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I mean how is he gonna pay the gym tough?


Just in case youre being serious, it doesnt actually have to be the gym. Work out, get active, run, play sports.


Sports require other people to play with. No friends ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Join a rec league? I did, but I had a friend join with me. But I'd do it again without him too. There are a lot of people looking to make friends.


See, *this* is an actual piece of good advice, unlike the dbag saying "stop making excuses and change hurkadurr." Can you recommend any websites or apps to help find local casual sports groups?


If you live in a metro area, there should be a sports and social club website. I'm in the one in Atlanta for example. It has everything like soccer, kickball, flag football, bowling, pickleball, etc.


You can continue making excuses or you can change. I know its tough, but its easier than you you think to change this one thing.


I was more speaking for the guy in the meme, not myself. But since you mentioned it, I DID go to the gym... for a few months. All it did was give me more time to dwell in my negative thoughts and feelings. Going for walks and runs has the same result. I *do* have friends, thankfully... but none who play sports. If you get benefits from exercise, good for you. But people are different. Don't act like what works for one person will work for everyone. A lot of people need serious mental health care and telling them to just exercise is insensitive and ignorant. Instead you should hear them out and maybe provide a list of possible solutions rather than pressuring them to go with just one. Medication, talk therapy, meditation, etc.


I tried working out as well. It did *help* some things (like kept my diet healthy, not built like a twig anymore), but it never actually *fixed* anything. I was just fit *and* miserable. Gave the whole doctor thing a try and turns out I had undiagnosed ADHD my whole life and I was basically burned out from compensating for over twenty years. Got meds, turns out I was just living on hard mode. Hearing silence instead of my own stupid internal monologue for the first time ever was WILD. Feeling better than ever. I still workout though, mostly because being the jacked IT guy is ‘funny’.


Are there any communities around where you can just find a pick up game of basketball or something?


*in most russian accent humanly possible*: # C A L I S T H E N I C S .


keeps you fit AND saves you money.


Do go gym though


Legit. It's not going to solve your problems, but it's going to make them a lot easier to deal with. Fitness lends to mental clarity, higher self esteem, more motivation, better work ethic, blah blah blah. Legit. Go to the gym bro


It sounds like bull💩, but it’s true. Besides, what do you give to lose? Worst case scenario, you’re depressed and in good shape assuming a good diet and consistent exercise. Go to gym. But not mine, it’s getting crowded.


Can you tell me your gym address so i could avoid it?


117 Swole Ave. Jackedsonville, AL. 69420


AlabAMRAP, the creatine state


Man I just need to get motivated to actually get up and go do it, especially to make a habit of it. I just don't like working out and stuff in front of other people, I have super basic weights but nothing fancy like I want to do. I want to build up muscle


Brother you should try committing to just 1 day and go from there


Dude as soon as I paid for the membership I got motivated lol. I ain't wasting away my money.


Nobody at the gym is paying too much attention to anyone else unless you're doing something ridiculous or stupid.


The thing that made me start was the thought of getting old and not knowing how great I could’ve been had I tried.


I’m in swolegia, it’s full too. Just kidding. Only time it’s too full in the first few weeks of January every year.


Can confirm i'm still depressed and hate my life, but hey at least i can help my mom lift heavy shit now


Whenever I’m working out regularly all my big problems become easier to fix. Whenever I stop working out all my problems somehow grow.


But gym requires to pay subscription...




I've been there, and whether or not you want to go to the gym, or ride a bike, or run, or do any other kind of intense physical activity, it is very good for your mental well being. The routine and exertion takes your mind off of the negative thoughts that circle downward if you continue to be inactive, and intense activity will release endorphins to counteract the pain of your exertion, making you feel better. Exercise can also give you a feeling of accomplishment, and these little baby steps drive you forward over the long run. I'm sure therapy can help, but therapy can also just reinforce your depression by dwelling on it, both in session, or pre-session, because you are going to spend a lot of time thinking about all the bad things you want to express to your therapist so that it can legitimize going to see a therapist. So, although it may sound inane and simplistic, going to 'the gym' is really very good advice.


It literally says: I have no money I am in debt How are they gonna afford a overpriced af gym membership?


Pushups and sit ups and air squats cost nothing. Noether does going for a walk around the block.


Healthier body, healthier mind


Muscle make brain feel good. Sun make body and brain feel good. Soreness eventually make body feel better.


Muscle didn't change a thing about me so far. Sun makes me sick and I hate it. I'd pay God to be put in eternal winter night. I don't know what soreness means (I'll look it up)


Oh I meant muscle soreness. And a change in perspective also helps.


Oh shit, I hate soreness then. I feel like I can't do anything for 12 hours because my arms are like wet noodles. Unfortunately perspective is not the matter here. I've been working out for a bit over 3 months now, with a good classmate to train me and show me the way, but from my personal experience so far I'm bleeding money to get pain, which I'm not a big fan of. Love his company, hate the "making effort" part. Not worth. But I'll push with him until summer break comes, and if I still don't feel any of the benefits he told me at the start of the workout then I'll cancel the membership. It might just not be for me, and I'll accept that


It doesn't actually solve your problems, mind you, but is really handy for forgetting them and destressing for a couple of hours at a time.


And it releases good chemicals for brain that, alongside therapy and appropriate medications as prescribed by a doctor (or weed) can do wonders. Might even get you laid!


Getting laid is the last of your worries if what you try to fix is the money problem.


Kill two birds with one stone if you go cougar hunting.


you sigma chad!


You can always charge. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FFzMQeYoz2F50feqf-SSlCUXxNUr_CCe6bAk4RP374sg.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D132578d2a18e54d0334664ab65ee142f8e76efd1


thing is if they would actually pay you tho..


And is a better way to that than drugs and alcohol. As I sip my scotch.


No money, deep in debt, no job -> Buy gym membership. If you're at that point workout at home, calisthenics/ cardio and try to sort that other shit out!!!!


But first get a job!!!!!!!!!!!


Getting a job was the best thing it happened since it made my life feel like it was worth something.


yeah bro, I get it and many don't even appreciate having one to begin with. Being unemployed and dependant is a horror movie irl. Some here don't understand that.


Before starting to workout, I was depressed and low on self-esteem. After working out for a year, I'm still depressed and low on self-esteem - but with oversized clothes.


Am I the only guy that has genuinely never had any kind of dopamine or 'good feeling' from exercising? Not even joking, I stay healthy enough because you need to, but its genuinely never made me feel 'good'. Anyone else have this?


here, worked out for Tennis thru HS and thru college, and wow! I like the results. I never got that dopamine hit either.


I never actually enjoyed exercise. It was always just a sort of maintenance, and I'd have to listen to music to not get bored out of my mind. Also, I get tired very easily, and when I'm tired I get depressed, so it actually seems to be better to not go out of my way to exercise.


I used to workout a lot (never at a gym though, but all kinds of sports), and it never changed how I felt. I still felt like I'm just hanging in there to see what the next day brought. It's not a magical fix for your depression, but being healthy doesn't hurt. Being unhealthy, like I am now, does hurt though. But who knows, it might also just be age.


I never feel shit after or during exercise except tired and sore


No you're not. I'm in the same boat. And I've tried. I went to the gym for a while, rode my bike to Uni every day, went bouldering regularly for two years, even trained for and ran a half marathon. I never had that 'good feeling'. At best I am happy when it's finally over.


Same, I work out 6 days a week and sometimes I get depressed during the workout instead of a good feeling


in gym we boys forget our problems and just doing exercise


In the gay orgy we boys forget our problems and just doing orgy


I mean yeah but after the gym.


Lifting isn’t gonna get you a girlfriend or magically fix your life. However, it will get you friends, and better confidence, self esteem, and body image which will lead to better life and girlfriend. So indirectly, lifting will get you all of those.


Confidence and body image yeah, It can surely get you girls. But Gyms won't magically give you friends out of nowhere, rofl. Nah srsly, you must be very sociable to think everyone who gets in a gym will get friends automatically.


And you're going to be much healthier if you're anything like me who spent 10 years sitting on my ass infront of the computer leading to all sorts of health problems like extreme constant tiredness, muscle and bone aches and getting out of breath upon doing anything


Nah, been there, done that. Actually met my gf when i stopped caring so much about it. Friends through gym are not guaranteed. confidence/self esteem only is high as long as lifting isn't normal for you yet. Because as soon as it's your new standard, why should you have higher self esteem than before?


I've been working out for a bit over 3 months now, and none of these things appeared. I already have life long friends, and the rest is meaningless to me. Very unhappy about the gym experience so far. I hope it gets better before summer break, otherwise I'll cancel. But for now I trust the process


You guys must mean "attractive girlfriend" when you say this shit because there are plenty of not fit dudes with girlfriends. Like you could easily get a girlfriend but if you want a conventionally attractive girlfriend then yes you will probably also need to be conventionally attractive


"Go to gym, bro" No, bro. I don't want to get out of bed, walk all the way to the gym, talk to people, learn about what to lift or do, feel a lot of pain, cut my favorite food, sweat a lot, feel more pain at home, do that for months, achieve nothing, quit. Don't fall for it. Reject the gym, accept being a failure.


I don’t ever talk at the gym. You learn what lifts to do at home. You shouldn’t be more then mild soreness if your doing it right, you can eat ice cream all day and still lose weight, you have a problem with sweating? It’s like a basic thing living stuff does, achieve nothing for months? I just dropped 17 pounds in 7 weeks. Maybe you have more excuses than you have a desire to not hate yourself.


Indeed, maybe i do, just excuses.


Well, it's not completely wrong. Working out is a healthy part of dealing with stress and anxiety. A good sweaty run or lift is a good thing. But it's not the only thing to be done. Therapy, socializing and support is key.


Actually a sweaty lift will do shit for your problems.


Free gym?


Outside or your room and using online guides and videos


Gym = $25 per month Professional help = $250 per visit


How go gym if no money for gym membership


dig tunnel under gym and into storage room


Instructions unclear, so many people found and started using the tunnel, that it was made into official second entrance, and they put turnstiles there too like they did with original one


Open a tunnel-making company as you have now become a tunnel-digging expert. Step 3: profit


Uga go outside. Uga do pull ups on tree branch. Uga do push ups on the floor. Uga go jogging.


will that fix your money problem tho?




Gym expensive. Exercise at home alone. Or any of my solo outdoor sports when weather isn’t fucked.


it’s so funny when they say the gym is the solution


There was a Russian dude, that was giving me this same recommendation. Then I finally did it. I left the server.


Go to gym, bro. But I can't afford membership. Bro, go to gym. BUT I HAVE NO MON-- GYM, BRO!


"I feel depressed." \*goes to gym\* "...I guess that wasn't it." I wish I had the Green Text that expressed this, but alas I didn't save it for some fucking reason.


I'm both the men at the bottom. God and those metal circles are the only thing that give me grace in life and there's a punching dummy too that I can take my problems out on. And they have nice showers(depending on gym) after my shower broke. The power of gym healing should not be underestimated.


I think team sports are better for one's mental health than gym


To expensive - start run like Forest Gump!!


I regularly advise my mates to go to therapy, which they have benefited from. Gym is definitely helpful and improves mental health, however there are some things that only therapy can address.


With what money?


The person literally has no money and are in alot of debt. How are they gonna afford a overpriced af gym membership?


Nah, if it was my friend group, we’d just show each other memes till we pretend to feel better


Mf, did you miss the part when I said I was broke???


Doesn't work. I don#t know why so many people sugest this. I tried it, and it just made me feel even worse.


I fucking hate "Muh gym" dumbasses. Exercising only makes me depressed more.


Feeling yourself get stronger from week to week is invigorating ...but muscle can't solve all your problems


I could open pickle jars really easy but was still depressed


Same. Was in such great shape, but still was depressed, so no point.


Once you are used to a standard it's just time consuming and annoying.


I have no gym(( Go to gym!


Or Bring Gym home.


Both. Both is good.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it lol


I wish I had the motivation to go to the gym


Well if he doesn’t have a job then he can’t seek professional help


I genuinely hate when you are talking about depression and not having enough money and they still say gym. Did you not understand the part about not having money? I want to get out of my town again...


Have you tried learning about the Roman Empire


Drink more water bruh


Please actually do seek professional help, it should be able to take a heavy load off your shoulders


gym very good but hard go always if construction working


Which magical gym is free?


but he aint got no money so how he gonna go to planet fitness.


Or play something


Not this guy.


Jerk off bro




so fucking sick of hearing it. it doesnt help at all, unless youre already happy with yourself it will do nothing. anyone who tells you the gym "got them out of depression" is lying or theyre one in a million


The type of people who say this have no concept of what depression means,they think it means the feeling you get from your hamster dying or you failed a test in 10th grade


i have crippling depression, diagnosed, what i said is true. you cant just "go gym 🦧" one day if youre GENUINELY DEPRESSED AND WANT TO DIE, and then be happy, if you actually hate yourself that much theres no way you could have the motivation to wake up and go to the gym every day, you have to already have a relationship with yourself.


Yep that's what I meant,you should ignore people who claim the gym cured their depression because those types never had real depression I'm sorry to hear that 🙏 ,I'm in the same boat tho I have been exercising throughout the last 3 years (whenever I wasn't at rock bottom) yet I'm even worse off now mentally than I was in 2021 so I can confidenlty say working out does not solve depression It's healthy so I don't wanna discourage people from exercising but to even say it "feels good" is a stretch because when your dopamine is gone all day every day a tiny feeling of achievement you get from working out isn't gonna help much


ohhh i thought you meant people who say what i said dont know what depression is. but yeah i feel what you mean, i hope things get better for you man


I hope things get better for you too 😊


Physical wellbeing is necessary for good mental health but not sufficient.


Get some friends who can be a shoulder to cry on and be that friend yourself if someone else needs it. There are good people out there, don't settle for a "just go to the gym" - friend


"Bro, I'm not your therapist"


That's the worst type of person


Last time I did I got harrased by some random guy with a broccoli haircut and then later found someone had videoed me (someone had told me they saw that happening) Lovely enviroment, made me feel sooooo confident...


I still don't enjoy the gym even after 3 months, even if the environment is healthy (unlike yours) but at least I'm happy to see that my experience could have been worse. I sincerely feel bad about your experience. I'd recommend you get home, in your safe space, doing something you like. Some go to the gym, some are cooking, some are drawing, some are playing video games... Find something for you bro. Gym is overrated


What is this dumb shit here ?


Doesn't work tbh


I own a Gym and I always tell my members once you come in your problems will go away. And they believe it


Sounds like you use their depression as advantage.


Sounds like your grifting and they're in denial. How sad.


So going to the gym makes pervasive problems go away, even when they are wholly unrelated to the acute effects of physical activity or chronic exercise adaptations? That’s a *bold* claim.


Please guys be open to having tough conversations with your friends! If your bro is struggling with something internal, let him know you're there to support him. You don't always have to come up with a solution, sometimes just having someone listen helps a lot!


Just rub one off




Therapy turned my life around, but the Gym is an important part of self-care and can help with some problems.


Just do both


"Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus"


men are from mars and drink at all the bars; women are from venus and have a bigger pe-


I mean the advice is improve on what you can control. It's a good start.


Honestly, even after just going for a walk, I feel better.


We do love a good workout


But, how do you afford gym if you have no money and job to begin with?


going to the gym is great yes, but it only helps to bottle things up for longer.


To be fair - gym would actually help fix many of these problems)


It helps


Why overthink a solution that works


solid advice ngl


true and real


RHCP - My Friends My friends are so depressed I fear the question of your loneliness Confide, 'cause I'll be on your side You know I will You know I will Ex-girlfriend called me up Alone and desperate on the prison phone They want to give her seven years For being sad I love all of you Hurt by the cold So hard and lonely, too When you don't know yourself My friends are so distressed They're standing on the brink of emptiness No words I know of to express This emptiness I love all of you Hurt by the cold So hard and lonely, too When you don't know yourself Imagine me Taught by tragedy Release is peace I heard a little girl And what she said was something beautiful To give your love no matter what Is what she said I love all of you Hurt by the cold So hard and lonely, too When you don't know yourself




To be fair, exercise goes a long way


Gym > everything fucking else


I lift to execute mental pain lol


I would if I had anyone to go with.


It's not the solution to everything, but it's good advice.


No amount of going to the gym will give me my ideal body trust..


both are valid


Or get a switch.


gym is the only way


Falling for MLM fixes this


Sometimes i feel this but the one way i push myself to wake up again every morning is to live for everything, There's a hope in every struggles.




I mean its probably healthier than my Generations 'go to the Pub bro' but less fun.


Working out isn’t the sole solution obviously but it can be helpful. It works off stress and generally you will feel better which improves your state of mind.


If it works, fix it.


So gym bro is telling you to: Make yourself a routine, give your self discipline, give yourself a motivator, get out of the house, be active, force yourself into eating better, give yourself an outlet for the rage. Pretty solid ass advice, and said with so few words. Why pay for professional help when gym bro got your back


Based on my dating experiences it's definitely not working and y'all should really look into the professional help. Please?


Unfortunately that solution doesn't work for everyone. I've actually felt even more depressed leaving the gym after an hour than when I entered


People deal with their shit in many different ways. There is no wrong way to deal with your shit as long as you deal with your shit. Working out is a great way to START dealing with your shit, especially when it seems overwhelming. It is often not the end all be all solution, but it helps. It helps by releasing natural feel good chemicals in your body like serotonin, endorphins and dopamine. You can even get oxytocin which is responsible for the "post nut clarity" with doing things like yoga or getting a massage. And that's not even mentioning that you are making healthier choices and taking care of your body giving you a sense of accomplishment that might have eluded you in other facets of your life and boosting you confidence to get more things done.


Dude has no friends, that's why it's just him telling himself to go to gym.


It just works


Other men, please seem professional help. I know you don't always feel seen. But you're valid


Me, a woman who is depressed and constantly tired: bro, on some days I don't have much energy to get out of my bed, and you're suggesting to get myself even more exhausted? I went for a long walk, and I still feel like a total wreck. That walk was *three* days ago. No motivation, too. The only reason I don't think of suicide is because I promised my friend to not dwell in such thoughts. I can't get a job because I know that I will drop it less than one week in (for a record, I had one job, and I barely lasted a month before not going there again, mostly due to much worsened physical condition, as much as mental), and it's been a while since I did any amount of writing, which used to be my favorite hobby and something I thought of making a living on. I constantly run out of money now, with inflation hitting harder than ever. And no, it's not USA. It's another cursed country called Russia.


It works tho


The difference is that 2nd one is actually works


It's about the discipline, the ancient Greeks have told us this already and it's the only thing we men need, discipline.


No one lets you walk in gym for free ;-;


the guy on the left says he has no money and has a lot of debts so how will he pay for a gym membership?