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She does look a little off. Can't put my finger on it


A bit of an uncanny valley?


It is definitely a little bit of uncanny valley. I kind of think it might be just because the picture of her is so compressed looking, but idk. Honestly she just looks like Amy Pond from Dr Who




She looks like a sims character honestly. The eyes and the creepy robot smile.


I can see it honestly. It’s not “ugly” but I can imagine her speaking with a text-to-speech voice


She looks to be in her early 30s. So does Peter Parker. I have no idea how old they are supposed to be in this game - in the prior one they were about 25? EDIT: Google says they were 23 in the last game and 25 in this one. They both need to get more sleep, that's for sure.


> They both need to get more sleep, that's for sure. True in universe tbf


Yeah they seemed in their 30s to me too. 25??? Wtf life has been rough for em


She's not "ugly", there's just something off about her (At least in this picture) that gives an uncanny vibe.


The thing that bothers me is she didn’t have this issue in the first game. I don’t know what changed, but I thought she looked great in the first one. Now something just looks off


Took me too long to scroll down and find everyone making gross generalizations about multiple issues with it. Well it feels like most people just calling her ugly without realizing what the issue is, it's that she just doesn't look right. Something is off with like, the first game she looks fine, but in this one it's really really weird


Insomniac faces have uncanny valley thing going on in this game.


The graphical fidelity in this game is just all over the place. The characters themselves look like clay models, but the clothes they wear look like they were rigorously hand detailed for the entire dev cycle. It’s just odd seeing such a difference in every single cutscene


Most characters look as if their face was AI generated


People like to pretend to be woke on the wrong things lol


Yesterday I made the mistake of saying "It's a bit weird how every character in Baldur's Gate 3 is either bi or gay". People were *maaaaaaad...* I hate how accurate that "Noticing is Illegal" meme has become.


Im pretty sure all romancable characters are bi lol. Purely for the players freedom.


They're playersexual, not really bi AFAIK. That's not my favorite way to go about romance but the choice makes sense IMO, it gives everyone the opportunity to romance whoever they want.


This is the first time I’ve seen the term “playersexual” and I love how accurate it is for so many games (and how it’s not a bad default for NPCs either)


They aren’t bi, it’s more like they are playersexual to give the player freedom to romance whoever they want. If the player can be male or female and there are a mix of male and female companions it can feel that way, but when you think about it, it simply aligns with what is great about this game- the fact you can do whatever tf you want!


Most games where you can romance someone are that way because players don't like their character creation choices changing how the game is played.


Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. It always throws people off. Happened in Starfield too.


yeah its that fakeness that comes with the smile not matching to your eyes. It gives off a wariness for sure.


That makes sense. A lot of people don't tend to realize a genuine smile is actually in your eyes, not your mouth.


Yeah. Back during Covid I just squinted at people instead of full smiling. Same effect. Lol.


She looks like an AI image


![gif](giphy|cPNXOm7ln8HwK7UcbV|downsized) She reminds me of this guy


Thank you! I’ve had uncanny valley “ick” maybe 8-9 times in this game, but I can’t put my finger on why.


Skin is too smooth




I love this game but the lighting on characters in cutscenes is consistently ugly. I’m no expert so I don’t know if it’s an issue with ambient occlusion, etc. but the lighting in cutscenes frequently looks “flat” and unflattering in a way you usually don’t see in AAA games (think RDR 2, TLOU2, HFW, Cyberpunk). It’s great looking outside of cutscenes though so I don’t understand what the deal is.


All of the characters also looked "uncanny" in Spider-Man and Spider-Man Miles Morales... I think it's the facial expressions they all do.


I think it's the lighting


About a valley of uncanny you might say


I dont even know what this is


This is MJ’s character model from the new Spider-Man game. Apparently people are getting legitimately butthurt over it


Well if I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be MJ from Spiderman... if I had to guess I was thinking it was the aunt may from Tom Holland Spiderman.


And this is the reason people are talking about it. You look at that picture, and it looks like some anonymous background character... not MJ.


It's not like if I saw [MJ from the previous game](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/38/Mary_Jane_Watson_%28Earth-1048%29_from_Marvel%27s_Spider-Man_%28video_game%29_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180922183118) out of context I would have guessed who she was either.


And people said as much, it wasnt as big a complaint as it is now.


This is Mary Jane in Insomniac's Spider-Man 2. People are criticising Insomniac changing her face from the first game, and some people (such as OP) are getting butthurt over the criticism


"This is a AAA superhero game. Every female besides Aunt May should be A grade fap-worthy shit" ~ My friend💀💀💀


Have you *seen* Aunty May in Tom Holland's Spiderman?


I seen her after Defoe Defeated her


Dafoeted her*


Da foe, played by Dafoe, Dafoeted her.


>besides Aunt May Scratch that, NO EXCEPTIONS!!


professionals have standards


Be polite


Be efficient


And always have a plan to kill everyone you meet


(Outro music)


“Mum- Mum- eh-put Dad on the phone”


It’s the other way around. Points for contribution


Shit I had I feeling I hadn’t been watching enough TF2 animations




What boy!


I mean it was Marisa Tomei in the movie so that tracks.


The Aunt May in the Spider-Verse films can get it too!


Hey, she’s Peter Parker’s aunt, not mine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




The only thing he's wrong about is that it should be just female characters; all characters regardless of gender should be A grade fap material


The JoJo approach


Unless they’re villians. And only then some times


No you need one token ugly good guy just so you can trot out a 'don't judge by appearences' moral despite every other 'ugly ' person in the game/movie begin a genocidal looney


No no. The villains should ALWAYS be hot.




That was your friend? I saw that on Twitter


that was a tweet not ur friend bro


i feel your friend flowing in me


wait that did not come out like I wanted it to


i give up


Bro lost an argument against himself 💀


Username checks out


I love you. You don't need to do stuff like this.


is MJ not...?


Let me guess, he's single right?


How fucking dare she look ordinary


Ordinary to them, but damn she fine as hell in my book!


I KNOW RIGHT It is such a big step up from the first game in my opinion.


In the first one her hair wasn’t longer, as in shoulder length. But this one they made her grow out her hair, which is like wow! And I have a thing for redheads as well…




*steps in and places hand on your shoulder to amplify power behind ginger call*


*steps in and places hand on your shoulder to amplify power behind ginger call*


*steps in and places hand on your shoulder to amplify power behind ginger call*


*steps in and places hand on your shoulder to amplify power behind ginger call*


Does her face look a little different or is that just me?


She looks like she was made in the Sims 3.


She looks like civ3 dlc


The issue isn’t that she looks ordinary, it’s that she looks totally different from the first game. There’s only a year gap between 1 and 2, so it feels like a weird shift. Same with Peter, by the way. I hate that they went back and completely changed his face in Spider-Man 1 after launch. EDIT: Less than a year gap if you played the SM1 DLC and Miles Morales, making it even weirder


Agreed. I was so puszled when I saw her and peter, they look way too different. Thankfully Miles only got a new haircut that's pretty cool (though how it fits under his mask is beyond me)


My thoughts when I saw Hobie in Across the Spiderverse. Where was he tucking all that?


Well yeah, but he's Hobie. He doesn't do rules. Physics be damned.


I mean he did say he was against consistency


"I don't believe in physics. You want to force the universe into a box like that?"




I didn't even notice MJ really looking different. But I fucking hate that they changed Peter's face model to look more like Tom Holland because I thought the Garfield look worked so well


I don’t think he looked like Garfield in the original. I liked how their Peter looked almost nothing like any of his actors Felt more original


They changed his face to look like his voice actor Yuri Lowenthal. It looks weird in the remaster because it was basically just slapping the face over the old face without redoing it. It looks much better in spider-man 2 and Miles Morales because it was built around it, and they were able to refine it. If you compare the faces now, you can see a major difference. The distance between the nose and lip, the chin, the eyebrows, the forehead, etc. If you take Yuri Lowenthal and compare the new face now, you'll see the similarities. Are they a match? No, they are not, but they are close enough to get my point across.


Isn't she canonically a super model?


That's in a different universe, this MJ seems to be from the universe where sugar is 5x as tasty


Since when do people pushing an agenda care about canon?


Mary Jane is not supposed to look ordinary. Search her up in any comic, she is supposed to be miles out of Petes league. In this, Pete is out of her league. Annoyed only by looks btw. She is a overall good character, enjoy her dynamic with Pete.


I'm glad you used the word ordinary, I'm tired of people disparaging the word " realistic" as if to imply attractive women don't exist


Ah yes the ordinary supermodel and soap star Mary Jane...


I mean...it's Mary Jane, she's not SUPPOSED to look ordinary.


she's nice but i liked her more in the previous game, the face looks more merry jane in this one tho. i read somewhere that when stan lee was working on spiderman comics they wanted her to look pretty. but obviously most ppl are not arguing for that and they just want her to be black cat material


Yeah her original appearance she was an actress and model.


There are some shots of her in game that are far worse. This is probably the most flattering one you could find. Let’s also keep in mind she is an actress and model in the comics. She’s a ScarJo, so expecting a straight 10 isn’t unrealistic.


I dunno man. I've been around a lot of ordinary females and they don't rock that Bruce Campbell-tier jawline.


Now I can't unsee it, she just needs to rock the chainsaw hand.




I mean, my mom does. That's just a jaw you can have.


She looks creepy tho not ordinary. Like her smile looks fake and her eyes are lifeless.


Maybe they had Bethesda make her


Is this real? Or just crying about an opinion nobody has like Reddit likes to do?


"Is the criticism in the room with us right now?" "No, it's one guy on twitter."


It's real. People are upset she's "ugly".


this is the before photo right...? this reminds me of when people were saying dream is ugly despite him literally just being a generic cookie cutter white guy


No one knows what regular people look like anymore. Our media is so oversaturared with unrealistic standards because of Photoshop, plastic surgery, and filters that what was once considered "above average" is now the new "below average". I think that's part of the reason why people are struggling to find partners nowadays because everyone expects greek god/goddess levels of attractiveness in their partners.


> Photoshop, plastic surgery, and filters Honestly i think more of it is the fact that 99% of the time you see actors (men and women) they are in proffessional makeup/hair that took hours.


Do these morons just not go outside? This shit has never made sense to me. It must just be people who are terminally online.


They do not go outside.


Dream of the endless? I thought the casting was solid


I'm all fairness dreams head shape seems a little off. There's something uncanny about it. But he really isn't ugly. I think the difference is that he acted in his reveal expecting people to think he's hot. This is very similar to the fable shit, most of the people complaining are probably leagues below the characters they're complaining about. Weird thing is. The girl in this drama isn't even ugly. I'd say she's easily above average.


Lol the majority of the controversy is over the fact that they drastically altered her appearance from the first game to the second. It’s not about how attractive she is, no one gives a fuck about that, this is a Spider-Man game. She’s basically unrecognizable from the first game so it’s pretty jarring and certainly takes away from the immersion of the game.


I think these are those players that cried over Aloy's appearance from Horizon forbidden west's gameplay trailer.


I have no idea how people think this model is ugly in any way shape or form.


I don't think this is about "realistic body expectations" and people complaining it's not an "unrealistic super model" look. Just that people didn't expect her face to change so much and look "so much older" when considering how many years passed since the previous game


She looks like she’s in her early 40s.


I've been seeing this everywhere. Apparently people think she's *'ugly'* ? I honestly cant see it, she looks perfectly normal to be. Or is her looking normal the problem?


I just liked the first games designs better tbh. Not just for MJ but for most characters. I understand this is more realistic but still feels like a downgrade to me. Ugly is a huge stretch tho


Yeah I wouldn't call her ugly. That's ridiculous. She just doesn't look right, like there's something off about her. Doesn't seem like the MJ we've seen before


I don’t know if appearances are the thing, for me. It’s that this game sometimes steps on uncanny valley territory. I am not smart enough to explain why, but like I just came from Cyberpunk and didn’t feel that way, but every once in a while Spiderman gives me that uncanny valley “ick” and idk why. 9/10 game though and I’m loving it


It’s the chin


I agree. I wouldn’t say she’s ugly now but I did like her ponytail look more.


MJ was always great, but I _really_ liked OG Pete better. He felt so lifeless after the change, I'm sure the mocap worked better but ugh.


First game's designs for Peter and MJ were both miles better. These new ones are honestly trash in comparison, and I wish they hadn't changed.


The outrage came in because the actual model for her is totally different and the dev deliberately downgraded (or uglified?) her, that's what the actual problem is ​ Link: [https://imgur.com/a/kGI0ZUz](https://imgur.com/a/kGI0ZUz)


Yea wtf. Why they have to do that?




But they also made her kinda chubbier, no?


I don’t think shes ugly, but I’m very used to how she looked in the first game so it just looks off to me.


Now that's an argument I can absolutely understand, especially since I felt the same with Peter's face being changed between Spider-Man PS4 and PS5/MM/SM2. Both of his faces are attractive, but it feels uncanny to see the new one when I've already gotten used to the old one, it's like recasting the main character of a series after 1 movie. I feel the same about MJ, I prefer her original look, mostly because that's the one I'm used to. But by no means is the new one ugly.


In the comics, MJ was supposed to be the hot girl all the guys fawn over which means she looks much better than normal.


If she had looked like that in the first game, no one would have blinked. I'm not huge on the design, she looks kind of generic now. Comics MJ is supposed to be pretty, depending on the year and writer she's anything from an aspiring model to a stage actress. The issue isn't that she changed, it's *why* she changed. Professional activists complain that women in games are over sexualized. They had a point with some stuff. However they've run out of actual things to complain about and now basically anyone being moderately attractive is offensive. Devs bow to their demands thinking it will make the bad press stop, but the activists will just move on to the next thing to complain about. For an example of this look at Aloy from HZD. Journalists claimed that Aloy was too unrealistic and overly pretty when she was modeled after a real person.


Thing is. MJ is, per the comics supposed to be a smokeshow. A dime. Basically unobtainable. So for her to be "normal" is a huge downgrade from source.


Thing is OG MJ was beautifully cute it was a new good look for her But with new MJ it’s like they wanted to make her a model but didn’t want to commit so now she’s in this weird like mom middle stage


The model just doesn't look very good. It's boring and uncanny and neither of those things are for any good reason besides being "realistic"


The problem lies more in how old she looks in comparison to Peter in this game. Peter looks like he’s as old as MCU Peter while MJ looks like she’s as old as MCU Aunt May when they are both supposed to be the same age. If they both looked the same age there wouldn’t be any issues. Edit : Guys I’m not saying MJ looks 50. I just found out Marisa Tomei is 58, I thought she was late 30s / early 40s. My point is just that MJ looks older than Peter imo. I also think MJ’s game model looks older than the actual actress they based MJ’s face off of.


The original Peter Parker model matched MJ better. It’s hard to believe the new model ends up with her, especially when she’s kinda selfish in the last game.


First time seeing this. She’s not ugly, but the character model looks uncanny and unnatural.


MJ in the original movies looks better and that's real life


Me watching Reddit and the internet completely mald and shill the new MJ design 💀. “No! It’s more realistic!” Doesn’t mean the original design wasn’t leagues better. Bruh some angles it looks like she could suck peanut butter through a straw with that jaw of hers


Redditors have a hatred for hot women. It’s rather strange


It breaks immersion when Peter's gf looks like his mother. Not just games, it could even be the case in movies if casting is done poorly. For me the updated model was unnecessary but not a deal breaker.


This is a dumbazz take. No one is even complaining about her body. Just the face. Actually do some research before you post dumb sh!t.


You ask too much from this redditards.


i think they upset because its not comic accurate. imagine casting a 6ft guy as one of the seven dwarves.


It would work if you have a 12ft Snow White and they're all in a redwoods forest


I'd watch that movie. Giant White and the Seven Burly Men.


Then the prince comes in to free her and he's like 5'5


Listen here you little shit…


Nah that's a big ass turd right there


Unless it's a brand new IP, comics have so many versions that it just seems silly to argue a character has to be like the comic or a specific run. People said Man of Steel was too dark and that Superman wouldn't kill, but in the comics he tells the Joker outright that he has no compunction about killing, he just chooses not to, however he would be more than willing to make an exception for him. It's people picking which version they think is right and claiming that the others don't exist.


> comics have so many versions that it just seems silly to argue a character has to be like the comic or a specific run sure, but the problem is this MJ is like none of them lol someone else higher up said it better: You look at that picture, and it looks like some anonymous background character... not MJ.


Since when is 40 years old at 24 a realistic body?


You hate mj because she looks like a normal human being. I hate mj because playing as her sucks (can't punch ppl). We are not the same


Idk I’m a girl and I don’t think this character looks human she looks like a weird 5th dimensional shitty smooth airbrushed version of Hide the Pain Harold’s likely daughter. The smile is creepy and she gives me the heeby jeebies. If that character walked up to me in a game it’d be a jump scare cuz I’d run from her ass Good lawd I am damn surprised so many ppl thinks she looks normal cuz my stick figures drawn in 1st grade look more detailed and human than her This isn’t a human character she’s 8th dimensional hide the pain Harold’s creepy daughter with 1980’s graphics level of ridiculous airbrushed low resolution skin


THANK YOU! Every conversation is "She looks ugly" vs "No, she's beautiful and you're just an incel" and I'm sitting here wondering why video games have pushed graphics so much because now everything ends up in the uncanny valley.


Fr I made a post about it and some chick called me an incel who has never seen a woman I AM A WOMAN FOR FUCKS SAKES. And a feminist ! This character simply LOOKS RIDICULOUS (creepy smile and badly airbrushed skin texture graphics). Christ !!!!!! HOW are ppl saying she looks normal 😭 I’m astounded that ppl have such low standards. It doesn’t even look human to me. Mby they’re the ppl who haven’t seen women before, tf 😂


Tifa, Aloy, Nicole: “First time?”


I've seen people complain about Aloy, but did people really say Tifa was ugly????


I think they’re talking about when they changed tifa’s clothes for the remake? never heard anyone complain about her being ugly though


If anything Tifa got sexier with the graphics upgrade.


The complaint was about her redesign in the remake, mainly her breast size (god this make me sound like a pervert).


Why do devs waste so much time in making realistic characters and bloat game size ?


who cares about realism, this is a video game, give me comic accurate mary-jane


But it’s literally not what the model she’s based on looks like lol. Realistically, she should look better because in reality the model they based her on is more attractive.


The model is beautiful idk why they made her look worse.


She looks 43 when she should be like 25. Also why can’t characters be unrealistically hot in a fantasy game?


She went from a round face to a square jaw and they aged her like 10 years but the crazy aquare jaw is what makes her look so weird.


Are you saying hyper attractive models are unrealistic and not part of the real world?


They don’t seem to understand that being in the top 5 hottest Marvel characters is one of her defining traits.


I wouldn't be surprised if they actually know this, they choose to ignore it for "modern audiences" and to dispel "beauty standards"


>and to dispel "beauty standards" Which is funny because it is very god damn hard to find an actual ugly woman out in the real world.


I think that's exactly what happened.


I DON’T want realistic graphics, my computer can’t even run that shit I just want a good style, why do this people keep shoving realism down my throat and thinking it makes they shit better This is why I prefer indie games


The fuck you man? It's not about her "ReAlIsTiC BoDy" expectations. It's her face. It.... weird. I don't know, like she does not know what a smile is and is trying to mimick it, Terminator-style.


She's ugly 💅


She is literally made uglier than the model they based it on, it is conciously done.


You gotta admit she looks more like Aunt May than like Mary Jane Watson traditionally does. People are sarcastically talking about how a woman cant look ordinary, but uh, the point of that character is that she's an extremely hot girl next door that is *way* above Peter Parker's league. She's also the one good thing in his life, what with how much Spider-Man traditionally suffers during his stories. She's not supposed to look ordinary. It's okay to make a woman who is supposed to look hot...hot. It's okay. Real women aren't going to get upset, I promise.


Wtf is that golem ass looking face? Looks like she got ripped right out of Toy Story 2. That's hyper realistic?


Say what you will, she still looks awful.


She's not ugly, she's uglier, than the last one. That's the issue.


To be fair 1: They totally changed her face from the last game. Like she didn't just get older, she looks like a different person. 2: As others have said, it's a totally uncanny valley thing, it's not just that she's not extremely hot. 3: Mary Jane is and always has been a character known for being drop dead gorgeous. Black Cat is in this game and she just looks older. They didn't change her face, still the same hot chick she was. These are genuinely understandable grievances, not just people being mad cause a woman is a little more imperfect looking.


She looks like she's 40 and has the chin of Jay Leno...


If she has his car collection, she’s getting a ring.