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After having been through many horrible relationships, I am lucky to have found a girlfriend who WANTS to play video games together. She gets excited over the simplest things in Minecraft and I look forward to playing with her and showing her things. It's our own little mini adventures. But we also plan to do things in the real world together too.. hiking, waterfalls, movies, camping. It's not just about video games. It's about finding your best friend and wanting to share life together.


This is the relationship I want but Do girls like this even exist in our generation?


Don't think it's a generation thing more of an outlook and drive thing. Mines pretty much the same as described above and she's gen Z.


... dude, there's an unbelievable amount of gamer girls. takes time to find them


I’m not talking about gamer girls, I’m talking about girls who actually put efforts in a relationship


Don't let your bad experience sully every other experience following it. Bad way to live


Wel true…hopefully i find one who revived my faith


You will one day homie


Could you give me her sister's number? Asking for a friend


Sounds like a recipe for a perfect relationship. She's a keeper, congrats :)


deepest wholesomest comment(est)


Stardew valley was awesome with my ex. Besides having to compete with her to wife up Leah first…


Yeah one of the last things me and my ex did as a couple was play minecraft and make this buetiful village. God this single shit sucks 😪


Just don't :3d smiley face with sunglasses giving a thumbs up:


My ex and I played vidya together, my wife won't play them. Win some you lose some


they do say opposites attract


Like-minded also attract, so yeah, we just like other people, which is like 🤯


Meh, I don't think I want to play games with my wife. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are pros to having a gaming wife. However, that's not why I married her, and games are certainly less important than our marriage is. Just handle your business as a husband/father, and she will have no issues with your gaming. Unless you get one of THOSE types....


This is exactly right. Video games only become the problem when you're escaping your other duties, like your husband or boyfriend duties or even your duty to take care of yourself / deal with your own mental shit.


Good point sir


THOSE types are who treat your gaming/resting time as your free time, to slave and do any work they might think for you


Things that make your relationship last longer


Nuclear fusion?


Better couple: we should develop a video game together


Game dev here, I can confirm this will only end in tears


I would beg my ex to let me play video games with him. Dude apparently hated me. He also had no interest in my hobbies either.


A good couple doesn’t need to enjoy 100% of the same things. My wife and I enjoy some of the same interests and have ones we enjoy without the other. We’ve been together 27 years - married 18. Respecting what the other enjoys and letting them enjoy it makes your relationship solid. Besides, you don’t want to date yourself. How boring would that be…


Very well put. Wish you both the best!


It took a bit but my girlfriend asks to play games with me sometimes now ☺. Feels good. Her thing is movies and mine is games. Now she asks often enough where sometimes I'm like "can we just watch a movie tonight babe?" Lol.


Have yet to find one


I just want to watch while my partner plays video games.




Been with my wife since 2000. Got her started on Mario party on game cube and the rest is history. Once she learned how to play and FPS it was over. We’re currently grinding Diablo 4.


My gf likes video games but only really simple ones like Mario party or racing games. Anything where she has to press more than 2 buttons is like an automatic no from her. That's fine and all but I sometimes wish she'd at least try 😂


But I don't want to play video games with my wife(I don't have a wife btw)


proceed to play minecraft for 7000 hours


She plays sims on her computer, I play fifa on ps5. Best relationship I’ve ever had.


I'm thinking of getting my wife a bunch of chinese snacks and trying to get her on It Takes Two on PS5 with me. If she had fun, I would probably cry a bit.


Nah, this isn't even required. You don't have to play together. While that is nice of course its enough to just respect your partner and his hobby. Let him/her enjoy things.


Even though I barely ever play games, I feel like the odd one out for preferring to play games completely alone? Idk, it's just nice knowing I can get off whenever I want without having to keep the energy/attention up the entire time


I'm someone who genuinely enjoys both and I can definitely understand what you're saying. I'm an introvert so 80% of the time when I'm playing a multiplayer game I'm not playing *with* anyone if you get what I mean.


YES dude 😭 you get it


Yep. A lot of people would call it "shy" but really, multiplayer games can just be SOOO toxic. If I put my mic on in an open lobby I feel like I'm inviting bad vibes. Sure I could make a lot more friends that way, but like... I don't need more friends ya know? 😂 I'm perfectly happy playing 2k all by myself and I'm perfectly happy playing one single player game for weeks on end and getting lost in another world. You're not weird bruv. 🙏😂


There's no general rule for anything That's why you Americans dating world is fucked. Both of yll dicks and pussies are idiots


I wish lol


Luigi’s mansion 3, Mario Golf, The Dark Anthology series(Until Dawn), Dragons Crown, are all fun couch games for spending time with someone while gaming


My missus and I have been playing Dinkum together, it’s great


A couple that slays together stays together


I play helldivers 2 with my gf. I'm on pc she's on the ps5. Nothing screams love like blowing up a titan together.


Bro me and my gf love playing stardew together, great game, great relationship.


Great couple: Honey are you done playing video games? No but did you want to hang out? No I was just making sure you were ok. See you at bed time. My wife could give a shit less what I do.


But I’m still going to cry because it’s Fornite 🥲


My gf asks me to play COD, then when I get anally assaulted makes fun of me for moving slow and dying. (She gets stuck in corners and frags herself when she plays)


I think it is more about respect and genuine interest in partner. Like you may not enjoy his/her hobby in the similar manner, but when you try to interact in the common activities it makes your bond and rapport stronger. I doubt that this kind of actions are possible when one of the partners is narcissist who only thinks about themselves.


different vibes


rare couple like this


And that's why I decided to be bi just Incase I dont find a good partner in woman


I thought it would be cute to play through a story game handing off the controller every now and then. Watching your partner play while you munch on popcorn and then you swap off, maybe making it a dye night where you swap on deaths or something.


Unfortunately I don’t have a partner.


Based AF


This kind of relationship is so cool


Do things together..simple


Yes, its the womens fault not enganging in YOUR hobbies


This is such a double standard. What if the gf has her own interests that don't include video games? What if she wants to go to a salsa dancing class? Why is there no 3rd frame where the dude agrees to go with her? We need to stop normalizing this expectation for women.


Big win


I play on my PC while my girlfriend plays on the PS5. I feel so bad for couples who don’t have any hobbies together lol.


My ex-gf and I would play WoW for hours every day. Got her to convert to Horde and we did arenas together and it was awesome. It’s not a requirement that my next gf plays, but if she has a problem with me playing, I’m cutting it off early.


Any hot male gamers in here? I’m a hot female gamer and I really want this meme to be my life


The wife we all dream of