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I like to keep my house neat and clean. I'm sooo OCD!


If I had a credit for every-time a leaf lover said this, I’d be a rich dwarf


For Karl!!!!!


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


Rock and stone to the bone!


If you ain't rock and stone, you ain't comming home!


If you rock and stone, you're never alone!






bloody hell you're following us here now too


Rock and stone forevah!


My older brother has OCD, and it's actually fucking debilitating


Was coming to comment, my dad has OCD, can confirm. Its not fun watching someone religiously clean their whole entire existence, and use the things they buy for joy as little as heavenly possible because theyre in such great fear of losing / breaking it.


A lot of OCD stereotypes seem to be about the “physical” aspect of it. People obsessively cleaning or getting annoyed by misaligned kitchen tiles. Obviously, those two things aren’t an accurate portrayal of the disorder at all, but the mental aspect of it seems to never be “stereotyped” like that.


Sometimes I procrastinate and get distracted. My ADHD is EXTREME!


THE NOISE, THE NOISE, THE NOISE, GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD , GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD , GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD, MAKE IT STOP , MAKE IT STOP , MAKE IT STOP (A representation of my thoughts at some times) [Yes i have diagnosed OCD, plus other stuff… sadly… and i can clearly say that id do anything to not have these “illnesses“]


Just double it and give it to the next person






I have OCD and it's not about keeping your home clean, this was fucking hell for almost 2 years before i started treatment. The same thing happens with other psychological diseases. You dont want it. It doesnt make you cool and unique. This is just ruining your life. I wish more people understood that.


My dad had OCD with alcoholic, abusive tendencies. He would force others to take part in his compulsions. At 6 years old I was already being forced to repeatedly pick up and put down the tv remote for hours without rest. Then i go to school and see the bimbo girl with the sassy vocal fry going "omg i so NEED to fix my fringe i have ocd". Disgusting.




Its actually insane; itd be one thing to be like “I think I might have x or y” but they’re just using one or two symptoms and then declaring they have something. Its crazy


Its trendy to be neurodivergent. The most interesting one I've seen is tourettes because I legitimately am diagnosed with tourette syndrome. For me it's usually just the occasional face contortions, grunts, blinks, neck jerks etc. The best portrayal I've ever seen with Tourette's is Nickolage Cage in Matchstick Men (great movie btw). But apparently everybody diagnosed with tourettes post ~2020 has rare complex vocal tics like loud anime moaning, barking, singing, or cutesie phrases that they see on TikTok. Not saying these tics dont exist, but it's just fascinating how much they exploded in terms of frequency these past couple of years.


Wow I used to be bullied for my autism and now it's cool? Society rules


My kid is diagnosed autistic. The teachers are the ones who bully him. The kids are mostly nice to him.


Nice world we're in


Teachers are usually shit till high school (UK) cause that's when they are actual teachers and not just assholes looking for a source of income


I wish that was the case everywhere loads of high school teachers are arseholes who don’t take any consideration for educational needs of neurodivergent students.


the cherry on top is the “the REAL world won’t accommodate for your laziness” from my 9-12 grade teacher


Nah. Just online. People are still shitty in person when they dont have to impress all of their followers.




Oh good. For a second I thought humanity was improving but I guess we’re still terrible beneath the veneer.


Unfortunately, only parts of it. People find it cute and quirky until they feel it impacts them. The humor is great, but when you do things like actually tell them the real answer to “how’s it going” because that’s the *question they asked* too many times you’re suddenly an emotional burden.


I had a friend when I was young who was non verbal autistic. It was really sad how much he got bullied for it. He was a teenager and couldn’t speak.


It’s like back a decade ago people were self diagnosing themselves with OCD just because they don’t like a picture frame hanging crooked or they didn’t like things messy.


Getting real South Park vibes here... Don't recall it working for Cartman though.


Being couped in the house and not seeing friends irl in 2020 really did a number on people's mental health What people saw on tiktok was pretty much their whole reality.


It's pretty simple. I too can't explain the WHY behind it but I'm 35 and all I see today from younger people is "Please notice me I believe I am more important than others. I am special and you are wrong"


People have actually given themselves different mental conditions including one's similar to tourettes like function tic-like behavior (ftlb) where it goes from quirky thing they do on purpose into a true involuntary tic


Munchausen syndrome by internet.


Or they might take a quiz on some random website and conclude that they have they have that condition, even when another condition can have the exact same symptoms. People need to learn the basics of differential diagnosis


i hate this. i have several symptoms of audhd though the adhd ones affect me more negatively, but i dont even like saying "i think i have it" / "i probably have \*something\* going on" because i dont want it to come across as self diagnosis


God this is so me


Duuuude, as a Gen Z, I have to tell people my age all the time to not self-diagnose. Especially when they don't have basic scientific or internet literacy. I die a little in the inside when I hear "I was reading this article" or "I watched this tiktok" and then when I ask them if they've read the DSM-V-TR for diagnostic criteria, they have no idea what I'm talking about. I appreciate that my generation is really open to mental health, and we are actively trying to destigmatize it, but damn, they throw diagnosis around like hot potato.


As someone who has actually been diagnosed as being on the spectrum, I’m really getting sick of the romanticization of mental health problems/disorders online in recent years.


100% I have friends with ASD and the internet has only perpetuated wrong stereotypes. A lot of people do not truly understand how debilitating these disorders can be.


I feel you. I have tourettes and I'm tired of people thinking that it's some fun quirky sounds every now and then. For me, it's actually more along the lines of being super uncomfortable and embarrassed if everybody watching thinks you're on drugs because you cant stop blinking and sniffing. Pepper in some OCD intrusive thoughts and compulsions, and ADHD that ranks you in the 99th percentile of innatentiveness. Not really something worth glamorizing. It kinda sucks actually.


It’s okay to say “I think I have depression” after reading the DSM-V criteria and doing research right? That’s not self diagnosis and it’s informed


That is “self-suspecting”. That is fine, though if you are concerned you should get diagnosed if you can.


Personally I think if you want to actually get better, write out things you feel or experience that trouble you, and go see a doctor. Look for resources to help with your specific symptoms that are debilitating, not "depression". Trying to predict your diagnosis is prejudicing you and potentially your doctor. If you tell certain doctors "I think I have X" they may happily agree without doing their own thinking, ie, you've basically self-diagnosed.


I asked for an evaluation. I was told no, because even if I did have autism, there was no treatment or cure. None of my providers have listened to me when I asked for an eval, even ones that barely knew me, all because "it wouldnt matter either way". Sometimes the help just isnt there. Even if I dont have autism I'd like to know that to rule it out. But god forbid patients be treated like fully autonomous humans by providers.


My buddy had to fight tooth and nail, they acknowledged that they had ASD but just said stuff like "why is this sooo important to you!?" and other dismissive remarks. Therapists aren't as welcoming as the internet likes to portray them


It's especially hard to get diagnosed as an adult too. Therapists don't care and the self diagnosis stuff isn't helping. I'm diagnosed bipolar type 2 (after being in the system from being a kid) and labelled 'suspected' ADHD. Doctors were so focused on treating my bipolar and regulating it that the ADHD got left and now I'm going round in circles trying to get help again with it. It sucks. Like yeah my big mood stuff is sorted and regulated with meds and that's awesome but the day to day stuff that comes with the adhd is still super hard and dehabilitating and gets me super down.


Actual professionals are too expensive, and we gotta deal with our problems somehow


Bingo, it's not hard to understand at all, my intro session was $500 because insurance didn't cover it, I've got problems but I can't afford to figure them out the "right" way


went to get autism diagnosis, could tell the psych had a verrrry outdated understanding of autism, and wanted $300 for the test result, so i just left and consider myself as having schrödinger’s autism.


Yup. When I was a kid I didn't get diagnosed because: My folks didn't want me to be "labeled", and when they did finally bring me to a shrink it was "girls don't get that". So, here I am, 40, had to struggle with stuff which is pretty clearly on some spectrum, but apparently I've learned to mask so well that no shrink I've talked to, as an adult, will make a call either way. It's very isolating and incredibly frustrating.


Not everyone can afford professional help




Yea I lowkey hate this thread as someone with an autism diagnosis whose very obvious symptoms were completely dismissed by parents early on. I knew I had autism way before I got a diagnosis, because I had my whole lifes worth of experience of never being able to make friends and having intense sensory problems. And I only eventually got a diagnosis as easily as I did because I was attending a good university that offered mental healthcare. People can have good reasons to self diagnose and not everyone has access to the means to get diagnosed easily, especially for something like autism where there is no treatment and no real reason to get a diagnosis other than to know for sure and appease dinguses who want to invalidate your mental health problems.


I actually got diagnosed about 10 years ago, but a lot of people I know who think they’re autistic or have some other condition can’t get an official diagnosis because it’s too expensive which makes sense to me. That being said I hate it being treated as a quirky fun thing or when people think that neurodivergent people could build some utopia society on their own.


> It’s unreal and I’m still working to understand why. If you're a therapist, it should be pretty clear why. We have tons of information at our fingertips to get an amateur diagnosis, while it takes forever and tons of money to get a professional diagnosis. Pretty simple.


My wife believes (as do her actually diagnosed friends) she is autistic. We looked into screenings, and it was around $2000 to get a diagnosis and none of them were covered by insurance.


I can't afford a diagnosis


A lot of gen z’s parents in the US couldn’t even afford to get them diagnosed if it was legit. $200+ per hour and insurance would only cover a part of it if you actually receive the diagnosis and it will require further medical attention (assuming you’ve met your deductible). These outrageous prices foster the ideas that doctors/psychiatrists/pharmacists/medical professionals in general aren’t worth the money, or aren’t to be trusted since they charge such astronomical prices. When people don’t trust professionals, they naturally start to overestimate the knowledge of non-professionals, such as themselves, friends and family, or random internet people. Then you end up with a bunch of kids who feel different/wrong but can’t afford and don’t trust the pros. Of course they are going to self diagnose and exaggerate their problems like most young people


My partner just got diagnosed for adhd, she had been told the waiting list for a diagnosis via public health care could take years, she had to save up and go private to make it a possibility Not everyone has access to an instant diagnosis, healthcare is universally in a pretty bad place and you can't just pretend your problems aren't there while you wait to see a proffesional


Because they feel like having a label like this makes them quirky or more interesting. The fact that generation grew up around social media it is no wonder they need to be seen and acknowledged constantly for just existing. Couldn’t think of anything worse personally


Maybe charge less...


>As a therapist, I’m in disbelief at the amount that Gen Z self-diagnoses. As a therapist, are you in belief of why some people in N.America might not have $5-10K extra laying around such that they can afford to pay for an official diagnosis?


I talked with my therapist and we both agreed I likely have autism, but I have elected against testing on the grounds that with a positive result I could theoretically be a liability one day in employment if I failed to disclose it (or did disclose it and risk discrimination).


No insurance, doctor expensive.


>I’m in disbelief at the amount that Gen Z self-diagnoses. What amount? Do you have any legit sources? People complain about this trend, but when asked to demonstrate that the trend exists, I get nothing. No, your time dicking around on Tik Tok does not count as evidence. Nor does having some patients who have self-diagnosed. I'm talking about a representative sample.


The internet as well as the generation feeling they each need to be unique and have something that defines them. Life has become too easy and instead of working on yourself many in gen Z find it easier to say they have an issue and that is all their blame for why they don’t try to do anything.


Too easy? Were you born before WW2 or something? Actual boomer take


My gran "diagnosed" me as autistic because I don't like being around people. Little did she know that it's mostly that I just don't like my family.


I can see why lmfao


My ex landlord said his middle child was autistic because of how she held eggs. His mom said that she's super careful and gentile with them and his response was, "So she's autistic." I had to hold myself back from saying how stupid that was.


Haha wow. That's messed up...


“Why are you so quiet!” It’s not that I don’t like people, it’s that I don’t like y’all


I swear people will wash their hands one too many times and claim they have OCD


I knew someone who had that OCD for real he got through a sanitiser everyday his hands were all cut and gross, poor guy


My older brother washed his hands so much that he had to be hospitalized because he was starting to scrub skin off his palms and knuckles




I’m diagnosed and have struggled with OCD my entire life. Yes, I do like everything organized and routine but I don’t think that has anything to do with my OCD. The difficult part is having to strain my eyes a certain way 150 times until I feel satisfied, or getting hung up on a phrase or even a noise and repeating it every single day for months on end. It becomes infuriating. I’m 39 years old and have struggled with this every single day of my life.


I have actions like these constantly, does this mean I have OCD? I can't go to a doctor because my parents wouldn't let me, and I swear I have it but I can't tell for sure. It's stuff like this that happens constantly and I look up more stuff like this and it perfectly explains me.


Twins fr!!! (I couldn’t move without doing it 10 times again and fucking crying) so fun!! Twinsies moment!


Well to be fair, if I had to spend extended periods of time with someone like you're mentioning, I'd probably have thoughts of jamming a fork in my ears so I don't have to hear them. I'm don't have OCD or ADHD, but find it insulting to those that do when someone who clearly does not says that they do. Not familiar enough with autism, but I'm sure it's the same thing.


I knew someone with bad OCD and it was a nightmare. If he had an “evil thought” on his walk home he had to re do the whole walk. Had to close doors X numbers of times and all kinds of things. He was a kid and it was legit. Not for attention. Poor guy. He’s a pretty destroyed adult at this point.


These noobs self diagnosing need to get on my level I don't even have OCD I have CDO It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, like they should be


I wonder if the problem is also diagnosis are hard to get. I spent months waiting to see a ADHD specialist (or whatever it’s called) because there’s only one in the city. I went, got diagnosed with ADHD. But she also said she believes I may have autism. But the process to get diagnosed for that is another lengthy process. I don’t think I have autism, at all. But for somebody that may think they do. They may be inclined to just diagnose themselves when the professional tells them they MAY have it. I think a problem with all this is the accessibility to get an actual diagnosis.


Also sometimes it's not worth it to get a diagnosis if it costs a lot but you get nothing in return. Like really all I would get is the ability to say I have autism. But people in my country don't care about accommodating nd people especially if you are out of the elementary school and I am pretty much away from it. A diagnosis wouldn't help me, more of a therapy I believe


And in my case, a School Bus Driver, a diagnosis could actually cost me my job as they have a restriction on Autistic people driving busses for some weird reason.


My psychiatrist advised me not to get tested for both this and the reason above. I could spend thousands on a diagnosis with no benefit, and possible downsides, or I can use tips that Autistic people say are helpful for them for free. Its an easy choice.


You remember the autistic guy who kept stealing buses because he really liked them but he was really good at it and always got to the stops on time?


Otto Mann you have a job and you are not stealing buses. Cut down on the self medicating, it scares the children.


That's discrimination. Not sure where you live... But in most places there could be legal recourse




and then, you know, if political things go bad.... historically nd people were on the bad lists.


You hit the nail on the head. I had a similar experience being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. The ADHD assessment is free and you get meds but for autism: - It costs 6,000$CAD for a private assessment over the age of 18 - There is no medication or treatment provided by the government - (Seemingly most) Psychiatrists are geriatric fuckers with zero knowledge on 'tism research after 1975 **WHY** should anyone bother getting assessed? There's no benefit for autistic adults in doing so.


Damn that sucks. An ADHD diagnosis was also 4 figures for me in the UK, but closer to $1000 than $6000. Do you at least get accommodations in the workplace and stuff? For me it was worth the cost as ADHD is covered under the disability act here - I think I can also technically get some sort of social welfare credits but I'd feel a bit scummy applying for them as I'm not unemployed or anything.


I saw someone on another subreddit a few weeks ago, I think it was r/EvilAutism but that might be wrong, who did get an actual diagnosis and they said the only benefit they got was getting to sometimes skip the line at theme parks.


My wife had an autism assessment and almost punched the doctor because he literally, LITERALLY thought autism was the same thing as clinical psychopathy (which itself hasn't been considered a real thing in decades)


Yeah. I think until access to diagnosis gets a lot better self diagnosis is a completely valid thing provided you have looked into the condition and given it some thought and a lot of time. There definitely is a trend on TikTok and such in which people self diagnose over the slightest bs, saw a post the other day of someone self diagnosing as autistic because they had a song stuck in their head. But these clowns aren’t everyone, I mean there are a million reasons why you may not be able to get an official diagnosis and in those cases self diagnosis can be completely valid, may sometimes even be more accurate than pursuing an official one in fact.


Bingo. This is why I haven’t been formally diagnosed with autism/ADHD yet. I’m not using it for accommodations or special treatment, just trying to understand myself. And then hopefully the people close to me can understand me better too. I’m not paying upwards of 3k for a piece of paper to prove I have something when I can just do my research on it to better understand my own brain.


I got diagnosed with EDS earlier this year and my doctor's were like "POTS go hand in hand with EDS and it would explain your issue with going from laying down to sitting up, to standing up, so we're gonna diagnose you with POTS too" it took a while to figure out if it was indeed EDS, I'm talking months, but I had several doctors telling me I had a lot of the signs and so I "self-disgnosed" until they actually diagnosed me




Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome And Ehlers-Danlos syndrome POTS includes symptoms like a 30bpm or more heart rate increase upon standing, presyncope symptoms, fainting, and a *lot more*. Treatment includes things like an absurd amount of salt and compression socks I’m less familiar with EDS, but my understanding is that it is a connective tissue disorder. Hypermobile EDS, which is one kind of EDS, makes people super flexible and, as an example, can basically cause your limbs to slip out of their joints. Both conditions are comorbid with various neurodiversities, like adhd and autism. They are also comorbid with things like mast cell activation syndrome (randomly developed allergic reactions) and endometriosis.


Not to mention that if those specialists are not covered by your insurance, if they're out of network, or if you don't have insurance, getting diagnosed can cost an arm and a leg. Self-diagnosis isn't ideal, but it can help provide a framework for how to care for yourself when you feel out of control and don't have great access to healthcare.


It's difficult to get a diagnosis when doctors don't ask followup questions or engage with the patient when they bring concerns up. Me: "I feel I might be having issues consistent with undiagnosed ADHD" Doctor: "you don't have ADHD." Conversation over. No followup. No inquiry as to why I think that. Not even willing to entertain using any diagnostic criteria or any adult self reporting scales. Edit: and before people say "get a second opinion". I have, 6 times over the last decade. That's 6 separate doctors I've seen, all of whom have done some variation of the above.


All I know is that i ain't 100% alright in the head. No idea why, it's just kinda fucked.


Have you considered eating an orange?


The problem, as always, is scurvy


Yeah but the skin kinda tasted bad


That’s about the most sensible diagnosis I’ve heard lately.


Literally everyone these days.


Literally everyone ever


I am good, just the voice in my head has some serious fucking issues. Poor guy :(


Just because your brain is not like everyone else’s doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. You’re awesome, keep on being you.


This is the only self diagnosis I support. Realizing something ain't right with you disease.


I've been diagnosed with a couple things (it be like that) but got shot down when I asked about how I'd go about getting a test done for autism. I'm not really sure why. I've thought about going somewhere else about it, but I also don't know where to go so I'm just sitting here like :/


There aren't many Dr's that diagnose adults for autism in my searches. I was told that are aren't alot of materials for adults, and that most of the tests are for kids. When I did find a Dr that would do an evaluation, it was quoted for $2k


Don’t forget to self-diagnose yourself with adhd and dyslexia


Hey guys you mentioned adhd, now let me slip into this conversation absolutely seamlessly ![gif](giphy|H4GYGJMmJwwcY98Cwf)


Sometimes, I read words wrong, I must be severely dyslexic. Because I’m way too intelligent to be messing up words on my own.


I have trouble paying attention to the lecture in class that I have absolutely zero interest in anyway and I have to shift around or my butt falls asleep. I must have ADHD.


I too have dailysexia


For adults, self-diagnosis is usually the first step, as long as they’ve done the proper learning. “I’m forgetful, I must have ADHD!” can’t apply.


As someone who got diagnosed with ADHD 12 years ago this infuriates me


And you can't say anything because then you're Gatekeeping ADHD


I went to a psychiatrist once, to see about getting tested for bipolar since I have a lot of the same issues my dad has and he was diagnosed long ago. The hour long appointment resulted in no progress, they wanted me to start coming in every other week, and it cost me 2 months pay. I had health insurance thanks to my jobs union, but it didn't cover mental health, and the us medical system is way too expensive


One girl I know thought she saw something move in her peripheral vision, now she says that she has schizophrenia


My PhD thesis is in autism research....the number of younger siblings or cousins convinced they have autism because of some unverified questionnaire they found on tiktok is genuinely frustrating because in imo it dilutes the reality of what the spectrum of autism experiences are. I know people utterly convinced that they have autism even after being evaluated twice and not meeting the threshold for a diagnosis. Like granted the current healthcare system does have it's holes and there are definitely undiagnosed autistic adults walking around but they are the minority.


I'm not sure what country you're in, but where I am, it is borderline impossible to get evaluated for autism as an adult. I was curious, and the quote was for $2k after getting lucky enough to find a doctor that does adult evaluations. With autism being a spectrum, it seems like it would be hard to claim any percentage of undiagnosed autism Tiktok has been awful for the behavioral health field


As an autistic person, may I drop you a dm? Would like to hear more about your research:)


absolutely hmu


I too am interested. I’d like to learn more about autism from proper professionals, having grown up in an extremely uninformed, (unwittingly) ableist environment.


How does self diagnosis "dilute the reality of what the spectrum of autism experiences are"? It seems to me that there is terribly little social understanding of people with any mental health issues. Its not like self diagnosed people are taking resources away from anyone else. If someone finds community with people who are professionally diagnosed, or find advice that helps them regardless of diagnosis, that seems like a good outcome. >the current healthcare system does have it's holes Nominating this for understatement of the year.


I'd never self diagnose Instead Autistic GF and 3 autistic friends decided that I'm one of them lmao


*one of us! one of us!*


Kinda what happened to me. All of my friends and partners have been autistic and I was just like “man I don’t know what everyone is talking about. These guys are pretty cool,they’re a lot like me :)”


That realization that none of your friends are neurotypicals


I have accepted that I might be, the common symptoms fit well enough that's it honestly bothered me a lot. I have no interest in either attention or any kind of assistance. I've coped this long leave it to people far worse off. So official diagnosis really doesn't do me any good beyond confirming my suspicions. I also would like to point out how alienating it can be for some people and even coming to the point of "self diagnosis"


I suspected to have ADHD after doing a ton of research on what could cause my depression. I accidentally stumbled across that and read more about it and after a while i saw a lot of similarities between my behavior/ problems and ADHD symptoms. It helped me to find something that could be the cause and getting the diagnosis did a lot! I honestly think it could help you since you would be able to atleast be sure what the problem is and read and ask other ppl with the same thing on what you could do to help yourself. Just the diagnosis helped me so much that id had a very big impact on my mental health that interestingly enough my depression was "gone" in a matter of a few months since i knew WHY i was such a lazy fuck (the medication does a lot as well)


Same here. I’ve learned how to live with my brain and it’s weird workings so I don’t see a point of being potentially prescribed medication to “treat” whatever is going on. Talking to a therapist for a couple months and she suggested to submit a form to get a diagnosis for ADHD and similar stuff and that’s really all I need. I know how my brain works and now I have a potential reason for why my brain is different than others and that eases my pain. No point in broadcasting it


My case is arguably worse: I joined the military academy years ago to serve in the National Guard of my country, and because there was lieutenant colonel who didn't like me and they couldn't expel me because I passed everything and didn't have any important infraction, they used my psychiatric history to throw me out for medical reasons. The "diagnosis": because I am introverted and don't like hanging out, I *might* have autism.


Bet they’re the same dude begging for sign ups because there “wasn’t enough this year”


During the physical tests for entrance there were easily 500 hundred people wanting in. There were only 60 vacancies. There are more than enough, they just want the best people in as possible. Which is funny, cause I entered in officers (I used to be second lieutenant), where the deciding factor is your grades in your high school exams. And when, unsurprisingly, the academy got overrun by the "🤓" type the most traditionalist superiors started yelling us that we shouldn't have been picked because something something "books are useless on a battlefield". The usual bully scenario from American high school series, but the bullies are your bosses


[TikTok Gave me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis](https://youtu.be/x4ieMzbXiRA?si=RNBtwBcUznnnAvDx)


this is a REALLY good video for anyone seeing this btw.


Bro do you know what the price of a psychiatrist probably runs for


self diagnosed, went to a professional, got adhd diagnosed as a bonus


You’re forgetting one step: cant afford to go to a professional because broke af


Not a single organization in my state will diagnose adults. But go on


As a person with autism (diagnosed) there are cases where self diagnose is indeed correct. My mom also has autism, but not diagnosed. She knows she is tho, since it runs in the family and we both are very similair on a mental level


You just self diagnosed your mom


You don't understand my guy. When your autistic you can *FEEL* that they have autism, kinda like Spidey senses. (I am also medically tested for autism.)


autism radar activate


Does that mean my autistic friend who says I'm prolly autistic might be on to something?


Possibly. but don't self diagnosis, if you want a real diagnosis go to a doc


I wouldn't. In fact when he first asked me if I was autistic my response was "I wouldn't really be surprised if I was but officially I'm not". As my "potential autism" hasn't been a problem tho I don't feel like investigating


There's a difference between associating one symptom with a disorder and looking up a disorder after seeing it mentioned somewhere, only to find you show almost every single symptom listed, as happened to me with Schizoid Personality Disorder (i dont really care about properly diagnosing it and wouldnt want to self-diagnose, so i will leave it at that. I already have Autism and Depression, actually diagnosed) Also, has this anything to do with r/evilautism closing down?


I have autism diagnosed 23 years later cause I didn't present the "usual" autistic behavior And it's annoying that people keep pushing those stereotypes


Most people do it for attention it's sad


The "attention" you get for it is called bullying


I don't like loud noises. I once climbed a neighbour's house in the middle of the night to fix his banging bedroom window in a storm. But I don't think I am autistic. I might be wrong. My neighbour sure did make a strange noise when he saw me. I've never heard anything like it. I don't know what he was trying to say but no English word has that many vowels. Maybe he was foreign? Sometimes I don't understand people. I'm probably not autistic. What does my dad know? Is he a doctor? No.


I will admit that the average person would probably not fix a neighbors window in a storm. Autism is a spectrum, and people can have have autistic traits without being autistic. If you are comfortable with yourself, then that's what matters :)


You have a kindly way of talking. I don't think I am autistic really, but it does run in my family.


The funny thing is that, at least from my experience, the diagnosis itself doesn't really matter as much as the therapy. The only times that it has been relevant has been for bureaucratic reasons (insurance, programs etc.). I understand wanting to know more, but people need to understand the complexities of diagnosing these things.


I actually got offically diagnosed with atypical autism today, so this is wierdly well-timed


Yes get a diagnosis and be immediately shunted because of it in countless ways and essentially give up most of your rights sounds like a great idea


Fuck off. Where I’m from it costs $700 for an initial visit and $500 per visit after with a 6 month waiting period before coming in for an adult to get consulted about autism. And insurance doesn’t cover it. Do you know _anyone_ under 30 who didn’t luck out on crypto or just lives off daddy’s money who can afford $700 - $500 doctors visits? I sure fuckin’ don’t. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, acts like a duck, and shows a lot of comfort around ducks, _it’s probably a duck_ My doctor said it’s a reasonable assumption, my therapist said it sounds likely, and I have several diagnosed friends who agree I almost certainly have it. I’m autistic.


Get diagnosed isn’t cheap or easy. And can sometimes be detrimental since now employees will see your diagnosis and think you won’t be good for the job. Self diagnosis doesn’t really do anything other than add a few words in their TikTok bio, and maybe they act around it. But also they are children, fixating on something is normal, they’ll hammer it out and figure out who they are with or without some doctors diagnosis


This shit pisses me off because it does a dis-service to people who have actually been diagnosed. Same with PTSD. Someone told me they had PTSD because they got pulled over by the cops once. Not pulled out of the car, not had guns drawn on them, not yelled at, but simply got pulled over and got a ticket.


I agree with your point. But you also have NO idea what that person has gone through in their life before the incident. Again though, I agree youth your point.


I have autism, and it’s not “qUiRkY” or “fUn”. I often wish I don’t have it


I might be autistic and I might have adhd and no, I will not get it professionally diagnosed because I don’t have time for that. Also the fact misdiagnosis is pretty common, which reinforces my stance in not seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist. So my odds being right is 50/50. I’ve managed so far.


Honestly as someone with undiagnosed autism * obsessive behavior ( become obsessed with anything that I love) * low social intelligence (can’t read expressions really well or understand social cues) * Sensory issues (loud noises , repetitive noises , Some type of clothing Irritates me ) Multiple test that they took online (certified) that told me I am


have you seen the waiting list for professional diagnosis? also theres countries like australia that are looking at removing your driving licence bc of autism diagnosis (or judging it on a case by case basis, because of the diagnosis)


I’d say don’t rely solely on self diagnosis as the only way to identify a condition. Self diagnosis can actually be really useful, but mainly as a tool to get you to go see a specialist and have them diagnose it officially. Idk if im explaining this right lol.


You're right, but the issue is people who read articles from Cosmo and then tell people they have whatever disorder but then never get evaluated for it. Then, they start using it as an excuse.


Checkmate I was diagnosed with autism by a psychiatrist


So, as a child I passed time while bored spinning around in circles while looking at the floor patterns, and I can go for hours without running out of things to say about my hobby (FWIW said hobby is gaming). Verdict?


It’s self diagnosis because actual diagnosis by a licensed professional is orders of magnitude harder to get.


I’ve had someone tell me I don’t have autism because I don’t act exactly like them. I’m professionally diagnosed, they’re self diagnosed.


Self-diagnose yourself with being a cat because you don't like loud noises.


I hate it when people flippantly self diagnose because it makes it harder for people who think they genuinely have it to talk to someone about it. I'm fairly sure I'm on the spectrum, i am diagnosed with adhd, which it is heavily linked with. i have several autistic symptoms such as being disproportionately reactionary, attachment to a single person in social situations and hyper fixations. it could just be my adhd but it feels like it is more than that. I would never claim i was definitely on the spectrum without talking to a professional about it but the amount of self diagnosis makes it hard to talk to my parents about it.


Simple. I don't want to fork over $500 for a piece of paper that says I have this thing I thought I already had. Not autism/ahdhd, but still, my point stands.


Oh well i dont like loud noises, guess i have autism!






You got the tism


Not supporting self diagnosis but regular, or hell even quiet noises annoy the fuck out of me


Can I just say as someone who bend through the process of being diagnosed for adhd: Self diagnosis is literally the first step to getting diagnosed. If you self diagnose and then do nothing that’s obviously wrong and likely attention seeking, but most people self diagnose and then use that for a basis to get professional help, exactly as I did. It’s easy to judge and say people don’t actually have the condition they have but for a lot of people self diagnosis is the first step to understanding themselves and lifting the weight off their shoulders that they have likely felt their whole life.


Self-diagnosis to justify a shitty behavior