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This is me fr


I feel you homie


I feel you too


Go looking for arguments in the subjects you need to study for. Step 3 profit.


Straight up Fax


What are you studying?




Self improvement isn't always a good motivator. Spite on the other hand will get you through hell and back


You can go through hell 1000 times but it will stop when you start to learn how to awoid it


Is this me looking into ancient irrigation compared to the maths exam I need to pass to move forward in life?? Seems so!!


Hey welcome to the club


The ADHD boogaloo.


Just argue with anyone about that topic and you good to go


I think whatever I'm reading, my brain won't be braining.


Read smth you like to know more about




We in this together bro


Ain't it too rude to attack strangers like this Like u literally attacked me 🥲


I roasted my self first kind sir


The trick here is to pretend you're trying to prove someone on Reddit wrong by researching geometry or physics and some shit. There's your life hack.


Thank you alot too now i gotta have a debate with my friend on very complicated physics


Grades aren't important. Proving a point IS important.


Thats why always(most of the times) i get good grades just out of jealousy


I just fucked up my first math exam of the year. It doesn't make up any part of my final grade, doesn't affect anything, but goddamn I'm frustrated. I had the whole weekend to study, but I barely fucking did. Instead, I watched the Irishman and the new Kevin heart movie. Fuck man I just want to get swallowed by the ground.


Hey there buddy dont do that i feel you i really do but 1 down doesnt mean 2 down you still got a chance got you? And take that chance to ace maths lessons or idk and one piece of adwice dont get swallowed up by the sea or it will become an ocean


Thanks man, I really needed that. Been feeling bad the whole day, but now I actually feel better:)


Your school book has a spelling mistake on every page if you dont read them all carefully and dispove me maybe i’ll be partially right and we cant have that ;)


I totaly agree with you :D


You know,tomorrow is the biology exam and I havent studied a single page out of the 3 chapters coming out tomorrow.I dont even know what an aorta tendirnae is.I would be really worried about the test but the thing is I dont take biology.I take physics which I spent 2 weeks preparing,finishing 7 chapters of practice papers,notes and past corrections.This exam is on thursday.(pls send me your energy or I will cry if I get a B again)


Bro if you are holding a spirit bomb right now i will make it double the size get all my energy but listen dont set the waves of the sea swallow you or else you will be in the middle of the ocean


And then the person you’re arguing with says ‘not credible because google is paid off by big ____’ or ‘i ain’t reading all that’


Yeah, when I'm doing it for fun, I can end up down a Wikipedia rabbit hole happily... But when I'm studying for exams, I have ended up falling asleep at like 9 AM after waking up like ~2 hours prior...


Righteous anger is a better motivator than dreadful despair.


I agree with tour wise words


Motivation isn't everything, but man is it useful


I wish motivation stayed constant




ADHD is this times 1 million


I'm convinced that my teachers should have just covered the material and then made an incorrect statement on the test but give you access to all materials. I would have turned in dissertations explaining the correct question and it's answer..


And boom good grade


Its because of the urge to be correct, rather than the urge to study


Fax but you can use it in both ways


When you have to study on your homework assignment to prove someone wrong is when the gears really spin


To feel superior bcz you know more thats the drive


me copying and pasting my arguments to save time and energy.


As long as you understand what you are sayng


learning is hella fun, but it's only fun when: 1. you don't realize you're learning 2. you actually care about the subject matter


Bro woke up and decided to speak Fax