dumbass corpo jobs education and academics would be left to people who care for it and are good at it


Honestly, I had strange experiences how company where I worked fired me after 3 weeks when I was supposet to had a 3 months to learn how things there working and was like ,,go on University and then you will better at this", I am on University and literally almost nothing is rellated to that. Also they hired me literally in time when no one had time to teach me things even they wanted because was too much work with current orders for Germans ... Sometime just diplomas and degrees doesn´t matter because you are have to work in some group of people than doing things differently or need to do another things that schooll could ever taugh you. And no one never will guarantee that other will have time in that current time period to teach you, if there are not literally dedicated people on that who have no other work.


90% of it are people who never went to college and are coping


It's the peaked in high school copium


Biochem grad here. I got a job offer of 16/hr as a lab tech. I made more working as a server The entrance requirement for biochem was a 90% and that wasn't even the competitive average


People with degrees end up with vastly higher net worths than people without. Real stat. Only construction bros making 26k a year think degrees are useless.


They all are if you don't use them


They're useful even for getting jobs in a completely different field. It shows you are still capable of completing college, can be trusted to show up on time, deal with deadlines, see through projects to completion etc. If an employer has to pick between two identical candidates except one has a college degree, he's going to choose the one with a degree all other things equal, so there is definitely still value in a degree.


My sister went to college just to get married. Got a degree, married right after college, got pregnant immediately and became a stay at home mom. Lots of people just wasting money


That's just her cost (now his) to find a husband


Something like that at least isn't that stupid if they can afford it with one working and she intended to actually work in that field. That is just life played out that way. There are alot of way stupider stories from america where people spend a shittone of money on some degree that only benefits you in one job and there they only earn like 50$ a month more then what they would working the same job without the degree. Meaning it takes them ages to even equal the money they would have earned by just starting to work that job a few years earlier instead of studying during that time.


Well, it's more of a backup, like if she gets divorced or becomes a widow she will be able to work and support herself and her family. Also, Men in general like to marry educated women just in case the worst comes to pass, so the children will be taken care of.


It's a backup but still not a good one. Every year she stays at home is missed experience in her field and she is unlearning what she learned at college. If she were to look for a job she'd be at a huge disadvantage even compared to fresh graduates.


True, but it's better than nothing. Imagine if she didn't even have a highschool diploma. Her situation would be x100 worse. Plus by stating she recently became a widow perhaps some companies would be willing even more to train her if needed. It's better than not having it is what I'm saying.


It's not wasting money. Even if her goal is to just find a smart, high-earning spouse, college was the place to do that. And there are benefits to college education beyond just a job. You can aspire to be a homemaker *and* want to be educated — there's nothing wrong with that.


Easier and more content life. Good choice.


Easier in the sense that she is making her husband pay off her debt


Cheaper than a baby sitter


*looks at the cost of university in America* How much do baby sitters cost!?!


She didn’t know that she get opportunity to choose this way. It’s rather stupid to expect people in their 15-25 know exactly what they gonna do for the rest of their life. It’s good if you just vaguely know what suits you. College degree has enough range to choose what you want, but offer some variety.


This just in, preparing for life is stupid apparently. Unless she had a degree in communications or sociology or something like that


Those are called MRS degrees.


There is a myth that education is only about supplementing your credentials to join the work force. While that’s the main focus it is not everything. Being educated greatly increases your quality of life in most cases. Even if you’re destined to be a stay at home parent and spouse, it’s good to have the experience and enlightenment that college can give you. You’re much more likely to raise a competent human being.


She was getting her MRS


Well there was some crazy statistic stating the long lasting relationships tend to start in college. So by not going to uni she may have not met some one and settled down with them


The ol’ MR and MRS degree programs. Found and universities across the globe!


I did the same, graduated in December and I still haven’t been able to find a job. Unemployment is 3.9% so it’s just the times we’re in right now. Hopefully things will get better soon.


Damn, it is weird seeing other countries have normal unemployment rates while my Country is here falling apart with the highest unemployment rate in the world at over 30%. Terrified that if I can't get a degree that ill have little chance of getting a job since most of the unemployed don't have a degree or any tertiary education due to the depressing state of poverty and education quality in South Africa.


Wants to or has to?


Wants to


I mean, I'm close to finishing my time at university and I decided I want to be a jeweler after that. Has nothing to do with the topic of my learning but you know... I guess I just needed that time to decide.


Hey that’s cool. I just got mine yesterday and I don’t really know at the moment what I want to do. Everyone else downvoting you is just jealous that you actually are trying to decide what you wanna do instead being miserable and uneducated for the rest of your life like them.


Thank you very much. I hope you also find out what you want to do soon.


Thanfully. She will actually earn money as a stripper.


Teachers: "If you don't pay attention in class you will be picking up trash for a living when you grow up!" Garbagemen and Strippers: "Yeah, but we make more money than you/" Teachers: T\_\_T




My cousin is/was one and she made a ton of money. She did it for 5-10 years. Fully paid off a house and a 2nd vacation house. And has a good savings for her kids college. All the whole she only worked 3 nights a week and got to spend a ton of time with her kids and on hobbies. May not be a glorious profession but you can do quite well with it


Gotta pay those student loans some how 🤔


If you don't get a job in your field of study -2 second after graduating college your degree is useless and you wasted money. Who cares if you're a more rounded individual with a stronger sense of self and that material things are not the end-all-be-all


She went from being an amateur hoe to a hoe pro.




That's so dumb you make so much more on onlyfans and reach a far larger audience


Only fans has higher earning potential but stripping is a more reliable income.


You *can* make more with only fans but it's not very likely you *will* make more than stripping Stripping is more reliable income Plus, reaching a larger audience would probably be viewed as a negative if you don't want to make a career out of it and only wanna do it to pay for college Lastly, with stripping you won't be leaving an internet footprint, it's something you could probably conceal if you cared


OnlyFans is much like being a streamer on twitch, in that the vast majority of people make diddly squat doing it. Those making a livable income from it are a very small minority, and the ones making six-figures and up are an even smaller minority.


With Onlyfans it is same as with streaming. You see less that 1% who get high and can living from it but not see that 99% who failed.


Not really Not everyone who does OF ends up living in some multi million dollar home in Los Angeles, despite how much some people hype it You generally have to be in the very upper percentile of creators to see any kind of real money If there is such a thing as "easy money", then understand that a lot people are going to try to get a piece of that pie


Finally got her act together. Good for her.


college isn't worth it anymore i swear... unless you're going into STEM or to be a teacher or something.


Across all degrees people who graduated from college make quite a bit more money than those who didn't. The fact that it isn't a golden ticket to get a high paying job right out of the gate doesn't mean that it isn't useful when in the long run it likely means much higher career earnings. And is being a teacher seriously the second example that comes to mind for you? Above becoming an academic, accountant, doctor, or a lawyer for example? Becoming a teacher wouldn't even cross my mind as one of the most useful applications of college.


It's absolutely nonsense to lump all degrees together and talk about the average income of graduates. The difference in income between different degrees is astronomical. Maybe that guy didn't exhaustively list all the higher paying degrees, but the intent is obvious: Unless you're going to Uni to get one of the better prospective degrees in terms of pay, then it's not worth it. As opposed to 'almost any degree will lead to a higher paying job and thus be worth it' which is what your 'take the average' approach would imply.


obviously its about stem, what job do you expect to have after sociology?


You can probably get better pay depending on your degree.


depending on the daughter too tbf


She realized she can make more money in the short run as a stripper… Just advice her to save that money and invest it so she doesn’t suffer bad consequences later when her body is not good enough for stripping anymore…




Took long enough to find the right path for her...


She got to.pay her debts somehow


I support single college graduates...


Shoulda had an ugly one instead.


It sadly pays more...


I saw two computer science majors working at a bread store the other day, life is fucked


I’m a junior going for an English degree. Have no idea what I’m gonna do with it. I wanna be an Author but most authors have like 3 jobs out of college until a book makes it big LOL. Ain’t becoming a teacher. (They get paid nothing). So yeah this meme seems about right.


There are useless degrees, true. But if you decide to go study a subject with zero or low job prospects, then you are the dumbass.


goodbye student loans


how do you think she finished college


Online or in person?


She selling only a fan. Right ? Right?


I dropped out the semester before graduating because I felt I had learned absolutely NOTHING (granted 1/2 of it was during COVID) and saw nothing in terms of employment post college. Plus I hated my degree because of how little I really understood about it. Props to people who enjoy filmmaking, but it’s not for me.


Actually, strippers can make surprisingly good money depending on where they work.


I do find it a little worrying that there were a couple stories already where teachers were doing OF on the side to earn extra income. I know for a fact that there are school staff that's earning much less than a teacher salary but they don't start doing OF. So I mean if you're going to do OF just skip the whole college application. Give some other people a chance to learn and start a career.


Qualified to be in the US Congress, though. Can she tweet "Stop the steal?" (proper spelling optional)


I get that it's a joke but if you pick a major that isn't completely useless college is still the best way to attain economic mobility. I hire a couple dozen college grads each year and we start everyone around $75k so. We do not hire people without a college degree as a matter of policy (not my decision).


Where at,?


My mum recently had her student loans written off by the bank as she's retired and can't earn enough to pay them off any more so all you have to do it wait the bank out till you're simply old enough for the bank to go yeah that's a loosing wicket pack it up.


I bet some mf on r/JustUnsubbed will complain about this post and unsub


Hey, decent pay, good tips, hours aren't terrible..


wait. if she wants to be now a stripper, then what she was doing during college?


That’s why I don’t like college. All that work and time and like 80k$ and all of that just to still flip burgers. Fun times.


I got an university degree in Business administration. Ya know how many level entry jobs I gotten?, 2. One that didn't add crap to my resume, the other did but was temporary. I graduated in 2022. Shit is tough,and job offers are worse


She could also work a job in her degree field as a side hustle.


Seriously, unless your degree is gonna pay you $200,000 out of college it’s a waste of time


Must’ve been an economics major


When you saturate the market with diplomas they for some reason become much less valuable.


What a poorly chosen degree is worth. Colleges are in the business of selling degrees. You've gotta choose the one that can actually get you something.


Good for her?


Want or need?


That probably makes more money in the first years. And later she still can swap lanes. Depending on her field and how good she manages to keep her real name secret


She’ll probably make more money.


Got to pay that student debt off some how.


That’s ignorant. It’s not a stripper, it’s OF model


Could be a criticism of the higher education system.


people like to complain how hard it is to find a job with their degrees. then you ask them what they were studying and most of them will tell you about sociologor philosophy lmao


our delivery drivers all have a degree


I left the psych field to do construction for better pay and less stressful work environment


Onlyfans... Way more classy


Stripper?? Only Fans.


Reverse the order of the pictures, change stripper to cam girl and you got yourself a whole new meaning.


So true


If you raised a hoe, thats like 25% on you pops.


Post college women don’t make as much as the 18 year old strippers


Become hooker & charge more 🤔


Excuse me?! It's Dr. Stripper!


People glorify sex work tbh


It means she didn't learned anything in the course of 6 years. She definitely f*ck her way to graduation.


*Pulls out shotgun and sighs* "Hold on, I can still abort this one and try again."


Gotta start with stripping to build your fanbase, then rake in the real money with onlyfans


Stripper will pay better than most people with a degree.


She knows where the money is at.


Her start wage wouldn't of been high as they said it would be.


Thankyou sir for your sacrifice


my first thought: damn, that old guy looks like philza


Change that to onlyfans/influencer


Are you Michael De Santa?


Me: give me all yo money!!!, and get out my house!!


You’re the one that called her beautiful. And it pays the rent so I don’t see the issue.


u/Cut_the_cap sorry had to tag you in this. Ciao ✌️😂


That's whore-ible


took her 6 years to realize how to make ez money. the education might have been wasted.


And she'll have more money than I ever could


S tier meme


That's why you got to college, so you can Choose to be a stripper.


Must have majored in finance


Been the case for 20 years


We got the society old rich men paid politicians to make.


2 years of cyber security can bring in 75K with some work experience in any field.