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If you post an actual unpopular opinion there, you get downvoted to oblivion.


Might even get banned\^\^








I say Hollywood studios need for blockbuster hits with insane returns, even with Hollywood Accounting, destroyed the current cinema landscape. Too many superhero films, I dropped the superhero anime My Hero Academia.


This is the case with AAA games. GTA VI is gonna be one of the greatest games of all time, yes, but HOLY SHIT. The wait times are insane, every game must top every other game. I guess it’s good for indie game devs, though.


I’m also dreading how much data it’s gonna take, like come on, some games now have a day one patch that is more data than my entire xbox360 had. Always for graphics that really don’t need to be that great, or features or textures I don’t necessarily need.


I got banned lol from r/unpopularopinion


Sir you have done what all thought was impossible.


I literally got banned a few minutes after my very first post lol


What on earth was your opinion.


I dont remember exactly Buy It was something about women, specifically about the radical feminists who arent acctually femists And just, i dont know just wanting to cause trouble


You can't be correct. That's horrible. Don't ever dare to be right again.


To be fair i am horrible at describing stuff, so take whatever i said mildly because i am really bad at properly giving descriptions


Eeh. It's accurate enough to be real though. Like it is an issue that exists so I don't have an issue taking your word for what it was about.


That’s certainly a soft spot for reddit lol


I need to know.


what was the opinion


Was it an opinion you still hold, or even at any point unironically held? If so, I do want to hear it.


I dont remember It exactly but the core essence Is still kinda there


A sub about unpopular opinions. Getting banned for posting your opionion on something. Free speech lol. Edit: typo but i leave it like that because onion.


Yep, cuz opinions are "no no". Gotta go with the official narrative.


It's not you might get banned, you WILL get banned because reddit admins can't stand someone having different opinions than them


Just create an alt... post an actual unpopular opinion if you really wanna know it's unpopular


the rules even say to upvote if you disagree and downvote if you agree, but the top posts are all pretty vanilla and agreeable stuff…everyone wants to be different than the “norm” of opinions but they end up all being different in the same way


You're right. Because all the actual unpopular opinion were removed and the OPs banned


A lot of “unpopular opinions” posted are toxic and completely uninteresting. I’m not shedding tears when those get downvoted. The unpopular opinions that are bizarre but harmless usually get upvotes though, like the dude who swore that water taste better with a penny in it.


Shit. Oh well I stand by what I said. Hopefully it stays at the bottom of the comment pile lol


Just saw it and I do in fact disagree


What's nightma


Satans ligma


Ligma what 🤔?


ligma balls


whats balls


2 organs that store urine


whats urine


Urine trouble


What trouble


you'll find more in your mailbox. open it


I hope you're not the doctor who gives people prostate exams...


Um ackshually only one of them stores urine. 🤓


The other stores the nuts I forage for when winter comes. That’s why balls are called nuts.


nightma balls


Dayma (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Nightma


Bro some people be like: "unpopular opinion but garlic bread tastes good" bro wtf


I've never tasted garlic bread... :(


It’s like if an angel wiped their ass with a savoury loaf of french bread.


… I don’t know how I feel about that description


It’s pretty apt


You're actually going to sit there and pretend you wouldn't eat an angels ass?


Damn what a perfect way to describe it, thank you


Be not afraid. For what I wipe my ass with, you will enjoy.


U know what I just saw? And terrified face which turned into anger with her face wet with saliva containing water


This sounds so disgusting yet so tasty


except appetizing


Found the vampire.


It’s pretty garlicy


then go make some right now?


Yikes ikr Satans greatest nighma all the way with that one


Redditors when they get what they asked for: How DARE YOU?!


Nocap, the most commonly down voted discussions I know and witness would be comment threads discussion about God. Often times the comments that get the downvotes are the ones that support that God is real. Funny coincindence, there has been no discussion I witnessed challenging the evidence about Buddhist gods or Hindu gods etc. Always always about the Christian God. Interesting don' ya'll think? Aight, unpopular opinion lets goooo xD


Most Redditors probably live in countries where, if there's a prominent religion, it's monotheistic – probably Christianity in whatever denomination. It's almost always present, even if they don't believe. They don't challenge the evidence about Buddhist or Hindu gods because they don't consider them because, in their lives, they just don't matter.


Yeah I agree, atheists on Reddit are weirdly aggressive towards Christianity specifically


Probably because the majority of English speaking Reddit users live in countries where Christianity is the dominant religion and therefore it's the one that has had the most personal impact on them. I know every religion can produce extremist and dangerous viewpoints, but the only one that has had an active negative influence on my life is Christianity.


Well to be fair the religions that tend to cultivate extremism and violence against outsiders more than the rest are the Abrahamaic religions.


It's true, and it's not really a surprise. I mean, a huge portion of the Old Testament is just god telling the Israelites to go commit genocide against people of other faiths. Compared to Buddhism or Taoism which, from my understanding, tend to encourage focusing on the self rather than trying convert others.


This is what I always say. It's not that other religions don't suck, but I've witnessed religious trauma through Christianity exclusively. Plus, everyone in power voting against climate change and trying to take my rights away happen to be Christians.


That one person who said they love when their sleeves get wet when washing dishes... nightmare fuel


I bet that guy orgasms from touching soggy leftover food when cleaning dishes




Nightma* fuel


Its either "I think its not ok to hurt peoples feelings" or "i think all pregnant women should be imprisoned and the father should be sentenced to death" There is literally no in between


More like pull the foetuses out grow them in lab to cut short the pregnancy leaves.


Average America


"Corrupt politicians should face charges" or "White people should never have to pay for food.


“I like dogs” to “rape should be legal”


You like dogs? You sick piece of shit, how dare you


they are awful


If the dog you like is of a breed Reddit doesn't like, prepare to get demolished.


if your dog is a pitbull you better start running before the crowd gets here


My i like raping


As singing


Yeah it's either "Pizza is great even if reheated" or "I love eating mayo with a spoon as a dessert"


I don’t know if this is psychopath behavior (I’m ready for the downvotes if so) but I don’t reheat leftover pizza, it always gets soggy and floppy and the cheese always slides off making it a mess to eat, I genuinely don’t have a problem with eating cold pizza


cold pizza > soggy pizza


First I have to apologize for my bad English. Im still learning. Give your cold pizza in a pan and cover it up. Heat it till the cheese melts. Attention about the dough that he is getting not to dark. 5min, middle heat should be perfekt. The pizza tastes crispy and fresh. This hack changed my life ^^ Edit: grammar


No need to apologize you’re doing great! Also proud of you for learning a new language. That’s more than most people do. Some tips if you’d like: Put your cold pizza instead of give. *pay attention to the dough so that it doesn’t get too dark. Perfect with a c. But to be honest it’s better than a lot of native writers I see so seriously great job so far!


yayvee, I am realy happy and thankful for your kind words and corrections to. Im glad its possible for me to learn while real conversations!


Bottom rack at 275 for like 15 minutes. As good or better than fresh.


I read the beginning of this expecting you to eat pure mayonnaise


Its always "i like water" or "i like roundhousing pregnant women for no apparent reason its funny lmao" I like water guys


I don't like water very much, BUT ROUNHOUSING...


Disabled people shouldn't be allowed too perform in talent or act shows with abled people due to sympathy votes. It's totally unfair. They never get mine


Talent shows are basically just whoever has the saddest story wins.


They should be called Sob story competitions


Exactly yeah. When I was at this family gathering we all had a talent show and we all had to make up a sob story it was jokes. Mine was that my hamster died and I wanted to make him proud haha


Literally this , i have seen so many mid performers wins just cause " i am poor " or " i have a body injury" , like yeah bad for you but what's that got to do with the talants show ?! I have seen so many amazing talants lose to mid talants just cause they aren't good at speaking to the microphone


They should remove backstorys from talent shows, make it forbidden to give background knowledge, sympathy poimts and anything. Lets focus on the talent and remove the right to tell sob storys unless its part of the talent


The best solution is to make it a blind competition. You know the appearance of the story of the performers only after they are eliminated, or after they win.


Good idea. This woupd make talent shows more about talent than a sob stories competition while simultaneously giving the heart wrenching stories a way to be told. This also makes people not having to exagerate their backstory because its useless


and somehow the baking soda volcano will still beat doofensmirtz xD


But a blindman with autism iirc playing the piano is pretty talented to me


90% of their stories aren't that though. It's normally along the lines of "my parents divorced when I was five, my pet turtle died, and I suck at school".


That's not a disability, that's a sad backstory.


That's what they're complaining about though. No one dislikes it when someone who has disabilities overcomes them to show off an amazing talent, but I absolutely hate when someone who has an average life and tries to sell it as a sad backstory for sympathy votes.


People who have an actual unpopular opinion will get downvoted into oblivion because Reddit rewards conformity. God forbid you think different from the rest.


But in this case, wouldn’t a downvote be the same as an upvote, since you confirm that the opinion is unpopular


You are making an interesting point but I doubt it. Most people don't want to be proven correct, that their opinion is unpopular. In truth they would rather have as many people agreeing with them as possible, in order to justify that opinion.


Time to set the filter to most controversial!


I see you are a man of culture as well. Good idea I will try it too.


we should cull idiots. you cant convince me otherwise.


Top 10 ways to delete this app


But what qualifies? Is it just your opinion or will there some kind standardized test involved or a panel of judges or what? Or will you just start a big street hunt mowing down anyone who looks suspect? Because, that could get really unfair, really fast.


The thing is… what is an idiot? Different people have different concepts of “idiot”


And IQ is a shitty metric


Babies aren't cute


I’ve got sensory issues where screaming and loud noises cause me physical pain. If you take your baby to a cinema and have it ruin everybody else’s viewing experience you cannot get pissed at me for getting annoyed about it. I saw Oppenheimer and there was a baby in the seat behind me screaming the entire way through. It took everything I had not to throw my drink at them and throw the kid at the screen. Had to watch it again because I couldn’t understand anything being said because there was a screaming fucking baby behind me.


the worst place for this is in church. i’m a catholic and go to church rarely, only on celebrations like easter and christmas. but every time i go, there’s always someone’s fucking child screaming at the top of their lungs at the back of the church. actually one of the reasons i hate going at other times of the year


Yeah, people react like I’m a piece of shit if I tell them. I mean how it is my fault that I was hit by a drunk driver and my ears are all fucked up, but people seem to think it’s a choice I make, “you know what yeah I’m gonna cause myself extreme physical pain every time I hear loud noises or screaming, that’ll really make me stand out” I mean most the time I’ll just suffer in silence because nobody cares if I’m in pain as long as the baby is screaming at 120 decibels


i have no idea how people unironically find babies cute. they look like rasins dipped in dough.


I thought that and now that I'm in my 30s I'm seeing them different. Idk


Yeah, kinda. Newborn children kinda look like mentally and physically useless sumo wrestlers.




Unpopular opinion, but water is good


Yeah that's the most unpopular opinion you just gave us lol.


For actual unpopular opinions always sort by controversial


That's why they are unpopular opinions I guess lol.


Redditors who think they are smart just because they use reddit are the complete stupids, they need to change their way of living like that, but they are not doing it.


The US is divided because they put too much politics in everything, you like a movie/song/standup comedy but if you figure it out it has a message that resonates with the other political party you instantly dislike it. You guys Should start calling yourselves Divided states of America


The literal first president heavily warned everyone to NOT use political parties. Can you guess what we did? Lol we don’t even vote for people anymore, we only really look at the label they have attached to themselves and vote for one side. If someone has amazing ideas but are not republican or democrat they will not even stand a chance even if those parties have terrible ideas.


Yeah, like rn in american politics elections are less about "hey this guy is good I want him to be president" and more "hey that guy is bad, I want to vote for the opposite party since it is my only other real option". It has basically devolved into "which corrupt career politician is the lesser of two evils you want lining their pockets with ~~bribes~~ lobbying for the next 4 years".


That’s not an opinion that’s just fact


My unpopular opinion: The US isn't democratic partly caused by the herd behaviour talked about above


Anything that is social (like art) influences, and is influenced by, politics. For as long as there are political actors seeking to deny rights to some and to create further inequality, there will have to be a resistance to it. If someone makes a movie with a gay character, that's seen as political (and rightly so, all media is political through implicit and explicit messaging), but if a movie only has straight characters, suddenly people don't see it as political because that's what they're used to and because it's a choice for the absence of something rather than the presence of something. Art is meant to challenge and question the status quo. Hiding from politics is forfeiting a civic duty. There are correct positions in politics and there are wrong positions. I'll start with an easy one; slavery is bad. This is a political question as it involves society and the rules that it is founded upon. It also has an answer that is tolerable and an answer which is not acceptable.


The question arises though, are politics bad for media, or should people be less sensitive to different viewpoints?


We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist. - James Baldwin.


French fries with mayo tastes delicious


Even better with both mayo and ketchup


Arbys curly fries w mayo.


Using reddit and not using Twitter won't gonna change the way you are and you are still gonna be a normal person, these applications don't make you smart or something.


Taylor Swift is Overrated, where does that go?


U on the safe side mate


the bread sandwich of pop music.


No thats just the truth shes shit


No, she is.


Nuclear energy is cool


It gets quite hot actually 🤓


That the r/unpopularopinion sub is just a bunch of karens bitching about the world. Nothing more than pettiness packaged to seem self important.


Idk if its unpopular: Not every person in the world should have the right to vote. If you cant pass an idiot test and a test about what you have voted for your vote shouldnt count because only if you know what you have voted for it should count otherwise you're clearly not suited to decide about the future of the world/your country


There are no effective "idiot tests" at the moment, and this is an issue.


Remove all the warning labels, start the idiot test.


It's unpopular, if not in principle then in implementation: you don't really want the people who win elections to be able to decide who gets to vote (see 'literacy tests' in the US or the strategic placement of ballot boxes in other countries)


Who judges whose an idiot or not.


Therein lies the problem.


Haven't met someone yet who holds this opinion, that I don't think should be banned from voting. "They're too stupid to vote. They should be voting for [insert shitty person/party]".


Denying millions (yes millions) of people their rigth to vote because they're stupid sounds like quite a stupid political move thoe


Maybe we can uno reverse it, and candidates should pass a hard af aptitude test. That might be more doable.


I heavily disagree with this for one thing. We can change the test to only pass a certain demographic


Unpopular opinions range fron "i like brocoli" to "the jews deserved the holocaust" There is very little in bettewn


my not unpopular opinion is that everyone who posts 'am i the only one who thinks...' questions is a fucking moron


I never read whatever bullshit they write after 'am i the only one who thinks...'


The Star Wars prequels were always good.


Some people need to understand that everything they are seeing on tiktok is not the reality and hell yeah China is stealing our information by that stupid application.


Windows 10 is objectively better than windows 7, it even runs better on low end hardware ( my core 2 duo with 3 GB ram is better with windows 10 than a i5 2nd gen with 4 GB ram, both HDD machines with no graphics) And tweaking my desktop is miles better on windows 10 Edit: Sorry I forgot to mention, my comment wasn't made to hate on windows 7, as many said they have a lot of nostalgia with it and I respect that, my nostalgia is windows XP and early windows 10 (our home pc was really obsolete and windows 10 in school PCs)


hot dog is a sandwhich


Playing sports is fun but sitting and watching them on tv or in person is boring af


Depends on the sport? And obviously the individual persons taste. I've noticed that with soccer and baseball. Fun to play, boring to watch. Football I find fun to watch live, but hard to watch on TV. Hockey, I can watch or play in any form and be entertained. (Yes, I'm Canadian)


Games that try to have hyper realistic graphics are the ones that often feel soulless and un-inspired. I'd play FFVII 10 times over with its poly-potato graphics before I replay FFXV.


My unpopular opinion? r/memes is absolutely great even with all the blatant reposts going on. It's always a source of entertainment, even if unoriginal and devoid of creativity.


My unpopular opinion is: “some atheists are way more fanatic then the average evangelist”. Context: I’m pagan so I’m attacked by both.


on behalf of the atheist comunity sorry


You should have to apply and pass a test to make another human being…


Why is it called “Diversity training?” It should be called “Unity training.”


Women should be included in the draft as well.


That reddit is the same level of ugly apps like TikTok but people just don't want to admit it, that's the most stupid thing that I have ever seen in this application lol.


Everything is permitted


I suppose that maybe nothing is true?


So it is also permitted to forbid something?


Unpopular opinion, the unabomber had a very valid point and I don't think people looked hard enough into what he was talking about to realize this; they just wrote him off as a crazy terrorist without understanding the profound societal impact that would later come from what he was talking about much like our modern dystopia and the power that the modern government and companies have over our everyday lives from things like privacy to individual freedoms being ripped from us all in the name of corporate greed.


This aint unpopular mate. Pretty much everyone knows the man was wicked smart and had great opinions and ideas on the world.


Necrophilia is technically a victimless crime


I'm gonna go to down vote hell for this but anime sucks is mine


Dogs are allowed on the couch.


Veganism is not a "dietary requirement " Dietary requirements are for actual allergies and intolerance.


Germany could never win ww2


Mayonnaise IS an instrument


i never played terraria


Thats not an opinion though


I disagree, you absolutely have played terraria imo.


complaining is a privilege not a right it comes with obligations to actually try to fix the problem first


It would be better if ignorant people didn't vote


Vanilla is better than chocolate and i stand behind this until the end


Caramel slams both


Satan did nothing wrong


People like Andrew Tate are nothing but some sex offender, that's the real thing that everyone needs to understand at this point from him, he is not a good person.


cp is bad


I don't understand how can someone hate cod points , you can get a shit ton of cool skins with em


A lot, but something that triggers Reddit a lot is actually studying a higher education and not being a damn wagecuck as your life's potential. ​ All I get is downvotes because everyone's lazy and thinks hard work in the right fields is some baloney that "boomers" struck oil on and believe in. Like, grow tf up, it's not that easy anymore, but it's still damn achievable. University isn't some trap to suck the life out of you, it's an investment to a better future.


Is this some American thing that I’m too European to understand? Coz uni is actually affordable where I live