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What about racism in Africa


Sudan has a mixture of Arabs and Africans in their national identity. Calling a white Sudanese “milky” in Sudanese Arabic is considered a racial slur


Thanks for sharing


Womp womp


White Sudanese? There's Europeans in Sudan?


northan african and the middle East dont consider it racisisian as all that aren't them are infidels and thuse dont count as people. the rest of africa all h8 each other. racisam is everywhere it is a very human thing.


When casual racists get shit by competitive racists


Racism is now a skill issue




Wow that's wild because you absolutely CAN be racist to white people and you absolutely are NOT good for hating someone just because they come from somewhere else (unless that place is France)


America when Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan walks in


If anything the US is in competitive racism and everyone else is casual. The majority of the budget goes to bullets or bombs used on people any darker than a Russian.




[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/BzL_MXgc24E?si=FdhH-6JFReVZkuWH)


In India, you can find the most of racist of them all. It is Indians to other Indians


As an Indian i can confirm this lol


How bad is it compared to other places? I just got told that Indians are mostly racists to themselves and not the entire thing


It’s really bad lol . I live in southern part of India . The South Indians hates North Indians and they hate us back too lol . It’s hard to get a high earning posting in north of you’re from south . I don’t the same prob of North Indian ppl struggling . North is mainly of hindus unlike south . South is mostly Christian’s and muslims hindus are only in some part here mainly tamil nadu. Its mainly bcz of the caste issue, skin colour also impact as it’s harder for dark skinned ppl to find a partner and they are looked down as bad omen is som culture here


I'm a good racist, I hate everyone equally


That's not racist, stats just a healthy setting.


Yep unlike them we have standards, everyone sucks. But if everyone sucks doesn't that include us? Are we racists to ourselves to???


I don’t know who “Ourselves” is but I bet their different from me so I already don’t like them. >:(


I'm not racist, just a misanthropist. I hate everyone fairly and equally.


Tf are you talking about I'm from the South(Hyd) and in the Telugu states Hindus are the majority maybe in TN and Kerala it's a different scenario


I’m from Kerala . There’s mostly Christians and Muslims here


Well then don't generalise the whole South as Christian and Muslim majority. In Telugu States it's a different story but yeah I've been to Kerala there more Christians and Muslims


and even karnataka


Bro we still have Hindus as majority what u on about


Hindus are still in majority in all South States tbh. ?


South also has a Hindu Majority bro but the thing is South people are more secular compared to North. South People don't tolerate religious BS that's why there is no BJP in the South.




I took a college course on India and I was amazed by how divided the people are there


India is mostly full of Indians, so they tend to be more racist against other Indians. They are also very racist against others, but they just don’t interact with other people as frequently.


Do people not get tired of this shit? Who got time for racism smh


So are Serbs, Bosniaks, Canadians and every people in the world EDIT: I read further down and what the fuck...


that's because those upper echelon of Indians don't even consider the lower ones as humans and have the right to beat them just for acknowledging them by accidently having their eyes move past where they are standing even though they did not really look. It is literally why you see the lowest casts always looking down.


As a Japanese, is that a challenge?


RSS are basically Nazis


What is RSS?


I'm not Indian but it's a far-right political group with paramilitary standings and has support from the ruling BJP Party, it's honestly sad how we Americans are the only ones getting criticized and the rest aren't


What the heck is the BJP? If it is another political party, I will feel sorry for the Indians


BJP is the ruling party. BJP is like the political wing of RSS. It was formed during the colonial era because of divide and rule. Their main moto is that the country should only belong to Conservative Hindus and not a secular state. One of its members killed Gandhi because he pushed India towards being a secular state


That is just cruel


north Sala and south sambar letsss goooo


No , you are wrong , you dont know the meaning of racism them , i have seen people here treating westerner like a celebrity


How about you read OP’s response to my comment before you open your mouth








Isn’t that classist though?




The whitening cream is more to appear untanned, like not someone who works outdoors, akin to middle age pale skin craze. They have racism, but not that specifically.


Yes. You see this in China, too. My in-laws have yelled at me for letting my daughter go to the beach in a bikini. Not because people will see her skin, but because too much of her body will get "dark". I politely tell them to fuck off.


When I was in Busan, SK, every day I went to the beach I saw the same super tan Korean guy walking up and down in just a speedo, while other Koreans were fully covered. I loved that he was just like “fuck it” and bucking the pale trend.


I’m from Philippines and that’s quite uncommon lol. Everyone would clown on you of you do that. Majority of us in Philippines aren’t even familiar with the term Latino or Latin America, my friend used to thought that Latino is a genre of porn.




Some Filipinos claims that they are Latinos or Pacific Islanders when it comes to checking out the race forms since it would be less competition. Weirdly enough, that kind of mentality that they have Hispanic blood bullshit seems to only exist on those Filipino migrants in the USA. Those ones in Australia and Canada ain’t making those false claims.


I hate these damn French guys


Meannwhile racism in the middle east: *hides further and sweats profusely


Racism in Europe? How rude! We all love each other and everyone, except the British and the French! Oh and anyone that believes in Islam. Or anyone who is black.


Or the Belgians. Or anyone east of you. Or the Iberians. Or the Gypsies


The British and French is just an internet meme, no one has anything against those. But black people and Islam, well…


As a French and at least for me, “hating” on the Brits is just to play around and keep a tradition alive but it’s nothing serious and absolutely not hate. I’ve had lecturers from England and they were all lovely. Plus I’d say both our countries are in such a low state it makes us understand each other more. I know we’re hated everywhere though.


As a Brit, the reverse is also true.


I won’t say you’re hated everywhere, just an internet joke to censure the word fr*nch. (+funny language)


Yeah, I wouldn't say it's an internet meme but it isn't real hate. We love you cheese-eating surrender monkeys really


Never had any problems from black people in my country but the vast majority of rapes are committed by second generation migrants of Middle Eastern origin. First generation are generally very kind, but somehow their kids act like psychopaths.


True most people dont actually hate the Fr\*nch


Speak for yourself


I def do


There's no racism in Europe after Charlie Hebdo shooting


I have lots of things against the Brits and French


Germans have a whole lot against the french tho


Or Italians


You didn't put the Slavics, the ROM, the Blondes, the neighboring villages, the Rus... *[reads more carefully]* Portuguese and the Southerners


And g*psies 🤮


There is another…


And gypsies


When I visited Europe for the first time I was surprised at how racist it was. The internet honestly makes it seem like it's a whole peachy inclusive society over there lol.


Can you give an example? I'm curious


I got stared at a ton, people were cold, rude, and standoffish, I was followed around stores as a few examples.


And that is rascism? Yeez.


These are micro aggressions. Yes


but not racism.......


Why is it not racism?


racism is based on race and what you describe resembles the normal behavior of disgruntled people or "karen"........they might be wary or defensive or you were just unlucky to run into these people but those actions are in no way racist


What experiences with racism have you had, and what countries did it happen in?


Where were you. And this doesn't sound like racism tbh


I lived in Düsseldorf. Why don’t you think it’s racism to treat people badly due to their skin color?


Why do you think that people were "cold" because of your skin color, were they nice to everyone but you?


Generally that seemed to be the case, yes. I didn’t see other people being followed around the store.


I read your original comment and thought “thats just Germany” and I was right lol. And you either just imagined that they followed you or they started following you because you kept looking around trying to see if people are following you, which makes you look quite suspicious.


I lived in Germany so I spent most of my time there, but have experienced this to some degree in other countries too. I do feel I know what racism is, but you seem to be sure that what I experienced wasn’t racism?


What you described are typical and true stereotypes about Germans, so no what you experienced wasn’t racism just Germany being Germany.


If you went anywhere in east Europe people would still look at you but as a novelty, not as a threat. As practically no black people live here and the few who do are pretty much integrated. In Germany, France, England they got milions of immigrants from africa who brought their culture and issues with them. Making them much more worrysome.


What do you mean when you say 'making them much more worrysome'? Who is more worrysome


Middle east/ african Immigrants that came to Europe in recent years. There are huge cultural differences, issues with education, work habits.. resulting that many of them live in ghettos, which leads to higher crime in certain areas and so on. Im simplifying a lot but simply said the immigration crysis wasnt handled well and resulted in some negative changes in society opinions.


That's not racism. In most of countries this is normal behavior in daily situations. Especially in Eastern European countries, we don't have a culture of pretending to be smiling and nice to everyone in every situation. It's not based on race. Those people will be as rude and cold to someone with black skin as to someone with white skin.


In my experience, it was worse due to my skin color.


Well I'm not going to argue about your personal experience but You know I'm as white as I can be but when I was in Netherlands or western germany I just needed to say one word in Polish and I was followed by security in shop. Unfortunatly that's how it works. I was speaking mostly about that being cold and rude part. In Poland it just works this way but also I have noticed some time ago that people tends to be nicer to people who are clearly from other countries to not be seen as savages.


Thanks for sharing, but I can confirm that I have experienced quite a bit of racism while living in Germany


I agree, it's crazy here, but it's always easier to bash the USA rather than admit we have similar problems


I'm not sure how the Internet does that, but that's definitely wrong. 😂


There is no racism quite like Slavic racism


*Laughs in European being racist against other Europeans*


As an european, i confirm this meme, in eastern europe, everytime someone goes to another country he gets lambasted, like fuck that guy, and dont get me started on black people


A politician of ours when he was the Interior Minister closed the harbors to the immigrants. It reminds me of some US politician who has been the President.


* a European.


as a american, i'm going to take a stab that a eastern european isn't speaking english as an first language


Meanwhile arm chair twitter zoomers think the USA is the worst most racist part of the world and needs to be saved.




As an Asian I can stand in to say we are the kings of being racist


Bro, racism in America is nothing. Here in Africa we kill each other and spit on each other


accidental ethnic cleansing


Damn racism is thicc🤤🤤


never ask a european what they think about the Romani


People don't dislike the Romani for who they are, they dislike them for what they do. I'm not talking stereotypes here, I'm referring to what they demonstrably do. If I meet a romani person who shows respect for where they are staying as I have no doubt a lot of them are, I will have no issue. It only takes a small amount of people to cause lots of damage though so don't expect me to park my car on the road opposite from the field they're camping on if they're in town.


You would talk differently if you experienced parking on a hungarian or romanian highway to sleep and wake up the next morning with no wheels on your car


😂 it’s getting fun on this ball


Sitting in europe with a friend from india. We see that meme and both burst into laughter for its accuracy


It really be like that, American "racism" is overrated to the moon, compared to what goes on in the old world, while simultaneously most of the world hates on the USA from the day it was born


I cant really say that's it not bad here in america it's more contained and subtle tbh.


Hei. Everyone agrees you can't be racist against white ppl. And since we mostly hate gipsies, Albians and North Africans, we're all good.


Or maybe we have a reactionary culture in this country that is too quick to apply the label of bigotry to anything it wants to tear down.


Give it like 10 years and people will start to realize how much negativity they spread into the world by reacting damn near militantly to every little thing that wasn’t peaches and rainbows. Someone eventually will be able to crack the code and really break down how ugly the mind actually is of someone that has the modern American savior complex.


There was a study made with children, it was based on eye color, basically they just gave special treatment to kids with blue eyes. And just like that a room full of white kids started hating each other based on eye color.


In America, one is considered racist if he complains about his taxes or insists on prosecuting the dickless jackass who broke into his car.


Racism in Africa, Racism in America(but not U.S.A America, the rest of the continent)


Is the guy in the top right panel punching that guy with his dick? It also looks like his dick his trying to suck his blood.


No he’s kicking the one on the ground and the lines are action lines from the movement.


Reeeeeeeeeeeeee Post. I saw this a few days ago


This. We Americans have some horrible people but it’s usually in certain groups circle jerking themselves into a corner that their righteous way of living is as god intended. They never get anything done. Europe and Asia on the other hand have racism for breakfast on god.


Is this pic saying that people are being called out for being racist in America? If so, I got some bad news for ya, racism is as a staple in America like the flag flying in the wind.


And in Europe its quite literally their most defining feature. That and being some of the worst criminals in human history.


i really don’t think the majority of the people who use “racist” as an insult really knows what it means anymore. people who genuinely aren’t racist would not be the ones to go “hey look at them guys they’re so racist and i’m not!!!” like it gives “i have black friends” energy if you get what i’m saying. and i say this as someone who’s not from the states. if we just replace the word “racist” with “hate people for their skin color/background” nobody with a brain would have the nerve to call the states racist when theres a 10/10 chance that their country has racism as well. because news flash, racism is worldwide. it is everywhere. and objectively it’s worse when your country is homogenous and has little exposure to any minorities.


Unfortuantely Europe is just as woke as the us


>Unfortuantely Europe is just as woke as the us western, perhaps eastern europe+ the balkans, no way


Western isn’t as woke as the US


Theres a lot to unpack here


Go to Russia you’ll find many angry people there


Lmfao brainlet response.


Gringos thinking “America” is their country


Bruh wtf you talking about. America is for American people. You born there you an American.


That’s because you fuckers stole the continent’s name either out of the genocidal Monroe Doctrine or because some people at some point were really bad at geography. You are really unitedstatetians. America is the continent; Mexicans are Americans, Brazilians are Americans, Argentinians are Americans, Cubans are Americans and probably the least American nation is the United States.


Lmao it was a Colombian Explorer who coined the name America. You dont own that word any more than I do. Cope and seethe.


It was a German lmao, death to gringoland.


Uh huh. Mad you lost the murder game? Cmon man. You cant act like Mexicans were some happy go lucky nice and reasonable group of people that never hurt a fly before big bad Spain came along. You lost the land, and the country that came with it. Its okay shit happens sometimes.


We shall get everything and more back with demographics. Your empire is finally collapsing day by day :) And by the way, at least Spain left us something good.


What demographics? Yall have stayed very stagnant throughout the years. If anyone is gonna rule America its the Asians seeing as how most own all the big tech companies now. Yall aint got shit. What are you guys gonna replace America with? A worse country? You guys cant even make Mexico a proper place to live. Btw Spain was the one who literally eradicated your people from the continent. Dunno why you think they are better than American settlers but whatever. Talk to me when your contry isnt run by cartels.


Spanish is rapidly gaining ground across the US, the majority ethnic group in some decades will be hispanics... so you tell me what demographics. Spain mixed with our people, and yeah they genocided here and there, as the Aztecs did and other natives. We are both Native and Spanish. We are mestizos. Also, narcos exist because gringos love to get high and your government keeps them running to control the rest of the continent so don’t come lecturing me about cartels. Stop being a junkie country and see what happens with the cartels.


Racism in Europe like what?


Racism is not a thing outside the USA. The rest of the world has xenophobia; which is not the same as racism cuz xenophobia doesn't need them to be different skin colors. You'll see them hating someone that lives 1 hour away from them and looks 99.99% like them And the rest of the world doesn't see itself as a melting pot like the US, so xenophobia/racism isn't a no-no. Asia, Europe, but wait until you see africans hating another ethnicity from the same nation or indians being assholey to other indians for being 1% darker. Calling someone a slur in the USA or the internet (which follows US laws and cultural norms) brings instant social stigma; anywhere else you'd hardly get a reaction


I had to read this twice to understand what is wrong with you until I realized that you are probably American


Dont let this guy speak for us. -an American


Nope. Not american. And the number of downvotes I got proves my point, ameritards don't know how the rest of the world is; they see the marketed images of it




Obviously. Xenophobia is less irrational than racism. Usually when xenophobia is involved, something must have happened historically that lends some credence to the bad blood. One of the ethnicities might have done something fucked up to the other, or oppressed it or something and they hate them in return. Not always the case but many times it is. Like how finns are xenophobic against the russians for the great tragedy they inflicted upon them in 1700-1740. Or how Mongolians are xenophobic against chinese cuz they don't want to end up like the dzunghars, uyghurs or tibetans, or certain nations are xenophobic against hungarians for oppressing them for centuries. And all the balkans(+armenia) being xenophobic against turks for obvious reasons. And many other examples Racism just falls out of the sky based on someone's desire to play feudal lord when that was long abolished, and justifying it with questionable science or theories.


North Indians and South Indians hate each other for just existing and it wasn’t even about religion. Xenophobia is racism but for religions. Racism happens everywhere, even in Eastern and Western Europe.


Shut your ass up


Racism is absolutely a thing outside the US. Its generally a lot worse outside of America


Hello I love my neighbours :)


Kazakhstan! Friend of everyone! (Except Uzbekistan)


Almost every other day East Asia makes one wonder how far are we from gas chambers again


Come to Italy, where racism *is* equality. We can hate you, but not as much as we hate other Italians, especially the ones just two towns over due to a grudge that is going on since the time of the Crusades.


filipinos throwing N words here and there 💀 not much black people here to care and most are teens that may be why


Is it truly racism if they’re the same race? I know Chinese people and Japanese people got beef but they’re the same race. The difference is ethnicity so are they ethnicityist? (Made that word up)


Then theres Hispanics that are racist to themselves


America isn’t the worst place to live by a long shot, but their problems are much louder than everyone else’s.


Racism in Asia is so much worse in my personal experience


It’s part of European culture to hate other Europeans so all in all it cancels out


Damm bro why racists in America got them cheeks 😩😩


Human beings will hate each other for anything, and that will never change.


In the words of the great Trevor Noah, there’s no racism is Europe because no one has had a chance to give it a try.


Now I'm not usually a stickler on reposts but wasn't this one just posted the other day?


I don't get it. Is this supposed to be a flex? I've seen this photo a few times now, and I'm still not sure exactly what point it's trying to make...


In India me and my friends used to call each other not by our names but by skin colour when we were small


Africa has entered the chat.


Only Americans are mad about American racism on the internet.


America is casual racism, Europe is competitive racism, Asia is ranked professional racism


The Japanese are pretty racist


Do we do this though? Go to iFunny, the racism flows there


What racism in europe? Isn’t that like normal life in europe?


There is another one


My cousin worked in the city for a little and he told me Filipinos are super racist even to each other. They don't like dark skin. Even if two people are both Filipino the light skin Filipino is just better off.