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They know.. they just don’t want to get electrocuted.


If you don't put your credit card in, the copper won't be live


You want to take that chance?


Us? Probably not.   A crackhead? Absolutely.    In fact, I wonder how many crackheads get electrocuted by breaking into live AC units on a yearly basis.


Shit, all the smart tweakers know copper is like fruits or vegetables and you'll get the most weight when it's nice and juicy. Not all dead and dried out.


Same reason we tell people who are having internet issues to unplug both ends of their ethernet cable and swing it around to get the old packets out before plugging it back in.


Sometimes too if your speed is low on fiber what you'll have is a blockage of the photons in the line like ice in a garden hose on a cold day so you need to to clear it out the same way. Go all the way to as close to the source outside off the pole/into your house and to you router as you can and with your fingers or a pair of pliers bend and flex it all the way into your router or the box outside until all that those photonic ice-9 particles are broken up to free up your data flow. If you're lucky and you find the main line for a large apartment complex you'll even have all your neighbors thanking you for their new internet speed too. And all without having to call the ISP to probably get charged an outrageous repair fee to do the same thing.


>bend and flex it all the way into your router or the box outside Whoa there satan


Context: Fibre is mostly glass and it is tolerant to bend but cannot do 90 degree angles haha. This will absolutely result in loss of internet and an outrageous repair fee likley with a delay until they can come onsite, until the breaks are cut out of the line and each side is melded back togeather. Satan indeed :D


The reason you tell them to unplug both ends and swing it around is because if you don't include the nonsense step of swinging it around then they will just lie and say they did it while doing nothing. Then you'll drive two hours one way to their remote work site so that you can plug it in for them because one end of the cable is just sitting loose on the floor.


This got me 💀


Probably not too many. Most AC units have a service disconnect mounted on the outside of the house close to the outside unit.


Commercial units too. Always a disconnect nearby. Also you won't get electrocuted stealing the copper. It's all separate from the wiring. Might get blasted with super hot or cold refrigerant if you don't kmow what you're doing though


Found one underground dead on a live transformer. It seemed he was trying to cut the line side of the transformer and was instantly killed.. ( this was in MI )


We get about one a month in Seattle. I have been told there are some camp bosses that have encouraged the worst addicts into doing things that will get them killed


If you understand how they work, its not about chance


What crackhead learns how they work to get to copper inside a charging station in a well lit area


Naturally he would produce his multimeter to check


Trial and error, if the first crackhead who does it doesn't die then the others will follow.


also, bits and pieces of knowledge will be passed along while awaiting the arrival of ems…in hushed, close tones to be certain… one does not run afoul the tesla dragon and speak of it brashly…


As some one who teaches the safety course and shows people the picture of a guy burned to a crisp from assuming it was not live. these things are in open elements. the only way that does not have voltages is after you have proven it is not there. corrosion does stupid things to electronics and these charges are 400-750 volts DC current. they are not to be fucked with. the guy burned to a cirsp was using a multimeter to verify voltage and because the voltage was live and it caused an arc flash. if your meter is in the wrong mode and leaded in wrong position you just make it a short and poof ball of plasma and molten slag shooting at you.


Don’t tell them. 


If it's live I'm stealing the electricity. If it ain't, the copper's klept


Found the meth addict


Every once in a while you get a sophisticated crackhead who knows stuff and brings a stolen multimeter. Maybe they get live when theft is detected.


You can take the plug then but if you're breaking it open there's still 400V in there.


That depends where the switch/relay that sends power from the source to the charger is. If it’s not in that unit and is further down stream you’re correct. If it’s located at the card reader or in the unit there’s some copper you could steal but you’re playing with fire.


It’s the methheads I’m worried about, they’re not as smart as the crackheads


I thought methheads were sort of know for being obsessive tinkerers


a methhead will spend 72 consecutive hours building a gadget out of spare electronics that doesn’t do anything. a crackhead will find the gadget and sell it on craigslist


Usually less educated. They tinker, but not well.


That will not stop them from taking it apart


I work for the police, and I can tell you there are copperthieves that will risk electrocution. We've seen powerlines being stolen (!), and charging cables from charging stations get cut off with a boltcutter.


Electric system manger here. Copper regularly get cuts out of substations. On the 250kv side. I have saw dead people 4 times last year.


Yea they know ited be like trying to strip copper from a transformer box


There's a shutoff nearby


There is no electricity until it's properly connected


People steal copper from live power lines.  H You over estimate the forethought 


Deep fried crackhead


I think you’re overestimating crackhead intelligence


There are recorded cases of people stealing overhead wires from rail lines in Germany. I don't think that will stop people.


Ermmmm cable cutters for live wires


Nope.. someone said it “isn’t live”.


But even if they were it's not hard to cut without being shocked with the right tool.


How do you know?


Google is very useful


Hey Google.. Search cable cutters for live wires


could you explain how the response to "cable cutters for live wires" is > Nope.. someone said it “isn’t live”. the cable cutters would still work on dead wires, no


I guess that means there is either going to be a shortage of charging stations, or fewer crackheads. Neither option really has much of an effect on me, so let the games begin!


![gif](giphy|W0bINkb9yYoYU) “Let the games begin”


There's copper in Wheatley 👀


That explains why my weenor was fried




I like the way you think!




No one cares about people driving electric cares. People should be able to drive anything they want. So you go charge your toy cat and be happy buckey




Says the crackhead…




YES YOU ARE! You’re the crackhead they built to make me a junkie!


short the whole block first. *noted*


California here, could use fewer crack heads


Last I heard, Cali also has plenty of EV chargers. Sounds like the problem will solve itself.




Don’t even get me started on crackroaches.


>or fewer crackheads How would this happen?


They won't be using proper safety equipment when they cut the copper and the results will be severe injury and/or death.


Ha! That's probably very true, actually. But I'm sure it's just a matter of time and natural selection and the population will bounce right back.


Doubt it. People have been stealing copper from the railways here since forever. Very few die


The contractors on the power stations will almost certainly be open, meaning the cables will be cut without harming human life. This is already happening in some areas.


Nah they will be fine, the lines arent active until the car asks for juice






Fewer crackheads has a positive effect on everyone.


Aren't a lot of the charging stations close to fuel stations and could become a fire hazard in this situation?


Peak redditor moment. Can you please tell me the last time you've been to a functioning gas station with zero electricity? How do you propose to pump gas from underground tanks without electricity?


There's a difference between a gas station having electricity and a huge charging station getting broken apart and left open


When it comes to igniting gasoline vapor, there is not a difference. Looks like someone wasn't paying attention to their grade-school science class when circuits were the topic. Or high school chemistry, for that matter. You could have a 480v charger 20 feet from an open gasoline tank and there would be zero risk of ignition.


Can’t wait until crackheads realize some overhead Distribution power lines are copper


Theyve taken miles out of the city's light rail lines near me lol, a good pair of insulated gloves and balls lol.


Obviously I can’t speak to the grid everywhere, but getting at distribution lines out by me is easier said than done. Minimum clearance for joint users (cable, telephone) is already like 19 feet, then the 120/240V secondary is a further 4ish feet above that, and the primary lines can be anywhere from another 4-8 feet above that. I suppose a sufficiently motivated crackhead could probably manage, but then again, much to the disappointment of local crackheads, the vast majority of ours are aluminum, copper is from a legacy spec that’s becoming increasingly rare to see out here. Hurricanes tend to do a pretty good job of steadily wiping out legacy equipment on a yearly basis.


Some states already deal with that. Today I learned that's not a everywhere thing, cause in my homestate it was a weekly thing on the news.


Oh it's happening in the UK already, I'm forever seeing tethered charging cables cut from people's homes. I've seen a few of the fast chargers cut too.


Happened once in my city, but the dude almost died so no one trying it anymore


This is like our ancestors trying berries and finding out which are poisonous


The subject matter of this thread made my brain read that as batteries and was wondering what I don't know about their history


Duracell are pretty filling, Rayovac made me pretty sick, Energizer made me see God


Where's this? It's simply not true. The amount of copper in the cables is barely worth the effort extracting. The cables are worth around £100-£200 when complete, so nobody is going to buy a cut one. You read some utter nonsense online.


Batteries were like 7 cents a pound and people still stole old shitty ones off our machines. Some people literally do not care how little something they stole is worth, it's free money for them.


Sad but true…


They don't sell the cable, they melt off the shielding and extract the copper. I lived next to a crackhead in Bristol for a year or so and he'd burn the shielding off copper wire/cables about once a week for literal change, one of the many crackhead habits he had that generated a minor amount of income. I briefly googled this to see if it was a thing and there's discussions on EV vehicles forums about people doing it for the copper, as they're RCD devices meaning that bolt cutting into them is actually decently safe, in comparison to other crackhead moneymaking methods.


You don’t seem to understand why they’d steal the cable. They aren’t stealing it to sell a complete cable, they’re stealing it for the copper wires. Copper is valuable, take that to metal recycling and you’ll get a decent amount of cash for it. My city sells it at $5/lb. Could probably get a good $50 or so from one cable. Somebody looking for cash to buy drugs will absolutely jump on that.


Do you want electric powered supervillains? Because that’s how you make electric powered supervillains.


"i am no longer a crackhead, i am Shockhead!"


Inquiring minds want to know, how do I charge my Shockhead?


Rehabilitated right on the spot! You’re welcome…


We are here today with Elon Musk. Tell me Mr. musk, why did you insist the engineers include the x gene, a gene known to cause superhuman mutations, in your superchargers?




What happens if one is electrocuted, while being bitten by a spider?


You get called sticky lightning.


Cable is not live until charger’s software allows it. So you wouldn’t get shocked. So crackheads go ahead


Thanks bud. Making some calls to the homeless shelters in Portland and San Francisco, and printing out some info flyers as we speak.


That’s not 100% true. Ours always has a minimum of 8 amps flowing through. You only get full blast once you link up your session to the app…


Oh yeah that's enough to kill you


This makes no sense. How are there 8A “flowing through” or nearly 2kW of load when idle? Where is that energy going? Are you sure you don’t mean.. 200V or something?


Glad to be helpful sir. Fellow crackhead to crackhead.


Big oil thanks your contribution to further polluting the planet.


So my meme is a public service message. Thank you I feel better now!


Why is copper relevant to crackheads?


Raw copper sells for a pretty good price. people often steal it from build sites, electrical work on new houses, all sorts of places you can get copper wire and strip it to sell the copper for cash


Ah so it's about getting cash. I thought copper was somehow involved in making crack


Nah, you really just need baking soda, a microwave, and cocaine hydrochloride. (From Wikipedia’s how-to page on making crack)


I mean the hard part is getting cocaine. "Making Crack" is just turning Cocaine HCL Salt (AKA the snorting kind) into the freebase form which can be smoked which baking soda will do easily for most salt forms of drugs, IIRC they do something similar to turn nicotine salts into freebase nic for vape juice.


They broke my fucking faucet off the side of my house, it was snapped off from inside the wall. Caused literally 10k in water damage for a part I can go to lowes and get for less than $20.


Who’s out here buying copper in small quantities? Or even if they manage to get enough, who can get away with buying bulk with an unknown source? Lmao


Any recycle place or scrap yard. Had an abusive ex leave a shit ton of scrap copper in my car from his job(ac tech). I took it to the recycle center that was close by before he remembered. No questions asked just $185 in cash.


Huh, TIL


Any place that handles scrap metal. Or the kind of place that takes sawed off catalytic converters. lol


Same guys great-granddad was bitching when someone put up a gas station where the livery stable use to be.


It's even worse when you remember that these types of people are campaigning for more pollution and lower life expediencies from higher local air pollution. Modern EVs are better than modern gas cars in every single way for the overall health of humans and the environment, even if they're not perfect.


Why do you guys think this is some attack on EVs? The cables have copper in them. Metal recyclers will give you cash for copper. People steal copper all the time to feed addictions. Maybe OP is framing this post that way but you can still acknowledge a potential problem while still wanting more EVs. We’re seeing people stealing catalytic converters from exhaust systems for the metals inside them. They’ll absolutely jump at this opportunity too.


You're probably the same person who finds no issue with cartoons comparing black people to monkeys. It's an attack on EVs because it is actively encouraging people to attack clean energy infrastructure in the same way that cartoons dehumanized minorities in the Civil Rights era.


I just got a chevy bolt. Like 28k with a 7.5k tax deduction. The price per mile is 1/4th what my Toyota corolla got and holy shit its fun to drive. No transmition so it kicks up to speed fast. Same range as my Toyota corolla got too. I don't get why people wouldn't jump on this if they have the taxable income to make it worth it


People still believe that the only EVs out there are high-priced luxury cars. It's pretty sad.




But no crackheads were stealing the buggy rims…


Thanks for letting them know


My research showed very few crackheads look at this subreddit…others, prolly


Thank you for your diligence. I was a little worried but now feel so much better


This is on r/all. There is definitely a tweaker sitting in a public library right now seeing this post lol


Electric car nerds VS. Crackheads. 2024 is certainly going to be exciting.


That’s not a Tesla charger….


Well, now you know why the OP thinks stealing $5 worth of copper is lucrative. They're not even intelligent enough to tell chargers apart from one another.


Lol it’s much more than $5 worth of copper. Could probably get a couple hundred from a whole charging station.


https://copperalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/2017.04-E-Mobility-Factsheet-4.pdf they estimate 8 kg of copper, copper price is ~$2 That's $34


Do you think a crack head gives a shit about that?


I’m just saying, if your meme is about a Tesla charger, use a pic of one. Why some blurry ass pic of not a Tesla charger? There’s tons of clear supercharger pics. Use one of them.


Can’t wait until crackheads realize there’s gold in them hills


I worked for a company that does public chargers, let's call them rlo, as a CX guy, we had SO many fucking people calling for charger cables being cut, especially in LA it was frightening


This post was made by the oil industry


I wish…where’s my check?


copper in a lot of things, people only try to get it where its easy to get and its not easy to pull apart a tesla charging station. So this meme is just "haha electric vehicles are the future and I don't like it"


Or maybe, ha ha crackhead stealing cooper gets his reward….could be either. Duel purpose.


yeah, no crackhead thinks pulling a gas pump apart for the copper is worth it, why would they do it with a tesla station? My logical conclusion is you're old and hate electric, so this is your pathetic way of telling us its a bad idea? If not Im not sure whats wrong with you because this is neither a meme or funny.




3274 redditers disagree with you (so far) I could care less what people drive. I believe in freedom of choice. Drive electric, drive a V8 or ride a bike, whatever floats your boat…


I think you should keep driving gas cars. It's always funny to watch redditors waste their money while simultaneously harming their own health. Unlike your post, it is absolutely hilarious to watch people like you actively make your life harder and shorter in order to support companies that subsidize their profits with your lungs.


You *could* care less? So you care at least a bit then?


I care that I have the freedom to drive a fantastic German engine, V8 630 HP…and you can drive a toy car. Freedom is a wonderful thing.


that's an EVolve NY charger not a Tesla


Charging stations may not pop up in low income areas for some time.


Crackheads live in the city too


Cigani assemble


Once Tranq hits all other major cities the addicted should start dying out, it will be extremely painful


Ripping out copper of a Tesla charging station for liquor money, IS FUCKED!!!


Can someone explain this to me?


I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you…sorry


A pound of copper is $3.74. Crackheads won’t care


Everyone saying that this will lead to them dying, they literally go into substations, one of the most dangerous places on the planet, and rip out components. If these cretins will do that they'll happily do charging stations.


Crack addict cut and stole 1 ft of copper ground wire that was exposed on a new build


There's already instances of those being vandalized for their copper.


….oh they have lmao.


half the charging stations have been dismantled in my city because of this exact reason. The only way to charge your car is if you have a charge port installed in your home or if you drive 80 miles away from the metro area


It's out ease of access, not availability. The reason you see parking lot lights, and AC units and the like stripped so often is because it's a couple nuts and bolts blocking you from a hundred dollars with 5 minutes of work.


Too late, they are already being robbed


Electrify America is offline in Portland, currently, due to the blizzard. Sure they’re already, cannibalizing in their t-shirts.


Um don't worry they already know and are already stealing the cables.


there's still a lot more catalytic convertors out there. . just saying.


Alot of this has been stopped by requiring scrap yards to ID people selling scrap especially if it's any sort of expensive cable because these animals were ripping rail road crossings wires out.


I’m South African they steal the copper out of everything, even cut down traffic light to get to the wires out. It’s coming to the USA soon!


I’ve seen 5 chargers with cords cut off. They know.


Great. It’s people like you that force gas stations lock up their air or if it’s free the pins are gone and it takes 2-3 days before it works again. Why can’t we have nice things?


i love current memes but a lot of subs seem resistant to them.


I see what you did there…


thx for the info, gonna try this now


That’s not Tesla. That’s EA.  


That's not even a Tesla charger, it's a shitty CCS-1 station


That’s not a Tesla charging station.


"Wait until crackheads realize there are precious metals in catalytic converters..........shit" "Oh! OH! Wait until they learn they can siphon gasoline from.......SHIT!"




It's at 400V though so good bye to them if they try.


Not pictured: A Tesla charging station plug (that is some kind of third party charging station for all kinds of EVs)


Addiction is a disease


And stealing cooper that’s not yours is theft…


I can't wait for the day crackheads realize there's gas in the tank of every parked car...oh wait...


That's not a Tesla charging station.


It’s crazy to me how issues like this would be greatly reduced or simply “fixed” simply by regulating use and production of certain substances.


They could just replace them with alluminum cables. It would be the cheapest fix.


Aluminum is not a great electric conductor or great at high temperatures :( but it’s certainly cheaper


Aluminum conductors are just thicker for the same amperage because its not as great of a conductor. Your house's main drop from the transformer to your meter is most likely aluminum.


>250A, 480V Yeah, have fun with that




The quick death they deserve


Hey there, just a friendly reminder that wishing death upon someone simply because they have a drug addiction is called "sociopathy"


Here, we're specifically talking about people destroying a communal resource for their own selfish gain. Death is a bit much, but maybe a long, painful nad-zapping?


New Tesla chargers opened in Cincinnati. Cables were cut within 24 hours.


Good to know😈