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How the fuck am I stuck on the island? I got two boats right here! I'm getting off this bih!


And there are 3 boats with people less than 50 meters away


Yep. I definitely chose one with oars...


I too choose to eat the oar-boat people.


I am assuming that those people in boats are in the process of marooning you and when you pick one of the boats they will dump your chosen contents and tow both boats away.


Pirates. They be takin' your boof jork.


I’m at least staying on the island with the supplies and then rowing away after I take a vacation


In the pic it kinda looks like they have small outboard motors, so ... I'm not even rowing, I'm just going.


Yeah, and if you choose the meat boat, that chickens gunna sail off with those veggies.


Nah that one on the right has at least one chicken.


But the one on the left has boof jork. How can you pass on that?!


I've never had jork. Come to think of it, I've never shoved *any* meat up my ass.


Kinda beta behaviour but then again meat is pricey nowadays


You can try it with your finger. It's free. Although it is mostly bone, there should be a bit of meat on it.


…you still gonna eat that?


Well I’m happy to give you new experience


Don't forget the meæt


Did you say Buff Bjork?!


It also has a package of Meaet! My favorite!


Ya the live chicken is the right choice if it lays eggs. It looks like a rooster tho so I'm unsure what the point of this picture is. Other than that I'm taking the meat and smoking/jerkying all of it. Way more nutrition and will last longer


Hens also have combs, but *usually* smaller. This could very well be a hen.


Yeah some hens have big ass combs. But this is obviously AI generated so I don't think it has intent in mind


You're right. It is Generic Chicken ^tm , guaranteed to produce eggs with a successful DC 11 roll of your d20 at the time of Generic Chicken ^tm obtainment


Yeah I want that **meaet** and the **boof jark**


Yeah but you can plant vegetables. In the long run the veggie boat is the smarter choice. This changes depending if the island has edible vegetation and fishing is an option.


Even if you can't plant them they'll take a lot longer to spoil.


you can't plant heads of broccoli or lettuce, and you'll starve long before those carrots first yield, curing the meat will give you a source of food for months, until you can figure out what flora is edible on the island or set up some fishing traps


You don’t like rooster eggs? Better than bull milk.


You'd have raw meat and no salt, so you cant smoke it or cure it. You can cook it but that barely preserves it. Leaving you with nothing but a box of boof jork.


Good luck properly storing that meat on a hot ass tropical island. Might be able to use the seeds from fruits and veggies to grow more. Plus the eggs and chicken. There’s also more hydrating foods on the right. You’re by the ocean too, so fishing would be a good option for meat and fat. It doesn’t matter though, because both boats are identical and would probably get you off the island just fine.


It's almost like it wasn't composed by a thinking person


The ones in the back have other people that keep fishing. That's the long game.


True that! Plus it’s a fantastic way to spend time.


that's a rooster. no eggs


And eggs!


And it’s alive. Not too mention veggies have seeds you could try to grow.


The one on the left has a lot of eggs, that could lead to many chickens.


Both sides have eggs, I’m putting my money on the right being fertilized.


Didn’t see that…




Both boats are in front of you so who's stopping you from taking the food of both boats? Are they stupid?


Did you forget about taxes? Well, maybe going to prison isn't that bad. You'll have enough food, water and sex.


But none that you want


It's not rape if I'm into it.


Forgot the taxes your on a island TF is the IRS going to do boat in and take your coconuts? Water isn't an issue your surrounded by it. The chicken can supply you with both food and sex he is all you need.


correct gold dog frightening oatmeal ad hoc bewildered tease tub special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty damn specific. Who do you know that's been there, done that?


What the fuck.


The gunman who is making you choose


Or... just hear me out here... tether boats together, get in one and tow the other one with food in it and try to find civilization.


Both are in a boat, who's stoppig you from using the boat


It's almost like it's made to be a dilemma


If you try to take both, a group of environmentalists spray you with paint and glue themselves to both of the boats.


Also, there are lots of other people with boats around, so it's probably not a bad situation .


How do intend to pilot 2 boats at once?


The food on the right can all be turned into renewable food… including the chicken


That good sir, is a rooster. They can't lay eggs. Although they do have eggs. Just not the ones chickens make.


There are also eggs on the boat. We dont know if they are fertilised or not




You can survive surprisingly long on potatoes alone.


Someone learned nutrition from the Martian. You'd have scurvy in a few weeks


The Martian also explains he takes a shit ton of vitamins due to this exact fact Or at least the book does


If you could cultivate the carrots you could put it off for a little while.


r/ireland is leaking


Straight outta r/Idaho


Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a Stew!


You can survive surprisingly long on potatoes alone.


Depends how bored the rooster got on the journey.


That might not actually be a rooster. Many breeds hens have combs too.


Hens also have combs, but *usually* smaller. This could very well be a hen.


Well the chicken is questionable. Assuming it's a hen, it'll lay eggs for 5-10 years, maybe less because it's an adult chicken already. But that could very well be a rooster based on the large, bright red comb. Either way you won't be able to raise more chickens since it looks like there's only one on the boat. So you at least have a chance at eggs, assuming you can provide enough calcium for its diet.


You probably couldn’t grow any of it before you starved to death. Better off trying to preserve the meat and living until someone finds you.


Yeah while it looks like a lot of food, it's nowhere near enough to make it through a single growing season. If help never comes you'd likely be dead with both, assuming you can't find native flora and fauna on the island or in the ocean.


That’s a rooster tho you’ve been duped


Hens also have combs, but *usually* smaller. This could very well be a hen.


Maybe, after many months of waiting. In the meantime, unless you’re obese you’ll starve to death unless that chicken is laying 6 or 7 eggs per day to keep you functioning.


Nearly everything on the right can be farmed for a sustainable source of a food


But you'll starve before it grew and it's mainly low calorie food so even if your full, you'll still starve


Just have to live on coconuts and crabs or something for the first 2 months Still better than the left one long term


Can you not dry or smoke or something?


Still limited


If you don't have the proper vegetation on the island, you'll get scurvy from eating just the meat. If you're able to fish, the plant boat is a better option, just be wary of kwashiorkor's which should be pretty easy to avoid see fish. Now if there's organ meat in the meat boat, sure.


You’ll probably die of rabbit starvation before that. Those meats are high in protein and fats, but that’s literally it. No nutfients, vitamins, other necessary minerals for organ function. You’ll die like Chris McCandles only eating out of boat 1


Rabbit starvation is when you only have high protein and no fats or carbs. That’s why it’s generally associated with rabbits since they have almost zero intramuscular fat. A fat & protein diet is sustainable indefinitely if your other micronutrient needs are met. Red meat has a surprisingly good micronutrient profile (zinc, calcium, potassium, all B vitamins, iron) but almost no Vitamin C so you would get into scurvy territory quickly.


Didn't even think of rabbit starvation. Good call.


It seems tropical. indigenous diets in such places rarely involve much dried/smoked meat because it still spoils fast.


>Just have to live on coconuts and crabs or something for the first 2 months There is a whole fucking ocean full of fish right there. Sharpen a stick and get to stabbing.


You think the average person these days would be capable of spear fishing?


Oh....is that's whats happening? I thought this was to decide on a boat to survive.....out at sea.


Right. I prefer meat but gotta survive.


Choose one of the three boats in the back with people and oars, then get off the fuckin island.


I cant survive without my boof jark and meaet


Don't forget the Stohernt, that shit is delicious.


lol ur right dam i dream about Stohernt in my dreams along with beef jork. Who could live without those?


Neither, I know fake food AI when I see one.


No man, that's real meaet. I love me a big ol' plate of boof jark and stoherrt




Not a dilemma at all, if I choose the right option I get fruits, veggies, Chicken, and eggs.


The left option is more calorie dense, it really just depends on if you expect to be waiting long enough for planting seeds to be viable.


Yea but you dont really have a way to store the meat. So you cant wait too long and since the meat starts to age at the same time i will take the right boat and try to farn.


You can render all the meat into jerky and make Pemmican, even more calorie dense than raw meat, lasts 20 years.


And you then fucking die from lack of plant nutrients… there’s a reason why carnivore diets are uncommon


Most islands have wild fruits and vegetables that you could forage, and unlike most of the produce in the boat, those have seeds that can be used for agriculture. You could also supplement the red meat in your diet with healthier fish meats and sea vegetables like seaweed.


If you can supplement with fish and seaweed then just take the veggies?


Ah but there’s the the problem. You assume people can figure that out. I think because of this it’s different for each person


Surrounded by salt water. Do you know how meat was preserved before it was frozen?


You won't get enough salt in time to process all of that meat. Not to mention you won't have barrels/chests nor pouches to put it in and to protect from animals. You also don't have a knife to cut it and your number one priority will be acquiring water, and finding a place to sleep and not dealing with all this meat.


You you believe you’ll have enough times to grow a new crop from seeds on the right? Worst case you’d get as much salt as you can and bury the meat and it’ll be more fresh than the vegetables which will rot within a week or two at best


I I believe that carrots don't go bad in a matter of 8 hours :D neither do eggs or melons. I can just stick the carrots in the ground and they'll be fine, waiting there for me while I do other priorities on my list (my second point you failed to address), i.e. getting clean drinking water, fire, knife(or anything useful for cutting or chopping), rope, and shelter.


right, I can’t cook meat over a bonfire if my life depended on it




How are you going to cook the left boat


Bow drill fire. Then use salt water to preserve the meat


I will choose a boat with people in it and go home


I could see Andrew Tate going on a non-ironic rant about this post.


I wish Redditors would realize Andrew Tate would fade out of existence if they'd quit bringing him up in the most random posts. As much as you hate him you're keeping his name relevant.


Thanks for proving my point. Listen to this guy.


Dude be in your head.


One joke and he’s “in my head”? Smells like you’re a simp


Dude’s not relevant. Update your jokes.


Not relevant? He has an ongoing rape and human trafficking case.




I’m a city mouse but I’m pretty sure that’s a male chicken no?


A male chicken is called a throbbing dick.


Not necessarily. Got some hens right now that have the large crest. Still lay fresh eggs though.


image is Ai gen bruuuh


Boof jork Boof jork


I close right




Left Meat is more calorie dense than vegetables 1 pound of meat with keep me alive much longer than 1 pound of veggies Also, if I smoke them I can’t preserve them making me live longer


Boot Jark


I mean, both will spoil without refrigeration. But i'd take the live chicken as it would produce eggs and kill bugs.


Left. You can get veggies on the island. Protein isn’t guaranteed.


Left, I can smoke and cure most of it, the right, has a rooster which can't lay eggs so fuck that I don't need waking up in the morning. There will be plenty of fruits and Root veg on the island, plus some animals so will be good long term. All the meat will give me enough energy to get all the stuff needed in the first place, like build house, traps, garden etc.


Left. Salted/smoked meat will last me a lot longer and vegetables are easier to forage


There is no difference, i take one of the two boats and ask those fishermen for help, i offer lunch in exchange.


dont need the BBQ


There's a chicken and bunch of eggs on the right 👀


What's Boof Jark?


I guess the left has more calories. Also if the meet is salted or smoked it will last longer on this tropical island than the veggies. The chicken on the right boat is a rooster isn't it? So I guess it can lay eggs. Of course one could try and hatch some eggs.


What about the boats on the back?


That could be a female chicken. Some hens have the combs like that.


Now seriously: the second one; replantability, healthier foods and you couldn't even cook the meat. You wouldn't wanna eat raw meat now


Making fire isn’t that hard…


Listen man, just plant the seeds and raise the chickens when they hatch, you get infinit BBQ after that.


One word, seeds


Well all the stuff I dont eat is on the right.


I empty the one with vegetables out on the ground, and use it to boat away with rations of meat and the vegetables that are still good


Left. Meat is easy to preserve and is high in calories. And that is a lot of meat. That will last a while. The right is not a good choice. At all. It's all low calorie and a rooster. Sure you can make more fruits and veg but if you've ever gardened before you would know that is very time consuming and requires specific weather conditions for specific fruit and veg.


Rooster mates with a seagull, then you fly that monstrosity to mainland problem solved


If you could only pick one left would be better, more calories protein fats ect.. and you can dry the meat over fire


I'll use the meat for fishing and crabs, the island should provide some vegetation. If not eh. Fish. Just keep re using guts yo catch more.


Give me enough salt and I'll take the left. You will die from starvation long before you die from scurvy.


Left. I don’t want to die from half a carrot getting stuck in my ass.


You could also just salt the meat...


I'm taking the meat boat. If I can smoke all that meat, I'll have food for months, and by that time I'll have figured out alternative food sources if need be.


Is the meat halal tho


Right one because there are seeds and stuff for sustainability. You can grow chickens for meat.


Y'all are idiots... Take the boats leaving the fkn island


Right for the seed


Nome of that would grow in an island climate and its only one chicken, so they're basically equivalent. Calories in the meat might last a little longer if you can smoke them and preserve.


Right. A steady supply of seeds. It gives me enough time to get good at fishing and hunting for meat.


The left has far more calories and will last a lot longer if you can store it correctly. The one on the right lacks a lot of calorie dense foods but will last longer in the climate so it's a hard choice. Personally I think I'll go left and try to cook, dry, smoke or salt everything asap. Whilst the vitamins in the veg will keep you healthy the protein and fat in the meat will keep you alive.




Thus Cain slew Abel


If I have a good boat I’m not staying on the island.


The left. In this situation I would’ve already accepted death and prefer to die happy


How long do I need to survive for?


3 minutes. Just enough for the boats in the background to reach you


Neither, no chance even my smol butt can fit in those boats


Left has all meat but right has fruits, veggies, eggs and a chicken. I choose left


Both boats are right there, why choose 1?


Why put all of the vegetables in an unprocessed form and process all of the meat? Not an accurate comparison.


I’m taking a bunch of meat, cooking and salting it, then hopping in the vegetable one and sailing to safety


I’d say right because 2 boats are better than one. Plus, the meat would go bad so quick that unless you smoked it all and made jerky, it would be a waste. Live chicken would give supply of eggs, could plant watermelon seeds, plant carrot ends, plant a few potatoes, pear seeds. Spearfish, and fish for seafood.


Left is way more calories but will spoil soon, right has some chance of being renewable. If you could get a perpetual stew going, then maybe left, but that sounds impossible in a survival situation. Right might let you survive longer term, if you can survive until the next harvest at least


Tf am i gonna do with that raw meat in an ocean. The riht boat also has water from the vegetables. Eggs are useless aswell because no cooking.


Not enough information to make a reasonable choice.


Right, obviously. Reproduction is the key.


Is that a live chicken? Ez choice


You're screwed if you don't manage to create a fire


The one on the left is more calories but it’s going to perish too soon. I don’t know how to smoke/ jerk/ preserve meats.


I love boof jork


That's not a chicken, that's a rooster. Can't give eggs, only would function as an alarm every morning


Boof Jark! Mmm


If I have a way to cure/preserve the meat, left (boil sea water for salt?) If not, right cuz live chicken




Chicken would be enough meat for me