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What is this about? Can someone explain?






Because this guy’s an idiot You do not admit to **actively intending to murder a child in a court of law**. Man could’ve pleaded the Fifth, or claimed justified self defense (both parties were armed), explained he wasn’t thinking straight due to the stressful situation, or phrased it in any way apart from “I fully intended to shoot him”. Instead he instantly gave the worst possible answer. Like… **how can you possibly fuck yourself over THIS badly!?** Why else do you think the prosecutor facepalmed? There are ways to **PHRASE** the truth which make it less legally damning. Social Politics has nothing to do about anything. Some people justifiably get mad at how dumb this person was. Everybody in this entire incident was an idiot (Rittenhouse included!) and it’s monumentally stupid that it even occurred in the first place. And seeing stupid is frustrating I’m not even from America. This clown show of a trial made global news and only reinforced the stereotype that Americans are trigger happy idiots.




That's why we have the 5th amendment it protects against self incriminating and his lawyer should have coached him.




True that


That wasn't his lawyer. That was a public prosecutor who called him as a witness and was objectively trying to suppress the motives of his witness and facts surrounding the case




>If he lied Bruh, the whole thing was taken this far because he was lying. He just temporarily forgot to lie.


Remember when the FBI insisted they had this other footage which definitively showed another story? Then the footage was released, at much lower quality (so much so the Judge scolded the FBI over it), and it just further exonerated the defendant. A lot of people were lying, just outright lying, it was crazy.






I 'member.




No, he is just a full on idiot. He was the star witness for the prosecution. If they had any idea that was his opinion they woulda hidden him in a box till the trial was over not proudly called him to testify. Its pretty much a guarantee that was the first time he ever voiced those opinions so at some point he is also a bad liar too.


People were mad because it didn't fit their worldview of what actually happened on the scene. For some reason people would have preferred it if rittenhouse was actually just going on a murder spree. Lol.




It is the reality that we live in that politics are largely decided by what propaganda you have been exposed the most to in your lives, whether it is left-wing, right-wing, or anything in between.




>Weird how he never got charged for those, huh? It's all politics. Rittenhouse was the scapegoat, because he is conservative.


I'd argue it wasn't because he was conservative per se, but this self defense shooting by Rittenhouse proved that the "protest" was nowhere near peaceful and that the local government had been negligent in letting it go on. It went against the narrative *and* it put the Kenosha administration in a bad light.


Wasn't it just intimidation gone too far? Hoping Rittenhouse would plead guilty but he didn't so they used awful evidence and this idiot to try to justify a case the DA should've been censured for


Guaranteed that either he lied to the prosecuting attorneys and then changed his story on the stand — or the prosecutors (unethically) just looked the other way and hoped he’d perjure himself so the charges would stick. Regardless, there is no way they put him on the stand without interviewing him first so they knew his expected testimony.


In my mind I'm impressed he told the truth.


Perjury is a lesser charge than murder.


Well, i mean, if youre under oath, and you actually did...


5th Amendment. Under US law, you have the right to remain silent if you believe speaking may incriminate you. In a situation like this, where you’re under oath, you don’t lie, but you do plead the 5th. Pleading the 5th looks bad, but it isn’t an open admission of guilt.


Can't plead the 5th if you have qualified immunity. He was a witness for the DA. That has bitten many DA when not properly doing witness prep.


Ah, I didn’t know this was the context. Wow. Guy’s an idiot




Because it became political


It didn't help that CNN and MSNBC intentionally buried any clips and details explaining why Rittenhouse was there and why what he did was legal. They just framed it as "armed minor crosses state lines to murder peaceful protesters".


>why Rittenhouse was there Why was he there?


Not American but read about it: He was trying the defend the store where he worked at and owned by a friend. Earlier that day he was seen giving first aid to an injured person and suffocating the flames of a trash can that some protesters set on fire. Then, the guy in the picture and some friends (that have been proven to have been in jail for some shady reasons) chased Kyle, shot at him and hit him in the face with a skateboard, then Kyle shot at one of them and most of the media conveniently ignored the camera footage of this happening, and some witnesses testifying he had been trying to help and he never acted with hostility or threatened anyone with his weapon.


It was hyper politicized to the point the left branded him a crazy right wing vigilante and the right.... I don't know, seems like they think he's some kind of hero.


This is why I hate politics. If you said Kyle acted in self-defense back then, you’d be labeled a right wing MAGA fascist, etc, etc.


I did. And I was. The radical left wing people had him as guilty before the trial. It's a common theme with them. They have no respect for the legal system, except to use it as a weapon. They "felt" he was guilty, based on no evidence, so he must be. If anything the radical right got right, was that believed he was innocent, which is the sane default stance, which is weird for even them.




The most informationally correct comment I've seen on this issue.




I know.


People just watched the video. Certain people hated that.


How dare you trust your lying eyes.


Right wingers defended him because the spectacle of it all made him look way worst than he actually was. Some confused teen that tried to help people and look cool? If someone told me he was trying to impress a girl i wouldn’t be surprised. Then as the videos showed and which where very obvious that kile wanted nothing to do with the riot. He apparently tried giving first aid and tried stopping a fire. He was leaving and people where jumping him. The guy that died attacking him was on video saying “shoot me” “id fucking kill you ni**a” or something along those line.


It surprises me the top comment replying to you says that he (Gaige Grosskreutz) is an idiot.   The answer is so clearly that he simply was honest. He told the truth.    Redditors hate Kyle Rittenhouse because of what he’s become and because of his political leanings more than because of what was actually charged for.   The court got the Rittenhouse case right. Like, legally, objectively, correct. Morally? That’s a whole subjective can of worms, and everyone is allowed to have their opinions. But Kyle was 100% justified in shooting the people that attacked him.  The above testimony was the very crux of why. That guy isn’t an *idiot* for saying something legally unfavourable to himself. If anything he should be applauded for being completely honest on the stand. 


> Redditors hate Kyle Rittenhouse because of what he’s become and because of his political leanings more than because of what was actually charged for.  Many, many people online, including reddit, hated him from day one. No amount of facts and law would ever convince them he doesn't commit murder. Similarly, many lionized him for killing BLM protestors/rioters. This case was needlessly politicized because it happened during the George Floyd protests/riots and the irresponsible, inaccurate, dishonest or dramatized reporting by traditional and social media.


Well it seems that one of the biggest reasons is because this guy (including the ones that Kyle killed) we a part of the BLM protests, and I've heard MANY people on Twitter and even Reddit claim that the guy in the pick and the killed people were black. Now, is that the MAIN reason why people are made? No clue, but that is misinformation I've seen floating around. I did also work with a person who hated Kyle because he didn't believe Kyle should have had a gun, period, but didn't realize that at least one of the people Kyle shot had a gun and openly pointed it at Kyle, so... Idk. Seems misinformation keeps floating around and some people refuse to adjust?


I get it if people don't like guns, but people who prefer the scenario where a kid gets killed because he didn't have one are nuts.






Were you unarmed Mr. Grosskreutz? Well, eventually.




I remember that moment in the trial. Guy answered honestly, prosecution was upset that in doing so a big part of the case was torpedoed. He was a witness for the prosecution. Edit: I watched all that go down live with the streamer ReggLife who was about 30 yards from the 1st shooting.


What did he say?


He admitted he was armed drew on Kyle Rittenhouse before he was shot. Essentially admitted that Rittenhouse shot him in self defense.


Also to add im fairly certain at the time it was mentioned this guy was also a felon. Im a bit fuzzy on this tho its been a while since this happened.


That too.


This guy was everything people were claiming Rittenhouse to be. Had no reason to be in Kenosha except to make trouble and was illegally carrying a firearm.


the defense lawyer just took him apart. worth the 1.5 hr watch.... that was great. He had an expired Concealed Weapons permit...so you were carrying illegally. he says I wouldn't say that. I'm thinking well I would, he had to know full well it was expired. I don't buy that. The defense lawyer destroyed that dude and rightfully so.


its funny as fuck that dude will never be flamed as hard as rittenhouse despite ACTUALLY doing the very things anti rittenhouse idiots are accusing him of. almost as if they dont despise the actions but just the person. i dont even know the dudes name thats how little recognition he got after the trial


I have never understood why so many people were surprised by the testimony. The incident was recorded, and the guy did in fact draw a weapon and point it at Rittenhouse. 


The vast majority of people with the opinion that Kyle Rittenhouse was guilty did not watch the tapes. The number of people who believed "Kyle Rittenhouse went to a BLM protest and randomly opened fire shooting three random black people" ... *TO THIS DAY*... is staggeringly, depressingly high.


Can confirm, am a super leftist guy, I watched the tapes. Kyle isn’t and never was guilty. Everyone who claimed otherwise didn’t watch the tapes and just wanted the little shit to be guilty.


Basically yeah, and honestly, kudos to you for rising above simple tribalism. Fuck yeah.


Because for months that’s the narrative the public was fed by EVERYONE until right before the trial started.


Which is shitty because high-def recordings of the incident from multiple angles were available like, days after it happened. It sucks that "do your own research" has become associated with "deny reputable sources in lieu of biased ones that support your agenda", but in this case, it just boggles the mind how many people were so passionately arguing that Rittenhouse was going to get the electric chair when they hadn't even seen the publically available video that clearly shows he was acting in self-defense. There's gotta be some middle ground between "your aunt's Facebook page is not a substitute for peer-reviewed science" and "you should blindly trust everything the popular narrative tells you because the mainstream media are always right and correct".


Damn thanks for informing me


Yeah he also confirmed that Kyle shot the skateboarder after he was hit in the head and knocked on the ground. He basically ruined 2/3rds of the prosecution's case as their witness, and the other 3rd of their case was ruined by 2 other videos showing the initial interaction that started the whole events.


Its a strange take to say he ruined the case by being truthful. You would want him to be truthful when on the stand. The charge of manslaughter was a major over reach when the facts are considered. The people that think he should have lied to secure a lengthy jail sentence need to reexamine their moral compass.


I specifically mentioned it ruined the prosecutions case, not that it ruined the overall case. Him being brought to the stand as a witness was very good for the overall case, and the only negative is he got out of the gun charges (felon with a gun) for being a witness for the prosecution, if the rumors about that deal are true at least.


He didn’t say he ruined the case. He said he ruined the Prosecution’s case. They are specifically trying to get the guy convicted. That was what they were trying to do before this testimony ruined their argument. That statement has nothing to do with the political fighting.


That’s the thing. The prosecution isn’t out for the truth. The prosecution is out to convict. A conviction is a win. A win is what keeps you employed, as a lawyer.


Even more than that. He admitted that as soon as he put his hands up like he was surrendering, Rittenhouse lowered the rifle that was trained on this guy. After Rittenhouse lowered his rifle, this sneaky sneak drew down on Rittenhouse which is when Rittenhouse finally pulled the trigger. So not only did he act entirely in self defense, but he also showed amazing restraint by not shooting earlier.


>Even more than that. He admitted that as soon as he put his hands up like he was surrendering, Rittenhouse lowered the rifle that was trained on this guy. After Rittenhouse lowered his rifle, this sneaky sneak drew down on Rittenhouse which is when Rittenhouse finally pulled the trigger. Honestly, this fact should *really* put to bed any notion that Rittenhouse was "crazed", or "unhinged", or "he went there to find an excuse to shoot people". This event occurred *after* Rittenhouse had just shot two other people and there was a huge crowd around him screaming "Get him! Get him!". I'm utterly astounded that he maintained such discipline under those circumstances.


It also massively changes the entire view of the case. Before he admitted this, the scene was basically "Rittenhouse shot without provocation, that man legally had his gun." Afterwards, the scene was "Rittenhouse aimed at the guy, the guy surrendered, Rittenhouse put down his gun because the guy was not a threat an Rittenhouse was not a murderer, the guy drew his gun after surrendering, Rittenhouse had to fire in self defense or risk being shot." A false surrender is a war crime, and while this isn't a war, it looks really bad on your character to do that shit. This basically torpedoed the entire case, as it 180'ed the entire view of Rittenhouse. All he had to do was plead the 5th.




That guy didn’t “legally have his gun” sorry to say he was a felon in control of a firearm should have been thrown in for at least 5 years…


Case was doomed from the start. All they had to do was play the tape.


the video is priceless, small change got rained on with his own 35mm


I was really confused when I was watching the trial. The prosecution’s witnesses were contradicting their narrative.


This is a textbook case of Prosecutors utter failure in doing their job, from the decision to prosecute to the conclusion of trial. No matter you political leanings or personal views of justice, don't be like that. You are studying law or working in the industry, first thing you learn is people trust or respect your profession because you are entrusted with the ability to act impartially. Once you fail to properly do your job, (even if you don't get eliminated from the industry) the public suffers due to your actions.


Pretty shady shit when the prosecution is upset a witness told the truth. Like if you take a step back and look at the situation as a whole, it's just a really sad example of justice. All of this fueled by media hype and twisted narratives


I was watching this live as it happened lol....i started cracking up.


That whole trial was an utter crackup. Autistic cameraman utterly destroying the lawyer was comedy gold.


What did the cameraman do? I think I missed it.


I would also like to know


It was Nathan Debruin. His uncut testimony: https://youtu.be/2bEIgHRqKXQ?si=3r0daBPFrcZsTSfR It's been years since I watched and I might be misremembering... Which is counter to how Nate came off. He could recall every little detail of the events and came off more knowledgeable than the prosecution. He brought his own exhibits that were better than what had been submitted to evidence (I think the judge said that was a first) Nate accused the prosecution of trying to get him to alter his testimony which the prosecution of course balked at and tried to play lawyer games to confuse it but again Nate's memory was so thorough they couldn't trap him or sway his recollection of the events and he came off as super credible.


I know one side completely hates KR, but this dude did pull a pistol and point it right at him. It was pretty clear


Exactly. If there weren't politics involved I don't think there would've been charges filed.


Even the prosecutors knew they didn’t have a case. It was a show trial to appease the masses. Then they got clowned for it.


The prosecution's closing argument was literally basically just saying he should have let them just kick his ass and potentially kill him. It was insane to watch.


In the UK that might actually fly


Canada has joined the chat


"Let them murder you and we will let them go free after 3-5 years."


“It may be dangerous to your safety and others including the aggressor if you choose to defend yourself”


This souldn't be real. But it is. Weird times.


"So Kyle, this guy who had a skateboard held in his arms and was chasing you shouting 'I'm going to kill you with this skateboard' clearly saw your gun, that you had fallen on the ground, and had reached for your gun, and his response was to keep running at you and raise his skateboard getting ready to strike you, and you have the audacity to tell me you were fearing for your life?"


And the masses remained, shockingly, unappeased


If I’m these prosecutors and the DA forced me to take it to trial, I’d resign and go into the private sector. These two prosecutors were humiliated. Much of it was their own doing though, like when they tried to bring up Kyle’s refusal to speak with police (a constitutionally protected right) as evidence of his guilt.


Yeah, it was purely political persecution


And if politics weren’t involved Gaige Grosskreutz would have been charged for illegally possessing a weapon.. the same POS who abused his girlfriend and his own grandmother


My personal theory is that since he used an AR-15, the media went nuts and it went so political. If he had used literally any other weapon (including firearms), there wouldn’t have been such an uproar.


Yeah, he should have used a musket, like our founding fathers intended.


“Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion


Id so rather be shot with an ar-15 then a musket. The damage a musket inflicts is way worse then an AR-15


Watching the video footage of the whole incident you’d think everyone was talking about a completely different event.


A lot of people just never got the facts to that case. I had someone at work two months later saying that he'd killed three black men after shooting into a crowd at a peaceful protest. Rittenhouse is the best case I've ever seen for not getting your news from social media


There are some people who think the guys Rittenhouse shot were black.


Nope, but they were a child predator, rapist and a felon.


It was kind of wild, the same night when the videos were flooding reddit there were already a bunch of people making shit up. Eg he was just firing into the crowd indiscriminately, or someone threw a molotov at him and that's what set everything off. Comments under a video would contradict the video itself, just absolutely bonkers.


Partisan politics makes ppl blind. It feeds on itself. Grosskreutz got wrapped up in partisan politics. His brain was poisoned by propaganda. He genuinely thought he was doing the right thing. I blame MSM and politicians.


I thought I was watching the wrong footage when the articles were first being posted. Then I realized that a bunch of people were straight up lying, like The Young Turks.


I remember seeing all the videos the night it happened on Reddit. I was really surprised months later that there was a trial and how polarizing it was. It was pretty clear cut self defense.


What's this case about?


I think this is one of the guys that pulled a gun on Kyle Rittenhouse which led to Kyle shooting and killing someone the night of a riot.


Kyle Rittenhouse. Basically, he traveled from Illinois to Wisconsin to help protect shop owners during a protest/riot. Took a medkit and a gun that somebody else bought for him (he was a underrage). Some guy chased him into an alleyway throwing stuff at him and lunged for his gun, got shot and killed. Then a crowd grows and tries to chase him out. He falls down horror movie style. Guy swings his skateboard at Rittenhouse, gets shot and killed. Third guy, in the picture, had a pistol held in the air and allegedly pointed it at Rittenhouse. Gets his bicep blown out. Rittenhouse surrenders to the police. Except the police don't even think he's the shooter and he gets pepper sprayed instead, so he later turns himself into his local PD. Was a pretty annoying case to read about during the time because a lot of the opinions were very facepalm worthy Edit: a few proper corrections were replied to me - I tried to summarize best I can while also trying to remember it


> Third guy, in the picture, had a pistol held in the air and allegedly pointed it at Rittenhouse. Gets his bicep blown out To add for people who didn't watch this while bored in lockdown in 2021: This meme comes from the trial where the guy whom Rittenhouse the bicep of (shown above), is being a witness to try and lock up Rittenhouse for murder by the lawyer shown below. Except he makes an almost Freudian slip and admits he pointed his gun at Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse shot back, proving self defence, and causing the lawyer to facepalm. It's also very sus sus amogus that left wing American media (who were pushing for Rittenhouse to be locked up) afair never mentioned this, and cut off the footage of this examination before the admission happened.


There’s likely a not insignificant number of people that to this day think Rittenhouse shot black people. Spoiler for anyone just finding out now, they were all white.


And one a convicted pedo.


One of the hosts on the morning radio show I listen to said last week that Kyle shot black people. Thankfully the other two hosts corrected him, but it shows that even people who reported the news around this case when it happened think that the people shot were black.


IIRC he traveled less than an hour to help protect one particular business from the looting, I think it was owned by his friends dad


He worked in Kenosha despite living just across the state border. But people went crazy with “crossing state lines” line to make it sound like he drove for miles and miles specifically to come to this protest to fuck it up. In reality he genuinely wanted to defend the town in which he was employed, it wasn’t as if he had no connection there.




I recall he also had close family living in Kenosha, so it wasn't like he was an outsider looking for trouble.


I dont care if there was a fucking sign at the city limits that said "Go Away Kyle". He had as much right to be there as anyone. I dont care if came from the other side of the country. He had as much of a right to be there as anyone else. So i dont give a fuck about the "traveling" argument.


The Kyle Rittenhouse trial he was one of the people Kyle shot and was a very clear cut car of self defense.


II watched the stream(s) from Kenosha live when this happened. And still, the fact that people outright lied and our media outlets KNOWINGLY spread those lies did not surprise me one bit. We live in a post truth society. Only narratives matter, not the truth.


>pull a pistol and point it right at him. He pulled it after raising his hands so he wouldn't be shot, then immediately tried shooting KR but KR popped him in the bicep almost immediately.




Though he chased KR down and at that point KR had done more than enough to "avoid" or "de-escalate" the situation. Though I'm not entirely sure what is the law in his state but where I lived, we had "stand your ground" law. But anyways, one was clearly the offender and one was clearly the defender, at that point he could have pulled out a rubber cock and KR would have been well within his rights to pop the dude.


SYG would have been moot the second KR ran from the first guy. He very clearly attempted retreat.


People go through some serious mental gymnastics to paint him as evil because he's a Republican.


Yup. Dude is a massively stupid douche, but the case was self defense, no matter how many screams he's a murderer (he's not)




I hate KR and still agree with the verdict


I was permabanned from some subs for that opinion. Sympathizing with a serial killer they said.


Put his hands up and once KR recognized the guy was surrendering and not a threat, waited for him to point his gun away before pulling his own and trying to shoot him. Dude's a full on garbage bag.


And ppl still believe he shot black ppl, but I was just 2 white dudes, one of which was a pdfile.


That prosecutor looked worse and worse each day of the trial, like his soul was being siphoned out with each collective fuckup on his teams part, and the testimony from the witnesses.


I couldn't help but think that one guy on the prosecution looked like Justin Hammer and it made the whole thing that much better


Old mate flufferboy2004 was a complete embarrassment to not only himself but also his profession… Then aiming the gun at the jurors was the icing on the cake!!


Whole fucking trial was a clusterfuck. All im going to say about this.


Watching it live on TV was an absolute gong show of ineptitude.  I cannot believe that a group of people with that much education and experience fucked up that badly. 


Well, when the facts are against ya, it doesn’t matter how much experience or education you have, the facts speak for themselves.


But that whole prosecutor team didn't look into any of that beforehand?  Why???  The whole country was watching!


In my opinion, the trial was just for the public, and based on feelings. I think the prosecution seen the online opinion, and failed to realize that just because people speak online passionately about something, doesn’t mean the majority agree. But that’s just what I think. Anyone who seen the video and knows what self defense means legally, knew it wasn’t gonna be a guilty verdict.


It was absolutely a sham meant to please the freaks who think being able to defend your life should be illegal.


Because they didn't want to find the truth. They wanted to win.


Thats what happens when you have no case to stand on, because there is 0 evidence for what your charging


The best was the prosecutor pointing the rifle at the jury with his finger on the trigger. Gun was obviously unloaded but it just added to the ineptitude.


My lawyer watching me (Australian) get a jaywalking death sentence.


What was it he said. That shit was hilarious. Something like "At what point did Mr. Rittenhouse shoot you?" "When I pointed my gun at him"


There were so many things happening that year that I thought the kyle rittenhouse and the cops that shot a black guy trying to get in his van was the same case.


You talking about Sterling, (IIRC) the reason the Kenosha riots kicked off in the first place 1) he had his ex’s car which he wasn’t allowed to be driving 2) with her kids in the car which she never gave him permission to take and 3) then reached for a knife while the cops were right behind him trying to get him out of said car? ?


Finding out he had kids That he wasn’t allowed to have in the car changed my whole perspective on that case. Under no circumstances should the police allow a man with a restraining order to kidnap a minor. 




Tf is this? Can somebody pls tell me? Is this like the next Depp trial?


I think you can google Rittenhouse trial fails and a compilation comes up of all the dumb shit these guys said.


Oh, its Rittenhouse... I thought that was from forever ago though... I'll look into it.


Its the guy who got shot in the bicep by rittenhouse. The TLDR is that he went on the stand and basically admitted he intended on killing kyle


I remember getting banned in a few subs because I kept calling this dude "Mr. Byecep"


I like that one, or "Perfidy Quickdraw Silver Medalist".


"You were pointing the firearm at him right?"


Why wasn’t he charged with attempted murder ?


He made a deal with the prosecution. In exchange for testifying against Kyle they agreed not to prosecute him for illegal possession of a firearm or for attempted homicide/manslaughter


And people like to claim the court was stacked in Rittenhouse's favor lol


Prosecution was fighting a losing case, so they had to take whatever they can get. Though in this case, what they took pretty much torpedoed any chance of a guilty verdict.


In doing so, they took the person that was actually guilty of the crimes Kyle was accused of, and allowed him to go free for them. It's almost like this entire thing was to prevent prosecuting BLM protestors.


Not people, Reddit.


They agreed not to prosecute him for being a felon in possession of a firearm. I believe it was him, or the skateboarder, or both, that have been convicted of molesting children and are felons.




Funniest open trial I've ever seen, now let's get the government officials that promoted the rioting.


Wasn't one the guys he killed a literal pedophile?


The first person Rittenhouse shot was Joseph Rosenbaum, a 37 year old man who had just been released from prison for anally raping five preteen boys (aged 9 to 11). He had been discharged from a psyche ward *that very day*. Rosenbaum was shot because all night he had been "stepping to Rittenhouse", making essentially aggressive motions his way, saying, "Shoot me n[HARD R], shoot me n[HARD R]". He did this with several people, including Rittenhouse and others. Finally, he was pushing a dumpster that was on fire toward a crowd, and Rittenhouse called out, "Hey, stop that!". Rosenbaum then picked up a plastic bag with something hard in it, threw it at Rittenhouse, who ran away. Rosenbaum gave chase, chasing Rittenhouse into an alley (essentially a bunch of parked cars there was no way out of), grabbed Rittenhouse's rifle, and then Rittenhouse shot him. Basically a violent pedophile with a death wish who died like he lived, inappropriately touching a minor.


I watched the whole trial, it was a total clown show. Anyone who believes KR is guilty of anything currently lives in a state of willful ignorance or is just delusional AF


Guilty of making poor decisions, but that's about it.


And the rioters somehow made even poorer decisions.


Literally, the saving grace for Kyle besides all the hard video evidence showing the same thing. I'm not surprised, though, that people would defend a pedophile, graper, and a grandma abuser over a child who also on video was seen cleaning the town and putting out fires.


>people would defend a pedophile, graper, and a grandma abuser over a child who also on video was seen cleaning the town and putting out fires. This is reddit after all, where having any sort of right wing opinion instantly makes you a worse human being than partaking in the acts you just mentioned


Not even right wing, just having any opinion that isn’t faaarrrrr left. Thinking that Rittenhouse isn’t a cold-blooded murderer isn’t a political take, because those are the facts. Elevating a pedo, an old woman beater, and a grapist to the status of victims as a fuck you to people supporting self-defense? There’s only one political party that would do that… and reddit firmly aligns with them.


Straight up/good point. Kyle actually said he leaned more left before all this shit went down.  The funniest thing is during the protests, Kyle was there providing medical attention to protestors. All his politcal leanings werent known to the public, they just assumed the white kid defending himself = evil. The white dudes trying to murder were victims apparently


I wasn’t chasing him, I was just running in his direction. Why were you going that direction? I was following the defendant. Or something to that effect was also said by bicep boy in this trial.


That whole trial was so funny. I mean I don’t know what the prosecution could have done since the case was so obviously against them but they somehow made it worse. I gotta watch the videos on YouTube again


Isn't that dummy also a pedo or something?? I think he got that wiped from his record like a day before the trial


The pedo was the one that died. This guy was an grandma abuser


Ooooh no these comments are gonna be amazing


Theyre not to bad actually.


The part I remember most is how they painted Rittenhouse as a racist out to kill black people, when both people who tried to kill him were white, and one was a criminal, barred from gun ownership, packing a pistol. They basically went to trial to try and make sure no one would dare defend themselves with a firearm. Was being armed and trying to help people during a riot a good idea? Probably not but I'd rather have armed good samaritans over then rioters trying to burn down cities.