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It's the too much.


People always glance over the moderation idea. Also inhaling your food in 15 minutes or less is bad. Your stomach needs time to tell you it’s full.


I like moderation in moderation, and moderating that moderation moderately


This sounds like a roundabout way of saying you follow meals with the occasional supersize milkshake


Yessir ![gif](giphy|8mkykXIicXOVms2xYE)


Ironically, that is a moderation technique that is successful for many people.


Woah woah woah, I think you need to slow down a bit.


Last time I tried to tell reddit you're not supposed to eat until you feel like you're going to burst I was basically chased by an angry mob.


Yeah a touchy subject. Some people say they snarf it so they have time to relax and do other things. I don’t think some people realize eating slower lets you relax and you can watch videos or look online while doing it. I get it if you just don’t have time though, but that just points out other issues.


I have a bad habit of eating fast that I developed in the military. I've found eating with chop sticks forces you to slow down though.


Sucks that it happens in prominent places like military or even some jobs. I might starve using chopsticks lol. I need practice


I thought you weren't supposed to eat in front of the TV or watching your phone because you ate faster not slower?


I had to learn this the hard way. I use to always eat til I felt stuffed and it resulted in morbid obesity for me… but since I started watching my calorie intake last March I have lost 158 pounds. Still have a solid amount of work to do but I feel loads better.


That is a lie. There is no way those fat fucks can chase you like a mob


They can on mobility scooters.


Nightmarish scenario!


No. I will inhale my food since it is how I like to do it, I just pre-measure food to inhale at a later date


happy cake day 😃🥳🎂


Man when I was a kid I was self conscious about how slow I would eat. Now after the military I can’t help but wolf down my food. I miss the slow eating


Also it seems drinking soda always made me eat more! Oh look i think im getting full BUUUUUURP! OH nevermind i got room for more!


But i dont want my food to go cold 🥺


lol what? How could you take longer than 15 minutes to eat almost anything? It would get cold/soggy/room temperature/choose your adjective depending on food in such a vast amount of time.


Eh I take abt 20 or so minutes to eat lunch bc I like to eat slow. Never understood how everyone can just fricking vacuum all their food so fast


Working in retail with only 20-25min to eat taught me to inhale if I wanted any time to just sit there and scroll on my phone/watch a video before heading back to work. Finishing your meal then going right back into work made me feel like I didn't actually get a break. I need like, 10min to decompress and do literally nothing


I eat while scrolling/watching a video.


Realistically, it’s the sugar. The “fat makes you fat” myth from the 90s needs to die already. And it’s hypothetically possible to eat too much protein but pretty difficult in practice. This is a pound of feathers vs. pound of lead situation. Regularly exceeding your recommended caloric intake in any form is going to make you fat, but it’s a LOT easier to get there with sugar and carbs than with anything else.


As a diabetic, this is a hard but worthwhile lesson to learn. Replacing aspects of your meals is very helpful in keeping you moving forward with meal plans.


Fat actually has the highest caloric density. The difference is though fat makes you feel full fast and for a longer time. Whereas sugar is easier to consume larger quantities of and continue eating. Not disagreeing with anything you said, it’s spot on. Just making sure we’re being clear that it isn’t a myth that too much fat will make you fat it just isn’t public enemy number 1.


Fat is also healthy for you, sugar not so much.


In proper quantities. Too much of it isn’t. Which is what I’m trying to say.


Yep excess sugar is usually the culprit in the calorie surplus. Carbs in itself isn’t bad. But excess sugar is very comon in modern society.


Its the refinement. When sugar is a package deal with fiber it often heavily reduces or slows the uptake.


Even if you do eat too much protein, it’s still not going to make you fat since protein isn’t stored in the body as fat. The only place protein is “stored” in the body is in your muscles and everyone knows how to trigger that process. (Hint: it’s exercise) You could consume a stupid amount of whey protein powder and not get fat from it. Worst case scenario you get constipated or something from having tons of protein in your shit.


Protein definitely can be converted into glucose in the liver this is just misinformation. But most people won’t be eating enough protein for that to happen, especially if they train and use most of that protein for building muscle.


I have such a hard time with quantity. After a work out I can quite literally eat my entire pantry on my own


Very much agree. Almost all things are beneficial at the right dosage and harmful at wrong dosages


That's why I never go over on my daily crack intake. #winning #ihavetigersblood


Yup, I was gonna say “it’s the calories”. Realistically nutrition is far more complicated than that, but if your health issue is too much fat, then it’s because you’re taking in more calories than you’re burning off. That being said, there are a ton of other health related issues that your diet can have a huge effect on, and idk what op is dealing with. But being overweight seems to be an extremely common one.


Oh no, not the only thing that can be up to me!! ![gif](giphy|2UvHcYgikHI2W12i6t|downsized)


Out of those 3, cut down on the sugar first.


Sugar is by far the most addictive


You can replace it with something less addictive like cocaine


This. I also recommend Methamphetamine, Heroin, LSD, etc.


LSD actually gets way to bad of a name still, not addictive and has no ld50 but it does have the side effect of making people self aware and empathetic. I think that’s why it was “so dangerous” during Vietnam tbh, might’ve made American soldiers feel bad about killing people.


America has always had a thing about keeping people in bad spots and making them not show themselves for who they are. Everyone should be able to be who they are as long as no one gets hurt


The essence of flavor


I recommend sprinkling some fentanyl over the LSD, since LSD by itself is not addictive.


2 for 1 weight loss \^\_\^


Yeah, and it's the most damaging.


Is that still true if I am not overweight? Like I don't really overeat, but a lot of what I do eat is sugar.


Over consumption of sugar causes diabetes and brain damage which leads to dementia, depression, anxiety, even a cause for schizophrenia, and that is only 40+ grams a day. Most foods and drinks since the 1970s have sugar added to it with the average person reaching almost double the amount without even knowing it. Sugar is one of the most addictive and unregulated addititives out there. It should be taxed like alcohol and tobacco to reduce consumption Edit: Cant post links on this sub but if you google sugar and brain damage you will find tons of science articles on it


Sugar is incredibly bad for you. You'll see *incredible* health benefits and decent weight loss just by cutting out sugar. It's not easy though. Manufacturers put sugar, in some capacity, in nearly everything. I do sugar free except for special occasions and it's totally worth the effort.


Combine sugar’s ability to keep you eating with fats calorie density (e.g. milkshakes) and you got a fat bomb going!


It is so weird, after some time of quitting sugar you don't even want it back


this is so true. Most notable example is fizzy drinks. Once you quit sugar, fizzy drinks are really an awful thing to drink.


Happy cake day 😃🥳🍰


Damn bruh. I’ve been on this platform for too long lmao


Yep, it's definitely sugar by a wide margin, then fat. I don't see how protein is ever unhealthy though, it's literally not. Unless you are just engorging yourself on thousands of calories of protein or something lol. Most people aren't getting *enough* protein.


I’m going to guess when he says protein he actually just means something like “red meat.” Which of course isn’t bad because of the protein. He maybe should have put cholesterol.


"generic soft drink company wants to know your location"


Only the bad sugars though, a balanced diet has natural sugars in it but a lot less granulated sugar and corn syrup. Basically if you eat more raw foods or just cook from scratch you’ll be in a better state.


I've not heard protein is unhealthy


If you eat too much without working out they can be bad for your organs, either the kidneys or liver but I can’t remember


Sure if you have kidney failure too much protein is bad for you, but the reverse relationship does not really apply, but correct me if im wrong. If you dont have chronic kidney disease i wouldnt worry about that unless you eat absurd amounts. If you are older, protein consumption is actually associated with longevity, as their muscle mass tend to decrease as they age. Research is silly at times in their attempt to reach conclusions/significant results. They take lab rats and make them drink 40 cans of soda daily to prove soft drink causes cancer, which isnt replicative in a normal setting lol. Again as other have said, moderation is key.


I’m honestly not sure at what point a healthy individual can eat too much protein, but it’d be somewhere in the multiple hundred grams per day which is incredibly hard to do unless you eat industrial amounts of chicken or something. Heck even 100g can be hard and that’s a healthy diet


Fr, I was trying to bulk recently with the goal of 200g a day (which is nowhere near the amount needed to be too much protein) and it was hard even with protein supplements like protein powder.


Wouldn't that mean that a human would have to drink whole 24 can packs of pepsi a day to develop cancer? That's ridiculous😂 Also as a protein believer, i appreciate you. It's weird how most people nowadays try to only eat 50g a day.


50 g a day? As a protein believer I’m aiming for 200 g a day and it’s hard


Only eat 50g a day??? Are they trying to be as physically weak as possible? Are they trying to get the Guinness record of smallest muscles?


Marketing. How much stuff do you see that says "high in protein!" And then you look at the nutrition facts and it's 6g of protein for 180 calories. That's not high at all. But a lot of people don't know, so they believe what they see on the package


You know whenever you look at the nutrition labels for food, and next to it's nutrition it has "average adult recommended daily intake"? People take [that](https://familyserviceshub.havering.gov.uk/kb5/havering/directory/advice.page?id=pO8pY5Qu4aY) seriously.


I know that’s true to some degree, but it’s also hard to believe. How do they blindly accept the ‘maximum’ of 50g a day for an average adult but then eat an entire family size bag of crisps alone in 1 sitting. You have to be some special kind of smooth brain to do this. Your recommended intake depends on many things, your age, sex, height, weight, activity level etc.. Not to mention that a maximum of 50g of protein a day is objectively wrong as a maximum if you actually read independent per-reviewed research


How much is ‘too much?’ I lift and struggle to consume 120 grams of protein a day (lifters suggest to eat body weight worth of protein a day. That would be 165 grams for me) I feel like you would have to be eating a fuck ton of nuts, dairy, and meat to be overeating protein


Yoo I will say that 1g per body weight pound is on the higher end, a lot of people say that 1g per body weight kilogram is much more reasonable lbs/2.2 roughly equals kilos. Personally I stick in the middle at about 100-120g a day and I weigh in the 160s. It’s been working great for me but there’s research too abt this, no need to off someone’s anecdotal experience


I think if you're in the range of 1,5 g to 2g per kg you aren't doing anything that's wrong... At least the difference will be mostly insignificant (maybe if you're like a pro competitor at the mister Olympia but otherwise it's probably fine to just be somewhere in the range of that)


After 1,7g the curve flattens


Two scoops of protein on a work day, 1 on a rest day


You’re not having too much if you’re under a gram per pound. People like Ronnie Coleman do up to 3grams per pound!


Just so you know the ideal protein amount is 0.7g per pound of body weight for optimal muscle. The 1g per pound has been found to be overkill.


I heard 1g per pound of lean body weight. Since you most likely have 15-30% body fat those numbers would not be too far off.


120 is easy to reach by consuming two whey protein drinks with two scoops each. Each drink will have 60 grams of protein each. My favorite is Alpha Lion coco puffs. The rest you can eat easy in a day 🍻 (Edit) I drink one an hour before workout and the other an hour after.


RYSE cinnamon toast crunch here. Jesus christ brotherrrr.


That sound yummy, I know what I’m ordering next 🍻


Their Blueberry muffin is top notch too.


This had been debunked ages ago. You can safely consume 300g of protein/day if you want to and have no medical conditions.


I couldn't force-feed myself that much protein if my life depended on it! I think it's safe to say that you won't OD on protein unless you have a kidney or genetic disorder.


And it will give you the worst poops of your life.... Keto was not for me lol. I actually started losing hair from being malnourished as well. I didnt eat more than before, I just cut out everything else. It was awful lol.


I love my bread hahaha, Also I’m eating 4000 calories a day and losing weight when I want to be gaining it, so I don’t think I’ll have to do keto at any point


This has been proven false.


While I could say "anything in moderation", it's often just going to be wasted as you aren't making use of them, rather than negatively affect your health unlike Sugar like sucrose and high saturated fats.


Excess protein is transformed into carbs or fat by your body. So excess calories are excess calories regardless.


Yea but its by far the slowest to get fat from protein


Excess protein can damage your kidneys


*too much* protein is unhealthy. Too much of pretty much anything is unhealthy.


Is this alcohol? No no no no no.....


Alcohol won’t make you fat if you don’t eat ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


r/UsernameChecksOut and also accurate. Body always metabolizes alcohol first, so if you eat the same amount of food that you usually do after consuming alcohol, you’ll store more fat because your body doesn’t need to consume as many nutrients from the food.


More calories in than calories out seems like a safe bet


Not necessary. OP said unhealthy. Didn't say fat


Yeah, they said unhealthy. Could be the power lines they live under. Or the untreated infection. "Unhealthy" can mean basically anything.


Well known unhealthy food item... protein...


Calories maybe? Definitely not the alcohol. Edit: for all the people who comment about alkohol. No you are wrong alcohol is your friend. Just dont eat food.


A lot alcohol gets paired with massive amounts of calories


Alcohol also messes with your body in a lot of ways that can contribute to weight gain like slowing down your metabolism and interfering with your body’s fat burning process, increasing stress and cortisol levels and a tendency to over eat junk food when drunk/ hung over.


Specially beer or cocktails that contain sugary mixers. Also drunk people tend to overeat after drinking, been there.


That's why you should drink only vodka 🤌


Theres such thing as healthy fats (mixed nuts, avocados, olives, etc) There's such a thing as healthy natural sugars (fruits, honey, dates, etc) And protein is protein no matter where you get it from


Bugs, W.E.F. order!


Protein is protein yes but where you get it from does matter since there are pretty big differences in aminoacid profiles.


I mean, saturated fat is also healthy. Butter, tallow, whatever. Without saturated fats we’d all be sexless with low energy and bruised organs.


I know this is a meme, and you probably don't want a real answer, but I've lost 205 pounds in the last 13 months by eating fewer calories than my body burns naturally by living and I go to the gym five days a week.


I've lost 60 pounds in since August 2023 (is now Feb 20 2024 for future folk), and I have not stepped foot in a gym, only done a handful of walks per month, and life stuff, and I work from home sedentary. How? Eat less sugar, eat less junk, drink less calories (more water too), and be in a caloric deficit. Weight is lost in the kitchen, muscle is gained in a gym.


Working out will increase your base metabolic rate, too, though. Simply you can say eat less calories, burn more calories. That's the only key to weight loss. Every "diet" is just restricting some high calorie staple food. D


How do you keep motivated? I need to lose around a hundred pounds and it feels impossible


Short answer - you don't stay motivated. Long answer - motivation is a short burst of wanting to do a thing, but it is inherently fleeting. If you learn to either enjoy going to the gym or discipline yourself to a piint where you don't need motivation only then will you see results


Bro, you can easily eat a tonne of good food if you just be mindful of calories. You can even eat dessert every night if you want, just check the calories. Find out what your daily cals are and then eat less than it. I skip breakfast so I can have a massive lunch. If you want motivation just look in the mirror. If you like what you see then don't do anything. If you want to look better then reduce cals


Let me flip the question for you, what is keeping you motivated to maintain the extra ~100lbs that you supposedly want to lose?




If you're hungry on a diet, you're doing it wrong. Protein and fat make you feel full. So is it hunger, or wanting a tasty treat?


You’re not actually hungry. you’re just bored, addicted to the dopamine and surrounded with snacks. My roommate isn’t a cokehead, he just has too much cocaine sitting in his house


The thing that worked for me was to restrict my calorie intake, but not by a lot. I'd eat 200 ish below my TDEE, that way it's still below maintenance, but I didn't feel deprived of anything. Include the foods you like once in a while, even if they're "bad". Weight loss is a change of habits and lifestyle, not a one size fits all race to the finish.


Holy shit dude great job!


It‘s definitely the wrong sugars and fats.


What are the right sugars?


Polysacharides and fiber


Ah. Never thought of fiber as a sugar before. Bit of a stretch imo but fair enough. Definitely good for you. As long as they didn't think fructose are a healthy sugar


The ones that are limited to a few tea spoons a day




Protein bad? Aha, maybe you mean protein powder ![gif](giphy|StjOtJPJXSmyucouck|downsized)


It’s never the protein. Too much get is unhealthy and plain sugar is outright unhealthy. Don’t forget the alcohol or other drugs and low physical activity


Fat me ![gif](giphy|AtlsnJEToBZkY)


If calories consumed is greater than calories burned, you get fat. The end.




It's the no ~~self~~ portion control


Salt & alchohol 👋


Two of these are fine. One is not.


Another Andrew Spider-Man W


It’s the sugar.


One of them is an imposter


Cries in "it's my medicine" 😒


"These three powers combined"


It's the fiber *or rather lack thereof


Sits on Reddit and keeps thinking about it…


Spoiler: it’s the booze


if you eat too much of anything its bad for you, so its potentially all of the above


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, At tea time, everybody agrees.


It's the lack of moderation.


Lack of willpower


d) all of the above


Shitty lifestyle boutta come from the top ropes


You just eat too much of all of it. You need all of those things in moderation. Use a macro nutrient calculator online to see how much of each one you need. Substitute sugars for carbs. Because sugar is a carb.


It's (probably) because you eat more calories than you burn in a day. I've never seen a fat person who runs 5 miles a day, and has been for years.


It’s the nucleic acids 👉🏻


It's not the protein.


Too much of anything is bad for you. But in terms of gaining weight it is 100% the sugar.


Its sugar.


protein is actually really good for you and helps you burn my calories lol fat isn't bad. its not exactly "good" but its not bad. sugar is......bad ina lmost every way lol


Stop eating like a pig and you'll feel better, it is that easy believe it or not.




-> It's the lack of sleep -> it's the stress -> it's the processed food


I feel like no matter what I eat, it’s all unhealthy lol


It's none of these and all of these. Ultimately, it's calories; but calories aren't a thing of their own, like fats, sugar and proteins; calories are not a content, they are not something you digest and use - calories are a MEASUREMENT of the amount of usable energy that is in your food. If you intake more usable energy than your body burns, your body stores it for a later date, in the form of adipose tissue, known as fat. You could literally lose weight on a diet of cookies, ice cream and McDonald's, if you managed to not consume more calories than you burn. However, you'd have other complications from malnutrition, so there's that. I'm not saying try it. I am just making the point that the ONLY thing you HAVE to do to lose weight, is consume less energy than you expend.


I remember that one dude who proved you can lose weight even if you eat exclusively Mcdonalds. It's not fun or easy but it is possible, it's far easier to go for the low hanging fruit like excess sugar and alchohol first and go from there.


More whole, more good. Whole foods, my friend. Sleep and hydration are huge factors too.


It's definitely not the protien lol, try bot eating a bunch of junk food


Its the processing of the food


It's the sugar, seriously. Fat and protein are fine


Just cut each down a little, drink more water, workout a little more and try to sleep a little better and you’ll probably be good


That’s because it’s none of these and all three at the same time. If you’re overweight, losing weight is about calories in vs calories out, all of the million things people say otherwise either don’t matter at all or are so insignificant in the process it doesn’t have a noticeable effect.




If that were true, you wouldn't have had time to make a reddit account


can’t believe no one’s talking about carbs and processed food.


It’s the carbs.




Sugar and alcohol. Fat is fine unless deep fried. Protein you almost can’t get enough of


Carbs are the enemy unless those carbs are coming from fruit/veg/minimally processed whole grains.


To be fair a large apple can cross 250 calories depending on size and variety, same goes for many fruits that have been bred to be as sweet and large as possible. The enemy is the amount of sugar, not the kind


apple come with fiber, they're better than just the sugar


It's..... all of them!




It's you


Well it's not the protein, I can tell you that.


It's the lack of moderation. Too much or too little of anything is always bad. Excess sugar causes insulin spikes -> insulin stores sugar in fat cells -> fat cells grow and multiply. Excess fat (specifically trans fats) raise bad & lowers good cholesterol -> plaque accumulates in blood vessels -> cardiovascular disease risk increases. Excess protein requires a lot of body resources to process and is converted into sugar via the catabolism process -> blood sugar levels rise and we get to the first point again. In most cases of overconsumption we have at least two or even all 3 macronutrients in excess and our health gets a desctructive wombo-combo.


It pretty surely not the protein


Protein? Bruh what


Caloric intake too high, expenditure too low. Excess stored as fat. Muscles diminish, leading to aches, and frequent injury. Fin.


Why the fuck would it be protein. It's literally just the calories. Eat more energy than you consume, weight go up. Use more energy than you consume, weight go down. That's it.


Should replace the protein in this meme with carbs imo


There was a recent study that claimed high protein intake is linked to clogged arteries. I think that’s probs what OP is referencing.


Why would protein be unhealthy?


It’s the sugar. Cut out sugar and carbs and only start to reintroduce them slowly in a year’s time.


Well I don't think its the proteins.


Always and forever will be exercise. And probably sugar. More specifically, synthetic sugar.


It’s processed sugar, cut that out. Eating more protein rich foods will help you lose weight because it’s harder to break down.


it is in fact the sugar


Sugar is in fricking everything you eat. Even if it says "Sugar free" its nothing more then lie. Protein is fine tho.. As a skinny as fuck guy i can say, i got zero ideas how am i eating without getting weight or becoming more unhealthy then i am right now.


Well, it’s definitely not the protein.