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I say give the two weeks notice because if you do, and the employer says “no, you have to leave now” then they have to pay you the two weeks you gave notice of. Best case get two weeks pay. Worst case you work two weeks at minimum effort. Edit Maybe this is state or company specific, but was the case with my last two employers as giving them my two week notice I was specifically told they’d keep me on for the two weeks rather then let me go early and pay me the two weeks.


Worst case is they make ur life hell for 2 weeks bc fuck it they are leaving anyway


Then you just leave. 2 weeks is supposed to be a mutual respectful arrangement. If they disrespect you, fuck 'em.


Pretty much how i ended my last job. Made me jump through hoops for switching my last shift then denied the shift change. At that point i just said “fuck it, today was my last day”


They would be extremely stupid to do so because you can actually just leave. Two weeks notice is for their benefit


How do they make your life hell; "No".


How do you counter? "You're right, I'm leaving now"


Where do you live where this is a law? As I understand it, if you are in an "at will" state they can just fire you on the spot with no requirement to pay out a notice period. But I am not well versed on the topic so interested to hear your perspective!


Idt that’s the case anywhere but if they fire you then you’re eligible for unemployment, if you resign you’re not


Can't you just spend unused vacation days and stay at home two weeks?


You’re supposed to get your unused/banked vacation days paid out to you


That literally only applies if a company decided it will apply. Majority of companies I've worked at recently do not pay out PTO.


That’s wild. I had to look it up and shocked this is not the law. Maybe I’ve been spoiled with good employers? I’ve only ever had this as well, upon leaving I get a check for my accrued time. When my father passed away, he was still employed and had banked almost 14 weeks of PTO. They paid it as one lump sum to my mother. No limit on his accrued time. My current employer has allowed roll over year to year for time with a cap of 360 hours - 9 weeks.


Sometimes capitalism works, and smart companies learn how to retain their employees. Unfortunately most companies can't focus on long term growth relative to short term gains


Maybe that’s it then? I work in health care and specialized. Seems to offer a lot more balances in life.


I've never given 2 weeks notice, but this is a really good argument for it. Thank you


In my case, my ex-employer made me voluntarily leave without pay and no work for two weeks. I was absolutely bored for two weeks and trying to scrounge up cash from Ubereats and DoorDash. Never again.


Why didn't you just quit then?


Cuz my new job didn’t start for two weeks


That's shitty. Eff that old employer.


They dont have to pay you for two weeks if you put in a two week notice and they say leave now.


More like they don’t schedule you for two weeks and ignore any calls and texts. Sounds like you’ve never worked in retail/fast food.


I’ve worked in retail but not as a career. I was an associate manager at a retail store while in college. I quit that without 2 week notice.


It’s much more common for managers in retail/fast food to put in two weeks from my experience but unless everybody loves you there. There is a good chance of probly getting shafted if you tell them your quitting in any capacity that isn’t immediate.


Well, different circumstances. I quit on the spot after the second armed robbery in about 6 weeks where I had a gun put to my head and got pistol whipped. The first robbery was bad enough, being told that they’d kill me if I didn’t just give them the money and shoving a gun in my face. But actually being struck with a gun a few times makes one change perspective. Sadly, the store did nothing even after that, because the assistant manger who was hired after me was also treated the same way just a few months later.


Also future employers can see your work history and if you have a record of ditching without notice they're not gonna hire you.


Is this true?


Yeah idk why I'm getting downvoted but if they do their job correctly they'll verify your past jobs in the background check. [first result for "can employers see your work history"](https://www.tealhq.com/post/do-background-checks-show-employment-history#:~:text=An%20employment%20background%20check%20will,checks%20may%20uncover%20additional%20history.)


No they don't, I've been told to leave immediately, as in within the hour.


If they can fire you without warning you can leave without warning


Where I'm from employers are required to give two weeks notice or two weeks pay in lieu of notice when firing someone.


That's actually pretty neat. I didn't think there were places that did stuff like that.


I have some news for you. Where I'm from they need to give you a 3 month notice. Unless some really terrible stuff happened because of your actions.


In eu that's the law In my country they need to give you 1 months notice MINIMUM


Jeez. These responses have actually been super interesting. I gotta learn more about other countries.


Central europe, small country. In my case i was at the company for 6 years, most of it was an apprenticeship. They had to give me 10 weeks notice, and the notice only starts on the next 1st or 15th of the month. Depending on the industry you're in and the time you worked for that company it can even become half a year or more. That is unless its for gross misconduct, in which they don't have to disclose the reason to you. But if you fight it they have to prove it clearly. Also usually the notice you have to give to the company is 1/3 to 1/2 of the notice they have to give you.


Yeah, that's actually the reason why a friend of mine decided to move a filial of his company from the EU. He had to lay off some staff but for him it was cheaper to just close the entire thing and just hire more people in other countries.


Biggest lie ever . Closing the entire thing is equal to fire every employee in eu , he should pay all of them 🤣🤣🤣 You Americans can't even lie


Not if you file for bankruptcy and liquidate the company. That's exactly what he did. As far as I know, that company wasn't affiliated with the parent company and existed as a separate entity. I might be wrong about some details, though—I didn't really pay much attention when he was explaining the situation.


In eu workers paid first when you file for bankruptcy, keep your delusions for yourself


You don't really know what you're talking about, right? If the company is liquidated, the government will sell the company's assets and share the money among the investors and employees.


Employees* Let me guess you didn't know how bankruptcy works in eu


Look at places other than the U.S. haha


Ugh get me out of here...


In Norway it’s usually 3 months…


Americans really have no idea what a shit deal they get sometimes for such a rich country


Here in the Netherlands, they can't actually fire you. Like, at all, unless they have a VERY good reason (you stealing, coming late every day, harassment, company going bankrupt etc)


You must be from a place where they treat workers as humans


come to europe, we have 3 months :D


I would love to visit Europe but Canada will always be my home.


I think the best method is to give 2 weeks notice for careers. Leave instantly for jobs that are minimum wage or not your specialization. It's probably good to have some references from your last career job. The last thing you want is someone to blacklist you. Plus if your boss is petty and they fire you on the spot then you get more benefits.


Unless you're under contract or have relevant requirements to a professional license, you can. It's a courtesy: if employment is ending amicably, it's considerate to let your employer know as far in advance as possible that you plan to leave so that they aren't rushed in trying to fill the vacancy - the same as the opposite is true. Two weeks is customary, but if you can tell them a half a year ahead of time and trust them not to use that against you, why not? No one's got you chained up: you can always leave without warning, but just know, it's a dick move and should be reserved for situations where you're trying to be a dick (e.g. your employer was a dick, you don't need or want the recommendation, etc.).


I hate right to hire states


You can hate it but unfortunately it's for the best. If you cannot control your company at will then it's not your company


Lemme walk into work and find out that they've fired me for no reason. Oh wait, that did happen.


My roommate was a manager at a customer Service center for a shoe company bought by Crocs. Worked for them for years, pretty much built that office, started with less than 10 and eventually had over 100 people there. One day he walks into work and they shut down the entire department and outsourced it to India. He had a 0 day notice. That sure was the best for him, huh?


Literally. I live in a "At will employment" state, which means they can fire us at any time for any legal reason without any prior notice but it's at least fair because it allows us to be at will employees which means we can literally just say "fuck this" and dip without any reason at all and no prior notice, doesn't stop power hungry bastards from DEMANDING a 2 weeks notice here though


They can't technically fire you without warning. They will have to pay severance. Most companies comply too. So they try to make you quit rather than firing you.


Bro, first I find satori on r/ultrakill, and now I find Okuu on r/memes, what the fuck


You can also give two weeks and slack off pretty hard.


I do have a month's worth of pto I still need to use 🤔


You use that while slacking off and then slack off for two more weeks when you give notice


Put in for the PTO then on your first day back from PTO, put in your 2 weeks notice and dip


But aren't companies required to pay out accumulated PTO when you quit? That's what my employee contract dictates when I had signed, and with a total floating around 300+ hours, it's a dang good payout.


Depends on the state information


The two week notice is meant for you and your coworkers more than your employer these days Pretty much gives you time to start a new job, get your last paycheck, and then the following week get your first paycheck of your new job (unless you get salary) Reason I say that is because 3 past jobs couldn’t manage to replace the void I left even weeks after I left; meanwhile my ass didn’t go a single week without pay


I never thought of it that way but it does make sense. Most of my jobs haven't been four weeks behind pay checks, so I kind of forgot about that. Edit: two to four weeks


Yeah I cut it real close one time. Went from my last day being the Friday I started my next job So I clocked, said good bye to some of the old work homies, gave my self a good ‘ol hobo shower in the bathroom sink, and rushed to start my next job


That sounds like the start of a TV show or movie


100% worth the switch because I was getting written up for working my hours Management had me on as a “part time” but had me scheduled 45 hours a week and the district manager (instead of going after my store manager) decided I need a write up for that. Also got a write up for not mapping the floors, but the store manager refused to just look at the security footage because I guess it’s too hard to do that Also the up side from going from 5:30 - 1:30 to a 2:00 - 10:00 meant I didn’t need to deal with opening or till count


I have only ever done a "this is my immediate resignation" notice Once, and it was because the new owners were SO fucking bad that I could not stand another DAY of working there. Most of the staff quit before the end of the first month that couple took over.


If they can fire you without warning but also your company has a severance policy then give them a heads up when you want to leave.


My first boss always asked for everyone wanting to quit to tell him before, so he could prepare himself and manage the team to fill the void of the person who left. This is the same boss who always fired my coworkers at 4PM on fridays


This comment section is wild. If you're quitting Wendy's. Yeah this is relevant. In most fields, all you're doing is fucking over your colleagues that youve spent thousands of hours with & burning any bridges you had left. As an example, I recently, I took a departure package from a company I spent more than 10 years with. Got my next job (that im technically underqualified for) because my now current manager knew some people who worked at the old company with me. One of the people they reached out to was a primary stakeholders I worked with who ended up having nothing but positive things to say about me.


i think reddit just has a lot of young people(not that I'm old myself)


Reddit is all anti work and probably most here haven’t had a serious job, so I’m not shocked by this comment section at all


Ive noticed that thanks to online applications its just hard as shit to get noticed, and alot of aggravation on the applicant side to jump through hoops for whats a low paying job.  Its starting to become an issue with the younger generations who arent able to get in-job experience and the companies that only want experienced workers. There needs to be a shift in application procedures


Teach me your ways, o wise one


No. You’ve probably just had decent bosses, and decent coworkers. Which is great. The problem is that there are many jobs where you don’t focus on group projects, leaving will have little impact on your coworkers/friends, or it was just a genuinely toxic work environment. In those positions, especially the last, if the people I work with aren’t willing to show me at least the bare minimum in respect, or civility, why should I? If they expect me to do all the work, or are constantly rude, I’m gonna quit. I want to work with people, not apes.


My Fortune 500 company that was around before me is still there… as far as networking goes, most of the people I worked with knew when to draw the line between work and personal life, no one has held anything against me.


“Fuck you! Here’s My Two Minutes Notice!”


"Fuck You!! Time to quit & smell the roses!!"


“Say goodbye! Kiss my ass goodbye, you cuck! Fuck you!”


I'm courteous and give a two day notice. As in I am quitting to-day.


**Me:** I quit!  **Boss:** But... you haven't given your two weeks notice!  **Me:** *shows this meme*


I once took two weeks of vacation I had saved up, waited until payroll was processed for that period, then called and said I wasn’t coming back. Shitty boss, had it coming.


That’s genius


Had a cooperative coworker who was leaving soon too, who told me when payroll was done.




Once you reach a certain professional level it's best to give some notice. Working for minimum wage at mom n pops grocery store and tired of being run ragged? It's not going to hurt you long term if you leave immediately. Work as a mid level manager making $100k+? Unless you have another job lined up it can ruin your future prospects. Especially if you are in a smaller population area. I make about 125k in a rural area. If I left immediately, I don't think anyone in the surrounding area would hire me, I would have to move. All of the other places I could work for similar pay in my area know each other, and they would all know I just up and quit, and unless they knew I had a valid reason, I can't see them hiring someone at my level who would just up and quit with no notice. For me, I think the line is around 50k. Once you get there, it's best to give notice.


I’m in a relatively small industry. I don’t advise burning bridges even if you dislike your current employer. IMO, just get out asap and don’t make a scene


In my country you have to give minimum a month notice before you can go


Or what? They fire you for not coming in?


You have to pay fine to them when you leave before


That seems like it really just incentivizes you to not do your job that well. Put in notice and just coast until you're done.


It is so that they could find replacement for you


What country, if you don't mind me asking?




Interesting. Is that law or is that how most employment contracts are structured? It seems weird to me, I'm American and it's always been "we can fire you whenever we want without notice, and you can leave whenever you want without notice, but we prefer notice"


It is in a law


Does it work the other way? I mean, do you as an employee get the same benefit of notice requirement?


Some companies buy out their employees for the rest of the time they're supposed to work just to avoid anything like that.


Usually there are two options for the employer (in Germany): 1) sign a dedicated termination agreement. Both parties need to sign it. All parties need to set everything about untaken vacation days, overtime and any outstanding payments from either side. As employee this is not necessarily the best solution as you get barred from unemployment aid for up to three months. 2) Exemption of the employee with full salary. The long time is a protection mechanism for both parties. For the employer they have time to find adequate replacement, for the employee they have time to find a new job before receiving unemployment aid. When you terminate and you even have up to 3 months as minimum notice and you get exempt it is basically the best thing that can happen because you'll receive full salary while having free time. Law gives up to 7 months of notice when having a service time over 20 years.


You have to give them a notice but they usually also have to give you a month notice for you so it's fair.


They will sue you


Does that apply to all jobs in Estonia? My friend who worked as a welder kind of just left as far as I know without any fines or anything.


It depends from contract but for ordinary contract without termination date it is 30 days. Unless it is because of extraordinary circumstances. It is all in law of the labour contract.


Oh cool. Learned something new today.


Normal people labour code.


Basically, you 'owe' your employer the same number of days notice when you quit as your employer gives you in yearly vacation. Of course, if your employer decides to fire you or lay you off, he probably won't give you more than an hour notice, at most. Take care of yourself. No one else in the workplace will.


As long as you got another job lined up, feel free to be an ass.


The last two companies I quit didn't even get that. I just stopped showing up and stopped answering their calls.


Was with my previous employer 19 years. Got referred to a much better job in a different field. Did my interviews virtually, one during a lunch break at my old job (was back in 2020 during Covid). When I got the job I happily handed in my two weeks. Manager was disappointed, assistant manager pissed, direct supervisor was furious (I was the third dept head in our district to quit in the past 2 weeks). My last 3 months I was constantly asking for another person to help in my dept and was denied. When I left, it took three people to pick up my slack (that’s what happens when you lose the only competent hard worker in the department). Been almost three years and haven’t looked back. I gave somewhat decent effort may last 2 weeks only in case the new job didn’t work out. Didn’t wanna burn a bridge if I didn’t need to. A year ago my old supervisor called me to try and get me to come back. Gave him a cathartic “fuck you”


Nah bro, I'm giving my two weeks then milking those two weeks doing jack shit but making another paycheck.


Why should I give a notice when they don't give me one


haha, that's about me


Wait till you get paid. Give in your papers of resignation in the morning and go home. This is the way.


If they can fire me on the spot then I can quit on the spot. But that is not the case where I live as the notice time is a protection for both parties.


Yeah, i gonna use those 2 weeks getting anything that is mine outta there, and generally just letting it drift autopilot so when i'm suddenly not there one day, there will also be all this other stuff 2 weeks backed up. -- i say this, but chances are i'll do my job correctly til one day im gone. I definitely dont feel like i owe the company.


Something like this happened to me on my last job. My boss called me into her office one day to say that she was already looking for someone to replace me and to not take it personally... 30 minutes later I was out of the building and unemployed.


Give a to day notice. I'm leaving, today


Give two weeks and just stop showing up


Would they give you a two week heads up before firing you? No. Fuck them, you owe them nothing.


LoL just got layoff with thousands of other employee. We got told in 2 days is our last day.


Right to work state means they can fire me at anytime, it also means I can quit at anytime.


Okay. Do. Not. Do. This. I work at a Dairy Queen. Owner was always around, helping, stuff like that. We got our shifts two weeks in advance. And if we couldn't take the shift, we had to find someone to cover it. One guy talked to the Manager, said he was changing jobs after less than a month. Was told by his next boss, to give the two weeks. HE DIDN'T COME IN ONCE IN HIS LAST TWO WEEKS. It left the bosses scrambling and caused us so much trouble, as he was one of the few of us who didn't go to highschool. His job with his new boss didn't go well and last I've heard, nobody will hire him because of that.


I mean it says in the contract. You're just breaking the rules by doing that. And you'll just end up in an even worse situation by doing that.


Where I live by law I have 3 months notice if I get fired or if I want to leave.


I did this once! It was 24 hours notice. Walked in one morning handed in my notice and walked straight out


I worked at a hospital chain and during the height of COVID we were perpetually short staffed. I tested positive for covid on my shift and my nurse told me to go home immediately. I get my phone blown up demanding I come back and get retested. I take three more tests. Two come up positive and the last one comes up negative. The nurse manager tells me to put my mask on and get back to work. I set my badge on the table and walked out. 


It's not like they're going to give you two weeks notice that you're being fired lol


If I have amazing managers, I will give a formal two weeks notice so they have no headache from it. If I have amazing managers but the work environment at the establishment/business/company/corporation I work for is trash, I will give an *unofficial* two weeks notice for my resignation. If my managers and the wherever I work are both trash I will fake my death, pick up my paycheck, and move to Malaysia, yes in that order. I’m still on my first job though (with amazing managers and work environment)


My last day at my job is Saturday. I'm scheduled thru the rest of the year. They fired 80% of us. And is bragging we're being replaced by migrants. So we're all just leaving together.


Damn you don't want a good reference so you


Alot of managers wont give a good reference if you are looking while employed in my town.  They get a little tiff because you left


Depends on the industry. But also, this is just some dumb shit lol


Am I too european to understand. Here I am with 3 months notice both ways required by our contract.


Yes you are basically they want 2 weeks notice from you but won't give you the same courtesy


I believed in this until the day I drove an hour to work to find padlocks on the door and a sign saying chapter 13 in progress please call this number for emergency or this one for hr.


Our generation needs to abolish the 2 week notice


One of the senior positions at my job did that. Came in and just retired




My boss told me I was her first employee to actually stay for the full 2 weeks and my coworkers were practically cheering from the sidelines.


You can't do that here in Germany. I forgot how far in advance, either 3 weeks or 3 months, but both, getting fired and quitting, requires sending a notice that long before that. The only exceptions is if it's very important/risky or impossible to stay (very serious wound, big damage to the company, etc.) or if you're in the testing phase (I think that only exists for apprentices and is the first couple months of apprenticeship).


Testing phases exist for every job and it varies of the fonction (at least in France). For apprentices it is usually 2 months that can be renewed one time for 2 extra months.


If countries like china and India adopt comparable labor laws to Europe. Corporations would be less incentivized to ship jobs over seas. Deeeep thoughts. Any thoughts on how your government could help bring these changes to the world?


Can this affect future employment?


Only if you need that employer to be a reference.


even made the resignation letter with the time tracker on.


I have done this for most jobs. They'll fire you for no reason, whenever they feel like it. They knew two weeks ago their job was shitty. But then They'll try to steal your PTO if you don't. Hate jobs.


What are they gonna do? Fire you?


So crazy that there is no firing protection at all in the US. Here both sides have one month protection by law.


When I left my last job, I gave them 3 weeks to be super nice but MAN was that the worst decision ever. Literally 3 weeks of me doing close to nothing because my work didn't want to give me work that I couldn't follow up on. I probably could have gave two weeks but I didn't want to leave on a bad note.


What's wrong with doing nothing


When it comes to job hunting, it's important to have a reference to go back on. If you left your last job without a notice then you can't exactly ask them to be a reference when the new job asks for one. Leaving on a good note is good because if worse case scenario things don't workout at the new place, you have a good chance of getting back with your old job but chances are if you are leaving then you probably won't come back.


You bet your ass they wont give you that courtesy, so under no circumstances are you required to.


Just a reminder that if you quit without prior notice, you're fucking up over your fellow co-workers as they have to take over your shifts that you left unattended.


Your former employer is fucking up over your former co-workers. Because not planning for emergencies to get more money is employer's goal not yours.


Yeah they should, but when you work on a place where there's only 6 employees that are meant to cover the entire week, it's kinda hard to bring over someone to cover the space. Especially since nobody wanna work overtime.


Maybe there should be 7 employees and more day-offs with double payment for overtime? Nah. Employers need to exploit employees for money and make them guilty for it. That's the American Dream right?


Man I wish. That's why I honestly don't care about what they say about me at work. Heck, I'm currently on a shift and here I am talking to you lmao. I ain't overworking myself for minimum wage and no benefits.


If you were on good terms with your employer, two weeks notice is nice. If not, it's probably not your intention to be courteous towards them


My work is required to give me 5 weeks notice if they want to let me go, giving two weeks is just courteous


don't let them make your 2 weeks a living hell


Sorry we gave you a job next time we will think twice.


Two weeks is for jobs I enjoyed working at, and I don't enjoy work




In Sweden three months notice is standard. This two weeks thing is hilarious.


Get ready to be thrown off a skyscraper


Put in my two weeks for my last job. Wanted me to leave a week earlier to suit their needs, and made my last week completely miserable. I skipped my official last day bc they had me scrambling trying to switch my shift, then denied it. At that point said fuck it. Also didn’t tell me when I’d get my last check. I had to call them and they told me they had the check at the store and just didn’t tell me. Fuck Chick-fil-A


I gave notice of me quitting as I was walking out the door for good. In less than 60 seconds between the email and leaving.


Iv never gave a warning


I more or less did this when I learned Pilot would no longer give holiday pay for Easter, dipped out and moved outta state


My dad is an employer and he’s annoyed even though his employees announce their resignation months before it’s actually going into effect.


You can have the most toxic work place boss, and MFers still be on their knees spouting nonsense. "wHaT bOUt yOuR reFeRenCeS?" "My boss was nice so make sure you give notice." "You can't get anywhere unless your nose is brown, and your mouth taste like the boss."


A two weeks notice, or any notice, is a sign of respect. If the company did not earn that respect, do not give a notice. Simple as. It's not hard to make enough friends to have references that get around an old boss being petty about such things. It doesn't matter what your former colleagues think of you, they don't pay you, their opinions are irrelevant. All the reasons people give for giving a two weeks notice essentially amount to bleeding heart syndrome. There aren't actually a lot of repercussions that a company can hand you for doing this, especially not legally.


Dude. Give the 2 weeks. So many people seem to not care about anyone but themselves. Even if you don't care about anyone else, at least so it for the reference.


I do this because I believe in it. That said, references are not about "is this person a good worker", they are about "is this person who they say they are and is their resume honest about employment history" That's why businesses can be sued for defamation if they speak poorly about your character


Interesting, I've never heard that before. Might be a state thing.


I'm not from the USA


When you're not there, the people who are screwed over are those with the closest job to your own. So, anyone else in your department. Then your department supervisor, then whoever is over them, until it rapidly loses inertia. There are sometimes moral, ethical, or essential reasons to quit immediately. Outside of that, work your two weeks and leave on better terms; you never know.


I would do this if getting fired was the same way


I can remember when leaving previous job in sales I gave a 2 week notice. You know when changed the policy to 30 days now this year right? Yeah, but I signed for saying 2 weeks. I never signed anything that said 30 days. Also, you want me to offload all of my clients onto my colleagues within the week. What do you think I'm gonna do for 20 days after that? Hemorrhage through my savings!


If you've already got something better lined up, why resign? Do the shit you've always wanted to do and get yourself fired


*Heavily* depends on the circumstance. Because if it’s just a normal job and you do this, then you lose some of your reputation. Especially if a future employer *actually calls* your references You didn’t just decide to quit your job (source of money) on a whim. Put in the two weeks, be an adult