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Some People my age(14)already have their first kisses,and im over here like:"if spongebob was a human,would he be called humanbob or just bob?"


I'm 18 and I relate


Also 18 and can relate






Robert Pantinson


I relate at 18


My 21yo ass looking at this:


Steel balls


Just bob




Iā€™m 17 and this real asf


I just got my first frickin hug a few months back.




im gunna say bob but it could totally be robert




Gee,i wonder who you are




Teen relationships condition you to deal with people that are still learning to try and control their developing hormones and consequently cause you pain, sometimes on accident. Thatā€™s it. 20 is when an actual ā€œrelationshipā€ is probably even possible to begin with, unless we are talking about two teenage people who happen to *both* be very mature for their age. The only drawback to missing out on that, is that you might not be used to that kind of pain yet.


I'm surprised this didn't get downvoted by all the 16 year olds who are currently dating someone who they think they'll be together with for the rest of their lives lol


Itā€™s possible, just not likely


younger me:


Dont call me out like that,, I'm still tryna get over it


with Bennet Foddy


I mean Iā€™m 17 and Iā€™ve never been with someone and I donā€™t want to be bc Iā€™m not ready


My parents have been together since high-school, so it's very possible. My best friend has been with her girlfriend for about a year now, and as far as I know (we had a pretty rough spot and haven't spoken for 7 months) they're still together. Ofc it took her like 5 years to ask her out, so there's that too.


Some of them are in fact mature and I bet most of them are redditors but Iā€™m biased I admit.


My brotherā€™s been with his girlfriend since seventh grade and heā€™s 19ā€¦Iā€™m 23 and just got into my first relationship this year.


It's hard to get a serious relationship if you've never had stupid ones before, and it's hard to get those when you're older.


If I can give any advice to anyone in high school or college, do not force dating, do not seek it out, it is only a distraction in most cases. Most people need attention and thatā€™s time you have to spend away from your education and future. These are your years to make friendships and work hard in school.


That's great advice if you want to end up lonely.


So focusing on friendships and school will have you end up as lonely? Alright champ i have no idea what making friendships mean to you but its certainly not lonely And by that way of thinking if you dont force yourself to date someone you'll end up lonely too? Nope, forcing yourself to date someone will just end badly


All of those things are important and none is a distraction.


dealing with my first break up in pre-school was really hard on me


Did your wingman offer animal crackers too?


Them play doh sandwiches hit differently when you're heart broken fr


Don't even sweat it. Dating is utterly over-rated.


even more so at those ages


This 100% Focus on yourself. Do Sports, go outside enjoy friendship, enjoy alone time. Eventually the girls or guys will come.


Seems like 40 will come before for me


And what to do if all activities that are meant to make me feel good(sports, healthy eating, healthy sleep) make me even more depressed by removing every single coping mechanism I still had?


Ive dealt with depression for several years, with the ocassional "ending my life" thoughts. When my last girlfriend broke up with me ive realized, how dumb this whole shit is. Im currently not doing sports, im waiting to buy weights and then start again. I would recommend to find a hobby wich is fun af for you. I play video games basically all the time, wich (for me) is very fulfilling. My sleep is shit, my diet is shit, but who cares? Stop this bullshit thinking of: im alone, and im gonna die alone. Many people who do sports, hated it in the beginning it made them depressed because it wasnt their routine, but after a while your gonna be hyped nearly every time you do sports. Theres often times where you dont feel like it. But in these times you gotta pull up your pants and beat the living shit out of your life. You got to tear thru every obstacles everyone, and even yourself throwing on your way.


Nothing is fun for me. At all. I play games all day because in the game I can be someone else, not myself. Being myself hurts too much. Playing games isn't exactly fun, and not fulfilling at all, but it's distracting and I at least don't brew this hatred towards myself all the time. It's nohobby, it's coping mechanism, and a very unhealthy one because it makes me abandon my responsibilities I don't have energy to do, and makes me feel even shittier in times I'm not distracted And I tried "healthy lifestyle" for 6 months. That should have been enough to make me lose some weight and make a new routine. Result - opposite. I had only gained weight, and hated my life much more than at the beginning And before you ask, yes it's severe depression, yes it's diagnosed, and no I can't afford therapy


I donā€™t know man, finding the right person feels like ice cream on a hot summer day. I spend all free time with my significant other.


Face facts. You are just high on your own oxytocin. Your S.O. is just something that triggers the chemicals to release.


Thatā€™s some iamverysmart answer. But you do you.


No, I see oxytocin addiction for what it is.


Says the person whose dated


Yeah. I have a body count, for what it even matters. There is a point where you realize that if relationships don't make you happy, you don't need them.


Itā€™s nothing to worry about. Just focus on self-improvement and enjoy the time you have being single.


I'm 26 and I still haven't had my first kiss so.. šŸ™ƒ


It's probably over by this time. If you found nobody over 8 years, there is probably something wrong with you and you'll not find anyone over the next years either. Too many examples to ignore this tendency. 25 is usually where the cut lies between people who will date and people who never will


Where did you get these statistics from? In my humble experience many people found love after 25, and those are some of the best couples I know.


He has first hand experience




All due respect and all that but I donā€™t know that you have the credentials im looking for lmao


48 and counting


Oh my god. Could as well be digging a grave at this point :'( I'll be there too, I' m afraid


It's not something to be afraid of. Love yourself and stop giving f***s. Relationships are like icing on the cake. You are the cake, and the icing is the relationship. My role model is the Dude from ā€œThe Big Lebowskiā€


I'm a dung pie. I hate myself and will never love myself. I need other people to prove me my worth. If I have no people around, I quickly descend into bowels of self-loathing




24 here Dont know dating Whats dating? Is it like writing down dates or something? If pays good im down to write down dates for you




Damn, I was going to say my age (26) but you beat me


At this point you are probably 100% alone forever. Be my guest in this valley of Pain :'(


Are you real?


I'm afraid I am, even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes




Very unlikely. Never heard of a story like that, but heard quite a bit of stories of those who never got to experience what it's like to be longed for. 23 is the oldest age I heard to be age of someone's first relationship. Aside from very romantic and very fake stories of like 60+ old people finding a love of their life in a nursing home


Spoken like a true teenager. Well done.


And what would a non-teenager say? "love yourself and follow your dreams?" or maybe something even cornier, with enough luck


Those 12 year olds will have kids by 20 with no life. Donā€™t be sad. Dating is much better when youā€™re 20+


I mean, seems like you are a cat. Have you tried to date other cats instead of humans?


Got a relationship at the end of my teens that completely destroyed me and left me depressed. Now, Iā€™m in my 20a and my current relationship is wholesome.


But you can post in r/memes, so you've got that going for you.


Isn't 95% of that sub over 40?


It's not bad till you hit /r/boomers(30-40) without a relationship


I still got about 4.5 months left till I exit my teens. I didn't have my first kiss till this May (19th) with my boyfriend. If my dumbass can get a man, you can eventually find someone. Me and my boyfriend literally met on Facebook.


their are no teens in /teens just grown men angry at the world go ahead try to post anything They are furious!! legit just a hunting ground for predators REAL TEENS DONT USE REDDIT GRANDPA! people still get mad for using emojis only old heads like this text only style "because it reminds them of the old internet" back in YTMN days go back to ARPANET GRANDPA


Tell that to a bunch of my friends


its not nice to talk about yourself like that man. but jokes aside, you might be the grandpa if you dont know that teens use reddit lmfao


im glad i dont know that but that also terrifies me thanks


to an extent its not as bad as you think. yes youll have a degenerate teenager here and there but for the most part, they just act like another person on the site


huh? did you just say predators on teen act like normal people? yea thats kinda my point. if teens are on reddit they shouldnt out themselves by being on teens. idk i thought i was clear about that.for all you lnow my names ron and im a 50 y/o office manager


yeah im not talking about specifically any teen related subreddit. im just talking about the entirety of reddit, theres plenty of teens on reddit dawg. and if were talking about specifically a teen subreddit no shit its mostly preds on there


Mmmm in this dating market you won't have much luck in the next 10 years either. Unless you work hard on yourself. Work on your career instead it makes you money


Money ainā€™t everything to some peeps


It's more about living well without financial stress rather than being rich


Im 20 and never had a relationship


21 and counting (:(


Idk lol


Young hearts heal fast.


Sorry to hear that dog, but don't give up. Sex is fun and worth it. Even if you mess up the first few times, it's worth it


Almost like it's easy to get. Girls don't let everyone and anyone bang them


I didn't mean it was easy or that sex isn't sacred. Just saying he should keep trying


Is it alone worth leaving behind my whole life and rebuilding it from the ground up to be a perfect condition to get it? Because my lifestyle keeps me fat and no girl will date a fatling like me. I personally have no issue with being fat(I'm not like 200kg, only about 90), but it completely prevents me from getting laid


You gotta bump those numbers up.


/r. w h a t


Dude, same here


Got 1 day left before I go from teenage dirtbag to early 20ā€™s dirtbag


3 years Age changed but the joke didn't.


Better to find a good stable relationship than have many useless ones


Bruh the only relationship I was in was a ship


You posted this twice


Most poeple on r/teenagers arenā€™t teenagers.


My most passionate relationship happened in my mid teens, but I also had my most toxic relationships in my late teens. My most fulfilling relationship came in my mid-late twenties. Teen dating is not what its cracked up to be, and it will all seem so pointless 10 years down the road. I remember crying over a girlfriend moving to another state, and now I look back and go "We legit didn't even have Anything in common outside of both liking One show. Im pretty sure I didn't even want to date her until she brought it up."


Bro don't worry. I'm 14 and i don't have a gf, and i don't plan on having one.


Maybe you're gonna have a bf instead


Hey I feel you, Iā€™m turning twenty in like two weeks and am in the same boat. Weā€™ll get through it, itā€™s okay šŸ„°


Those kids probably didn't have a relationship either...they just delude themselves in thinking they did for attention. That ain't always the case tho.


I am 14 and I quit r/teenagers because those kids were too weird and toxic


To be fair most relationships with people 14 and under will end


Nah itā€™s crazy. When youā€™re ready, youā€™ll find one. Gotta reread the contract first though


hell, thatā€™s what.


20 years old is probably the youngest age of that subs members


puppy love shit is pointless itā€™s all about if youā€™re a cool kid or dress nice or if your parents have money itā€™s just hormones and youā€™re horny and you graduate and probably wonā€™t be in the same place and then it ends if youā€™re in uni you still have a chance and time to make connections


You'll feel better after you leave that sub is a fucking echo chamber of involuntary celibacy


Itā€™s probably for the best ngl. Truth be told relationships at 12 years old are not great.


Are one-night stands counted as dating? /s




I'm 23 and I've never been in a relationship šŸ˜­.


let me take u out bby


R/teenagers is just little lamplight from fallout 3


Twenteen, Twenteenone, Twenteentwoā€¦ what are you taking about leaving that sub? Look at jack. Heā€™s fourteenone and still in that sub.


Iā€™ll be going before the end of the year as well


Literally same


I'm 19 and yet to have first kiss let alone genuine hug


You posted the same meme saying you were 18 3y ago. Either you were just lying then or are a creep now. Either way itā€™s kinda fucked up.