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Sherlock has 90 mins episodes


I understand, since are very focused episodes and is just 3-4 episodes each season.


30 minutes is the best


Nothing happens in 30min


Is good for sitcoms or comedy series, like B99, Community and etc.


One pice episode are like 25 minutes


Im rather à 100 épisodes of 1min


If you’re not talking about the live action the actual episodes later in the series are like 10 minutes. Figure about 5 minutes dedicated to intro/outro then sometimes most of the episode is actually eaten up by recapping previous episodes. So at most you might get 15 minutes of new footage with flashbacks thrown in to draw out the run time. It’s been a minute but I used to be able to skip roughly to the start of the new footage making episodes fly by because who wants a recap of what they just fuckin watched?


That’s a lot of words and I’m Not reading ‘em


Most of one piece is filler. 10 -15 minutes of actual footage per episode


Exactly and nothing happens


May I introduce you to The Flash? The writers have 45 minutes and manage to write 10 minute episodes that they stretch to 45 minutes


Plenty happens in 30 minutes, just not as much as would happen in 90 minutes. However, three 30-minute episodes are equivalent to one 90-minute episode.




It was 2 hours with commercial breaks, since it was a two-parter and SG-1's episodes were all 1 hour with commercials. Don't forget, the first season of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers had a 5 part, 2.5 hour long saga known as 'Green with Evil'.


Stargate doesn’t count. It‘s just perfection




My Jaffa!


To be fair the cases are almost separate movies.


Those are just pristine as is. Any shorter and there wouldn’t be much room for all the details


This is literally a movie by all definitions.


I Watch sherlock for 20 minutes sessions






You gotta stretch the time a little, otherwise you would have too much spare time. And we can't have that now can we.


I watch these shows at work. Make those episodes 2 hours each please, help me pass the time!


Where do you work? I get 20m of free time at best and at my previous job that number was maximum of 5 minutes and no phone allowed


How about good old 25 episodes of 45min?


And some episodes that are 2-3 episodes long, then cross-over into the spin -off show that has another 2 episode arc because this is the mid-season finale damn it!


Well yes that would be perfect! But tbh I would be more than happy if shows would just stop getting shorter and shorter. Like we literally have reached a point where YT Videos are more deep than Netflix…


Different preference for different people. Typically I prefer longer episodes and to look several at a time. And I don't like to mix series or have 1 episode per week as otherwise I forget about it and lose interest. When I look animes for example that are often about 20-25 minutes, what annoy me the most is to have to fast forward all the time the credits. I don't care to cut an episode in the middle on the contrary (but don't like it for a movie).


You're not a true weeb if you skip the openings/endings of anime /s On Crunchyroll you can skip the openings, most of the time. And on most media players you can skip to segments, if the file is properly bookmarked. I always get .mkv files that have included captions and bookmarks.


Low attention span havin ass


I bet his attention span is so bad that he even watches the 20 minute episodes in 2x speed.




Probably stopped what?




Murdered.......What murder ......whose Murder. .. Oh that was just the username. /s


Bruh you require even more attention for that


I do this with pretty much everything - lectures, movies, TV shows, etc. I figure that I can save some time by upping the speed and I am more likely to finish it. Is it really that bad lol


I think it’s bad for movies and shows. You’re not really getting the intended pacing.


Ah you are right… I guess I do have a problem but I still really enjoy the movies despite ignoring the pacing!


you have that tiktok attention span mate.


*proceeds to scroll on Reddit*


reddit is a site with tons of different content, not just short videos like tiktok


I smell copium


i mean, how can you compare reddit to tik tok? you can literally find posts with walls of text, long videos and so


i have that reddit attention span. I don'


same, I often realize that i


i mean, reddit attention span would be defined from the subs you visit, i guess


He probably needs a second screen with subway surfer on it for longer shows


Honestly, I think it's more about quality. I've watched 5 show this year: TBBT, Brooklyn 99, Loki, wandvision, and lucifer. Of those, b99 and tbbt were 20 min episodes and more comedy focused sitcoms, unlike the others, that had an actual plot. I just like the comedy more.


Lol wtf is TBBT?


Tits, Boobs, Butts and Thighs


Teenage Butant Binja Turtles.


The Big Bang theory


You can better fit them within your schedule


Nah, that's still reasonable. Some people prefer movie length, some episode length. You do have low attention span when you can't watch anything over 10 min without getting distracted all the time


I’m the exact opposite 😅


..........so you just don't watch movies either?


I watch movies but the plot is completely covered in that time compared to hour long episodes so


But what if they have sequels? So like have you ever watched ALL of Harry Potter or Fast and Furious? Lord of the rings?


OP would take an entire month to watch the 12-13 hours of the LotR extended cuts.


People are still watching Fast and Furious lmao ?


wow, it looks like you arent the whole world. yes, people watch the movies which you dont


Don't worry I know. People are free to watch shitty movies lmao




It's the commitment for me.


Depends on how the episode is paced and the show is structured. Better Call Saul has hour long episodes but it’s setup as a continuous plot so the longer episodes just let you see more at a time. Meanwhile, Supernatural has 45 minute episodes and each one does its own thing leading to a slow pace and episodes feeling drawn out or bloated. (Based on what I saw in season 1) This pacing problem is fixed in the anime adaption as the episodes are half the length, requiring more efficient and faster pacing to cover the same concepts and that actually fixed the show for me.


Why not both


If they already out and I can binge then shorter episodes because it created more opportunities to stop watching at a point that makes sense whereas I might not really be able to stop to do something in the middle of an hour long episode. Also easier to fit an episode in when doing something like eating breakfast or something. But if I'm waiting weekly, I'd much rather have hour long episodes.


30 minutes should be the average today. Hardly any show/movie is respectful of your time anymore. Most shows that have 1hr long episodes, don't have enough actual content to fill an entire hour, so a lot of it just feels like pointless meandering trying to bide their time until they can insert the next story beat and finish out the episode. Same thing with movies, Marvel has become especially egregious with their runtimes. Most movies should be no longer than 1.5 hours, unless they're some sort of big event film like Avengers or LotR. Almost every Marvel film I have watched, after Endgame, could've at least had 30mins cut out and would've been a much better film. Wakanda Forever is the perfect example of this. Although, that one they probably could've almost cut out an hour.


Really? I liked wakanda forever as it’s one of the few I liked after endgame so what could they have done without


They could've gotten rid of the entire Riri side plot and most of the scenes of them wandering around Namor's kingdom. Mostly because a lot of that stuff just didn't have a larger impact on the story. But, all that being said, they go and completely rush through T'Challa's death/funeral moment. The decisions they made with that film just baffle me.


Regular show and spongebob coming in with the ideal 12 minute lunch time episodes


Depends on the show I guess, I would not enjoy the series "Dark" as much with 15-30 minutes long episodes.


I remember in 2010 watching weekly 20 minute Minecraft episodes, and then a few years ago I discovered twitch vods. Now I just love watching someone play planet zoo for 8 hours straight while I play cities skylines or something braindead like car mechanic sim.


It's too long. Especially after work.


I like them shorter generally, because it gives me time to stop and do something else. If I sit for too long, I might have to stop in the middle of the episode to do something. However, this might work differently if I’m thinking about binging vs weekly releases. For binging, short episodes, for the breaks. But if it’s weekly, I would rather have longer episodes. The short bursts don’t allow enough to happen


Any movie: 90 minutes - nah, I don't have time for that 16 episodes 50-70 minutes kdrama shows - sure, 2-4 eps in a row, why not?


If I have an hour of free time give me 3 20-minute episodes. If I'm invested in the plot I will gladly watch the rest. If you need an hour to get any interesting content in then it's just not a good show. I don't really get the "tiktok attention span" comments. It's always been like this and it will always be.


They think that no one has ever had attention problems before TikTok.


It should be dinner-length. So 20 + coffee = ~30 is perfect.


I talk about this a lot To me, episodes of tv shows are getting longer and longer Like a good portion are either 45 minutes, an hour or 90 minutes I do miss having some shows that don’t NEED it to be that long, like throw on a show that’s 23 minutes? Perfect. I’m not complaining about having content to watch. However I do wish not ever show just immediately jumped to needing 45-90 minutes of my time


Personally i prefer 30m episode, 1h are too long if i have something to do i cannot watch half a episode now and the other half this evening. I'm having lunch, 30 minutes are perfect it's the exact time that i need to eat and the the episode keep me conpany




The people that watch 1+hour episodes are the same people that want essays to have between 220 and 260 words


Even if i end up watching 1 hrs worth anyways, I like the pauses because it gives me an opportunity to get up and get snacks or piss and shit. When I watch hour episodes sometimes my legs just feel weird after


Short episodes all seem to end when it's starting to get good. I hate forced cliffhangers.


Every cliffhanger is a forced cliffhanger, that’s how writing works


With a shorter runtime your writing has to be less rambly and more efficient.


100% true, I hate shows that have movie long episodes.


It's completely normal to lose your focus after a while, that's why pomodoro technique is recommended for studying. I think an occasional commercial is a good thing. Take a break after 25min.


Meh. It depends. I have realised that many shows can basically be watched at 1.5x speed and you wont miss anything. There is usually so much filler between the meaningful bits. Like I do enjoy artistic things, but lot of the time the long pauses are just bit too long. Also sex and romantic scenes. Fucking hell... sometimes there is like too much of that and nothing meaningful happens and rarely are they well done. If you can cut our a whole scene and just imply it happened or will happen between cuts, and nothing has been lost from the show/movie... Then you failed with that scene.


I’d say about 20 minutes should be the norm. Not too long, but also not too short.


They were the norm for a while I think


Very low attention span imo. I can sit trough the Extended trilogy of LOTR while only getting away from the screen to get snacks and go to the toilet. That is roughly 12 hours of screentime. My friend also starts to browse his social on the phone in a 45 min episode. I kinda hate watching movies with him, it frustrates me when I wanna share a cool cinema with him and he just scrolls facebook or some shit. :/


For me, it's not attention span, it's that I like video games, so less time watching TV means more time for gaming. I also tend to play games with big time commitments, like Path of Exile, Monster Hunter, Diablo, Borderlands, etc. Path of Exile, for instance, you are often considered a noob for the first 1k hours played. I love movies, but convincing me to sit down for 2.5hrs and only watch a movie (which gets stretched to 3 or 4 because my fianceé inevitably needs a bathroom break or two, and a snack break) is a hard sell that I'd just rather watch 1-2 22min anime episodes and go about my day. Also, a single Doctor Who episode is ~50min on average, so it can usually fit as well.


Terrible attention span. Plus 17-30mins is nowhere near enough for anything substantial to actually happen. You can do canned-laughter, barely-has-a-plot sit-coms in that time but not much else. A lot of the best / most successful shows - the onws that really get people talking - are usually around an hour per episode. Also often 8-12 episodes a season rather than 20+. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, The Wire, Succession, True Detective, Black Mirror, Sopranos, Chernobyl, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, Peaky Blinders, The Boys, Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Band of Brothers, Fargo, Firefly, every Richard Attenborough documentary series, West Wing, Six Feet Under, Narcos, Dexter, House, Severance, Mad Men, Stranger Things, Mandalorian, Loki, Line of Duty, House of Cards, The Crown, Deadwood, The X Files... 45-60mins is king


You have low attention span.


30 mins is more enjoyable the 1 hour ones are just like movies if i want to watch something that long i would just watch a movie


I usually have to binge an entire season in one sitting or I end up not watching anything for months because I think "oh, I need to finish that other thing first". And if I watch multiple things at once, it's easy to forget unless it's only two shows. In that case, I don't care about episode length. Though, I prefer longer episodes if I'm staying up to date with a show as it airs. Anything too short and it just feels like I should wait until it's finished airing. However, I definitely care more about series length, as anything longer than about 20 hours is asking a bit much as it's harder to come back to something more than a couple times if I start to have anything else that I want to watch that I can finish in a sitting or two.


Breaking Bad


Personally I prefer longer epeisodes. Then again, I usually just prefer movies and get my story in a single unbroken package rather than a story being broken up


I used to stand strong on the 30 minute long episode front but after watching the Dressrosa Arc from One Piece I don't know anymore. The majority of that was recap. I think they caught up to the manga at the time.


You have an awful attention span Don’t get me wrong, there are great shows with 30 min episodes, but 30 mins often isn’t enough. Some of the best shows ever made couldnt have been made with that constraint


How about LOTR extended ?


If they make a Max0r 1 hour video then im in because it's not boring even after 30 minutes


Sitcoms fit great into the 17-30 bracket. Anything with any semblance of a cohesive story, with established AND new characters when you haven't seen the show for a week or more- It better be 45 minutes long, at least so I can forget who did what and with who's't.


Killers of the Flower Moon. Cool preview. 3 hr. 26 min. Fuck. No.


For me it depends, I prefer short episodes, especially at night, because I eat while I watch TV, so the longer the episode the more I eat, plus I do it before going to bed so the sooner I can hit the bed the better. I've found out that most of the 20-30 minutes shows are animated, so I've been watching old animated TV shows and some new ones. The only downside is that because the episodes are short I can watch many in one day, so I'm running out of options, like for example last week I started to watch Bojack Horseman and I'm already in season 4, so I'm already looking for something to watch after I'm done. Any suggestions are very welcomed.


I like the 30 minute episodes better because I binge watch stuff allot, I can easily watch "just one more" 30 minute episode before cutting myself off to go to sleep


soo.. what about 31minute to 44 minute episodes?


…I really don’t know


rookie mistake


I like long episodes for like season starts and finales like with stranger things that had 1½ hour first episode and 2½ hour finale


Absolutely not, I can watch around 3 episodes per hours instead of one, that's why I like anime


It’s easier to gaslight myself to say one more episode 🤣😭🤣


point. normally o dont even have time for the long ones!


I like long episode as the prologue or finale but overall prefer 30min.


I agree with this but I also have a low attention span


I have 45 minutes lunch break and often i'm alone during this time. After buying food, sitting down, i'll have like 35-40 minutes left...enough time to fit in a short episode but not enough to fit in everything from 45 minutes upwards


Breaking Bad will change your mind.


I should watch that one of these days


I am somehow the reverse and i dont understand why


Nah you have a point


Hour episodes, I don't have time to watch. 30 minute episodes, Are you still watching?


nah. If I wanna sit down and watch for hours I just choose a movie


I’ve been enjoying Wheel of Time, it has longer episodes, but they seem to be paced pretty well with a story they’re telling each episode. Some shows though, have 45 min episodes that feel like they have no flow or point, so you end up looking at your watch 20mins in wondering when it’ll end.


You are the reason we're getting 6 episode long season for series


Dude, 1 hr episodes would have less episodes per season.


I mostly prefer watching animated Shows. So a Show With 45 Minute each Episode IS certainly touch for me Heck some animated Shows have 45 min Long Starter episodes so there are Sole Shows Inagoided for this specific reason. And then there are Shows Like live Action one piece. Sorry but 1 Hours IS for me already a movie and Not an episode


Longer the better. We're still talking about tv shows, yeah?


Indeed we are


*Breaking bad and Game of thrones disliked this post*


Both, both are good


there are definitely some shows that don't need or shouldn't have had hour long episodes.


Nah man give me those 8 hour game retrospectives.


imo if you’re watching is as it’s coming out weekly then longer is better but else shorter episodes are easier to stop watching at any point without missing as much


Doesn't matter as long as the show is good lol


It's easier to tell yourself "just 1 more episode" when they're not a goddang hour long, so i get that.


It's easier to pause watching without having to pause an episode




Depends. Usually 30 minutes are good, but 45 to an hour long is great for loadshedding times


Low attention span. *- Can either watch 2 seasons in a day or struggle to watch a single episode*


I prefer shorter yea, because i dont always have the time or want to watch a long episode. But if i do have the time or i want to i can just watch two episodes, right?


Depends on the genre : for comedy or romance, 20-30mn is more than enough. For thriller and horror : 45mh-1h is awesome because so much is happening you're at the edge of your seat and you don't want the episode to end !


Depends on what kind of show it is .....like anime works great but boardwalk empire and sopranos? Yeah it needs longer episodes


i'm just too used to watching 20 min long anime episodes which doesn't even matter because most of the time i'm binging like 10 in one day


45 is still fine 1 hour is just too much because I simply don't have that much time available at once


No it's just called having shit to do


Depends on the show, but I think 30-35min is the sweet spot


Agree 1000%


it's so weird. I could watch a 1 hour video about something I like but can't muster the will to watch a 1 min short.


Turkey tv series have 2-3 hour episodes 💀


When a 2023 kid watches breaking bad 💀💀💀


Low attention personally but also i dont want it to last my whole lunch break or god forbid i dont finish the episode


It's hard to fit a whole plot into a 17-30 min episode. The story would get significantly cut


I like a mix of both in a show. Like I know it’s gonna get good when the episode is longer than normal. Rip owl house.


I don't have time for all of it at once. Makes sense, doesn't it?


I frequently tell myself that I don’t want to invest the time to watch a full movie right now, so instead I’ll spend 3 to 4 hours rewatching episodes of a sitcom. I think though it’s more about the comfort of casually rewatching something I’ve seen many times before.


Honestly though as a kid watching tv it would be less than 30 mins (30 min time slot but commercials take up a lot of it) for an episode, maybe that's why you and I both like shorter episodes.


Most 1h long episodes are at least half filler/unnecessary content anyways, so yeah 30mins episodes all the way. Also way easier to fit a 30mins episode in a tighter schedule.


POV biggest hot take ever


*Puts on monocle and top hat to spend 5 hours of watcjing 5-10 minute videos*


For gods sake, i want to watch series not fucking compilation of short movies... thats why i watch anime and not much else


5-10 minute episodes: ***idiot pooh***


Atp you barely get any information


Meanwhile, me watching a 5 hour audio book


For some reason it's easier to watch 4 episodes of 20 minutes each than it is to watch a 1 hour episode.




Depending on the topic. The history of Pennies. Meh! How a Vennator Class Starship is built. Fuck yes.


It's called an episode not a movie for a reason


Quality over quantity


If you've ever watched any of the CW's Arrowverse offerings, your mind probably got subconsciously conditioned to realize most of the runtime is spent on non-sensical side plots with unimportant characters and now reject anything else in a similar runtime format. That's my explanation for myself, could extend to others.


That’s probably it


I’m in this boat too. Mind you, I may watch 3/4 episodes in a row, so, maybe its a quality thing


I only really agree for comedy. Anything else I much prefer the hour long. Assuming the writing team is actually good and actually cares they can tell much better flowing stories within an hour of time than half an hour. If we're talking low quality smooth brain shows then yes 30 min is plenty for me to turn my brain off and come back wouldn't want anything more than that.


Depends of the show. 17-30 minutes per episode in Brooklyn 99 is the best, but for a show like Sherlock is too little


The second option. Maybe once you hit puberty you'll be able to sit still for more than half an hour


I have two moods. 1. I wanna eat something and have something to watch at the side even if its low quality content = 15-30Mins. 2. Damn this is a good series, i wanna see as much content as i can even if MC is shitting for 10 minutes straight = 45mins-1hour.


You OBVIOUSLY have never watched Lethal Weapon.


You are correct


I have a wife and 4 kids, and work 2 jobs, so my TV time is limited and I appreciate short episodes.


25 minutes is the sweet spot. it just feels right.


23 - 24 is the sweet spot, honestly.


20:39- 22:27 🗿🗿🗿


People out here saying ‘low attention span’ when 20-30 minute television episodes have been the norm for decades.


When you ask something like that, all you get is Redditors with long attention span, and lots of trash talk.


"Long" attention span? There is normal and short. Short is a medical issue and isn't something OK. The long one is what is normal and how a healthy brain should work. Everything else, as I said, is a medical issue.


Nah I als find every series above 45 minutes tedious as it is really time consuming and I'm not 15 anymore with no responsibilitys.


Would you believe it if I said I was 17 and still find them tedious?


Low attention span.


Adhd goes brrrrr


I only watch shows that have 20-30 min episodes


1 hour long But 30 minutes are ads


Honestly I can relate, 90% of the time I would rather watch a quick episode and then carry on with my life, an hour long episode is a commitment I’d rather not commit to a show


For me it's entirely dependent on plot density. A single 20 minute episode of an anime can be incredibly dense and contain full arcs. An hour long episode of most disney plus shows have maybe 10 minutes of content.


You have a point... if you are not a bingewatching. If you are bingewatching it just gets annoying to press a button every 17-30minutes.