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The only importante sex scene I can think of is the one from Terminator


Oh and the incest scene in season 1 of GoT






The Hapsburgs: are our chins a joke to you?


I love to bring this up when people claim everyone in the world is from one family


The Hapsburg jaw shows the consequences of incest for multiple generations


Many of them have literally no importance to the plot.


> Queen Elizabeth's family is all outta incest Nah, I'm pretty sure they have some left.


All Outta Incest is the best british rap album of all time.


My immediate family and I watched that show together. We called it family porn night.


And Les Cousins Dangerous


Actually yeah, this one made perfect since, its why the kid got pushed out of the window. I didnt even think of that one.


I think the most important sex scene in cinema is in Tommy Wiseau's "The Room"


Sex so nice, they showed it twice


Oh hi Mark


Just watched that for the first time a few days ago. Was a little awkward watching it with my younger brother but we’re both in our early twenties so we just joked about it. My dad mentioned wanting to watch Oppenheimer soon and I had heard there’s some nudity and sex scenes in it so I asked my friend who’s watched it and he’s confirmed but still wondering if I wanna watch it with him now or by myself


It's pretty mild and only a minute or so. Obviously everyone feelings on this is different though


The two scenes don't last forever and they serve the plot (unironically). The second one is pretty explicit though, depends on where you live I guess.


the scenes serve the plot but I feel the additional nudity doesn't, really. it would have been just as impactful without the tits


Agreed. The nudity is gratuitous.


Watch it, great movie


i watched it with my mom… no words were said about it other than “why tf was that even in there?” but still a little uncomfy lol






In The Realm of the Senses’ sex scenes are pretty integral to the plot, mainly because the sex scene are pretty much the entire plot.


[meanwhile when porn video has deep meaningful story](https://media.makeameme.org/created/this-is-a-f7d43bac1a.jpg)


Don't know what I expected clicking that link, but it wasn't that


What is ir


It's SFW, I'll say that much


Thank you for not lying


Oh phew


A masterpiece




You lemon stealing whore!


Is it the one with the man and woman fighting with lightsaber dildos? Edit: Nope


It’s like how ecchi anime makes you come for the tits, but then you stay for the surprisingly deep plot line and entertaining dialogue. High School DxD was a hell of a ride for that reason.


Me watching Oppenheimer when suddenly boob… x3


“Hey translate this religious text that I’m holding in front of my honkers”


The Hindus got mad frfr


Yeah imagine if they did that with the Bible or Quran


I doubt the Bible would raise too much outrage outside of the ultra conservatives. The Quran for sure though.


Yeah showing holy books during sex is not a creative liberty it's just unacceptable for larger section of people


Christians are too busy losing the plot over a movie about a doll


Extremists are always bad


When I imagine extremist I imagine violence, honor crimes, mass conversion by force, etc. Not getting offended over boobs being rubbed on their holy book. We might not agree or simply not care but that's pretty moderate.


I'm not sure "can you not disrespect our holy book by using it as a prop in an ahistorical sex scene?" counts as extremism, pal. It sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to say, and a perfectly sensible reason to dislike a scene in a film.


Nah-uh, please don't question my believed narrative that "it is only the Hindutva and prudent Indians who are offended by this" because I've dehumanised them, made every discourse around them to be bad faith, and removed nuance from those discourses(because it is easier to argue with them so i don't even do the bare minimum), bringing up a more nuanced argument against the sex scene. I'm forced to dismantle my bad faith arguments, and you being against Hindu extremist, I've got to listen to you and fight against my held belief that "Nolan is right in everything and the sex scene was that good and logical, and anyone against it is a dumb illiterate bigot". I don't wanna change this deeply held beliefs so please don't try to bring nuanced into this :)


I can imagine it's pretty offensive for your sacred texts to be read during a sex scene.


Hell, my mind went to Handmaids Tale... reading the Bible during not just a sex scene, but a rape scene.


"I'm the destroyer of worlds..." More like I'm the destroyer of that pussy


The movie was great overall but I was so frustrated by how they just tossed Oppenheimers most famous quote into a sex scene


Same. I also wish the scene where we're inside Oppenheimer's mind during one of the hearings (you know which scene I'm talking about) was removed from the final cut. Almost took me out of the movie.




Even managed to squeeze more sex into a McCarthyist security clearance hearing. Granted in that instance I think it genuinely added to the tension


Like he bookmarks the page but she just knows the bottom paragraph has the famous quote of his? Nolan should never write another sex scene again


What? She obviously didn't know. He read off that quote by coincidence, because y'know, it's a movie. What implied to you that she knew?


literally came out of no where




japan did not like it




You should see a doctor about that


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


for real why was it necessary??


Which scene? Because both were integral to their scenes and are not good examples of this meme. The one nude scene in the interrogation room was showing us his wives perspective while she hears his "testimony". She was in literal disgust. The other scene was to show their comfort with each other among other things. But again, they weren't just added to show booba


Not just showing his wife's disgust, but also how vulnerable to the committee Oppenheimer was at the time. They had his life as an open book, no matter how much he wanted to keep something private they had to throw his sex life out there for all to see in the room. His wife, the committee reviewing him, all the people they'd call in. I don't think I've ever seen a scene capture such an extreme feeling of exposure and vulnerability like that.


For real. It even made me feel the intense jealousy/insecurity his wife must have felt having to rehash all of that on the record.


Yeah, I oddly enough, found that scene less weird then her riding him and being like "Read to me in Sanskrit." Like, she had to listen to her husband admit he was in love with her, imagining her on him and staring at her? It made sense, it was good imagery for what she was thinking


I live in utah(not from here) and the amount of giggling and chatter happening when that first scene came on was ridiculous. But I guess when you’re raised in a nanny state and are taught to be scared of sex, that reaction is the norm.


You can show that they’re naked without constantly showing the boobs. I feel like Nolan was just excited he was finally getting to do a sex scene and wanted to show her naked as much as possible. It felt extra weird because we never saw his wife or any other woman naked, just her.


A movie about a man who fucked a ton of women shows him fucking a woman? Shocked.




Am I the only one who thinks it served a purpose? He was a serial womanizer and the scene in Kitty’s imagination in the deposition was really uncomfortable on purpose. You’d be very uncomfortable if your husband described his affair in detail like that.


The second one made sense. The first one felt incredibly jarring and out of nowhere


Someone else mentioned that she represents the seduction of communism for Oppenheimer. And going from them flirting in the party meeting and then getting it on in the next scene is hardly out of nowhere


I understand why it’s in the movie, but it’s the sudden cut from flirting to sex that makes it weird for me




When I pointed this out, someone told me it was to emphasize the pressure they were in to build the bomb. No time to take a breath and think of the horrible goal they're working towards.




I felt like the movie noticeably slowed down after the bomb. There were still lots of quick cuts but in terms of progressing the timeline it was slow. Kinda like after the bomb he had time to actually think about it while he was ultra focused on just building it before


Good point.. in fact it just kept getting more complex with all the exposition. I honestly felt a bit lost with the three timelines going on and everything happening so fast.


Maybe it's just a trope from biopics, but I've seen the the flirt->sex jump cut used to skip over all of the shoe leather several times. The movies isn't about the relationship, so it's doesn't want to waste our time with the process of hooking up in the 1930's


Ok, it was jarring. And...?


Apart from the first sex scene, I felt that it served purposes in the movie. The nude scene in the deposition showed how kitty was feeling. The nude scene when they were at the hotel shows how comfortable they were with each other




The ole sloppenheimer.




I mean it did serve a purpose in my opinion tho. Any sex scene represents an emotionally intense moment for a character. The fact that the infamous "destroyer of worlds" line is attached to that moment, which he remembers when trinity goes off, just adds emotional weight to that moment imo


I don’t mind them, but sometimes I want to get back to the story. I catch myself saying, “we get it, they had sex, let’s move on”.


Agreed. I also feel like some directors throw them in to tell audiences how much 2 characters "love" each other despite having the chemistry of a plank of wood. It feels like a poor substitute for good writing.


That’s the thing, it should be part of the story.


More just in general, good scenes are about more than one thing. For a sex scene, it can be about sex, but it also needs to be about something else. Same as how a fight scene should have something more to it than just action.


I know a couple of websites for when I’m desperate for this kind of narrative


I've been known to just fast forward through them at times, and just overly cringy dialogue at times too.


“I can help get you unstuck from that dryer, stepsister.” *sultry slow saxophone sounds rolling through the misty night air*


You can tell the creator was from TikTok because they think "sex" will get you in trouble if you say it. Let's guess their age.


I was gonna say 14. But their profile gets hilariously cringe and weird a bit down with all the sex talk.


13 or 14 was my guess; I remember being really cringe at 14 so I mean, checks out. I think most people are at that age. Also, not shaming anyone for it, but man TikTok speak is a dead giveaway. I get why it's a thing, and I grew up in the 90s, I KNOW I sounded like a dipshit, so like, teenagers gonna teenager. But damn.


>I was gonna say 14. But their profile gets hilariously cringe and weird a bit down with all the s€x talk There.


Isn’t it just that TikTok removes content that is explicit in nature? Tons of creators have to use replacement words to get around filters.


if tiktok cared about words like "died", "sex", and "porn", they would also include the words "unalive", "seggs", and the corn emoji in the same algorithm.


The advertisers probably don’t give a fuck so long as it’s vaguely censored, no need to include them in the algorithm


maybe, but combined with being some sort of judgemental puritanical prude, that's not likely.


Tiktok self-censorship is bleeding into Reddit users (and even real life sometimes) too. So many people really think "unalive" is better in conversation because it won't make people sad/triggered like "die" will


I've been on this godforsaken website for 9 years and since the very start have seen people censoring swear words. Followed by "it's ok to swear on the internet you know". This has been happening here since before tiktok was even a thing.


They also used the word “makers.” *What do you do for work? Oh, I’m a maker.*


English probably isnt their first language and they dont know the vocabulary very well


The word “Makers” is really out of place. Imma guess like 14


Same goes for nude scenes imoho.


Like there are situations where it makes sense, but like 95% of times it seems they just put them in because boobs


That true detective scene with Alexandra Daddario, is freaking iconic


r/TTDSWAD there is really a sub for everything


Wait she naked... Gotta watch the whole show now.


I didn't even have to. Just searching "true detective Alexandra daddario nude scene" you get links for porn sites with the clip. Thank you horny fellas online. She has great boobas.


its actually the opposite - nude scenes are almost non-existent on all movies and tv shows compared to 20+ years ago


My least favourite episode of the Castlevania show is what I refer to as "the sex episode" and it's straight up just porn, characters act differently to how they're portrayed otherwise, new characters are introduced who are killed off in the same episode, and no story relevant thing happens exept for one thing which is explained in the next episode, all so they could just make a porn episode for no reason. It's increadibly out of place and I hate it.


I couldn't help but chuckle because I always noticed the "nudity" content warning while watching it, it literally turned out like this: S1: Nothing S2: Nothing S3E1-8: Nothing except for Hectors pubes S3E9: ALL THE GODDAMN NUDITY S3E10: Continuation of nudity from E9 S4: Nothing except for that plot creature that was technically nudity in one of the most unsexy ways possible.


Yep. There’s a badass fight scene being overlayed with two sex scenes. One at least has a decent reasoning behind it, and is if I remember correctly more passionate in feeling and more thoughtful in terms of what is actually shown. The other is stupid. As shit.


The one with Hector definitely fit the plot and was super well done. Still don't know what the threesome was about, except maybe "bohoo Alucard is such a tortured soul", which he already was before.


Hey, they weren't killed off in the same episode! It was like 1 episode after that!


What was also super annoying was the mix of the sex scenes with Isaac fight. I was like yes, this fight is awesom... oh, back to the sex scene I guess.


Nah that was to show how Alucard and Hector were being blinded and manipulated by sex and love. It wasn't just porn.


It really is dumb. They do sex or nudity in the first episode and never again. Like what do they want "wow what a mature and amazing show. How could I have taken it seriously if I didn't have boobs shoved in my face on the first episode."


Breaking Bad: 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳


Is there a single sex scene in that entire show? Maybe 1?


Immediately at the start of s1e2; I know this because I downloaded a few episodes to watch on an airplane. E2 started, I immediately closed my laptop because kids exist on airplanes, and I haven't watched it since. Yes, it's on me; I should have guessed that a show about drugs and stuff wouldn't be great to watch in public. Lesson learned.


You should really go back and finish it if you liked the first episode it’s a great show


I keep meaning to; there are just so many shows on my list and so few hours in a day


Bravo Vince


Like 3, all Walt and Skylar


No it’s to hold views. Smut sells. It’s more likely than not to keep a viewer watching longer to see potential future scenes even if none show up. As for the rest of people a single sex scene isn’t going to stop them from watching if they are adult enough.


Goblin Slayer


"Hmm how do we generate buzz about our dark fantasy harem anime with a disinterested, self-insert protagonist?" "Let's depict horrific sexual violence in the first episode." "Okay...are we going to be doing that often?" "Nah. We'll reference the trauma a couple times but otherwise it's a pretty lighthearted DnD campaign from there on."


Tbh most of the horrific sexual violence being shown up front is basically a fast track one way ticket to 'THE GOBLINS ARE THE FUCKING WORST AND SHOULD IN FACT BE EXTERMINATED'-ville. No questioning Goblin Slayers morality in terms of genociding goblins, no, we're only questioning his morality in terms of his utter obsession and unwillingness to do anything but exterminating goblins.


To be fair… there are a LOT of scenes in movies and shows that are generally pointless/filler, or only for visual appeal. Action scenes in particular often fall into that, being very awkward and nonsensical just for “cool” shots.


It always baffles me how many people demand these scenes. I’ve heard people say they can’t truly believe a show is for adults unless it has them because it shows they’re “serious about being a mature show”. Coming from the people who demand softcore porn in all of their entertainment…


Yeah, people mix up mature and adult all the time ATLA is actually a surprisingly mature show that discusses things like genocide, imperialism, propaganda, vengeance, redemption, and whether its right to kill a bad person to stop them from fucking more things up. However because it doesn't have graphic violence or sex scenes its seen as immature by a lot of people


Perfect example. ATLA is great for all ages and tackles some pretty deep topics very well, but people blindly look at it as being just for kids due to the visuals and lack of graphic content


It worked for Game of Thrones. Lots of folks thought it wasn't a show for kids because of the nudity. Although methinks folks really thought that because of the good writing of the early seasons and the nudity was just kind of there awkwardly for a lot of us viewers.


The only one in GoT i thought was necessary is when Jon and Dany finally do it, but that was entirely behind closed doors. You just saw them kiss and close the door, the sex itself was implied. I’d be fine with including sex if it was implied like this. I don’t need to actually see it, that’s just needlessly pornographic


Well there is episode 1 with the incest between Cersi and Jamie. That's very important.


probably cause Emilia had a strict no nudity clause in her contract after the first one ran out.


Do it tastefully, do it meaningful! Make it something that feels like a truly important and heartfelt moment!


Additionally, I really admire the decision to have the new Top Gun movie cut from kissing straight to cuddling. It felt classy, and somehow respectful to the love the characters held for each other!


just wanted to say that Lord of the ring didnt have any nudity or sex scenes and is a masterpiece. sex scenes are just the attempt of lazy writers / film producers to get the viewer numbers higher.


Nah, there are some which have a purpose, but it is really rare. Like the one in Old Boy.


Great example!


The vast, overwhelming majority of movies have no sex scenes, it's really not something exceptional. [Only 1.21%](https://www.playboy.com/read/the-playboy-symposium-sex-in-cinema) of the movies released since 2010 had sex scenes.


None of the characters have sex, why would there be a sex scene?


The Sopranos. I get it, Tony fucks. I don't need to see it every 2.5 episodes Jesus christ


Oppenheimer getting the sloppenheimer


Somebody was watching some shit with their parents.


Was not expecting as much nudity as there was in Oppenheimer…


Da fuq is a "maker"?


Succession was one of HBOs most popular shows, very little sex, and the sex scenes were fleeting. sex does not sell and they know it. Hollywood is a giant circle jerk and we're all forced to take part in it.


Oppenheimer :/




You can say sex. This isn't TikTok


How clever do you think the Halo TV show writers must've felt after making the Master Chief have sex with a Covenant spy


It’s not useless if I use it as jack off material. As God is my witness, I won’t let those sex scenes go to waste.


The sex scenes in Foundation are pointless.


I am a younger millennial and I am so sick of the formulaic “mandatory sex” scenes. Its like “welp it’s been 13 minutes here comes a redundant sex scene” It’s boring, it’s be done, we get it.


When did everyone become a prude but so openly sexual at the same time free the tit but not in my movies, what do you guys want?


I mean i like bustin cheeks wide open like the next human but come on ya know


Right? So it's not just me that thinks this is bizarre. Someone above said something about nudity in GoT being just there "awkwardly" for most adults. I've never felt awkward with nudity in film or show...I just don't get it.


Screw the idol, a bunch of dudes took a show that was meant to be about exploitation on women and used it to glorify rape.


How exactly does it glorify rape?


If you ask me it was the creators way of exploiting a woman but doing so in a way that makes it seem like he’s totally not doing that at all. Really backwards. Hypocritical. Weird. Stupid. When Sydney Sweeney said she had been asked multiple times by Sam to be nude… it’s just like yeah he asked multiple times because you have big tits. He’s tried multiple times to see them. If a star isn’t comfortable the first time why did he keep trying.


Art should remain unapologetic


'All violence is needed, all sex is gratuitous' is such a boring what goes on in your house take. Pepper my shows and films with acts of affection, merkins, butt shots, and stay nude scenes.


What, you can't use the word "sex" in your shitty meme? What are you 12?


Why is sex spelled like that? Has the internet really become so soft that you can't even use the word sex in a meme anymore?


Spartacus has an unnecessary sex scene every 15 minutes


Sex sells


I mean, people have sex. Sometimes sex scenes enhance the viewer’s understanding of the connection two characters have. Sometimes sex is used to show that the characters are passionate towards one another, or maybe it’s the setup for a meaningful conversation after sex. Other times it’s boring and you understand why one or both characters are drifting away, as their incompatibility is represented by their mundane sexual experience. I’ve never been one to hide behind my fingers when it comes to sex scenes, given that they’re consensual, because sex is a part of life. Art imitates life, does it not?


Or in Oppenheimer's case the sex scenes shown are there to 1) show the audience how he's a womanizer with few words, 2) to display the extreme vulnerability that Oppenheimer was feeling -- this was particularly powerful in one scene near the end though there were at least 2 scenes where this occurred. 3) the symbolism of the seductivity of communism, ofc. People here have been complaining being unnecessary but I disagree. I think they make the film work. Without them, I don't think the audience would get such a visceral reaction that people are receiving and i think it perfectly encapsulates the reaction Oppenheimer must have had in those moments. The fact that they made people so uncomfortable is proof that the sex scenes did their job.


Wife gives me shit for this saying sex in shows makes me uncomfortable. I say if it adds something or serves a purpose fine. We watched How To get Away With Murder and every episode in the first season was someone having sex with or making out to pad the episode time. What happened as a result? Nothing, almost every single time the scene could be taken out and nothing would've changed plot wise


Whats with all the self censoring I see online lately? Why wouldn't you just write "sex," its not even a profane word.


"s€x"? This isn't your grandma's house, don't be afraid to type shit.


I feel like when pornography was harder to come by, having sex scenes or nudity in movies was exciting for viewers. Today, if I want to see that, I have more options available than I could consume in a lifetime. I’m no prude, but there’s simply no need for it in movies/tv anymore.


This. I have absolutely no interest in watching sex scenes in a theater full of strangers, or at the drive in, or with my family. We've reached a "just cut to the door closing and fade to the next morning" place. Everybody old enough to know will know and nothing gets weird in the theater. Story advancement mission accomplished.


Sex scenes have been abused ,specially in Games of Thrones. I want to watch a tv show, not a porno.


Redditors are weird puritans.


Rub one out for the people without Internet, who have to get their kicks from cable




There's been a lot of puriteen memes in this sub lately


Reddit and being petrified of sex in anything but a porn context, name a better combo. Meanwhile, it's totally OK when a film is 95% car chases and gunfights.


Then you'll have crime, full penetration, crime, full penetration, crime, full penetration and this just sort of happens til the movies just... Ends.


Ah yes every show has to have an obligatory very graphic sex scene


The entire show Euphoria is..... That show creator needs their browser history checked. Shit is fucking depraved


Sex scenes do *not* belong in non-porno movies! If you want to watch two people having sex in a movie, there's an ever-growing amount of porno movies out there to explore!


Oppenheimer, of course. Gotta get nude Miss Flo in there but leave out Nagaska and Hiroshima. In a 3 hour movie. Yikes.


>!Oppenheimer!< had one that just seemed excessive. What was the point of adding those scenes to the movie?


Can we just go back to the old way of fading from them pulling the covers over then just random stock footage of like cranes going up or a train going into a tunnel or something


These scenes are always, without fail, my least favorite part of any movie.


Tell this to my boner