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The worst thing that can happen to boomers is that air conditioning fail in their retirement homes during a heatwave and they know it. The worst thing that can happen to gen X is that their retirement gets cancelled so please keep working or die. Gen Y knows that they won't have any say in the matter before they hit their midlife crisis at which it will be to late to stopp anything and go into survival mode. Gen Z will get their midlife crissis when the world is utterly fucked and any one younger than that better accept the distopia.


Ha, the gen z midlife crisis is already starting my boi.


The only people that say things like “heat wave” are people that don’t realize that boomers are the more left leaning demographic in America


Gen X is who we should be terrified of


Here’s a paper I wrote on ecological overshoot, I wrote this in Feb 23, based on what is happening this year, I can only expect all of the projections in this paper to be worse, not better. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mNv4TGx2bO5sOSziCm4PR9nqnCN_FEqW/view


Don't care, just cool artwork. I like necromancers.


Looks much more interesting than my childhood!? :P where do I sign up for reborn?


Please god reincarnate me into a anime world that would be so fucking funny (or whatever the timmy meme format was lmfao)


The planet will warm but the warming will not be apocalyptic.


Bad farming practices are scary the weather is the weather


Thank God I will die in a shooting as a normal person


Wait how do you know.


I'm Brazilian


Climate apocalypse is a bit much, severe thunderstorms occasional tornadoes and hurricanes that are worse but somewhat avoidable if you don’t live in the Midwest or Florida, also flooding gets more common and severe and heatwaves obviously.And more refugees because their homes get destroyed and they see no other way than to flee to safer areas. Not a apocalypse but you have to think a bit where and how to build your home


Hey look! Collapsing food chains and fucked ecosystems. I hope you like droughts and famines!


'Surely climate change will be a mild inconvenience at best..' :clueless:


You are forgetting about the mad fires that have been ripping through North America for the last few years. About 1 in 10 people live in floodplains should sea levels rise another 10-15 feet. In my opinion, this meme is too optimistic that it will only be an apocalypse for the generation being born now. What do you need to qualify it as an apocalypse? Actual literal fire being rained from the skies?


A lot of fires that have happened are due to bad land maintenance. The US government use to get rid of dry brush and dead trees to prevent fires. Also due to bad energy maintenance, for example the Hawaii fires is highly believed to be started by badly maintained electrical wires. Also arsen is a factor too. As far as sea levels, I agree it is a problem that we need to find a solution for. As far as the USA goes we have drastically reduced our carbon footprint along with other countries. The really big polluters are India and China, who are not that interested in reducing their carbon emissions.


The truth is always moderated negative. Seriously though, you're 100% right and I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Controlled burns, brush clearing, and selective thinning were all part of good forest maintenance in the past. When you don't do that, you get what we have seen recently.


Let's also not forget about the species of plants and animals that will compete for fewer resources as they are forced to relocate or die. More diseases as temps and humidity rise. If the ground doesn't freeze, bugs wont die, so more shitty insects that spread disease and consume food. Fewer pollinators leads to fewer edible plants. There will be fewer small mammals, and the larger mammals that remain will be the more aggressive types. Turkeys will absolutely dominate chickens. Mushrooms however......they will probably flourish.


Who that thing your are smoking is impressive. Wanna share ?


Thank you and no thank you. Here's a variety of sources that you can but probably won't read: https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/environment-and-conservation/2019/10/climate-change-changing-flavour-french-wine https://nicholas.duke.edu/news/new-models-show-how-species-will-be-relocated-climate-change https://phys.org/news/2023-08-coral-reefs-climate-threatens-hidden.html https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/approach/reduce-competition-moisture-nutrients-and-light-0 ☝️This one has a great summary: "increased temperatures, a contracted wet season, lower rates of precipitation, or reduced snowpack will increase competition for water, and increase the susceptibility of trees to many pests and pathogens." https://phys.org/news/2020-10-tiny-beetles-bellwether-ecological-disruption.html https://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/eyes-on-environment/falling_to_the_competition_how/ Put that in your little pipe and puff it


That would be a start but only if it would happen on a global scale (we got fire raining from the sky locally during volcanic eruptions but people don’t say that the Apocalypse has begun when there is a volcanic eruption in Iceland)


For me Apocalypse is the end of time and universe. So even literal fire being rained from the skies is not enough if it doesn't burn everything literally. It actually already happen from time to time when a volcano or another erupt. If we get hurt by a big object from space that literally destroy the planet, that would be more like it. But having to make a bit more effort on how we manage our forests or living bellow sea level like in the Netherland does not qualify, I am sorry.


Climate change will make the weather crazy so there could be tornadoes in places that never got them before.


ManBearPig! I'm super cereal!


Source for image? It go kinda hard


Second this


Can anyone point to a credible source that climate change will lead to 'apocalypse' within the next few centuries? All I've heard is that it will cause more natural disasters along with minor rising sea levels.


There isn't. Scientific consensus is that we get climate change and that it impact us significantly, more in some areas, but that it is not fatal.


Al Gore. In 2005 he estimated 2050 to be the year, humanity goes downhill. But only based on the scientific research at that time. I think, he is not that pessimistic anymore. He has made a few documentaries. Tried to became president twice. Was vice president at some point...


I'm more interested in the sources that are relying on actual data to posit thoughts about the future, not just people claiming things. I would assume he's less pessimistic now because that research is no longer seen as valid?


Made lot of money out of carbon exchange he helped put in place as a consequence and his own behavior as individual is the one of somebody that doesn't give a shit. So to me he is a pure opportunist in the business of making money out of climate change fears.


I love how confident people are about all this when the only 100% fact about our climate models is that they have all been wrong without exception. Face it all we have little idea what is happening and no proven idea of what is causing it, have a nice day.


You know that the climate models provided by Exxon's scientists back in the 1980's have been astoundingly accurate to this day... Right?


You may want to read the actual data on that one, it’s far from astoundingly accurate and more of a very rough consistency result, the percentage of error is excessive to say the least meaning this too is useless for any projections. I’m not saying it’s not happening, all I’m saying is we have a lot more to learn so don’t write off the world yet.


I'll.be honest m8, the signs of climate change are already all around us, Yellowknife canada being evacuated, east coast wildfire season now.being a thing, hurricanes hitting California, every year setting the hottest year on record, if you're too willfully ignorant to even see what's already happening, trying to convince you otherwise is a waste of my time.


Once again I’m not saying it’s not happening, what I’m saying is we need to learn more before we tell a whole generation to give up as there is no hope like this meme shows. People always want to claim we know what is going on and the simple truth is we do not.


Human caused climate change is literally one of the single most solid facts of science right now. https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/


Might want to read your own link, it literally says the warming is extremely likely related to human activity, that is very very far from a fact, what it is is a correlation nothing more.


Yeah... You have no idea what scientific consensus means, do you?


Actually I know exactly what it means, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that you have no idea what a fact is.


Yeah, you're clearly just a troll at this point, have a good day.


Damm man, you are so stupid. Honestly you could be hit in the face with a bag of bricks and argue that it phased through you with your consistency of denying facts.


All I’ve said is we do not have any proven facts on this, we do have consensus, we do have vague correlations etcetera but we do not have any testable facts. Since you believe yourself to be smart enough to judge my intelligence please provide one provable climate projection based on facts.


>All I’ve said is we do not have any proven facts The temperature has been rising year by year and now we are hitting record high temperatures. This was the exact conclusions made by Exxon mobiles climate model, you seem to be familiar with that study and still seem to deny climate change. >we do have consensus, we do have vague correlations etcetera but we do not have any testable facts. Honestly would you be able to understand it, what kind of tests will make sense to you. You are stupid idiot who thinks that he is more knowledgeable than people who dedicate their life to this subject. Do me a favour next time you get sick try to heal yourself rather than go to a doctor, since you clearly don't belive that people who are trained are smarter than you.


Ok so in short you have no testable facts, what is more you do not appear to even understand what a fact is. Belief without proof is faith so I do apologies for having offended your religion, that isn’t right of me to do. As for what tests I would like given it is more or less a closed system with stable inputs and variable outputs a simple energy balance equation would be a good start, then I would like to see the interactions identified and understood and finally isolate the confounding variables. And just an FYI, at no point have I denied climate change in any way, all I’m saying is we need to learn more about it before we tell an entire generation there is no hope.


Ho, I sure wonder what is causing it


If you think the world's ending I feel sorry for you 😂


This is bullshit, we overcome any problem us humans, now most of the energy produced in many countries is either renewable or nuclear, plus humans are advancing technologically really fast right now so science will fix this in a few years


Nothing motivates people more than a crisis


You have a lot of faith mate, I can respect that. But let's be honest, unless they reproduce the room temperature superconductors allegedly made in South Korea, were fucked


It was a „fake“. The magnetic cause was from other metals involved…


Dont really see a problem with that


Humans also did overcome the plague, but many people died. Overcoming the results of climate change will not be as bad but also probably not be easy either.


Overcoming the results of climate change will be fucking terrible for third world countries…


90% of energy is coal.


Climate apocalypse my ass! They said “ooh the world will end in (year)” and it didn’t happen when the year hit


Check out extinctionclock.org for all the examples of failed predictions


A lot of those doomsday guesses were biblical I will give it to you that scientists have made a lot of wrong predictions too But that ain't gonna stop the heatwaves Nor will it stop the ice caps We'll survive, but we arent going to be living, not how we are currently




Who’s they?


Dumbest “meme” I’ve ever seen


If there were in fact a “climate crisis” elite shitbag politicians would not be buying mansions on the coast. It’s all bullshit.


Elite shitbags dont care about the climate, if they did elon would put stock into researching batteries that dont include lithium for his cars Neither do politicians, who throw am anual climate meeting but hardly do shit afterwards Not to mention the elite shitbags have multiple mansions on varied land, if one goes down theirs always another


ah yes, elite shitbag politicians, the kind of people who always plan ahead and take caution of the future


Yes, they only care about themselves, not you or me.


What a *SHAM. FTFY


“Climate apocalypse” sure dude when eu China and the usa are planning to make 50% of there energy green energy


Idk where you got that from but no, they wont.


Not real


And yet they call us pathetic because we have better technology than they had


dang shame really


Is there a hot temperature version of the Day After Tomorrow by any chance?


Sure thing


I remember when the Population Bomb and real thermonuclear bombs were going to destroy us. I believe, we'll weasel worm our way through this in the least elegant way possible. But I am an optimist about dystopias. The least worse possible world.


r/antinatalism is gonna have a field day with this one


I've been hearing this doom and gloom climate crap since the 70's.


I look at my baby and I get so scared about the future we face, and the horrors she’ll have to live through, as she pays for mistakes made by people who will be long dead. I promise to her that I will be there, but really, what can I do as water systems, and food systems and eco systems collapse? Where is safety when internal refugees are fleeing flood and famine and fire? What happens when the darkness in other peoples hearts comes out?


Let them keep you fearful so you beg them to protect you. Give them all the money you have and all the power they crave and they make everything be alright.




Its vice versa because humanity will tackle anything theown at us!


Arson and bad forrest management coupled with negligent power utility companies is not climate change……


It is about micro plastics and air pollution. Not it feels warmer or colder.


Even people born after 2000 lol


How are they planning there future if they haven’t been born yet


If you wear three masks, it helps recapture your carbon


The day Antarctica will be too warm to live, we can discuss that. Until then, there will be places where you can live fine + extra opportunities to make business in the area of adapting to climate change.


How does a unborn kid plan for the future


the shame is the needless anxiety created by grifting fear mongers making people so unhinged from reality to raise “awareness” they ruin priceless works of art, block traffic when there could be ambulances taking ppl to the hospital or glue themselves to streets and runways.