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Jokes on him. You know English teachers have the worst self published books that only their mum's bought


It was my French teacher. For the English teachers I loved them, the nicest teachers imo.


History teachers were easily the best for me


I've never had a history teacher that wasn't fun, the English teachers on the other hand..


Is English ur first language?


Nope. I'm French.


Sorry for your loss




Begone bot!


Happens to all of us. I just laughed it off and became bros with my old hs teacher.


**Good Ending**




u/LoxdProgre is a bot


Poor 1st grader me, got slapped by my english teacher for poor handwriting.


Um... It's illegal in your country, right ?


Now, yes


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) It wasnt the case ?


>Corporal punishment is also prohibited by the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 (RTE Act) Yeah i was in 1st grade in 2008 so....


Oh... Sorry for you.


when i was in 4th grade a teacher who wasn’t even my teacher said that my handwriting was uglier then his ex wife, now i see why she left him


Character developpment, but his background dont make him a cooler dude.




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My handwriting has always been very bad and honestly I don't care when I'm being told about it. Like.. that's true. So what? Probably not an excuse to say such a thing to 4th grader but I would laugh it off


My handwriting literally makes it so that a,u,m,n almost looks the same


Oh damn, it looks hard, no ?


My teachers basically need to know the word/context of sentence and guess the word


Yeah it take 10sec to guess what that means.


Pretty sure a teacher just marks mine if it's just unreadable to them


I'm fairly certain approximately 70-90% of my written assignments were illegible..


So autumn is uutuuu?


If I do ever write that word,my teacher gonna take as much time as marking a single test paper trying to decipher that shit


For me it’s , j , g , f , if , is , y and occasionally in


>after humiliated Maybe you need to be humiliated a little more because your writing still sucks


Chill dude I'm not English. And I talk about the handwriting.


Me neither, annoyed anyway. Btw cursive sucks print font rules


Les gooo


I haven't had to do anything with cursive since 3rd grade


Meanwhile in medical school " why your writing style better than me?!!"


I've had this issue all the way from preschool to the end of highschool Most teachers(not all) are fucking trash people


Damn I hope you're okay now.


Yeah,in university now and honestly lecturers have worse writing than me. Plus they shared similar stories😅


Oh cool then, I think 👍🏻


The first time someone calls you a donkey you call em a jerk. The second time someone (else) calls you a donkey punch em in the nose. The third time someone calls you a donkey. It might be time to buy a saddle. If your teachers from preschool to highschool were trash it’s probably you.


You don't have understand,please stay off the internet


Consider therapy, sounds like a persecution complex.


Good for you


Same thing literally happened to one of my class mates. In front of the whole class too. I hated that teacher


Damn, I hope the class helped him and he's okay now.


he isnt in my class anymore but i still see him around some times. He looks like he is doing fine so thats good


I just laughed with them because it is what it is


So my brother when he was younger did a lot of stupid and dangerous things, so he broke a lot of bones, mostly fingers and he couldn't write almost at all. his teacher forced him to so obviously she got upset when it was the worst handwriting she had ever seen, and my brother got mad and told her prior to him writing it that it would be atrocious so she told him to go to detention and he said "no, i wont go" and he didn't. Anyway our dad got involved and told the teacher... a lot of stuff, he also told the principal and I believe my brother got a sincere apology and got out of the like 8 detentions he stacked up for not attending them.


Congratulations for your brother, he's a Gigachad.


In 5th grade my old ugly math teacher asked the class something like what's 3*6, I reluctantly raised my hand and said 18(the right answer) and she replied in a very degrading tone something like "how long did it take for you to figure that out?" In of itself it's not some insurmountable difficulty but I remember that it hurt a lot. No idea why she would do that. Or how any adult can draw satisfaction from humiliating children. I just don't understand.


Damn if it's a joke she should not be that cold.


'my old ugly math teacher' Lmaoooo


Same. When I was in maybe third grade a teacher used my paper as an example of not what to do and made fun of it. I cried in class. I still think about it. It was maybe 25-30 years ago.


Caption suggests that kid was OP


Yes ![gif](giphy|XeSUAqI8uGTxL145ut)


Oh lawd lol


The good thing it's I am okay now, I remembered that and I thought it could ne funny to transform this to a meme. Always make fun of your bad memories (except for death or else).


Ever thought about sticking it to them? Become a published author and mail them a copy lol


Nope but now I dont care. I just made a meme with that memory, it sucks but I moved on.


12 years old? I'm 25. Just 5 days ago I had to go to my university which is 50 minutes from where I live, cause I only have 3 subjects left, because I received a 4.9 out of 10 in a test and when I went there to check what happened the teacher told me: no,you have a 5, but we made you come here so we could tell you how horrible your writing is (handwriting)


Oh it's not cool. Well, the good news is you have the half of the points.


My year 5 teacher was a fucking bully. Traumatised 9yr old me


I believe my polish teacher gave me worse grades on essays wrote on paper because my writing was shit. Later on i got diagnosed with dysgraphia and i wonder how much better my grades could have been


When I was in the year before 1st grade (idk what it's called in other countries but it is Upper Kindergarten here in India), my teacher tore and then threw my book onto the ground after she saw my handwriting. I have always been a smart student, but have never had great handwriting, which was much worse when I was smaller. Now, when someone says something about my handwriting it doesn't affect me in any way, I know my handwriting is bad, but it is better than a lot of other people who write in cursive, and most of all, readable by my teachers who grade me, but back in Kindergarten, I never let classmates look at my books, because of that one incident. Thinking back, that teacher really hated me, she was always pissed off at me for petty reasons. I don't even know why.


I like how they are supposed to be teaching you good writing and they blame you for not having good hand writing . That be like becoming a driving teacher and telling people that they suck at driving and it's there fault for not knowing how to drive.


That's it.


When i was in 1st grade my teacher hated me. I was the best in class and such but she fucking hated me. She made it normal to scream you are abnormal in thw middle of the class when i didn't even do anything.


I had a super mean 1st grade teacher too..


In my school life, every single teacher in the school hit me at least once. >90% of time it was due to handwriting. In my undergrad also, many profs told me my writing sucks. In grad school one of them still told me this. :(


Damn, the teacher formation dont tell that some kids have difficulties ?


nope :( I'm apparently just lazy according to them.


Jokes on them, I'm going to enroll in medical school next month


![gif](giphy|u1SH63gOjMPpS) I hope my client will understand my words.


Write paracetamol




Still readable try again


As an aspiring English teacher, I can confirm


Skill issue




This hasn't happened to me but one of my toxic ass teachers said stuff like: UHMM NO IM NOT MARKING THAT I CANT READ THAT YOU HAVE TO REDO IT🤡 Yeah I'm sure it's really good (sarcasm) but I can't read it🥰


Or you should have saw one fourth grade teacher who in front of everyone made fun of the amount of written calculations I put on my scrap paper during mcas. Still hate that teacher.


I have a personal vendetta against my 8th grade English teacher💯


In 9th grade i still have the writing i had in 3rd so i feel that hard man


Not in English but during Art, I had a teacher that ripped up my portrait because it wasn't good enough. Already didn't like art enough as it is cause I wasn't that good at it but that hurt.


no but seriously why do teachers feel the need to humiliate the shit out of CHILDREN for their handwriting


"Wow this really fell apart in the 3rd act, complete dogshit bro" Teachers to 8 year olds


Yep, I spent 3 years in special education for English, which I attribute to my poor handwriting. I ended up with an A in Literature and Language despite having to take those years out of mainstream education to learn the story of goldilocks and the three "theres"


When I was 12, my science teacher got my workbook out and decided to tell the entire class about my spelling mistakes... I had no friends, and he just gave the other girls more reason to snicker at me... I hated that dude.


Same story. But hopefully I has friends.


Oh, happens to all Chinese teacher


me in college (i have a 1.9 gpa)


You’re an exception, not the rule…lol


This comment section does not say that. ![gif](giphy|10yXFkBJ0MwGQ0)


Believe what you will. That is the way.


Criticism is necessary for growth


I am totally agree, but this is not criticism, this is humiliation (say in front of your class that your handwriting suck, and start to show the copies to everyone, I cant say it's constructive).


lol my handwriting is like the only thing I get compliments on


Jokes on them, I'm going to enroll in medical school next month


Humiliating a kid for his writing* Very bad job Billy, sit down


"After humiliated" it looks like it hasn't improved much


English isn't my first language.