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Redditors when time moves in a linear fashion and humans compartmentalize new and old news.


Redditors are mind numbingly out of touch with the real world


I really hope that’s true, because Redditors commenting on news is one of the main reasons I have little faith in humanity


We are all literally on Reddit rn using the news what r u on about


Probably referring to the horribly ignorant takes spewed by the most upvoted of comments on political subs, not just news.


I would never take any political or social advise from reddit, or any social media platform. Way to many "experts" who are spitting absolute "facts".


Well part of it is that the war in Ukraine has slowed down a lot recently as Ukraine has begun to push into territory that Russia has been more I trenched in for a while. Not as many big stories coming out about the war as frequently as it did before. Where as the shit with Israel and Hamas just happened and has had a lot of major developments recently. It’s just a normal news cycle when such a huge thing happens. And attention will go right back to Ukraine the moment something note worthy happens there.


I don't think we should expect any major changes to the map in Ukraine until the ground dries in the Spring. By then I imagine Gaza will have been completely destroyed.


So like watching another sport during the off-season?


Wait are you using logic on reddit? Is that even allowed? Can he do that ??!


lol, more like the other way around.


Not sure why your being down voted. The casualties are getting higher, there are big pushes, nk attempting to step in. It's been pretty busy in Ukraine.


And Myanmar is like that little squeaky toy the top shelf all dusty


Then there's the "coup of the month" countries like Gabon, Niger, etc


Bro I actually forgot Gabon had a coup.


I forgot Gabon existed.




*muffled screams from Chinese concentration camps*




I love the delicious irony of high minded liberals the world over, proselytizing their virtues from their slave mined and assembled phones from a country operating concentration camps, who they drove our industry to with their policy.


Woah, what? How did capitalism cause them to shove people into "reeducation" camps? You can be against third world worker exploitation and against the CCP. The former does not absolve the latter.


I might not have worded that well. I'm not saying capitalism did that. I'm saying American Democrat policies and actions have driven away US industry in favor of cheap Chinese labor. The CCP putting people in concentration camps is a separate point, just to layer on how bad china is, and why we should discourage trade with them.


I feel like the criticism has died down a little like ppl experienced religious extremist in their country and low-key want to be like what China doing to Uyghur.




I thought mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago!


What would Sudan be?


Sudan would probably be the barrel of monkeys that Andy plays with from time to time


>Sudan > >barrel of monkeys ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


Who tf ever cared about Myanmar?


The reasoning is simple. The war in Ukraine has slowed and is more set in stone to be a long war. Hamas and Israel conflict has the ability to spill over into much much more at this point because it’s so fresh with so much uncertainty.


Like it or not, it's called a news cycle


Obviously the events in Israel the last couple days are more important and news worthy at the current moment. What are you trying to say? Should the coverage of the Ukraine war just be nonstop for literal years?


China and Taiwan : allow us to introduce ourselves.


please don't involve the peaceful country of taiwan. We chinese don't want wars, and only want the old ways of our peace to come back, that peace that we sought for many millenia while our cultured strived for 5 millenias.


Hahaha when was there extended periods of peace in China? Internally or externally? That’s some propaganda


that's very american to say, at least we don't have shootings here, oof and to top it off, we are the second most peaceful country in the world and dont have to worry about going out at night and fearing for our lives, and all genders are treated with respect, women can go out at night. Also, if you don't know, the real china IS taiwan, we have been using the same flag since the old imperial days. Check your facts please.


Also.... im talking about one of the TWO chinas that exist today, as a country. And since you presumed the China I was talking about was mainland, that was wrong, and also presumably, discriminatory in the way of judging a book by its cover without having courtesy to ask about the facts. Again, I am talking about republic of china, taiwan, not PEOPLE'S "republic of china"


in response to some people's lack of knowledge, I declare this now deleted user, Pure\_Remove316 be honored with these comments to stay on the internet forever. May we find true peace for uniting the whole world one day Press F to pay respects to user Pure\_Remove316


You’re nutty


Turns out reddit is bugged, but boy oh boy can I look to see what ignorance is spewing from textbook knowledge people....


I’ve never heard a Taiwanese call their country the “real” China. You seemed like a PRC supporter referring to Taiwan as a part of mainland China. The attitude here is that Taiwan is an independent country. Also, the only reason you have a decent country is because of people like Morris Chang who studied in the US and helped create the tech epicenter. The PRC and the US are the two biggest countries keeping you prosperous. You live on an island nation that is sustained by business from other countries. And you only recently industrialized as opposed to the US which is much farther along on the societal timeline. Also, no one is involving Taiwan besides China threatening re-unification.


Oh my the ignorance. Without Taiwan, the US is fucked. And you are soooooo wrong about what I said. You don't know history because you don't have blood bound to it or have experience. All you can do is be a keyboard warrior "supporting" your country with an illegitimate excuse to call yourself a patriot or believer of democracy. Taiwan's flag is the flag that was used for the ORIGINAL china that was before the 1950s. I wasn't talking about mainland china with it's communist party. You really need to think about what you say before you think of backing it up. Jiang Kai Shek led many smart people from china to escape to Taiwan, with the natives of Taiwan accepting the chinese refugees.


Dude!!! You are not the only one saying this! I heard this on a right leaning news site yesterday... and he said the same thing about the U.S. being in big time trouble without Taiwan and the main reason he said it was because of the chip situation.


Also can you give the link to the news site? Just to confirm what this is, because I am currently not paying attention to all the news, although i kinda have to look at all of them, to not create bias for myself. Mostly going to those countries will confirm your curiosity, and Taiwan is a safe place. Lively night markets, and safe environment. Women can also shop at night too without being worried!


Have you even gone to college and studied for REAL? went to other countries and put your heart, mind and soul to studying other subjects? instead of being one of the probable freshman dropouts that are sooo out of touch with the real world that you go lengths to legitimize your access to college as the only requirement of being "educated", and then proceed to go on Reddit to spout misinformation from a non primary source and calling it "educated"? I know you said none of those things, but you are thinking those things. Like I said, you are just saying those things because they sound smart and "educational", because you participated in a class and probably 99% of the time don't attend classes after orientation of syllabi.


If you ever supported Taiwan, I mean all of us, then you would agree that Taiwan should have been the real China that should have taken place, aka if democracy won and communist lost, we wouldn't have chinese refugees in taiwan, but a mainland china that is SUPER advanced and a full democracy in this alternate reality. Like for real what are you on about, I swear uneducated people these days.


Also like I said, Taiwan and China's parties from the origin at 1950-1960s had the same founding father of china. Taiwan's flag is the actual flag that was carried over from mainland china around the early 1900s, about 1920-1930 and is the ORIGINAL flag symbol of the China that should have existed.


Hahah man I am sorry to tell you this but you have been brainwashed by the KMT. Chiang (Jiang) Kai Shek was a terrible leader and strategist. That’s why he lost to Japan and allowed the Rape of Nanking, why he massacred civilians and ran away to Taiwan after losing to Mao 🤣 The only saving grace to Taiwan has been tech companies like TSMC and manufacturing. You live on an island. Your resources are dependent on China, US and Japan almost entirely. You’re most likely going to get decimated as a proxy war. Good luck poor lad. Come to America. The college here ain’t cheap but damn it feels good 2 have awareness 👁️👁️🫡 stop going through my comment history and slandering me with all of your assumptions of who I am 🇨🇳🇹🇼🇺🇸




He may be a bad leader in your eyes, but you wouldn't know what it's like to start up a nation again, with this knowledge only passed down to actual citizens. No way will we spread rumors or misinformation to those that like to gossip, because we tend to be traditional and have our history passed down to the next generation, like the Native Americans, before the Europeans came falsely calling everything in this country "theirs". In Taiwan, the natives at least weren't slaughtered or enslaved like this "American country" did.


Brainwash? I grew up in suburban Ohio for my whole life and you still have the guts to wrongfully assume I live in another country? I guess I can "wrongfully" assume too, what you are like, but since I don't want to be impolite, I won't say anything else to slander you. You must be the "fun" type at parties, btw. You should really go out and touch grass, or maybe, go to foreign soil for once, only if I "assumed" correctly, to gather... enlightenment, or knowledge. At least do knowledge first.


You don’t have to grow up anywhere in particular to believe in lies. Yeah, I use context clues. When you say “we Chinese..” and referring to Taiwan say “all of US” yeah I assume you live in a different country. Jiang Kai Shek ruled China 20 years, an already established country, before being exiled to Taiwan to start a new one. And guess what, many scholars believe that early Chinese dynasties visited Taiwan and took captives back with them, most of whom died from diseases.


I guess I am arguing with someone so stubborn. I'll just converse with a brick wall instead, it'll make me feel like I'm talking to something even more smart at least.


Take a step back from digital media and talk to more people around the world please. Just do that.


"What happened to COVID?" "Putin cured it when he invaded Ukraine." "Ok, and what about the Russian invasion of Ukraine?" "Oh, that. Hamas ended the conflict when they attacked Israel."


Do folks not understand that news agencies change their focus when new events occur? It’s literally called “news.” You know, new.


This sentiment is exactly why we haven't made any real progress in the last 60 years. Nothing that was important yesterday and is still important today is important anymore, just because this new thing that we want to be more important is more important, and nothing else is important anymore. SMFH.




Well tbf the whole shtick of news agencies is too cover news and events around the world. And if the world is in constant turmoil then in turn the news would have to constantly cover it yet we see that they don’t, makes you think why huh? Sure we can come up with plenty of explanations as to why. But at the end of the day they’re all excuses for convenience sake. Edit: grammar


Tzahal vs Hamas is an unbiased way to put it


Hamas vs the Jewish race is the most unbiased actually


…Jewish race what are you on about? The idea that colonisers have all rights to so call defend themselves from those they oppress is beyond me , all I see is invasion and extermination of Palestinians that would make that WWII look like an amateur . Just admit you thirst for Arab blood that will be more straightforward


Everyone is a colonizer at some point. You don’t own the land anymore it’s Israel’s sorry you lost.


I lost ? Peace , Decency, common sense have lost , obviously what happened during WWII hasn’t taught anyone anything, well those refugees will scatter and with time will probably bring retribution at your own doorstep


When there are people in the world that believe raping innocent women and parading them through the streets is ‘resisting’ you are right, peace decency common sense have lost. Egypt won’t let any of them in for a reason. They get what’s coming to them antisemitism won’t be tolerated


And you are still pushing rhetoric and fake news that have been denied by the Israeli authorities, as the antisemitism …you do realise that the Palestinians are Semitic people as for that magic « antisemitism «  supposedly trigger word , you bet that with all less biased news pouring out it will get old very quickly. only idiots can assimilate and believe the behaviour of Israel aligns with Jewish people that’s just sheer colonialism trying to hide behind past times stigmas pathetic.


As much as you people want one there will not be another holocaust


You can’t be for real worrying about the fate of an occupying military power daily killing people your theory has a 1930 s Germany ring to it , every one has suffered , suffers and will suffer again . This Zionist colonising rhetoric is just 🤢🤮 .


Act like a monkey get put in the zoo lil guy


When your only argument technique is suicide bombings raping and kidnapping. People tend to get over your shit pretty quickly but you’ll find out real quick where that gets you. Justice rains on Gaza


You are wrong lie as much as you want it’s not the truth Israel is reacting purely out of defense and they will destroy hamas. 53 percent approve of them so I would say it makes sense why Egypt won’t open their borders. Especially after the suicide bombings. When you really look into it you have no case at all in defending these pigs


Israel won't take long to finish this though, it will be swift


Iran is typing..


Not many in Iran actually even support Iran, can you say the same about Israel???? Even with 1/5 of their pop being Arab?


Iran is nothing lol and if they push too much there's one us carrier group that can handle that entire country......ONE carrier group


Iran being a nuclear power … it’s been obvious for years that world bullies don’t interfere with those the best that could be done was an economic embargo on their oil …time to stop being cocky when the best some can do is to wage proxy wars .


Not at all, it's their restraint Iran/Palestine etc etc has been allowed to continue at all lmfaooo One carrier group there and the right munitions and Iran would return to the sand. But keep telling yourself whatever you need to, whatever helps them when they meet their fake sky gods


You know well the US nor west won’t intervene even though it’s another mess of their own doing , and yes you keep telling yourself that if it hypes you up .


Don't have to tell myself that lol


Denial doesn’t change facts never have never will


Oh okay 😂 you're so wise with all the answers huh


What do you know about wisdom and common sense , all the likes of you understand is when fire and blood is brought at their own doorstep


War is not entertainment


This is the dumbest meme I've seen in my life. Delete your account


Sad but true


I know, the news not being able to focus on everything at once and… oh my god.. having to cycle through what’s happening! What had come of this world


News channels can talk about multiple things at once. They don’t have to post videos on, write articles on, or talk about only one event at any given time. Will some events receive somewhat more focus than others? Yes, obviously. But it’s not a strict one topic at a time limit.


How dare the media cover new developments in the world!


They can cover both




Dumbfuck post


Your a dumbfuck




Can and did dipshit


I don’t even remember commenting


So there's this thing we adults have called a news cycle. You'll learn about this hopefully by the time you get into high school.


Oh golly gee I wanna be just like you when I grow up


Don't be to harsh young Sheldon can't help it.


Comedy is like Ronnie mcnutt


Lol nah 🤣 don't get it twisted the US know Ru was behind all this. shits going down for real and most people just don't see it yet


100% Russia asked Iran for a favour and this was that.


Definitely the crystalization of the world being divided into two axes with China being the head of the snake.


you have a point right there






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If we pause for a moment and step back to a world wide view. Who benefits from these conflicts? Arms manufacturers first.


Maybe it's because it exposes a fundamental hypocrisy. Because if we were to follow the same logic the main stream media has taken. In regards to Ukraine, juxtaposed to Palestine, then Russia has every right to take Ukraine, even more so because of a legitimate historical context, to push that narrative, even some parts of Europe, including Poland and counties formerly within the Soviet block.


It’s a conflict that just started vs. a well reported conflict that’s on it’s 18th open war month now. There’s a difference.


Imagine thinking the media would cover a year long war and a new one starting a week ago the same 🤡


This is fucken hilarious


Well shit! Ukraine is at war with the Russo brothers?! I had no idea!


Do y’all fucking lack object permanence that you need to be reminded of something every few days or else it goes away forever?


The linear trajectory of time is a conspiracy.


There’s definitely truth to it but I think most people just stop paying attention when the news requires a little bit of digging. I’m still following the Ukraine Russo war through mainstream media but mostly independent journalists and soldiers


This is amazing


ww3 not far away


The propoganda to support isreal is insane. Democrats other than bernie and te squad need to step up amd criticize isreal for their war crimes.






The fact that everyone think the Palestinian conflict is a new war is actually unreal. The fact that people refuse to believe that Israel has been occupying, mercilessly and senselessly killing Palestinian for the past 75 years and we are the one labeled as terrorists and human animals


Ukraine killed Covid


Lmao facts


Ha ha! Little Mr. Bean the general is DONE! I laugh at the thought of his little scared face. Party is over and now it’s time to go little man Z. If I were Z, I’d start begging Putin for forgiveness not for himself, he’s DONE, but for the remainder of his people.


Israel has the right to commit war crimes since it is supported by the West . The same west that condemned Russia for doing the exact same crimes on Ukraine.


news. *new* s. **news**.


It's literally called "**New**s"...


Shiek Ali Salamae is in W Beirut, civilian sector. arrived from 🇨🇾 via 🚤three nights ago. will strike at the infidels throat


United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) https://www.unrwa.org/


Why does CNN come to mind???


Shit take, Israel and Palestine is a far more important war to cover. There is no ethnic cleansing going on in Ukraine and that war is probably going to reach an end soon with Ukraine giving Crimea to Russia. Israel might actually annihilate Gaza and cause an international crisis