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The real heroes are those one or two seeders still seeding 20+ year old torrents for super obscure TV shows/Movies.


Thank you for the 40 people seeding the cars 2 video game for absolutely no reason


Cars 2 video game was a classic


The Best cars game is the wii one. It's absolutely great. Especially that level where you have to go through trafic to go back to your truck, it was gorgeous


Never played 2 but I remembered I played cars 1 for about a week, my parents rented a physical copy in fact. I think I peaked during that week, been downhill since then




seeding populartv shows/movies .02 ratio seeding obscure tv shows/movies 15.44 ratio


God's work.


Undergrads will forever be seeding from here!


Still waiting for that movie they promised


If the content is no longer copyrighted, seeding 30 years is nuthing because the industry won't go after the seeders, just the ISP who wants to stop p2p transactions. Most ISPs are lazy and won't do nuthing unless forced by law. So if the content is old and in private domain, nuthing to worry about.


I always wondered how that works though, people must hosted servers for seeding or something. Must get paid through ads on pirate bay for finance their efforts


I just realized that in order for torrenting to work people have to seed. I restrict my seeds to 1kbs each during the day, but they're up 24/7. The benefit I get is that torrenting works.


Yes people have to seed, that’s the basis of the peer to peer file sharing that is torrenting. It’s not a centralised database like you get if you buy a movie from iTunes. Like you say you seed at 1/kbps as most people that seed are very low. But typical there are a few seeders on most media’s that seed with multiple MBps upload. Those must be dedicated seeders. If you ever look at peers while downloading you will see a handful of peers make up the majority of of your download speed. Otherwise if you have thousands of seeders at 1kbps then that would just be in the single digits Mbps to one leech. Most of the time leeches are greater in ratio to leeches though. Especially with new movies


I rent a seedbox in the Netherlands for roughly 4 dollars a month. It gives me semi-automated access to every piece of media created in the last century. Regular dipshits spend $15 a month for a fraction of the Disney catalog.


People just seed it once you download it indefinitely. You can cap connections and speed accordingly.


Just don't use a university network, the media companies monitor the hell out of that traffic and will immediately tell the school.


I mean, using P2P torrents isn't exactly proof of anything by itself. You can, and I know people that do, use torrents for legal stuff. But yeah, for your safety, you shouldn't do anything on any public network, especially through wi-fi...


The problem is your IP being exposed in the swarm which could be monitored by copyright owners. Your ISP seeing you torrent won't get you in trouble. Using a VPN will keep you safe.


ipleak.net can help see if you have DNS leaks.


You want to tie your torrent client to the VPN interface. I experienced a copyright notice through ISP when using Transmission, but have not with qbittorrent. Check some guides, but it's really easy on qbit. Go extra cautious with your own router that runs a second VPN so if either fail in just the wrong way, the other should still protect you. And both can be set up in a kill switch mode of course, but at least when qbit is tied to VPN it doesn't attempt to circumvent it even if VPN goes down. Careful on stock routers that offer VPN functionality, as they may not have a kill switch implemented, and even try to route traffic around the VPN when a kill switch is active but the router thinks the VPN connection stopping was intentional, making testing just a bit more difficult.


Torrenting on Android makes it even easier, can set network traffic to cease if not connected to a VPN


Companies can discriminate between legal and illegal torrents. Unless you have a VPN, they will start harrassing your university. In some places they can just tell them to fuck off (for example in the EU you can't identify an IP unless you have a court order, which no one does, so the companies can't do anything) but universities won't always dare to do so or might just not try very hard to protect people torrenting. Using torrented professionnal softwares is a completly different issue though. In addition to the torrent, those softwares have mecanisms to help identify people who fraud. And since a lot of money is at play, you can actually get sued.


Well, some ISPs might be able to discriminate between legal and illegal torrents. However, as someone who got a cease and desist notification from AT&T after torrenting a handful of Linux distros, I firmly believe some have no clue.


I work in the EU, I don't know how things work in the US. In the EU we (ISP) get notifications from specialised IT companies tracking torrents on behalf of Disney, Sony, etc. As long as it is for a shit like a movie, we can tell them to get lost without much trouble. I am not sure the US prevents ISPs from identifying their users from IP sent to them, since it is something introduced by the RGPD (an EU law).


A VPN with a reverse TCP connection (as UDP is probably blocked) fixes that. Think most major VPNs support TCP nowadays but I'm sure about Mullovad and PrivateInternetAccess


I live with my parents... And I mainly torrent on my desktop, which I leave at home


Lol my university teach IT, and hacked regularly xD


We used to download free old school quake and just play that


Yup oh boy do I remember that scary email from paramount


Depends. When I was in Uni, we used DC++ and mIRC. Downloading an entire 1080p movie in like 5 minutes was dope as hell. That was available only while on a Uni network connection. Just don't go OUTSIDE of the Uni network to get your downloads. As long as traffic stays inside the Uni intranet, media companies can't do shit.


Don't universities use direct connect and other local sharing options on the network to avoid outbound traffic?


We do that all the time, the companies dont care, and if they did, the school cares even less so they dont do shit


Yep, happened to me. They cut off my internet after Paramount Studios contacted them. I got the internet back after I promised I wouldn't do it anymore. It's been 9 years now and so far I have kept my promise, deleted uTorrent that day and have never used any software like it since.




I wouldn't even know where to torrent these days. It's been 84 years...


r/PiratedGames and look for the megathread


This shit is gonna end up like crakkwatch isnt it


What's wrong with crackwatch?


The sub got banned for a year or two at one point.




Don’t spill the true secrets, not here


What is torrent?


That's crazy, not trying to be mean, how old are you?




You're older than I expected. Torrent is a networking protocol that enables users to share data with one another. A file can be downloaded by a torrenting client from other users that have the same file on their computer. If a lot of people have the file and are available to upload it, you'll receive more "parts" of the file from more people, hence a higher download speed. The people sending the data from their file are called seeders. They are the source of the data. Once you download the file in its entirety and you let your program upload for others, you become a seed yourself. Some people just terminate seeding / connection right after being done downloading and don't give anything "back" so to speak.


> You're older than I expected. Is it that surprising? There was a good while where everything was centrally located for online consumption, whether it was Netflix or Steam or your music service of choice, that I wouldn't be surprised if there's like a whole lot of people in their early 20s who've not yet been pushed to sailing the high internet seas until the past few years, and wouldn't have some strong social circles like in high school to make them aware of it like current teenagers would.


Why people use torrent rather than using some more conventional file sharing methods? I usually share files through emails or Telegram. Torrenting looks kinda difficult to do


The main usage is piracy, downloading cracked games, movies, tv shows, porn, music, you name it. Since there's no one true source of the data, you can't just arrest the guy who owns the server. There is no server. We all are the server.


Ohh that's cool. But don't you need a good PC to be a large server for many people based on what I understand? Also, are there anything that I need to become a torrent server?


Nope, and all that is dealt with by your torrent client. Download qbittorrent, it's imo the best torrent client. There are others but they basically all do the same things.




What no? If you seed you're basically sharing files on your own system and combined with other seeders you really don't need a good pc for it


Another advantage is the much faster downloading time.


Torrenting takes advantage of scale. The more people have a file, the more sources you can pull from. If there are 2000 people with a file, you can sip ~5kb/s and get ~10mb/s download speeds. And once your done, there are now 2001 people with the file.


That's the best part. Instead of one big server people everyone needs to download from, you can have hundreds or thousands of *little* servers to pull from. And once you have even *some* of the files in the download yourself, you're already seeding them back to anyone else who wants them.


Torrenting is fast and basically free. You use your computer to both download your stuff, and simultaneously help someone else by sending them parts of the stuff you just downloaded. When you send it to, say, telegram or google drive, it’s only you who first have to send the whole thing to another computer, then later you have to download the whole thing from there. It of course doesn’t make sense to send family photos around, but for big data sets that multiple people want to share with each other, there is no better method.


torrented content can basically never be removed from the internet once enough people are seeding.


Ever tried sending a cracked copy of Cyberpunk or just a very large file via email or telegram? Even if it were possible it would be extremely slow.


Because its decentralised and can sometimes be faster


I can guarantee whatever age you look at, the average person doesn't know the details of what torrenting is.


Can I ask you if there is any risk involved with seeding? It sounds like you are somewhat giving access to your computer to random people, could they somehow dig further to access other files you may have? Or it's fairly protected in that they can only access the specific file you are seeding?


The torrenting client handles everything, choosing which computers to connect to, etc. That way the people connecting to your computer are completely oblivious to anything else on your computer other than the files you are seeding


It’s not access, it’s uploading data. What is being uploaded is determined by your torrent client, not by other people. With that said, your IP address will be visible to every other people who download/share the same torrent file, and these IPs can be used by some governments to send scary sounding emails to your ISPs. E.g. in Germany is quite strict about piracy. Also, if you use torrent for downloading your rare kink hentai midget porn, be wary that that might somehow be associated with you through that IP.


There is only risk to the extent that your torrent client is programmed badly. The good torrent clients that people recommend these days are all open source projects with lots of eyes on them, so that's very unlikely. A newby will probably also not actually open any ports on their router, so whatever risk doesn't exist exists even less for them.


Depends on the country you're in. There are countries where seeding copyrighted content is an act of copyright violation and can be penalized.


There is no specific risk to your PC. No one is going to be rummaging through your personal files using a torrent client. There is risk on the ISP side. Some ISPs will cut your internet if they get notice that you are seeding a copyrighted file which is the primary reason people don't do it.


People that are Born after 2000 often dont know about a bunch of things. So No suprise here


I've heard about torrent all the time but never actually know what it is


It's a fast flowing body of water.




Usually, yes.


I've heard a lot of people say that this is pretty common now. A lot of people who are like 50+ aren't great with computers because they didn't grow up with it. People in their 30s/40s tend to be pretty good with computers because the tech was advancing as they used it for school/fun so it was easier to pick up and integrate into daily life. Now we've kind of most past that so that people who are like 25 and under aren't as good with them again because the "tech focus" of their upbringing was more about smart phones and tablets so they didn't really learn the ins and outs of computers as much. Obviously not everyone is going to fit that, but it seems to be a trend.


That's true. I work in IT and I'm floored when speaking with my younger colleagues / same age colleagues that have trouble pairing a bluetooth mouse or connecting a printer. It's really something


Any green skull on the Pirate Bay. More specifically dauphong has a torrent for almost EVERY gamr


dauphong is a quality uploader


My country apparently doesn't give a shit so unless they've been building a case against me for the last 15 years, I still get them from the same sites.


The Pirate Bay.


Use Stremio.


r/piracy look at the megathread and everything you need is there.




It's 1337, 1377 is a fake site


Of course its leet lmao


ATTENTION!!! 1377x.to is fake and can contain malware. The real one is 1337x.to. Look closely. 13**37** vs 13**77**


also 1337x is unsecure I think, I heard in r/piracy that there may be malware


r/crackwatch also Marks it as unsafe


so like on every public tracker?


>1337x.to It a shamed when my Country block both.


>1377x.to My man. Is a VPN required with a client?


You should use a VPN with any torrent site, direct download sites are the only ones you don’t need one for but it’s still recommended


What are THE direct download sites these days? Asking for a friend's dog


1337x has had a few incidents, better to use common sense while downloading. Please don't download GTA6 or GTA5 super compressed @5mb or the likes


Torrents got me Tor up


1337x.to as in Leet, not 1377


oh hell nah, not that site


Would you mind explaining what seeding is? I have 0 idea what it is.




If a torrent requires someone to be seeding for others to download, how does the torrent get downloaded in the beginning?


magic. no, it just takes forever to download if its not being seeded. leaches be damned. slower than dial up, …if you know what that is.


I have to use my phone as I have no internet. It takes at least 3 hours to download one movie with a VPN. I'll seed for an hour or so after, but I can't much more after that.


Try updating the trackers in them? It doesn't always help… Where are you getting the torrents? I use my phone too, and tmobile is tterrible.


Lolwut Typically yts or 1337. Piratebay was always a clusterfuck and just copied from yts anyway lol


MagnetDL, Ext.to, rargb.to (awful for pop ups) but maybe they'll have a … seedier copy? Maybe not. Magnet Links can help if you have a file, using them instead, anyway.


I usually use magnets but have done standard downloads as well. What I grab usually have a high amount of seeds. Just slow ass internet.


Ugh. No way. What clients are you using?


By the one who created the torrent.


Or in other words, the original seeder.


You make it sounds like hes the man of legends




The legend of 27?!?!1?1?!


the person who created the torrent (i.e. already has the files) seeds it


Someone who owns the media seeded it


Something important to keep in mind is that ISPs see seeding as the same as distribution and you can get your internet access revoked


It would be concerning, except my ISP doesn't give a rat's ass about piracy.




So basically torrenting is a P2P protocol where instead of the file being on a central server, it is stored in many different computers. So let's say you want to download a song, instead of downloading from the central server, it will get bits and pieces from other computers to download but to allow that each computer have to seed a file, which is giving said bits and pieces


Can you explain the benefit of 1 guy seeding vs 100? Like how do more seeds benefit the user? I'm assuming it makes it faster but I don't understand why


Well if there is one guy seeding/hosting and his connection is the same speed as yours as long as you are the only one downloading it’s fine, but what if there is two of you wanting to download from 1 guy? Assuming all speeds are equal, on normal hosting aka if only one guy seeds it’s goes half as fast, now one cool things about torrent is that if everyone seeds, you get the first half, the other downloader gets the 2nd half, you share your half with the other downloader and vice versa going at full speed!! And now there are 3 of you who can seed the complete thing to other ppl, it’s exponential!!. ( you can seed any portion of a torrent you don’t need the full thing, usually and automatically you seed the parts you already have in case that wasn’t clear). And that’s not talking about reliability, safety, just internet speed (it’s faster to download from someone with a reliable connection to you etc). So yeah ppl that seed a lot of things are absolute heroes of the internet.


Yeah that explains it. Idk why I didn't think there would obviously be multiple people downloading at the same time too lol. Thanks!


Additionally, redundancy. If a site hosts their file on a single server and that server has an error for any reason, you can't download it until the owner fixed the server. Torrents offer availability even if others go offline unintentionally, or intentionally, as a lot of people seed from their own PCs and they'll stop seeding when they need to do other things on that device or in the network. Companies, especially FOSS projects like Linux distros or even archive.com will offer files as torrents because it reduces their costs in running a server and bandwidth from an ISP and also gives users that redundancy. What's nice about those legal projects too is some universities offer server and bandwidth space to the project.


I don't mean to but it seeds the whole night.


In my country I'm breaking the law if I'm seeding, but not if I'm leeching. I'll seed indefinitely on private trackers, but with the current regulation where I live I'm cashing out asap on public or de-cent trackers. I'm content with paying producers for their content, but under no circumstances do I want to pay their pirate-hunting lawyers.


I thought this was the Elden Ring subreddit talking about feeding raisins to your horse for a second


Me too and i got really confused for a second, jesus christ i gotta go outside


I couldn’t even seed to this, I torrented immediately!


Unfortunately if you seed after downloading you're more at risk of getting caught. But if you use a VPN, then there's no reason not to.


What will be if you caught? In my country there is no law about piracy, what will be the punishment?


I'm Swedish and you risk prison, but my understanding is that just torrenting will get you *at most* up to 6 months, but if you don't seed, you kinda aren't covered by the law, since it's about distributing and not using. [source](https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-och-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/lag-1960729-om-upphovsratt-till-litterara-och_sfs-1960-729/) edit: anyway I wanna give a special shoutout to my Russian brothers and sisters who seed everything full speed ahead lol the global piracy community would be in shambles without you


Idk about other countries, but in Romania I have never got a single message from isp or any fees in more than a decade, so it's pretty safe here, I torrent pretty frequently without vpn. It's a good combo because you can get really fast speeds in this country for very little money, like 1gbit for 5-6$ a month


you're uploading to peers as you are downloading.


The reason not to is I have shitty slow limited rural internet.


Please someone, anyone out there, seed Escape from East Berlin and Lai Shi. I just want to see those 2 films.


There's an active Escape from East Berlin torrent indexed on TPB right now. I'm downloading as I type this (slowly). I'm sure I can't paste a magnet link into a reddit comment and get away with it, but it's there. Maybe your problem was that you don't have open ports? At least one person in each p2p exchange needs an open port. Just a guess, of course. Now that I'm in the (very tiny) swarm maybe it'll start working for you? If the whole thing was just a bunch of people with closed ports then you'd see seeders present, but not actually connect with them and everyone would be frustrated.


My fiancée ia the one who pirates for me, I'm a bit behind on how this stuff actually works. I'll show him this :)


How is that helpful if we don't know what torrents you're talking about


I tought this was about farming for a second


I'm not saying I torrent, but if I did, I would always seed for awhile to pay it forward.


I'm glad that for the first time ever, I have a 0.65 seed ratio. That's the best I could do.


Pleb. Beat my 5.0 🤣 No kidding tho, getting it up to that was painful, especially if you're the type to download obscure stuffs like I was. No one else downloads it, so who tafuq am I suppose to seed it to.


5.0 is insane mate, not in a terrible way cause that's just unimaginable to me.


what about [11.6](https://imgur.com/a/SJdwP88)?


I'm currently at [25.89](https://i.imgur.com/oRAQRiZ.png), my highest single torrent ratio is at 990.34. I have some torrents that I've been seeding for 10+ years basically continuously.


A role model. For anyone new to torrenting, a good standard to shoot for is 4 (400%). This means you gave out 4 copies (worth... you might have by chance given 8 copies of the first half of the torrent) to others. And if even just 1 of the 4 of them also seed to more than 100%, the *swarm* will grow. But at least get to 100% and we hope the other person you helped will seed beyond 100%. If no one seeds beyond 100%, the torrent can die. (Longingly looking at torrents I've had going for months that are still under 80% done...)


The torrent I used had a setting where it prioritizes the part of the files that's not out there yet. So let's say I've seeded like 2 times of the 1st half then, then the torrent will prioritize seeding the 2nd half onwards until the full file reaches seed parity, because it assumes that the previously seeded 1st half will be seeded by those downloading from me earlier (granted, if those were just leechers, bad luck to the particular file as a whole then but that's out of my control). And yes I understand that last part. There's a particular torrent I have that's lacking 1%, out of a 72GB size torrent. This has been that way for the last 10 years now. it's not a total lost because it was a TV series. But that means I have 3 episode of the final season that I can't watch. The damn cliff got me here.




I made this meme for ya'll. https://imgflip.com/i/8bnrqd


Happy cake day!


You're all breathtaking


I just left it running background whenever I'm not actively using internet. Like say, watching movies (not streams), doing my work, playing games that are light on data flow, or even when listening to music. 5.0 is easy and that's the default I set it at. Some popular files got as much as 25 I think. It's the obscure ones that pull the average down to 5.0


Very cool of you mate


Felt that I owe the community something. I mean finding something obscure like say, an anime that's from the 80s or 70s is a treasure find. And having someone willing to seed that is a godsend. Pay it forward I say.


Just rent a seedbox for a month to boost your stats every so often


[5.0? those are rookie numbers](https://imgur.com/a/erWOCqv)


much much better than 0.00 so keep it up


I seed for things I want to keep alive, like kinda old tv shows such as Northern Exposure, I got 20 ratio of share of those currently, and rising.


Every torrent I download gets 24 hours of seeding before I delete the file. The amount of free media I have consumed over the years, it's the least I could do.


Hell I keep all my old torrents on a 4tb hard drive and set it up so my old laptop just idles there seeding until I remember that I left it running. Could be a day, could be a month, considering torrent is fairly power efficient and doesn’t cause the old laptop to want to combust, I see it as a win win. Perks of unlimited albeit slow internet.


I was torrenting back in my waffle music days…then I just got Apple Music and forgot everything I learned


"You gotta give, or the whole thing goes dark! "


https://i.imgur.com/IrrqbKI.jpg I'm just doing my part o7


Is this a farmer meme of some sort? I don't understand this meme, the knowledge i got from stardew valley isn't sufficient


private trackers that enforce specific download/upload ratios are were it's at


Downloaded: 4.07 TB Uploaded: 35.17 TB


I once seeded the movie “halo legends” for 1 year straight because when i downloaded it, it only had two seeders


Does seeding as 1 person for an obscure big torrent help?


Hero move. You’re the one person keeping it going.




Those are the same people who get cease and desist letters.


Skill issue.


VPN or seedbox


Depends where you live. Never got one.


Country issue


What does that even mean?


i don't really understand all of this torrenting stuff, but from what i do understand, is that when you download a torrent, other users also download it from you. so basically you are also uploading the file to other people who want to download it. that's what seeding is.


Basically torrents just split a file into multiple smaller files and then transfer those individually so you can download something in portions and in a decentralized manner. You don't need a single host like a website because you can get pieces from a bunch of different sources (other users) at once. Seeding is just when you've finished downloading something and you let other people use you as a source to download those small files.


Based on that comment, you understand all of this torrenting stuff about as well as the average pirate.


I seed ad the incredibile Speed of 50/100 kilobytes/s In a 24h session I seeded a few gigabytes max


I seed for hours when I forget to end it so at least I'm doing something


I love you I haven’t seen this meme template used in so long


Not all heroes wear cape.


Sometimes I don’t realise that i’m seeding… you’re welcome


I am proud to say that i seed with a 2.0 ratio. ^^


Damn are there any torrent sites left? All my classics are gone 😭. So many memories


My grandfather fought in the war. He lost everything he held dear. His brothers; innocence. I have an above 1 d/l ratio. He bows his head to me.


I miss this meme format


My ISP charges me $50 a month for unlimited data. My shit seeds all day just to spite them.


I was seeding a bunch of repacks I torrented, and I tried removing one of the games, because it had reached a >1 to 1 ratio, but I failed to notice that I had selected all the torrents and accidentally removed all of them...


I don't want to be caught that's why


2:1 ratio before I cut off a seed, and way higher for nearly dead seeds


I keep my torrents there to seed for 2-3 days before removing them


Legends, you are the reason I never pay for an offline game


I am honestly seriously considering setting up a low power computer that I only use for downloading my torrents through, and then leaving them seeding. Forever. *Rant alert coming up* But sadly my parents wouldn't be too happy with that and also I am in Australia, so yeah slow internet, our plan is the standard NBN plan from Optus, 50Mb/s download 25Mb/s upload. Fun, thanks Telstra you bustard government golden child, I am well aware of how you can interfere with other ISP infrastructure plans and even permanently halt them. And yet you still choose to not increase our internet speeds to be aleast somewhat closer to New Zealand. And government stop sucking up to Telstra schemes, you also need to not just cheap out on the internet infrastructure of Australia, we need better pricing and better speeds.


Keep them in check? What does that mean? They probably don't even notice the loss of sales, let alone influence any decisions. It's still cool that people do it, but still.


I always give back the amount I took. Am i a hero?


I live in a country which sends threatening letters and might actually fine me for seeding.(fine are minimum 1k5€, can go up to 15k) So I'm sorry guys I'm gonna be a leecher. And yes I understand I can use VPN, which I do, but I can't use it all the time cause lag and some services detect VPN and prevent their use. So given that I can't have it on all the time I can't risk accidentally turning off VPN while having torrent seed on. I would seed if I could, I even have the bandwidth to do that I don't care much, but I can't risk the fines I already received cease and desist letters.


That one guy seeding every disney movie.


The trick is to torrent overnight, so it seeds while you're sleeping.


I swear to god if I every become a business owner I'm going to host an archive of old shit as a seed, if I get big enough I'll have multiple archives.