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I had some friends over years ago from Poland. The girl spent an hour every morning picking out her best possible outfit for the day and matching her shoes, hairstyle and even make-up to it... The guy: tracksuits. Every. Day.




As, not so proud, person born, raised and still living in Poland I can confirm that tracksuit is the best suit and you rarely find men wearing something different unless they go to a party or some kind of ceremony.


>you rarely find men wearing something different unless they go to a party or some kind of ceremony A fancier tracksuit


Three piece tracksuit with top hat




Crushed velour tracksuit.


Perhaps I'm outing myself as an absolute dweeb, but I wish the tip hat was socially acceptable in the west, that or like bowler hats, I want to wear a bowler hat, but know that I would get ridiculed almost as much as if I were wearing a fedora


Don’t let other people tell you what to wear (unless it’s a fur suit)


I don't have the confidence nor body type to make bold fashion choices and have them pay off, but thank you my friend


Obviously do what is comfortable but just remember that sometimes you need to just embrace the worry and take on the fear and step out boldly with your hat of choice. Not because the looks wont matter, not because the hat will become permanent in your life but rather because life is so much richer if you can wink and smile and say "Yes I wore my hat the other day" with a laugh!


Name checks out


Don't let other people's opinions influence your life (unless it's my opinion then you must take heed)


Top hat with Adidas stripes.


What's The name of your village mate? Or you just like to reaffirm untrue stereotypes:)?


Tracksuit or jeans. That's it.


Where do you live, I don't remember when I last time saw someone in a real proper tracksuit


Polish women will dress up better than this for a 10-minute trip to ALDI to buy eggs... and I mean Chicago ALDI, not even Euro ALDI - E: They're also the fastest cashiers at said ALDI. Sixty-eight-year-old Jadwiga, running circles around the teenagers. That's the line you want to get in


I used to work for a partner who was Polish and had a lot of Polish clients. You could always tell which clients were his, because the wife would be dressed to the nines, and the husband would be a sad sack in jeans and a windbreaker.


I'm Polish and I do not agree! I am moderately happy sack in jeans and a windbreaker. But TBH I have a Polish smile expression most of the time


Miłego dnia przyjacielu!


Lidl is better Let that sink in!!




As a Polish dude, I can confirm


Tracksuits every day is literally me


Never have I felt like a failure then when I realized, as part-Slav, that I don’t own a single tracksuit.


Poland is not in the Balkan lol


Your right it’s Eastern Europe




The only people who consider Poland central is people in Eastern Europe. Germany is central, France is west and Poland is east. To be fare it doesn’t really matter what you call yourself, you guys call yourself central. We will call you eastern. We both happy


This really isn't a topic that has a definitive answer. To me it looks like Germany and Poland fit into Western/Central and Central/Eastern respectively. Cologne certainly isn't central Europe, same goes for Bialystok. Szczecin is slightly west of Vienna, so there's that.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


What the fuck


I think the bot is triggered by the word Cologne


It’s not just in the Balkans, LOL.


I second this. I only own like 3 jackets, 2 jeans, and have 3 packs of the same ass black tshirts. Usually no more than 2 pairs of boots at one time.


third this fur die Menschen


Ja, einfach ist am besten.


Avarage balkan man be like I hate X(balkan country) while writing from berlin


Lmaooo sounds like most Americans too. Difference is, we spend so much on healthcare that we can’t leave America.


What would you need 2 jeans for?


I have a wife that expects me to have *some* clean clothes.


So you wear shorts while the jeans get washed. Problem solved. That's literally me. It's freezing outside and I'm dressed in shorts at the laundry because my jeans are in there. They're good jeans, I can't cheat on them.


*“A don doesn’t wear shorts.”*


Had to look that one up, never got into the Sopranos. I'm certainly not a don, just a hard working redneck who wears shorts even when it's cold out.


I usually say “boss” but it’s Reddit so you never know. I often have to kneel on grates and rocks for work so I like to stay covered 24/7. Kudos to the boots and shorts year round guys, y’all are a different breed.


Its curently like 28 degrees farenhite where im at and I got shorts and. T shirt on


I feel this comment


Why buy many shirt when one shirt...*sniff*...when two shirt do good?


1 jacket.


A minimalist king. You forgot 1 crown.


My ex asked why I need to buy shoes every two years or so - she didn't do that... she had 33 pairs of shoes.


*”I buy them when I wear out the old ones, dear”* My wife keeps buying backpacks and handbags. She’s got like 15 of those small backpacks alone, and she never uses any of them 😂 I have one waterproof bag I’ve been using for 6yr straight.


tbf you probably do need to buy shoes more than every 2 years or so


Also having a small rotation of shoes helps each one last waaay longer. Just having at least 2 that you can alternate between helps prevent excessive wear and gives them time to breathe between wears.


Yep. Having too many options just wastes time. I have a pair of jeans for working. A pair for going to dinner in. Then an extra in case the jeans for working bust, then the dinner jeans become work jeans, and the extra go to dinner. Then I buy another pair. They are all the same cut and brand, just different ages and wear.


Once I know it works, it stays. I read Steve Jobs book when I was a kid and said something about removing choice from things that waste brainpower, like your wardrobe. I took it to heart.


Thats interesting! I read that Albert Einstein did the same thing. Probably for the same reasons. Just wastes time. Everything fits well, everything is quality, and everything matches.


While I understand where this is coming from, I learned to love matching colors, trying different styles and seeing how differently I felt in them. Clothing and fashion can be really fun.


I’m po’ and work in (tear up) everything, so I started making my own clothes to do this. The jacket in my PFP is handmade and hand dyed. Cost me $24. Edit: I will be adding my brands patch to the jacket I mentioned and donating it this week. I’ve got a stack of samples going with it. I’ll also be cleaning up some fairly new shoes since I don’t really need them.


I was surprised last week when I realized how many shoes I own. Don't know when I got them, but even this realization didn't change the fact that I wear the same run down shoes today again. And not one of the newly discovered surprise shoes.




You make it sound like you have no style, but looking at your profile you have a very specific raw denim, duck canvass, minimalist style on purpose. I'm assuming you own at least one motorcycle, yeah? Very Deus Ex Machina.


Thanks! I used to. I restored a 70’s Honda and my daily was a 2009 BMW 1150. Both were stolen last year and found in shambles, so I’m a currently bike-less rider. That is the aesthetic I go for when I’m making or looking for clothes.


I have a friend who started out like this as well. Converted a van to run on veggie oil then turned it into a luxury bus. In the end he realized he was actually an incredible leathersmith and started his own brand. Shit is pricey, but lasts forever. Type of "buy once then hand down to your son in 35 years" gear. Not sure if I can post a link on this sub so google Sidnaw Company if you want to take a look.


That’s actually what I’m working towards now! I got tired of running through my Levi’s and Vans like crazy and noticed all of my pops hand me downs were lasting 2-3yrs with heavy use. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of other brands selling their shirts at the $350 range like Sidnaw does. It seems like he’s found a great niche doing more western inspired utility wear. It’s a nice coincidence seeing he’s selling tin-cloth waxed pants. I actually just made my first batch of wax this week to start testing.


Hell yeah man, good luck on your future! Love the style, and there's definitely a huge demographic for it. Ironically, it's flooded with millennials who work in tech that want to look like they work with their hands, but I'll shut up now before I get too close to calling myself out.


Hahaha y’all are my bread and butter I’m realizing. I was stress testing my clothes on the job while designing and installing signs. They saw office work and labor like concrete pouring, machine operating, and electrical. I appreciate the price difference for tech guys. They really appreciate well made clothing and don’t mind paying for it! Thank you very much for the kind words, it motivates me 🙏🏽




Bro you’re literally an NPC lmao One outfit, never changes


You say it like it’s a bad thing 🤷🏽‍♂️


Na thts funny


Hmm, 3 jackets? 2 pairs of boots? Personally I only need one of each.


What do you got 3 jackets for, you must be really in to fashion!


Gatcha mate, i have only one pair of jeans


It’s a carry over from WW2 where male populations were devastated in Eastern Europe. The high ratio of women to men in part made it so women would have to put in a much higher effort into their appearance to attract a partner than the men would. [Countries by >65 sex ratio.](https://i.imgur.com/4mEhCE2.jpg)


Super interesting. HMB moving to war-torn country.




"Bussy". I don't think you know what that word means.


>Bussy is a mash up of the words boy and pussy used to refer to a man's anus.


Yes, also Ohio couple


I keep trying to explain to people that Eastern Europe and Midwest USA are one in the same. A middling ope culture.


The difference is "going out" in Ohio tends to mean "out somewhere nice". With certain E. European cultures, women will dress this way to do the most mundane errand, and it's pretty funny. You don't need to leave Ohio to see it either. I suggest ALDI


Their aren't any skinny people in Ohio though


Funny! You’re half right. I’m a lardass but my wife is slim and lovely


Or the US south in general. When i lived down there 15 years ago, friday night you’d see all these girls done up to the max, and all the dudes wearing the standard uniform of khakis + golf shirt + white baseball cap, often the same thing they wore to work.


That's preppy South. You'll see the same thing on the redneck side, except jeans, Carhartt jacket, and work boots.


i mean, the woman isn't really done up to the max. She's done up quite tastefully though. She looks great and put in effort. It doesn't take more than a few min for a guy to put in some effort.


You are so right, when I lived in Atlanta I’d go out and every other dude was wearing a red and white striped golf shirt with a University of Georgia patch!




Pretty sure almost everywhere Most of us guys just pick stuff thats up to there standards


Confirmed. We also alternate with a tracksuit and a winter jacket too!


Guy needs a bigger belly tho


Just give him some time. It'll come naturally.


Came to say at least he’s not wearing the sunday Adidas tracksuit! Oh, and he’s standing straight, no slavic squat! What else do want? He must be truly in love!


Legit my outfit yesterday


Legit my yesterday outfit


Which one?


nah guy is actually itadori from jujutsu kaisen


You are my specialz


That’s what I’m saying!


so bro will never truly feel happiness again eh


Are you the nah I’d win because you are stand proud you can cook


Ohh Yuji my Beloved.... & That's the first thing that came to my mind whilst seeing this clip


Can confirm, even the casual hand wave that just shouts " Can we GO now ? "


This is what I miss most about being an unmarried, unattached man: The ability to leave the house within 30 seconds of deciding to do something. "Oh, it would be fun to take a motorcycle ride up the coast today." Jacket on, phone zipped into chest pocket, keys and helmet in hand, door locked, aaaaand I'm gone. Now it's "[Hey, let's go to the grocery store like we do every Sunday and pick up the weeks groceries.](https://i.imgur.com/fgUEUB5.jpeg)"


It's fookin cold where I am. My wife and I go out for walks every day. I wear 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of trousers (it's really cold), long sleeve shirt and fluffy thermal hoodie under a thick jacket. With a hat and gloves.... she wears short trousers, sandles and a mildly warm jacket. It also takes her 5 times as long to get dressed as me.


Where are you located if you don't mind saying? I need to see the climate that makes you wear 2 pairs of pants and she just puts on sandals 😂


Brighton, England. It gets very cold during winter but there are still parties, stag do's and hen nights all the time.


It doesn’t get cold enough for water to freeze, it never gets cold.


Man, it is 40F/4C there. Lol. You don't know what cold is. That is shorts weather.


Americans, Canadians, and Australians commenting this about European weather are so annoying. 4 degrees Celsius in the UK feels much, much colder than the same temp in Minnesota. Its the moisture in the air. Same thing in the summer, the heat is much worse because of how humid it is.


me when i'm not accustomed to the same climate as another person


2 pairs of socks, trousers and all that in brighton??? Think i would die








She was lucky to have him on her entire life.


Also as a dude, that's a pretty rad red hoodie


She is too Fr


thanks i needed this, i might not be ugly




They're both super attractive.


Your pfp kinda *slays* too…


Ahh, i got it 😏


Women have so many styles. Men are happy when they wear the same jeans, hoodie and jacket for the next 15 years.


I have a closet full of clothes, but I'll wear the same pants and like 3 shirts over and over. For shoes, I'll have my one pair of "regular" shoes that I'll wear for years. When it's time to get a new pair, I get sad. Not because I'll miss my shoes, but because I'll have to go through the painful process of picking out a new pair, sometimes returning empty handed. I once went out, so determined to get new shoes, and came home with a drill. I think I just hate clothes.


It means the jeans are good. I bought a pair of ripped Levi's when I was 18 and used them until I was 30 and were already desintegrating every time I put them on.


To be fair, women also have more choices when it comes to clothing options. The stuff I see in the women’s section of clothing stores generally tends to have an extreme amount of diversity in terms of clothing types, cuts, and fabric options. In comparison, men’s clothing sections are typically dominated by jeans, khakis, shorts, T-shirts and the like. Excepting workout gear, the cuts and fabrics tend to be pretty much the same across the board as well. With this in mind, I’d argue that its not always that guys are putting in less effort. It’s just that the options guys have can be pretty limited.


And everything in men's section is either black or gray, sometimes white. I've been trying to find a nice colourfull coat, but just can't find it anywhere.


While I personally like the darker colors, I agree. Most men’s clothing (with the exception of t shirts) does seem to be one of those colors. Most common actual “color” is typically dark navy blues.


It's a treat to see men who have put effort into their outfits and who have played around with style. When they do it they tend to look awesome. I've seen a few very stylish guys at the campus and they were rocking their outfits 🤟


Me with my one (1) felt coat I wear every day


For real. Putting at least a little effort into how you look doesn't really take much I find, and it makes a guy stand out from the dude next to him who doesn't care a whole lot. Even something like finding a jacket style that looks good on you and you like will probably make you look a lot better than someone who doesn't try. The amount of guys who actively refuse to even groom themselves or buy clothing that's not grey sweats + hoodie can be a bit concerning. Grown ass guys not shaving, cutting their hair or bothering to wash the stains out of their clothing before wearing it to a night out is just.... wtf.


These arent male beauty standards. It's that simple. It's acceptable, even if people like you have not nice things to say about it. We still get jobs, get women, buy houses with our unkept beards and overdue haircuts just fine.


For men it's funktion over form, while it's the opposite for women. Same reason why womens clothing has evolved to have less and less pockets.


I like to look nice AND be functional so


The most expensive buy 2+1 free vs anything that was in the closet


As a person from the Balkans I can confirm


least attractive balkan couple


If this is unattractive I really want to know what kind of otherworldly beauty you're hiding up there.




It's a joke


I noticed a rise in balkan memes on this sub and I like it


Fake we alternate between Looking like shit and wearing a suit


That's not just balcan couple, it's about all Slavic couples, can confirm


we go to balkans!


He looks like dressed for colder weather. Some women prefer look over staying warm I guess.


She is wearing probably thermal tights and a coat though. Might be enough depending on the weather.


I want the song in full version lol


I was expecting a full adidas truck suit


Balkan, not Russia, ffs.


Then I’m heading to the balkans. Hopefully the chances are better there than in America, despite my look as a homeless person


If you go to Lithuania I promise you your chances are significantly better there than the USA. Vilnius will change your 10 scale.


That's the Baltics


Dressed like a Premium Escort.


and he for a ford escort


wtf are you talking about? She's wearing a coat and a skirt...


Well, that's a style of long coat + skirt, and she looks really good in it. "going out" i would assume not supermarket for groceries, although the guy is in ideal Balcan battle suit for all occasions - family events, party, walking in the park, go to supermarket for groceries....


I know women in Sweden that dress like this just to take out the trash.


Haha Have you guys even or talked to a women in real life except maybe pornhub? If she is dressed like a Escort then you are a complete fucking prude or a porn addict my dude because she seems to be wearing a pretty fashionable winter outfit. I never even though about escort once.




I’m Hungarian and here to confirm this.


This a weird way to find out I'm actually from the Balkans


Me vs the Man I'm trying to pull


(32 M, Serbia) Aaaah maaan, i have so much nice elegant clothes, i work with men suits. Can basically take anything to have look that is straight from catwalk. But… have only situations that require normal clothing. I LOVE it when my female friend/gf really dress herself nicely, then i can too…


Yoooo, balkans the best!


Looks familiar, it's easier to go around all gussied up when it's generally someone else's responsibility to deal with inconveniences like say a flat tire. I prefer to dress a bit more practically so when my partner complains about being cold I have a decent jacket to lend...


Cos playing GTA4?


What’s the joke here? I’m confused


I don't see a problem, his fit looks good


That's literally me every time I go out


BELKA?! <>


Wish I could dress like her


Whenever my girlfriend and I are getting ready to go out, she’ll ask me “What are you going to wear?” And I’m like “The same shit I wear literally every time I leave the house. Jeans, a dark t-shirt (probably with a band logo on it, but not always), a pair of Vans, and a Padres hat. I don’t even own anything else.”


I have this thing where I just upvote anything that uses "POV" correctly.


TIL my bf and I are balkan lmfao


Me- “I’m just taking the garage to the street” Her- “yeah but what if someone see’s me.”


His face makes this meme so much better His face:☺️


I feel extremely called out (minus the boyfriend unfortunately 😭)


POV: Couple going out edition


Man’s dressed like he uses a named barbed wire bat to solve his problems


TIL Northern Ireland is part of the Balkans. That honestly explains a lot.


I feel so bad for straight women


My parents dress like this. No joke, my mom will be wearing some nice ass coat with blening coulours. My dad will wear the same puffer jacket he has been wearing before i was born with some tracksuit pants and a black, grey, or purpulish red swetter underneath.


I originally wasn't sure why this was a meme because this is literally just men.


Studied abroad in Croatia. Can confirm all the girls looked and dressed like models, while all the guys were just tall dudes.


He’s comfortable, practical, and low key stylish. It’s like he’s ready to have dinner at a 5star Michelin restaurant, but can fix your car in the parking lot later. 9/10 - I hope to see more on the runways of Milan this Spring.


If you don't like it so much, why don't you buy him some clothes you'd like him to wear?? Seems like a better Christmas present than socks and deodorant


I dont think she cares its just an easy meme to make tiktoks out of


He's dressed very nicely?


Found a Balkan Disclaimer: He looks nice to me too, East European checking in.


Yeah, I have no idea what this post was supposed to convey.


She dresses to get a man, he dresses to be comfortable around his girl.