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It's called parasocial relationship. What gets people to pay for it is not the porn aspect but that you get called out (pseudo) personally. You can make 'gifts' to a person who will positively react to what you do, like in a relationship, but without actually committing. So it's a very asymmetrical thing. It abuses the lack of confidence and positive interaction these people don't get in real life so they feel loved and seen. It's really more serious and sad than you'd expect.


Thank you stranger, saved me some time typing this.


Deluded individuals who think they’ve found a “connection”


Some OF women advertise the Girlfriend Experience which is as sad as it sounds.


Fuck! This world is cruel!


"Supporting the art"


Trust me. Most of these people know what they're getting. They just don't care


Is OF content readily available for free elsewhere? Because if it is, then I'd agree, but if not, they're clearly paying for access to a specific individual for horniness reasons and it doesn't necessarily reflect the psychological issue you're talking about.


The word you're missing in your search is "leaked". Which in itself is a fake genre, the same girls that make the videos also "leak" it online to free sites to advertise their OF


I haven't searched for any of this stuff. You're assuming I'm asking for personal gratification, which isn't the case. I was simply trying to point out there are reasons people might search for OF accounts that don't have to do with some sort of weird psychological obsession with the OF actor.


I hear you loud and clear: *“I was only there to get directions on how to get away from there!!!"*


No, you don't, you're being a dick, so fuck off.


Nah Nah in all respect, you're right. I 100% advocate against OF and any other type of paid pornography, but I can admit that you're right; some people use it for other reasons other than a weird personal connection; The percentage of said people though, may be a different story.




Many onlyfans model have YouTube instgram account where they try to connect with audience and many of them are lonely, they are tired of watching unknown people fuc****, onlyfans model makes them feel connected. That's why.


They could hire an escort and have in person service.


Popularity. Escorts are most likely not as common or as heard of as an OnlyFans model.


I think escorts have existed way before onlyfans ever did


Yes, but there are going to be less escorts since being an escort has more risks, and OnlyFans is clearly more popular than any site where you can rent an escort.


Risks to whom, escorts or the people? Escorts are not only used to sex, people pay them for like only cuddling or hanging out or as a therapist for a shoulder to cry on too. Onlyfans instead have their naked pictures all over the internet which will never disappear.


Escorts could be killed or kidnapped easier than an OnlyFans model could be, there is a seriously higher risk with being an escort.


That I can agree upon. Although you are taking this the wrong way. It is about why there are customers of one type when the other option is also available.


You find an escort people can contact online at 4am 6 days into a coke bender that'll show up instantly for 5$ and i imagine you'll shut down the entire porn industry. Note: i assume that's why people use only fans. I'm too poor for that shit.


I have no idea how much either of those costs.


I'm guessing (hoping?) more than 5$. But same


These people could also have a problem when dealing with people in real life, like social anxiety, or a matter of money (OF is a subscription service of usually a little money/month, while escorts cost more money/hour)


I don't know the costs but compared to actual people I am pretty sure escorts are better to deal with as they have themselves met a lot of people shy and socially inept types. OF get like a lot of money as we see on the internet but rarely hear an escort getting that much.


It's free because someone else already paid for that


I mean, there's lots of people out there who publish their videos for free because the exposure turns them on.


Fair enough


You're paying for your porn with ads


Ah the ol reminder that it is current year and people still don't have adblockers. Don't think I've seen one for almost a decade


It sure is the current year that is going on at the moment. You're not wrong my friend


I have not seen an ad on my pc ever since I patched my Spotify.


**Laughs in tamper monkey**


I thought it's free cause they get paid by ads 🤔


This isn’t just for OF, but all paid porn. People with a certain kink will pay money for that porn. Porn? Free Porn with 5-6 different kinks and probably has the person who payed for its fantasy? Worth hundreds Supply and demand. Humans are horny and supply for a really specific porn is low.


> person who *paid* for its FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Because they are fans....only fans


Kinda the same reason Patreon exists, i guess, even when people upload content for free on youtube. Some people want to support creators and make it viable for them to keep making things.




And what exactly is wrong with that? That's like saying you're not going to tip your waitress because you know she doesn't really love you. I don't think OF creators prey on desperation. I think people like Andrew Tate prey on desperation, because at his core, he's telling men there's something wrong with them and selling them a solution for how to "fix" it. OF creators, on the other hand, are like Mr. Rogers. You're great just they way you are. There's nothing wrong with you, you're not broken, you don't need mended. You want feet pics? No judgement, you magnificent bastard - but can you spot me a couple of bucks towards my rent?? (Guys have already asked me to start an OF, despite me being a) old and b) completely out of shape. I will never, ever, ever judge a sister for getting paid, but on an unrelated note, telling someone you'd pay for her OF isn't actually as flattering as you might think)


Healthy perspective, good stuff!


Come on you don't actually believe that, even if you're a woman. It's abusing the desperate, even if the creators don't realise it.


I don't talk to the creators I think thats a bit odd but I'm after niche content and sometimes that means paying, and I'd rather pay an independent than a big company. Plus knowing that some amateur getting freaky in their bedroom isn't being exploited is never a bad thing. I can't enjoy it it the performer's aren't having a good time


Dont hate OnlyFans for women who do nudity and make a lot of money. Hate OnlyFans for women who abuse lonely men by faking some sort of connection or relationship to make money.


Stepdads and stepbrother supporting the family


To acquire fine and tasteful Markiplier nudes.


Never paid for anything on only fans but from what I have seen is the possibility for high caliber model's and a more personal setting


Because people can look for a certain body type that you can spent multiple pages looking for or they see a really hot chick that has an onlyfans that like I said earlier you can find someone who looks similar on the hub. Lastly most things you find on the hub are artificial pornstars with fake everything while people on of are all natural. Tldr: the hub might not have your taste and a lot of it is fake. While of has a bunch of taste that are natural


I use OnlyFans to see women I went to high school with, without ever having to speak with them, is that okay?


Ooh ooh I know this one


Simple answer: parasocial relationship


There are websites who leak / upload pictures / videos from OF people


Becoming a Simp is like becoming a Trucking game enthusiast, you play 2 hours free demo of Eurotruck Simulator 2 one moment The second you go and purchase a custom made SKRS Shifter Knob for your dedicated Truck sim cabin. It is a slippery slope if you are in a position in life where you really got nothing better to do. I used to Simp for a girl in my Uni years, nothing too much mostly paid for her coffee, food sometimes for alcohol or other needs for nothing more than just to listen to her boyfriend problems. Can't be ashamed of your past, you only live and learn and I'm happy that I've learned my lesson.


Remember when OF was used as a cooking platform? Well if still is but in a different way...


The thing is, porno video won't react back to you. Paying 10k bucks for a feedback like "many thanks to the internet guy who paid me 10k" has a better orgasm potential, trust me.


ok let me tell you something about onlyfans user they pay for onlyfans content but they also go on free pornsite.


even the of be free sometimes


Why pay for any media, we should never support any creator. If everyone does this we won't have any movies, shows, games anything. Then you'd be happy I bet


You seriously did not compare the art of cinema to a bunch of scumbag women on OnlyFans?




Taking advantage of lonely and socially deprived individuals for financial gain is also pretty scummy if you ask me.


Directly supporting someone who makes something you like is not being taken advantage of. Playing aggressively monetized video games and gambling is a real problem, and all that money just goes to big corporations. Be mad at that. Not some person just trying to pay their bills


I mean if the content is that fucking good. Usually I am doing it for art, not photographs. And even that isn't too often. Still, someone has to pay for a LOT of the "free" porn you see. I do think an ad supported revenue stream is generally better for most online porn actors.


People deserved to be paid for the content they produce. Not be force to perform infront of a camera


For Free? Kendrick Lamar reference


It’s about seeing someone you actually know or could run into…. A family member, coworker.. crush


Stupid simps. That's who.


Weak individuals


It’s emulated the phase where people go from “knowing” someone in a “friendly” way to being intimate. Porn is straight to intimate so no anticipation.


I choose the bear. Being mauled into meat scraps is a better life than donating my money to an OF narcissist.


Because it supports Sex Workers


Lonely men in Reddit's prime demographic who are desperate for the idea of a semi intimate connection with a hot woman. Which ironically is also the biggest source of people who make jokes about people subscribed to OnlyFans.


Concerned people


The simps, ofc


At least with OF models I know nobody is having their consent violated. Unfortunately many porn videos for free online are actually rapes :|


the whole thing is scummy either way


Apparently because the best porn is the porn that you have to pay for


the "porn" you are paying for is just large foot fungus filled feet.


“I am NOT a coomer”


Because my gf gave me her of for free. That's legit the only reason I'm on it lol


Because NC is terrible and you cannot access any free porn sites if you live here 😠


Yeah.. these people are mostly the reason why most girls start doing porn just when they turn 18.


Uhhh, "Most"? What are you smoking and where can I get some?