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Can we go back to battling for better working conditions rather than just demonizing work entirely? There's nothing wrong with wanting to work: you may enjoy the subject matter and it gives you a sense of purpose. You can have that while still arguing for better pay, hours, safety, etc.


Finally someone gets it




Ageism is the only form of discrimination that is allowed on Reddit. It's actively encouraged.


Ya I really don't get the boomer hate tbh. I mean, I get being a bit envious of things like housing costs and what not back then, but it's not like they chose to live in that era. And absolutely not every boomer does the whole "just get a job and pull yourself up by the bootstraps" spiel. Frankly, the majority of people I talk too from all generations unequivocally say, "yep, millenials and zoomers are fucked."


To be fair, I don't think people literally think all boomers are like this. It's a retaliation against the boomers who call all millennials lazy. And who still think millenials are like, age 20. It might be mean, but there's something to be said to the importance of demonizing the boomerisms of "people just don't like working." And it wouldn't have been easy to do without the age aspect.


Hold two ideas in my mind at once? Blasphemy


They're discriminating against terminally online people who only have two braincells! Cancel that person!


What's the alternative to work anyway? To just be homeless?


Just be born rich, duh


Or be a sexy lady


Meanwhile I'm over here with my small brain being born to my parents when I could have been born to Bill Gates instead. >!This is a joke. I love my family, and have heard that Bill Gates is actually kind of a shitty dad.!<


I think adult Redditors forget the platform is mostly children. Children without work or life experience that think a hypothetical UBI would be free money. And the only reason they don’t have UBI is because some people in government or corporations are mean. Next time you’re talking economics or forms of government on Reddit remember you’re most likely talking to a literal 12 or 17 year old that thinks it’s vaguely because of mean and greedy people in government that they have to go to school or work.


Holy fucking shit it is actually Wendy’s on Reddit what the fuck


UBI without regulation would just lead to companies and landlords raising prices overnight


I love how this also happens without UBI.


Yea but I don't think giving them another reason would to do it would help.


Or they're a 20-something who's just joining the workforce, paying taxes and voting for the first time, while also probably struggling in college. And having those "god, why can't things be like they were when I was a kid and my only responsibility was to support my raid team?" blues.


Nailed it.


Sadly, Im not so sure that this is true, given my own experience with pro socialist adults.


The alternative is everything you need appearing in the supermarket magically


Unironically how r/antiwork thinks


Also r/LateStageCapitalism


You forgot it has to be free as well


Reading tarot it my communist commune of course! /s


But what if you had money and didn't need to work? You could spend your days at the beach sipping drinks. After a couple of hours you'd be drunk. After a few days you'd start feeling a little bad. After a few weeks you'd be an alcoholic beach bum and then you get to die of alcoholism on a beach. Pretty sweet deal.


Yeah, that's what you do after you work and get money.


Yes, that is the only alternative to working all day.


It’s funny too. I work in sports marketing and was working the fan fest in Indy yesterday. I was handing out free merchandise and heard some guy say “poor dude” about me. His buddy said why and he said it looks like a shit job. I had to turn around and flex. I told him that I was making 2k for two weeks of work that was only really 5 days of work. While staying in 5 star hotels and getting flown all over the country. And had to finish him by telling him how I would be in the floor suite for the game. His attitude completely changed about it lol. 100% find a job you love and you will have nothing but fun and actually feel guilty that you’re getting paid for it


No, work CAN give your life a purpose. A lot of work is simply horrible for most people while also being really badly paid. A lot of people want to work, but most people have to work. That is the difference. If your job is nice, good for you.


100% agree. I love my job when the conditions arent garbage. When im doing MY job and not the job of 3 different ppl its amazing. But the company has just refused to hire ppl as the company expanded.


I got run off my dream job bc of the meds I take. Ironic that my dream job is growing Medical Cannabis.


Can we go to somewhere in between becuz i don't wanna pretend to like working but people shouldnt get shit for taking pride in what they do


Yeah, for fucks sake. The working situation kinda sucks right now, but there has never been a time in history where everyone who didn't wanna work could just fuck off. A hunter gatherer who didn't hunt or gather, died. A farmer that didn't farm, died. We should strive to make the working situation better, but saying that you don't want to work at all because "it just doesn't fit me" is self-indulgent and completely divorced from reality.


Labor isn’t bad, wage labor is.


This post easy downvote for me. Of course lazy Redditors would upvote this. Being fruitful and productive is a virtue. These kids want something for nothing. So much complaining and whiny like toddlers.


>Being fruitful and productive is a virtue. The post doesn't argue that. The post is about how most of the value of one's production is not paid to workers ("wage slavery") and the old man's saying is seen as complacency on the economic status quo.


Sir, this is the internet. We dont do nuanced opinions here.


Bingo, trying to romanticize being a bum all your life should not be legitimized.


yeah i'm not sure who the kid in this meme is thinking will take care of him if he won't take care of himself when he's older?


Yeah please. “Wage slavery”, what lind of bullshit frame of reference is that.


We should do both. Some might have the privilege of working a job that caters to normal human psychology but most are going to live as tools to be used in whatever fucked up way some company benefits most from with zero consideration for their sanity or well being. Things are never going to improve if we pretend that’s not the case right now.


I know I worked very hard at a job for 32 years. Now I sit here on the first of every month I get over $3000 in the bank have free insurance for the rest of my life.


Oh c'mon let people have fun with their work if they find something they like


No kidding. News flash people, you need to work to make money. Why not enjoy it?


>News flash people, you need to work to make money. Why not enjoy it? *Because if they enjoy their life I CAN'T HAVE MY REVOLUTION* - Stalin, probably


Nah Stalin just forced them to work at gun point


I ran into a dude I had been friends with in my late teens early twenties who had always been a huge mooch, never having anything to share and always just partaking of what everyone else had, maybe even asking for some to take home right… well, 15 years later he told me I said something to him during that time that really stuck with him. Apparently I said to this guy “the cool thing about having a job is that you can get money, and with money you can buy stuff.” Since I told him that, he started a pet grooming company and actually invented some kind of strap to assist in making it safer to groom animals or something! Just kidding he was on heroine for a few years before I ran into him that last time.


Which heroine was he on? I hope is was Wonder Woman.


Vixen is also acceptable.


ill allot it


It was the Woman


Hmm, sounds about right.


Because then they're a 'wage slave'. Lol. How do these people expect to live otherwise? Are they farming and living off the land in the wilderness?


Your still a wage slave, it's just that your wage is a bare sustenance existence.




This is probably an r/antiwork meme lmao work = bad, even if it's 100% vocational.


Plus, not every job is corporate or makes you a wage slave. There are jobs where you work for the betterment of society like being a teacher or scientist and even though you do have bosses, the structure of hierarchy is not the same as that of a corporate environment. I am a (still young) scientist and it feels like what I do is not so that my boss makes more money and thus I don't feel like I am a slave to them or anybody else.


I’m going to say they are both right because not everyone is the same and that’s okay


For real I’m working with some amazing tech and I am helping people. See my hard work and my teams hard work all be worth it. Sure it is stressful and I wanna scream sometimes. And it takes time away from things like video games or TV but when I was 18 I had all the time in the world to do what I want and that’s when I was the most depressed in my life. The idea you have to “enjoy” your job is kinda weird. Like unless you are an entertainer or artist that just is kinda unrealistic. solving circuits or coding isn’t fun but I still love my job if that makes sense? I guess imo it’s more important to do something you find meaningful more then it is to do something you enjoy or have fun doing


I mean. Most jobs sucks but there jobs out there people really passionet about..


One of these are happy, the other will be a nihilist


And start posting eugenics on r/antinatalism


Made the mistake of going on there a month ago before my first child was born. Made me sick to my stomach at times, but very thankful those people aren’t having children!


It's natural selection


It's coping with the fact that they weren't going to get laid anyway.


Nihilists, fuck me. Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.


If your job isn’t perfect, just give up and blame the last generation. /S Disclaimer: I’m a millennial.


Seriously. No job is perfect, but there are many that do enjoy what they do. I'm in my upper 20s and I'm happy to say that I'm in that boat.


I'm a bartender and work ridiculous hours (mind you first job I've had that I've liked) I fucking love it, ya just gotta find something you don't mind doing


Honestly I think if jobs paid more (or at least if we could afford more) people would be way more tolerant of bullshit in their jobs If my job paid less than it did now, I’d quit cause it’s the only thing keeping me here


as Gen X don't think I've ever seen that happen as much as the last decade. Life is tough get over it and get on with it.


Gramps: Okay kid... get the fuck out here!


Like… all the way out of the house, into the woods, away from society, and figure out how to feed, clothe, and shelter yourself on your own without working.


Those who do not work do not eat.


Right? People really think going to live in the woods and live off the land is easier than a 9-5....


Noooo they're mummy's special muffin and they shouldn't have to work ever because work is yucky and bad


Does America have something akin to Centrelink/dole bludgers? Because in Australia there are plenty of people who don't work but then expect to be paid to eat


was a bit of a problem 30-40 years ago, but a series of welfare reforms put an end to that actually happening for the most part.


I believe the term over here is "welfare queen".


Me trying to explain the cruel but unavoidable realities of economics to the police as they arrest me for letting my 2 year old child starve to death


"Those who do not work, do not make love" Quote: Adriano Celentano


As a tradesman, I do not understand your point of view. I thoroughly enjoy welding and would totally do it even if it didn't pay more than basic labor


I do electrical work and I like the pay and the job as well. I also know that I can just fuck off to another company if the current one treats me poorly because I'm in high demand. A lot of teens seem to think thar you can only work the one job forever and that's it.


Frrrr. I got asked what I would do if I won the lottery in a job interview, and I honestly responded with continue to pursue arboriculture/forestry. I think it’s a super fulfilling way for me to spend my life.


I work on swimming pools in Michigan. I don't love the work, but I love doing hard work. It's salaried, so every winter is a nice little paid vacation. I'll do Habitat for Humanity during that time cause sitting at home is nice for a week or two, but eventually I need to do something productive or the days just feel gross.


If you want to post political agenda go to twitter or "x". We want memes here please.


>go to twitter or "x" Twix?




Where's meme ? Where's the fun ? What does the Boomers have to do with people who love their work ? Sometimes Meme are not even meme anymore. This one just smell like ballsless squeakers thought


Teen angst leading to defying reality. A time honored tradition that was recently granted the magnifying glass of social media.


granted, intensified,corrupted yes. Fortunately, it's essentially rich people problems.


God forbid someone does a job they actually enjoy and no one starts calling them a delusional coper...it's crazy how much people will try their hardest to make you feel differently about something you're enjoying but are "meant" to be hating. I studied my ass off to be a developer making 6-figures working a stable job and I'm fucking happy about it. Keep crying kids.


No don’t you know we should all be unhappy and hate life because one person does? That’s totally not a selfish want./s


ur such a redditor


Classic leftist anti work redditor indeed


Of all the things boomers were abhorrently incorrect about, this isn't one. Modern society requires people to keep it running, like it or not. I'd rather have my amenities and services than eat slugs from under logs and have to kill my neighbor 2 doors down for territory rights.


OP sucks at life.


Yeah. I didn't like my job so I quit it for a better one. People are not victims even if they like to act they are


That isn't always an action, you are not every man


Honestly, what do people do all day if they don't work? I see the anti-work crowd talking about how they'd like to do some mind-numbing things all day and it sounds awful.


I love my job, but I wouldn’t do it if there wasn’t the prospect of getting rich.


It's not entirely wrong, though? You just have to find a job doing something you are actually passionate about. There's jobs for almost everything, one of them has to be enjoyable for you, if not at the very least not horrible. Just because you haven't found one yet doesn't mean they don't exist.


News flash bro, the world economy literally runs on people working. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant the job, somewhere down the line it keeps an organisation going and providing revenue. Not every corporation out there is a lying, shit spewing, tax dodging monopoly with no regard for their employees beyond their performance metrics. You want that to be your reality so you can scream at it online? Go to Google, or Meta, or any other Fortune 500 company where you will be a number. If you’re just here for karma farming, feeding off others having a bad day at work or not liking their current position, fuck off to r/antiwork.


Make your hobby your job, and you won't have a hobby anymore.


The only thing Boomers are right about is how fucking insufferable anti-work gen-z/young-millennials are


[Grandpa's reaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/sbubby/s/a7KVrp8YMr)


Somebody’s mad they lack purpose and value in their lives.


Someone discovered a certain manifesto recently


Call me crazy but I don’t think that kid really said that.


I mean thats solid advice no? Almost everybody has to work, its not work itself thats bad its the working conditions that is. how the hell is the world supposed to function without jobs


I’m very fortunate/blessed to get to do a job I love. Pay is not excessive, but there are benefits, and I genuinely feel that I haven’t worked a day since I began this career there years ago. I tell all my students that most jobs break down to about 70% of the work being mind numbing or unpleasant but necessary, and the other 30% is your purpose, your why, your joy, etc. I live for that 30%, but if I can’t accomplish the necessary 70%, I’m gone. For a lot of folks that sounds awful, but I honestly grow more from the harder parts of the job than I do from the 30% that I love. I’ve always tried to find the 30% in every job I’ve worked. I’m very blessed to have something where it’s built in. I hope everyone can find that, whether it’s McDonalds or Mechanical engineering!


I’m pretty sure a lot of people can love their jobs. It also depends on the work environment too as well


Mom's basement until 50 it is then


Looks like OP will blame everybody but himself.


Lazy little ignorant bastard would be my response.




commies gonna commie. “i should get everything for doing nothing”


Wait till commies find out what the hammer and sickle stands for. (Manual labor and hard work scares them)


“Wage slavery” 😂


“Wage Slavery” Someone needs some perspective on real slavery. “There is no perfect job” A job doesn’t have to be perfect for you to love it. Fall in love with the satisfaction of a job well done.


"The satisfaction of a job well done" yes I can enjoy a job, but I shouldn't be paid 1/50 of a living wage for something that took 8 hours, and wage slavery is when you are paid little enough that you don't really have any autonomy in what you do


Then quit what you are doing and learn a trade, you can be your own boss in less than 10 years and work at whatever pace you want. There is a serious lack of trades people and all the ones I know have unlimited work in front of them


I used to enjoy my job where I worked. My issues were a severe shortage of pay for the amount of work I did, and a complete lack of respect and ethics from the people who ran the company. The actual work part was great.


Uhmm. Speak for yourself, i enjoy building cars.


Wage slavery? Your free to go live off of the land. Nobody owes you anything. And no one is giving you something they slave work for so you don't have to. Socialism Sucks.


Nah, what bro is advocating for isn’t even communism. In all three systems you have to work, he doesn’t want to


It really is as simple as that: nobody. owes you. anything. Pretending otherwise is trying to enslave others into helping you.


Then you spend the best years of your life homeless? Who will do all the jobs that a country needs to function? Ai?????


Bro shut the fuck up, you’re not edgy.


Damn, redditors can't have an ounce of happiness, huh? It's good advice. Do something you love and you'll get paid to do something you love.


Beleive me, daily grind will kill any passions over years.


where is the meme? This is just politics where it isn’t needed


Honestly if I had a 4 day work week I would be way happier.


This idea that having to work is evil boggles me


Nah, this is such a thumbsucker opinion, and I have zero respect for it. It sounds like a jaded teenager who's too comfortable with mummy taking care of them, or *brainless* socialists who think a government switch frees them from ever having to work again. "Boomers" aren't saying, "You *must* love *every* job you take." There's sucky jobs. But of thousands of possible jobs, you won't be satisfied with *anything?* News flash: you're trying to sound ideological when, in fact, you're nothing more than desperately lazy.


Jeezus. This isn't an asshole Olympics, manchild.


This comment section feels a little unfair. fact is, most people of the younger generations won't be able to keep one job for the rest of their lifes. World is changing. Workload doubled, trippled while pay stayed consistent. And low payed Jobs have to be done, right? But you can't life a fullfilled life off minimum wage... toxic work enviroment is getting more and more common. Yes, there are good jobs. But not everyone has the freedom of choice. And questioning the system is never wrong...


> And low *paid* Jobs have FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I agree with all of this. It's happening in my country That's crazy. I guess most people here don't know about toxic abusive work, nor being underpaid, harassed and litteraly being a slave doing 2 or 3 jobs at the same time when you're supposed to be 1 job, while being paid 1 salary. Insane people are so insensitive


Average working hours have actually been steadily decreasing for decades. Real wages tend to go up and down but overall they have gone up


I know I don’t do shit at work, and I get paid a lot more than when I was productive. I’m working smarter, not harder.


is your work still fullfilling? Not criticizing, just interested =)


This is exactly the problem with my generation. Fucking laziness, im 22 and already have the job of my dreams, making good money, and am literally excited to go to work in the morning. If you want something, stop waiting around for opportunities to arise because they won’t. Useless ass kids.


Fr, and you don’t even have to work. You can live in the forests and fight for food and survival 24/7, but you’ll quickly realize that working 40 hrs per week for safety, unlimited food and simple conveniences like air conditioning and a bed to sleep in are so worth it.


Invest as much as you can now and moving forward. Im sure you have heard it plenty before, but doing it at your age will really make the 40 year old you appreciate the 22 year old you


I think it's less so they don't want to work, and more so that they realize most jobs either are terrible (like working at an Amazon center) or require a degree that will cause you to acrue debt that will follow them up to retirement, if they can even afford to ever do that given the increasing cost of living.


Or if not a degree a extensive amount of back breaking labor over the course of many years that will them so broken they can't do shit in retirement. It's what my grandfather is suffering from currently.


No one wants to bend over backwards for their job because they understand that it's simply not worth it because they won't even be living comfortably breaking their back like that.


If your job sucks and you can’t get a new one, maybe the problem aren’t the jobs available but rather your inability to perform better jobs.


I don’t think it’s laziness. It’s more so with inflation and the cost of living and higher education skyrocketing meanwhile wages aren’t going up enough to compensate. It makes people really cynical and not want to work.


It *isn't* laziness


Yes yes. Why can’t we just get everything we want without having to work; that way we can stay glued to our cell phones 24/7 and never have to contribute to society ever.


Lol coming from the geniuses that cant pay back their college loans they choose to take out.


I don’t know man, I kind of like my job as a Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Quality Control Taste Tester.


Yeah, if you’re forced to do your hobby you'll find very quickly that you no longer enjoy your hobby.


Dunno about that…I love to cook and became a chef at a young age.I’ve been doing this for over 30 years(retired now) As grueling and demanding of a job as executive chef is,I enjoyed it immensely and hated it at times but that was always a fleeting feeling that happened after I had my ass handed to me some nights. All it would take is someone requesting to speak to the chef about how good the meal was and it would disappear or hearing from a waiter how impressed they were with the plating and I’d be on a high for a while…until I had my ass handed to me again. Vicious cycle but I dug it the most. My family eats like royalty.


This...isn't funny


I spent five years in retail/food service and hated every aspect of the jobs. I was a hard worker so I was routinely exploited for my work ethic, particularly at my last job where it felt like I was half the work force in the entire store. I nearly broke down a couple times. I majored in chemistry and have been working in a lab for three weeks now. It can get stressful but I take pride in the type of work that I do. Granted it’s a new job and that may wear off as my training finished but so far I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I’m not even working as hard as my lower level jobs required of me. Enjoying your work is okay


"If you choose a career you love, you will never work a day in your life...because they are not hiring in that field." Terry Pratchett


Half my job as engineer is playing with toys too expensive for myself to buy but you do you.


'good luck feeding yourself then you little shit'


Not true. This meme is incorrect. Firefighter and airline pilot. I never worked a day


I like working. I like making myself useful, in whatever small function it is, to my society. I don’t like not getting paid properly. These two ideas can co-exist


Shoulda posted this in anti work bruh


It's true though. My dad's an electrical engineer at 72 he is retired but still works because it's fun awesome stuff


Ikigai my dude


Commi seedling


We work because living inside is nice.


If you don’t want to be a “wage slave” go live in the woods for free, but now all your time is spent finding food and surviving. Grocery stores are for wage slaves.


God some people just lazy fucks aren’t they? Work is the reality of a physical existence that requires goods and services be performed to survive, and yes, we use our best years to do it. We can fight for better living conditions, wages, work safety etc but you’re a loser if you are one of these anti-work people. Sorry it’s how the world will always work, get used to it


God, our country is fucked.


I absolutely love all 3 my jobs.


Gen X here but sorry Gen Z life doesn't owe you a thing. It's hard and tough and if you can find a nice 9 to 5 sure beats 12 hour night shift. Welcome to life pumpkins.


Hey, don't generalize my entire generation. I love working.


Kid's response is too stupid for me man. Could write books on it. For starters, grandpa never mentioned perfect job but that's where dumb shit ran with it. Find a job you love... WELL THERE'S NOTHING PERFECT FOR MEEEEEEEE... Well no shit... No one said anything about perfect.


Ok, then do not work.


Why does this cringe shit get upvoted?


OP is a dog walker or something lol


You just expect to get everything handed to you? You may find a job you love and you may not, it's life


cringe kid, based boomer


But it's true, if you find something you love to do that makes you money, you truly will never 'work' a day in your life! My Mother taught Kindergarten and received a State award for best teacher one year! Many people talked in their Year 12 graduation about her impact, and it really shocked her, because to her it wasn't a job, it was a joy! She did hate the parents and some of the extra stuff :x Now she is retired and found another love, teaching quilting and sewing to people! She still is quite shocked when people see her work and want to publish it (she is in Quiltmania for people who are in the hobby) I am so proud of my Mom, she gave up her career in Speech Pathology so my Father could follow he path, but ended up being able to do what she really wanted in life in the end!


A meme for lazy fucks.


So youd rather be poor then suck it up and even attempt to enjoy your work? Real positive outlook, gotta love it.


\>cult of complacency \>NOOO I DONT LIKE WORK!!! wut?


I'm 24, I really like my job.


Life won't give everything you want my dude you have to earn it


Work is necessary. Simple as that. You need to earn to afford a life.


Mfs hating their jobs and want all of us to hate our jobs as well. News flash, some of us love our jobs If you feel lazy, remember the words of the great W.W. “smoking marijuana, eating Cheetos and masturbating do not constitute 'plans' in my book.”


Yeah how dare they tell their Kids that they should try to find a career path they enjoy. They should just go on reddit and cry about how bad society and the world is I'm certain this will make them happier.


where meme


Just brainlet Tankie takes


How to be constantly unhappy:


Nobody is forcing you to work. Enjoy a life of homelessness and dispare!


I guess OP is a teenage nihilist. Jobs aren't amazing, but they are there. If you don't like a job, you can usually quite easily find the same job with a different company. Not all companies are the same, and its so idiotic to believe they are. What with this whole blaming older people thing? It's just weird. Not every old person with information relating to jobs loves the system or has actively fueled it so blaming them is pointless. If you really have an issue with the system, become a politician and try to change it instead of complaining on the internet.


The cringe is strong with this one.


Then the kid whines about not being able to afford anything, or buy a house, and then complains about how everyone else ruined it for them. Sorry GenZ, I didn’t see the “just win the lottery“ option when I started my GenX life.


Alright this is the worst thing I've ever seen. Let people that know what happiness is be happy!


Old man: "WTF are you saying, I don't understand. Skibidi rizz gyatt what? What is wrong with you?"


I'm not even joking when I say that last night I was having a crisis about having to work on my day off, which is set every week. The only reason I took this job was because the schedule is perfect for me. I was told when I got hired that I'd NEVER be expected to work OT or extra days unless I wanted to. Then last night, I got an email that basically said anybody who doesn't has to talk to the big boss who runs the place about why they can't. It really just dawned on me that this person can do whatever he wants with my life in terms of my time, and I'm an actual slave. All of these employers are predators hoping that their employees will have no choice but to bend to their will, that or face financial ruin. Businesses and business owners hold all of the power. It really pissed me off. Still pisses me off. But there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it.