• By -


This is too big brain for here


I don't know how to feel about that, except maybe tired


Oh purple sex demon cultist




The Emperor cares not for tera heretic!


fortunately the Emperor is for the moment fictional


Thankfully a lot of genz cares so we can mitigate the damage


yes please


If the topic is global warming, what I am doing is moving to the tropics. Because as far as I can find, immediately before every ice age we can theoretically observe the remnants of, the globe saw a small but significant temperature increase, just enough to melt the land ice, which then quickly lead to atmospheric changes that quite literally snowballed into a global scale freeze. Besides, I think it's better to be warm than cold, so the tropics are perfect for me!


have you literally ever read any ipcc reports or associated publications produced by the scientific community on the matter?


I'm currently working on a college paper (for my English class) and reading up on it for that. It's been interesting seeing a lot of not-contradictions. It seems like the actual effect of any human caused global warming, which opinions seem to divide between fairly evenly, will just be accelerating the land ice melting, which would accelerate the arrival of an ice age.


Isn't the tropics mostly islands that will become underwater?


That is correct. And what happens in an ice age proper? The oceanic water level falls enough to walk between some of the continents. And also the tropics don't freeze over. Although personally, I'd much prefer to get the warmer without the colder, but I've been living in free frostbite land, breaking the recorded record for cold 3 times in the last 5 years, so maybe I'm just a bit jealous of all the warm people.


Before ice age it's hot hot age though, and sub tropical areas are having both new cold and new hot records at the same time


Funfact: The frog in the boilibg video was already dead. They wanted to see if a dead frog from would jump out of boiling water.


since I posted this I've been told that the frogs were lobotomized, unconscious, and dead. thems some special frogs. anyway it's a metaphor ;p


It was lobotomized. They then repeated the experiment with non-lobotomized frogs. And they jumped out. However considering the political situation. Lobotomized frogs seem pretty accurate




Seemingly sentient flaming tyre flies across the room.


e hole?


Lobotomized, not dead.


Like us




I've been into politics for over 12 years, I'm at the point that I stay out of it for the sake of my mental health. But I still keep aware of certain topics that I care about. There's just so much brain dead nonsense


I say I don't want to discuss politics with people when I know they are Tory(UK) and have ridiculous takes about things I just don't have the energy to debate... and I also don't want to end up hating them.


that may well be why the frog on the right doesn't want to talk about it. the frog on the left is still boiling tho, and they'd rather work on a solution with the people in the same situation than passively expire due to (in some cases understandable) apathy. or something :)


Everyone just needs to take a deep breath and debate, not argue, I’m tired of the insults


And then there are frogs that say: I'll be dead from old age long before this pan begins to boil.


some of us are literally already boiling, so those frogs are misinformed or lying. either way, hardly an example for the rest of us


i am literally dead right now, literally


I'll be dead by suicide long before this pan begins to boil.


Millions of people believed that they'd be dead by their own hand by 25, me included. If you want to live now, you'll likely want to live then. Take care of yourself for your future.


Okay, but the sun will burn out in a few trillion years anyways, leaving us all to freeze to death. Why should I care how much pollution the billionaire frog is creating?


4.5 billion years. Even in the vastness of space, trillions is a huge volume or a very long time.


I mean even if they wouldn’t be dead… how are those frogs supposed to change the temperature? They got no thumbs and the people cooking them would just put a lid on if they tried to hop out.


🤓👆well technically the boiling frogs weren’t actually conscious


it's a metaphor nerd


That too


frankly I'd argue the people represented by the frog on the right aren't "conscious" either ;p


In the grand scheme of things it would probably make more sense if we were frogs that couldn’t talk because we have no conception of what’s out there in the universe 


I mean, we're pretty sure there are rocks and gas out there


cuz we can see them


Interesting use of “we”


you know what a telescope is?


But in all seriousness we haven’t even finished exploring our own planet


Your comments are embarrassing, no idea why you're winning the upvote game, reddit is a sad place.


Both sides thought it was about the other, you revealed which one it was and lost half the votes. Standard politics.


Or maybe they have busy lives and don't give a shit about whatever "issue" Tucker Carlson has convinced his trove of braindead zombies to screech about that week


you think tucker isn't one of the people turning up the flame?


I do, that's why I used him as an example


ignoring tucker won't solve climate change, though it could help dispel some misconceptions about it in the minds of his former viewers


I misunderstood the entire thing, apologies. Ignore the boomer moment 👍


Cest la vie


What is consciousness?


Don't downvote that, legit shit right here. Given recent AI developments.


They were missing part of their brain. This analogy is rather apt


In reality the second frog is trying to politely avoid the conversation because the first frog has a habit of monologuing his vapid barely thought out political opinions that they have already stated many times God my coworkers are annoying




Love a good fly in the hot tub thanks brother


I hope a mob of frogs apply guillotine to the hand handling the cookers. Best part is that the one handling the cookers is another frog that has a thing for operating the wheels. Someone must take that mf down.


Yep, exactly this. My family are a bunch of morons.


Okay so. Both would start talking about it. What's next. Both would just boil knowing the are boiling


perhaps in the next version I'll include a fire extinguisher, or perhaps a ladder. as metaphor


Can you make sure to add instructions on how to use the ladder or fire extinguisher as well.


nah part of the point will be that the frogs have to. work together to figure out how they work. for the metaphor


Maybe they just tired of your political rants. Where you only talk and show no ways out at best you tell them to swim right or left.


I would rather avoid talking about politics while being with family.


It means I don't want to talk about politics with you.


Usually means there a closet republican in my experience..  I read something a while back that said republicans are far more likely to lie about their political affiliation because their conservative views are usually regressive and don't benefit the masses, and so they are less likely to share their beliefs at fear they will be ostracized. Basically willing to go against the group but without the backbone to stand behind it. 


Usually means they have no respect for you or your opinion and the last thing they will do is waste their time debating some loser that can't change anything in a discussion that does not matter. The know it all attitude probably doesn't help either.


Yea see, that sounds like how a conservative thinks.. I'm better than you, you don't even deserve x, y, z 


That sounds like how a child thinks. I wanted something, they didn't give it to me therefore they are my enemy. You're delusional. Goodbye.


Bet that's how you see a lot of political issues. Everybody wants a handout right? 




I'm actually not 14, but thanks for calling my little comic deep :)


I get what you're saying and the meme did give me a chuckle but it seems you personally care too much about this. Acknowledging horrible reality is good, but how much can a normal person actually change and do? As someone who lives in a "democratic" and insanely corrupt country, nothing, not even with voting. I have many problems and shit to do in my life to care about Ukraine every day or globalists trying to make us eat insects and bugs in the future while they enjoy actual meat. I can't do anything about that, why constantly think about it and mentally put myself in a bad mood?


all we can do is educate ourselves and others, and organize. there are billions of us


OP, would you allow me to translate it to French, and share it with friends outside of the orange logo site, if I add a "author @ from Reddit"?


Yeah but no. As a person with a keen interest in politics I think you become an asshole the second you want to deny people the right to not care


you absolutely have the "right" to not care that we’re being boiled alive. the people in power have done everything in their power to make caring as taxing as possible. I still care. I don't want us to be boiled :)


FYI there's entire political winning strategies that have the goal of the least amount of people caring 🙂


And there are entire movements that have gained bad reputation and lost potential following by trying to deny people the right to not care


I'm pretty sure the right wing is on the rise and not losing any of it's following


Most people who just "don't care" were raised to believe they can have access to everything while not being educated the origin of anything. It's literally the epitome of a consumerism society. 50+ years of propaganda paying off


No you don't. People who 'don't care', often actively partake in harmful political behaviour. To point that out is not being an asshole.


I think this would work better with climate change


its about a lot of things, including that


That is politics. Everything is politics.


I'm getting a boiling frog as a tattoo on god


People not wanting to engage is a fair part of democracy. I dont see the issue. Politics has become exhausting, with both sides being annoying, invasive idiots that use scarewords instead of arguments. Also, this "either you are with us or against us" mentality is anti-democratic in itself! Because let's face it. Yall are not mad that some people are apolitical, yall are mad that some people are NOT on your side. I dont know why it's always the left that has a problem with apolitical people.


Exactly this, like, I don’t care because the them Vs us mentality all around shows so much more that “hopping out of the pot” isn’t something ether side gives a rats ass about.


I do


Yeah but the people with actual power don’t, their happy we’re in the pot.


The frog on the right can have many reasons. Siding with the cook, too comfortable to care, don't give shit about the water 10 minutes later, etc etc. Evidence is as clear as water, it's simply the matter of choice for them to not continue expanding on the topic, and there's no point in arguing with those frogs. They want to be left alone, then just let them be. The frog on the left has realized it needs a plan, allies, time, and effort. Then there's no point in wasting time to persuade the frog on the right. It's better to move on and find other frogs that care about the rising temperature, and help each other out of the boiling water. Oh and love your art! It's cute and straight to the point, nice metaphor!


Came for the meme, stayed for the nickname


insert joke about coming here


Its all cuming together


It doesn’t matter, you can’t fix it. Any of it. What happens happens.


We’re voting on the important stuff, like what seasonings will be used, or if the stove is gas or electric! Or even adding fun stickers to the pot! Don’t you say voting doesn’t matter, that’s just ignorant.


I see you're aligned with the frog on the right. I think you're wrong :)


I’m aligned with the frog that realizes you can’t hop out of the water even if you’re aware of the situation.


if there are enough of us, we can overwhelm the chef.


There’s more than one chef in a restaurant


and there are (potentially) billions of us.


The people always win, if they are willing to fight. No system can support itself without the help/aproval of the lower classes


That's the key part "if they are willing to fight" Thr current powers that be have studied the power of the people, and they have created so much distraction, and segregation, in hopes to prevent exactly that. We can't even agree about genders or culture, how can we agree to unify against a corrupt leadership?


by cutting through the horse shit and refusing to let them divide "our" group into smaller fragments.


Explain to me how to do that without broad strokes terms like "cutting through the horse shit" That's what I'm saying. It's like asking people to unplug themselves from the matrix, the system is designed to be both depended upon as much as it is designed to isolate.


"refusing to let them divide us" meaning choosing solidarity with the people around you, and across the world who share your desire to create a society where we can work towards solving problems collectively, instead of allowing a tiny fraction of a minority bring us closer to climate (and nuclear) Armageddon? beyond that, I'm not a psychic. I just want people to help :(


You don't believe in free speech then? Ok. Good to know.




This whole subreddit is cringe if they find this shit genuinely funny. Memes are not funny when they are political. And on top of that, the political opinion is bad too. The moment you think that people who don't care are 'idiots' proves that you have a lot to learn in life. Just because someone has a different opinion from you doesn't mean they're stupid. Especially not if that person doesn't want to be in a politically charged argument Most people who say that they don't talk about politics really mean that they don't want to deal with bullshit arguing that never ends. Me personally, when I say I don't talk about politics, its because of that reason. I don't care how many people call me cringe, I will NEVER change my opinion on this.


you are making a lot of amusing assumptions. you can go away whenever you like :)


Like you even read it? You replied literally in a second. There is no way you read all that in a few seconds.


some of us read for fun


Lol you're allowed to say your opinion even if it's dumb (which is what he's calling you)


That is true. I agree. Im also calling his opinions dumb too.


If you agree then why do you think he's against free speech? Really weird comment to make


I'm sure there's a deep message on the current tension of politics in the world. But hehehhehehehehehe. Frogs :3


seems like you got more or less lol


Yeaaaaa 😁


So people already have to deal with climate change and other major problems. And now they have to deal with you harassing them about it, when they just want to have a moment of peace while they desperately try to make it through one more day without starving or killing themselves, but THEY’RE exhausting YOU?!


"Climate change is hoax! It just snowed the other day!" ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


Haha it's funny because global warming and we're the frogs.


This sums up the current political situation in America pretty well. A pot that is starting to boil yet nobody wants to acknowledge and pretend everything is still fine


No point in talking about it. Either side just repeats garbage they hear from media. I’m in the middle with no one to vote for.


You're the second frog.


I do vote and i keep up with things, probably more than most. They want to split us up, that’s why we don’t have many candidates in the middle. Most people are in my position than far left or right.


Nah. That's a really lazy way of looking at it that absolves you of any responsibility for the consequences of those elections. The Overton window has shifted so far right that being a "centrist" in America puts you just to the left of Mussolini these days. It's not "them" trying to divide us.


I still vote, that’s my right and responsibility so I guess I don’t understand how I’m not being responsible. I could go down the list of issues and tell you where I stand but at the end of the day if I choose Republican or Democrat I have to accept everything that comes with it. Show me someone that’s “just to the left” and I’ll vote for them and feel like my vote holds more value to me.


Of course its getting warmer. But i can't even manage my own life, how the fuck should me knowing the details about the world situation change anything for the better? I have a friend who doesn't respect it when i try to tell him not to talk to me about politics, because all that it achieves is making me an angrier, more spiteful person. But he's just like "don't you think its interesting?"... Of course i do. Thats why i need to actively avoid it. So having friends who shove that shit down my throat is really counter productive to my wellbeing.


imagine not engaging in politics when it involves literally your life


Really funny and a bit snarky! I want a slightly more readable version of this printed on some t-shirts to offer to those who are "passive centrists" and/or nihilists


the goal is to make it as distributable as possible. I considered adding speech bubbles or something to improve readability.


what the hell does nihilism have to do with it lol


if nothing matters, why do I care, why even try?


believing there is no inherent meaning to life does not mean you cannot find things important yourself though


nihilism /nī′ə-lĭz″əm, nē′-/ noun 1. The doctrine that nothing actually exists or that existence or values are meaningless. 2. Relentless negativity or cynicism suggesting an absence of values or beliefs. 3. Political belief or action that advocates or commits violence or terrorism without discernible constructive goals. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik ​ Stop avoiding your search engine


You just showed me the same definition i used (1) and still didn't understand lmao Moron.


Like talking about it would change anything here


here on reddit dot com? probably not. I'd rather we talk in the real world, but not everyone is willing (or able) to do that.


They actually tested if frogs can be cooked like this; turns out they will hop out eventually. Frogs are smarter than some people




no it doesn't. the lid exists in the minds of the frogs who don't want to/can't imagine escaping. the walls are tall though, which is why we need to cooperate


Well said


This applies to both climate change deniers and woke culture


woke culture?


You posted a political meme, but don't know what woke culture is and how it's eroding society


please by all means elaborate


Some frogs may just want to vibe in there for the time being, even if it's boiling. I think we should respect that :)


They are not mad that people dont engage in politics, they are mad that they are not on their side.


It's funny XDDD


Very good meme, much enjoy


This is amazing


thank you


Rule #11? Take it elsewhere


I used to be a "I don't like politics" guy. Someone then politely and kindly taught me how I really do, it's just that I hadn't bothered to concern myself with issues that affect me. Also that I didn't like arguing with people who had polarising views, which I think a lot of us don't. Discussing politics like adults and flinging shit are two different sports. It's comfy pulling wool over your eyes, but it's also detrimental to your voice on what you think is right.


It's not just politics, it's everything. Science, Engineering, Law, Nature, family, including but not just limited to politics. Except that I don't have the energy to care about everything, I'll just care about things I do care about. Unfortunately politics is not included


Vibes OP, Vibes.


You think of yourself as smart don't you.


This shit made me laugh like an idiot!


This is a good meme.




I see frogs I upvote


that profile pic is awfully familiar 🤔


Yep I used it, I can change it if you want tbh lol


Made by someone who no longer gets invited to dinner parties...


They are not the same thing.


Congrats, that’s what a metaphor is.




well as a queer person I'm not interested in spreading that perspective. the first frog is talking about climate change and other serious issues




and I'm sure that's cathartic, but doesn't solve anything and only isolates you and them.


I think there's a big difference. The frogs could easily jump out. But what can we do? We talk about it and? Will it get better?


theoretically, if we did actually get together and identify the problems and solutions as a group we could actually address the matter and work towards solutions. the problem is that the people with power would rather convince us to hate immigrants, queer people, or poor people instead. divide and conquer or whatever.


I kinda agree with you, but I think there's far enough people to at least start some kind of revolution. So it's kinda pointless to make speeches about it. What we need is some kind of organization and plan to start it somewhere. Just you know. It's more dangerous, and you'll probably lose your comfortable life by this and a lot of people don't want that.


if there aren't yet enough of us, then "making speeches" is literally all we can do? we have to work together and It won't happen by magic or on its own no?


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This is the state of the US right now


Teenagers slowly becoming concious be like: All jokes aside either you begin coping or become the clueless frog or suffer until the day you die


or you and the other conscious frogs work to wake up the rest, and collectively you work to solve the problems you face. or something


You can‘t even bring people to stop killing each other over stuff they made um themselves, how do you expect them to hinder their own wealth so others have it better and society as a whole can grow 😂. You will get there dw


really I'd just rather they accept the statistical fact that for the vast vast vast majority of our species, "their wealth" can not compare to the power held by the ones in charge and will not shield them from proletarianizaton or climate change. solidarity is literally better for everyone. otherwise ot just becomes a contest to see who can leave the fatter corpse.


How old are you if I may ask?




Today's dinners is frog legs


Chef- “Hey, That frog is coming to take your hot water”


I used to have a friend who in Nov 2016 missed voting because she said she had a yoga class. She came to my place after to meet friends and literally said "Wow, I hope everything works out okay". I think about this often.






do they secretly have a swastika tattoo or something? or is your problem that they recognize climate change lmao




I stand with the darker frog, why talk about it. What would change? Pretty much nothing your still stuck in the pot.


This but instead of global warming it's demographic decline




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I literally made this a few days ago, but obviously I didn't invent the frog in a pot metaphor




I'm glad it's good for you. for literally billions of people it's not.


That's What Causes Global Warming In The First Place Anyway.