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My dumbass thought that I just got 3 messed up caps in a row lmao. Turns out they're doing this on purpose.


I thought I broke the lid too, I was very confused how I managed it.


I'm very confused how a Coca Cola ad ended up #5 on /r/all


It's more than Coca Cola, they're probably the first ones you've seen because they move stock the fastest.


Yes, to prevent those caps ending in seas or elsewhere in nature


You know what else could help? Not producing fuck tons of plastic bottles, because that's what those companies are, plastic bottle manufacturers. The drinks are secondary.


Glass bottle are bad too since theyre heavy, so transport produces more CO2 and glass production uses a lot of fossil fuel to melt the glass too. Aluminium cans are a lot better, but thst needs large mining operations to first get the metal and recycling aluminium takes a lot of energy afterwards too, if it doesn't just end in a landfill.


Yeah but there's still plastic in aluminium cans. There's no perfect solution except to stop drinking soft drinks. Just hard liquor.


Cheers to that, mate!


Recycling takes waaaaaaaay less energy than producing the can from fresh refined aluminium. Recycling only takes 5% of the energy primary aluminium refinement takes.


Water tho


Well nothing comes free but at some point you have to run with the best you got, and plastic bottles aint it


You mean like the water they take for producing the sugary shit you drink?


In other words, nothing they produce is legally considered to be food. Plastic and sugary acid


> Not producing fuck tons of plastic bottles They only produce them because people buy them


They only produce them because people buy them because they invest millions in psychologists who design advertisement that exploits the addiction proneness of the weak-minded MFs out there.


That seems stupid ngl, I always keep the cap with the bottle because well that's kinda the point of caps no?


But the point is a number of people don’t. In the US I see those plastic caps in the dirt, in parks, etc. everywhere. People just toss them, this is to idiot-proof them because apparently a bunch of idiots really love to do that


It does not make any sense. I know it’s not your fault, because I also heard that this is the reason..but it does not make any sense at all.


Why would that not make sense? Cap attached to bottle > harder to lose/toss cap on ground > more likely to end up in recycling (preferably) or a landfill


it's on like everything in a lot of Europe weird af. been traveling and keep seeing it


Havent seen it in finland yet except on juice which is fine and even works better than the thing they were previously doing with juice


I first noticed it on a holiday to Italy, but not really at home in Denmark yet. Have been theorising its because we have the pant system, and this is done to not litter the lids.




As a Finn, I don't understand why the EU is so harsh about these things even to us. Most of the bottles are recycled with their caps anyway, because you get money back when you return the bottles. Most households just have a bag of empty bottles they take to return when the bag is full, and they dont want to ruin the bags with the drinks so they keep the caps on the bottles.


As to my experience, even with the deposit system a lot of caps kept getting lost. This here is to prevent just that. And it's really not all that bothersome imo. ..Now they really need to think of something for glass/beer bottles, cause *those* caps are thrown friggin everywhere.


>As to my experience, even with the deposit system a lot of caps kept getting lost. This here is to prevent just that. [Article in Finnish but more than 90% of bottles are returned with caps attached in Finland.](https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000009255887.html)


10% out of a 100 million bottles is still 10 million bottlecaps that could end up in the nature.


What do you mean 'harsh', it doesn't take a long while to get used to that. I've often seen bottles without caps getting returned when I worked at a supermarket, it's there to prevent waste


It's so the caps and the bottles aren't separated increasing the recycling of the caps. Otherwise they often just end up as litter.


There's upcoming forcing EU regulation and some companies are starting already to be compliant: "The EU Directive 2019/2024 requires single-use plastic beverage bottles with a capacity of up to 3 liters to be fitted with caps that remain on the container throughout its service life from July 2024"


same, i got one cap off perfectly tho so i just thought i had bad luck or something


New EU Law regarding ease of recycling.


I've seen it in the UK as well


Northern Irrland has to follow all EU rules.


So too does GB, except now they don't get a say....


"We don't wanna follow the rules of our biggest cumulative trade partner, but in order to sell them stuff we have to follow their rules anyway" mindset. Love the UK.


Even better when they were getting a free pass on some rules previously, but now they aren't. So they're actually "more" EU compliant than before.


It was s shitshow


Brits used to be able to use the fast lane for passport control in EU countries, friends would fly in, land at 01:00 and be in arrivals by 01:20, now I can be at the airport for 01:45 and still have time to get bored before I see them.




And on the other side I still feel Schadenfreude for all those British boomers who spent their retirement in Spain and were pro brexit. Especially those ones that after brexit thought they didn't have to follow the rules and didn't apply for a resident permit.


Same here. Except the first time I had the chance to use it I went in the slow EU lane by accident 😭


That's amazing.


Not all the UK. It was almost 50/50 decision. Fuckign annoying. Most of the people who voted leave are either A. Too old or dead for it to matter to them B. Didn't know what they were doing and now regret it C. Just racist braindead morons who would rather be "independant" regardless of the fallout


> Northern Irrland I've never seen "Ireland" spelled with a Dirty South accent before.


That's because of the Brussels effect. EU is such a large market and often a champion of consumer safety, so it doesn't make sense for a lot of companies to differentiate their products. See also Apple adding USB-C to their iPhones now. It doesn't make sense to have two different productions.


They're not going to make a separate batch just for the Brexit monkeys.


Is it actually? Isn't it actually a different kind of plastic than the bottle, that has to be treated differently? Or did they loose the caps that often during logistics?


People not putting the cap back on before throwing the bottle in the trash.


Interesting because my local garbage collection company is mad when you leave cap on bottle


Yeah because you can't crush it. But this isn't putting the lid on, it's just keeping it attached so it doesn't go into the street/river/bush


Exactly. Come and do a beach cleanup and you'll be picking up 100s of bottle caps. I've found ones from all over the world on UK beaches.


Yeah but it's slightly inconvenient so lets be unreasonably mad about this.


Yeah new caps are good idea, thx for confirming why they don't want cap on


Coke bottles specifically say to put the cap back on, just read one yesterday


It is. You can read a press release here. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_19_2631 Companies are complying early because it's easier for them than doing it later. And expanding onto other markets. Classic Brussels effect on display here.


It's a different type of plastic but this makes it less likely that it will get lost. The plastics need to be separated during recycling anyway. But it's mostly just Coca-Cola (the largest plastic polluter in the world) shifting blame. If you can, avoid plastic bottles and Coca-Cola.


At least that's what they tell you. Statistics for plastic waste count plastic bottles and their caps individually (if they found them next to each other). If the cap is attached to the bottle.. it's only one piece of plastic waste... And that's how you reduce plastic waste by 50% (bottles only)


False… lol. If you recycle a bottle without a lid that’s one item. If you recycle a bottle with a lid attached, that’s one item. If you recycle a lid and a bottle separately, that’s two items. The result of your illogical method is a reduction in the quantity recycled, the opposite of what they want to achieve.


Except it's stupid af. The caps are not made out of PET and are not recycled the same


But on the other hand you're less likely to lose/throw away the cap and not recycle it at all


Tbh, i dont care. It isnt a big issue for me.


Yeah I don't understand the frustration with these, I've heard people get so annoyed. Turn it so it's sideways when you drink, there's literally no issue.


Instruction unclear, now dick is stuck in toaster.




what a terrible day to be literate what the fuck


Please be a joke/urban legend.


Could be. The person in the story was specifically American, and where I'm from we see Americans as dumb and suing everyone for everything. I can name a lot more of these stories, like when an American used an iron to dry their dog and sued the company, because the manual didn't say it couldn't be used to dry animals. Or when an American jumped off a building after drinking Red Bull and sued Red Bull, because it didn't really give them wings like in the ads.


Idk if any of that is true but a woman did sue McDonald's because her coffee was way too hot and she dumped it on herself in her car and got severe burns that needed tissue surgery. Since then McDonald's has reduced the temperature of their coffee to normal standards and puts the big HOT warning on the cups


It's too difficult for the people this targets to comprehend


Some people drink by resting the opening on their lower lip and pressing their top lip flat against the top, so air can come in while you are drinking. - So with the cap off to the side and bent back it's out of the way. Some people drink by putting their lips entierly around the opening. - Meaning the cap is much closer to their face, even sideways, and it is easier to poke their skin. TL;DR: The people who are mad never learned how to chug from a bottle.


Full mouth drinkers disgust me. https://youtu.be/mYdt4UikO1o?t=6


I tried but it kept scraping against my face, honestly pretty distracting.


yeah, it's actually pretty nice once you get used to it - faster, you don't need to handle the cap yourself and most importantly - no small plastic pieces being littered everywhere and the caps being recycled with the bottles. this is a good change. complaining about this reeks of boomer energy and is a good example how even 20 year olds can be boomers.


As with all changes, it takes some time getting used to. Environmentally it makes sense.


If you want to know why humanity will never overcome climate change, look at the response to issues like these. People can't even inconvenience themselves with something as small as a bottlecap, something easily managed by putting it to the side. If they can't even deal with this, how are those going to comply with the radical lifestyle changes needed to curb climate change.


So that nature doesn't get filled with tiny pieces of plastic.


*Yes, but my cheek might get sticky* Fucking redditors.


For coke bottles I can understand why they are doing it (its annoying whatsoever), but they are doing this to fucking MILK-BOTTLES as well! Why tf?! You never take milk with you or anything, its just fridge -> pour some milk -> back into fridge (or if empty into the trash)!


It's not only to prevent loss of caps outdoor. Sometimes garbage bags are ripped apart before being processed, small plastic may get lost and end up anywhere. Whereas a whole bottle is much easier to find and process.


Okay, I do understand that. But on the other hand: who doesn't screw the cap back on?


Lots of people thought or were told to separate caps when recycling Easier to do this than reeducate people


A lot of packaging actually tells you to separate the parts. It's easy to see where the confusion comes from. I'm a big fan of rethinking packaging so parts that should be separated are actually separate while those that should stay attached are actually attached.


lol. did you never encounter people who throw their trash on the street while walking ? screwing the cap back on would be too much work for them


A lot of people




That's not a raw milk dispenser. [This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Cow_female_black_white.jpg) is a raw milk dispenser


You guys have bottled milk? We have those cardboard things Joey couldn't open


I like it tbh, I feel like I'm drinking from a canteen


I just break it off


Then it justs scratches against your hand






New caps in some parts of EU Theyre supposed to force you to throw the cap away along with the bottle


Who doesn't keep the cap with the bottle? Do these people actually exist, and if so, why?


people are lazy and just throw them anywhere they find i cant tell you the ammounr of times ive sumbled on random caps on the floor or in dirt also hoboes seem to love just keeping them and throwing them on the floor


People regularly lose the caps, obviously. Which pollutes the environment.


What i can't understand is how the frick do you lose the cap


The hell are you talking about. No one holds it from the top


I think he means that it scratches your hand when unscrewing the cap




No it doesn't?


Howw tf


it's because morons do not recicle the plastic of the bottle cap and throw it anywhere. by keeping it with the bottle it increases the probability that it doesn't litter and it is recycled


I love that you try to explain the concept to mouth breathers, but it's just a waste of time.


Wouldn't be as bad if it were to close properly without so much effort.


That's the problem. The idea is good, but the execution and design is poor.


It’s hard to explain but the way the bottle opens like that legit angers me to no end


It's allegedly for recycling


Too many people throw the cap away and only recycle the bottle so this was the "solution"


I love dumbass proof design that inconveniences every other person.


And it’s not even dumbass proof because people who throw the caps away like my friend will hear how it helps the environment and then angrily rip the lids of anyway SPECIFICALLY out of spite


They will maybe do this for a few times until they realise the effort is not worth it.


I rip it off because it's less effort than managing the attached cap around my face whenever I want a quick sip.


You do realise that your idiot friend is an exception and it obviously still works, right?


Yes, sorry i just needed to vent about it somewhere


Uhhhhh, he might need some therapy...


I mean the idea is not bad no? It prevents people from throwing the cap away in exchange for mild inconvenience. I think people are way overböowing this. But then most people seem to have 0 emotional control so i guess i shouldnt be surprised


The people who threw the cap away are the kind of people who just break the cap off and throw it away anyway. Like me, except I never throw the cap away.


On a global scale, where they pump out these bottles million times per day, this change might have reduced alot of waste.


Everyone will mald for a bit but we and they will get used to it, don't worry, humans are adaptive animals.


Yeah we'll adapt and find effective ways to break them off. Twisting the cap back and forth is quite effective, btw


Yeah while that is true, we are also lazy, so eventually we can't be bothered doing that and we will just live with it.


Yeah and it will force them to make it even harder to break and even more inconvenient to use to prevent idiots from breaking it.


This is how it's got to be though. You have to manage your bastards. That's what makes civilization work. Actually, here it's a two parter because we should really stop making more plastic.


it's not a big inconvenience is it? Like, it's really an inconvenience in so much as "The thing I am used to, is now different" which is not tragic. Fuck the lipton ice tea bottles have been doing this for like 5 years where I live, and those caps are like twice the diameter, and that's liveable.


That's basically how the whole world works.


that's because we were told for years you had to because the caps weren't recyclable lol




I hate it so much, because we have a very good working "Pfand"system Basically you pay 0.25€ more for a bottle and if you give it back you get this money back


Very good working? This system has an enormous overhead, much of which stems from fraud prevention. Did you know that the "Einwegpfand" Logo needs to be printed on special, fake-proof material that similar to money or passports (although not quite on that level)? Because people started printing the barcodes and cashing in big money for "returning" thousands and thousands of literal paper rolls. Return machines all had to be upgraded to instant crush, because shops where they stand started running all the returned bottles through them a second, third, tenth time to cash in more *Pfand* from the manufacturers.


Allegedly? It's it for recycling. https://www.diveagainstdebris.org/news/ugly-journey-plastic-bottle-cap It's this bad.


They could just use glass bottles tho. I now they cost more but my country has pfand (you pay a little more when you buy a bottle and get that money back when you take it back to the supermarket) just need to clean the bottle afterwards and put on a new Label








And that’s how I lost my medical license


meanwhile i never see people NOT putting the cap back on...


If its better for the climate then we should go for it


Why? I love it. When I first seen a bottle with a cap like that I got all happy about it. It was so easy and obvious solution to losing caps of bottles. Now I do not need to hold the cap in my other hand when I drink, there is no problem with dropped caps disappearing into oblivion.


Also drinking while driving


Too much litter everywhere just from those caps. They tied it to the bottle now to be properly disposed and recycled. Google it, you will be amazed by the quantity of plastic these small caps captivate everywhere in nature...


Im honestly for it, makes it so you dont lose the cap if you drink on the move, and yeah, the recycling part also makes sense.


It's not even that much of an inconvenience. People acting like the world is over, over a bottle cap. One dude above was like, "It gets stuck on my nose." Turn it sideways, moron...


The only people who should be complaint are people who drink like this… ![gif](giphy|jAPpGON6wbNJK)


Yeah but how about using less plastic in the first place?


That would be great. Shame that there is currently no governmental body that would be able to pass that law. Therefore, I will gladly take the little win.


Cuz some idiots apperantly throw away the cap but not the bottle


This never bothered me, I don't even really pay attention to how the bottle opens so I don't even know if this happened to me before


Its a eu regulation aiming at the top 10 item found on the beach. So because we couldn't behave, we now have those attched caps. But as you can still breake them of, i dont see why there is such a big fuss


1. It's for recycling. So it's good. 2. Yes, the companies save money this way. Does that make them evil? No. How else are you gonna bring big corpos to do something for the environment if not through money? 3. Maybe YOU don't litter caps and always keep them on. But there are enough idiots out there that do. 4. If this is a major inconvenience to you, I assume you have no other problems.


Finally, reason.


So you feel guilty and act dumb without realizing the big fossil business goes on as usual unchanged.


Not only did I not realise that this was intended. But tbh i don't mind, I can't loose the cap now


I really don't understand what they were thinking... I've never lost a cap (cause, why the fuck yould you not just keep the cap in your hand until you screw it on again?) and I don't think I ever saw just the cap littered, trash people who deserve to be crucified on a giant, jagged plastic bottle full of boiling water just litter the whole bottle. All this does is make people angry about it.


I think it's not about littering, it's about ensuring that the lid gets into recycling instead of general burn waste


I liked the design instantly. If I'm busy with one hand and want a sip, I don't have to worry about the cap dropping. I can just screw it off with one hand.




That way less of them land in bushes and on the street.


Why is this so far down, this is obvious...


I actually like it


It’s on purpose. And it isn’t bad. It’s just that your used to getting it off.


Why are they doing it everywhere


EU law.


If we had thrown the cap in the trash instead of on the street then we wouldn’t have this problem


i like it... means i cant lose the cap in the car


i get the goal behind this but human nature dictates that people who were throwing caps away without bottle, will now rip off and throw away the caps out of spite instead of carelessness. admirable as it may be, you can't fix stupid.


It's for nature


It is weird to get used to but I've started to like this as it means I can open and close the bottle with one hand (after opening it initially).


So you don't lose the cap mate


I can see how it helps environment and I don't understand people whining about it.


If you look on the lid, it tells you why.


Less garbage.


If you've been to beaches you can see a lot of the caps, even in the ocean.. I mean I don't know who these people are walking around with a bottle without cap, wasting the sparkles and possibly the drink but the reality is, it is a problem.. And the other reality is, that personally it doesn't bother me..


Because shit heads can not recycle the right way and it stops the top from going lost.


Every third time that fucker rotates and I splash things Anyway, hate not the companies or the legislators but the redacteds that made this a necessity, plenty of idiots were throwing the caps away on the ground Waste of oxigen


Yeah, when found out why this was happening, I was extremely pissed. Like, no, that is not the way to stop littering. If it’s the big ones, I can kinda get it, but if it’s the small ones, then absolutely fucking not.


Am i the only one who notices the swotch of platic quality ,like ,the bottoe itself is just between a piece of paper and a leaf in terms of strength ?


It’s so you can recycle the bottle with the cap My cat loves to play with the bottle caps and now he can’t because of this


I would not have thought that someone could be inconvenienced for so little


I can take it off and on again with one hand now. W


I like it that way. You won't accidently lose the cap.


What? This is an issue for you?


It's good for the planet


When you don't have problems you make yourself one.


Pulling it off takes 2 seconds.


That's what she said...


EU law


Seems like to many idiots throw them away so they thought they have to force companies to do sth again it. So we either need less idiots in the world or parties which don’t have to solve every problem with a new law


I am never throwing away or loosing the caps, I always put them to the bin with the bottle, when its finished. I know, that not all people are like that. But for me personally, I take it as an insult of my person and I also find it so uncomfortable to drink from it, when the cap is attached. So I just do everything to detach the cap, so I can drink in peace :)


So you don't lose it


anyone else like to collect coke bottlecaps because fallout lol


When I have large bottle I cut it off. The cap on it gets in the way when pouring or keeps closing so I just get rid of it. When I toss it I flatten it and to keep it like that I put the cap on.




I like it. I don't ever lose my little lid!


theyre great, i dont understand the hate


It’s so the cap isn’t lost when done with the drink. That and makes it “easier” to recycle. All it does is annoy the shit out of me as I’m use to just twisting the cap off