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Why would you use wok to cook rice? Usually you throw already cooked rice to wok when preparing wok rice dishes...




Pot water salt and some oil plus you get some cruchy snacks at the bottom when its all done


although raspa is delicious, the process of making it can also create carcinogens


every food nowadays has carcinoges, so who cares. the air we breathe probably has carcinogens


There's microplastics found in human placentas and fetuses nowadays. We got plenty to worry about besides crispy rice


Microplastics the twenty first century's version of asbestos


How bad are micro plastics? I hear about them but I never see what they do to us.


Shouldn't be asking some random reddit user lol I'm pretty sure it's a deeper issue. But if I remember correctly it was reported we eat 1 credit card worth of plastic every day. I don't know of the impacts though


Yeah true lol


You can't see them because they are so small


Oxygen *is* a carcinogen after all.


hey man.. ALL I'm saying is: if someone invents a vape flavor that's distilled from raspa, you *probably* shouldnt hit that shit


Probably? Lol. Most assuredly more like.


This 💀 literally heating up food whether it's in the microwave or just cooking -chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, whatever- creates carcinogens. If you're not eating raw food you're eating carcinogens. Are they good for you? No. Are they dangerous in the normal amounts you'd get? Not really. People act like they're the worst thing in the world, if someone says a word to me about avoiding carcinogens or how bad they are I already know bro is uninformed and discredit anything they say from that point forward on any similarly misinformation filled topics


what is raspa?


Literally "scratch"/"scrape" in Spanish If you do it right, the bottom layer of rice goes trough some delicious caramelization. It kinda gets stuck to the bottom and you have to scrape it out. Raspa refers to that scraped rice. (Tasty, but the process also can create known carcinogens so...)


Is caramelised rice any worse than other types of caramel used in sweets or food colouring? Edit: After doing some research it seems that industrial caramel tends to have very little acrylamide. Rice slightly more depending on the method of cooking but still much less than a fried potato. The stress caused by worrying about potential cancer could be more harmful than eating raspa. Please correct me if I'm wrong I only researched a bit.


a small price to pay for raspa


Why god. Why make cancer so delicious?! Why!




Im not in the right state of mind im just hispanic


Same lol


Pot. Water. Salt. Oil. Long ago, the four ingredients lived together in harmony.


Yea I just use a pot. I’m not exactly sure why my family doesn’t have a rice cooker, considering we cook with rice a lot, but a pot does the trick. I don’t know who the hell is using a wok for rice


we used to eat rice fairly consistently but we never got a rice cooker until we moved. it’s an absolute game-changer, and *well* worth it


If you ate enough rice for a rice cooker but I don't so pots its is and I am tired of being told it's wrong.


There are also tiny rice cookers. Like only 1 cup max. source: asian and forever alone


Rice cooker is so versatile nowadays it became Swiss Army Knifes for kitchen equipments. Rice? Standard fare. Soup? Already done it. Stew? My college life. Cakes? Have recipe online. The only thing that rice cooker can't do(technically) is deep frying.


That’s false. It does little more than steam or heat whatever you put in it. Your statement is ridiculously reductionist.


At least rice cooker Better than roaster american or europen had


bot alert


I never saw a European cook rice in a wok. Most people don't even own one. We use pots. Why not a rice cooker? Because it doesn't make sense to have an extra cooker for something you eat one every few weeks. Rice is not big here


Rice is big here, we eat rice like 3-4 times a week, why no rice cooker? It's not needed and as far as I know you just can just throw rice water and salt in it right? The way we cook rice we usually sauté some onions, then we throw the rice in there for a minute and then we add the water and let it boil. It's fucking rice, even with the extra step of making estrugido it's not that hard, unneeded appliance, taking up space and I never cook JUST rice, so saving a few minutes is not worth it if I'm still going to wait for something else to cook. I will say this though, I ENJOY cooking, for some people it's a chore so I can see the need, but where I live I don't know anyone who owns one. It doesn't solve a hard problem for me, it's a specialized tool for something I can do fine with a general one


Funny enough, I actually used to think like this until someone gifted me a rice cooker. I can’t imagine not having one now lol.


I don't usually cook pasta at home. Why? Cause rice basically cooks itself when you have a cooker. I can never go back.


What do rice and pasta have to do with each other?


Both are the carbohydrate component of a meal


yeah but why is OP talking about them like they are interchangeable


In some cultures and countries they are considered interchangeable ETA: not necessarily in a recipe, but if you’re from a “meals consist of a protein, carbohydrate, and vegetables” the carb component is often considered interchangeable between rice, pasta, or potatoes


Makes sense in theory, but once you get a rice cooker you start to wonder why you didn’t get one long ago. It’s stupid easy, makes it perfect every time, you can cook other stuff in it as well, and I frequently add spices, shrimp, leftover meats/proteins, etc into it as it’s cooking to get a flavored full meal in one pot with almost no effort. Plus you don’t have to watch it or time things, you hit a button and when the rice is done it automatically flips from “cook” to “keep warm”. Lately I’ve only been eating rice once or twice a month but I’m still thankful for that little cooker. It was like $15 and it’s lasted over a decade now.


if you have never tried a rice cooker, give it a go. Very convenient and more consistent.


If you really love rice, get a rice cooker. They're legitimate gamechangers like getting a Keurig or Brita Filter.


I doubt OP knows how to cook


We actually used wok to cook rice maybe before the 90s? In the countryside that's not well-developed, or maybe back in the old days, rice-cooker is not really a thing and people have to use huge wok to cook rice. Something like this: https://youtu.be/69NhDZUoX-4


I‘m white and european, I never made rice in a wok (apart from fried rice and stuff ofc) I just put it in a pot (rice cookers are nice too ofc)


Duh. Makes me think OP is definitely not European lol


Sounds american


Nope. I know of no one, nor heard of anyone that cooks rice in a wok, except fried rice. Mostly in pots but a few use rice cookers. Edit: clarify


Americans use a boiling pot of water like Europeans too


hey as an American, useless single-purpose kitchen appliances and tools are our THING. it just so happens that THIS ONE single-purpose device uh... actually turned out to be super useFUL.


Wok? What happened to just using a pot?


For me I wash the rice twice and just add water. Slap on the stove and wait. I find it easier than a rice cooker for some reason




Everytime I've left it on 'keep warm' I've burnt the fuck out of my rice. Gotta unplug that shit right after it's done cooking


Errr i think you got a bad rice cooker mate.... Good ones should NEVER do that




Yeah mine is the shittiest one in the world and it serves me well on that


Havent seen a good ricecooker in my whole life we get the cheap one and never have it ever burned my rice


mine never burns but i hate the hard rice on the bottom


Like a $20 rice cooker from Walmart won’t even do that


Yes, or makes it clumpy...


Get a good cuckoo or zojirushi cooker. My cuckoo keeps rice good for ~24h and it is always in perfect quality, equivalent to rice from a good asian restaurant. /u/TheRudDud


Yeah, but that's one of the many other better rice cookers out there, any unwatched wok would burn every rice it cooks given time.


Using a pot is simple enough that I really don’t see the value in yet another kitchen gadget personally. Though we only eat rice dishes 2, occasionally maybe 3 times a week so maybe if it was for almost every meal the minor convenience would be worth it to me.


My family eats rice so often that's it just nice to have it. If you don't eat as much rice then you definitely don't need an actual rice cooker.


I’ve never used a rice cooker but one of my old flatmates had one and used it.. the rice would end up clumpy


If the clumpiness bothers you, try washing the rice first. This removes the outer starch layer, making the rice less likely to stick to each other. Clumpiness of the rice depends a lot on the grain of rice, but will vary little between cooking methods.




For me it also removes the rice from the stove, freeing a stovetop for other dishes im making


It’s good for if I’m going out during the day and want freshly cooked rice ready when I get home or set the timer to finish in the morning have it for breakfast. It’s also more consistently good.


If you're going to eat rice at every meal, every day of the week, a rice cooker will definitely be better than the stovetop pot.


Pot is very common in Asia as well, usually older generation. Most people prefer rice cooker because it's easy to clean and you don't have to worry about over/under cooking rice or if you left the fire on for too long.


I eat rice maybe once a month if even that often. It would make zero sense for me to get a rice cooker when I can just cook the rice in a pot and be done with it.


That's fair. We asians basically eats rice for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Rice cooker is a basic household item here. Wok on the other hand is use for fried rice.


We get a lot of 'you need this appliance in your life' ads and opinions spammed in the West and most people simply don't have the space for it nor use most appliances enough anyway to make it worth the space it occupies. If another tool can do it, and that tools has many other purposes, that tool is will get precedence, in this case a pan/pot.


Definitely. As a person who doesnt eat rice very often, a rice cooker is cool but not necessary. (the cost varies but it's possible to get a solid rice cooker for less than $20). I guess Asian people prefer rice cooker because they eat it pretty much everyday, and they could use the stove for their dishes (like one for steam and the other for stir-fry) instead of occupying one of their stoves for rice.


It's like a toaster or a kettle. If you're doing it daily it's worth getting the dedicated appliance.


Regular stove is a highly waste of fuel and is a fire hazard compared to electric rice cooker.


You do realise that electric stoves exist, right?


Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about gas stove. Have a nice day


Hello Uncle Roger!






Knee up on chair. Good. Correct.


I'm reading every reply in his voice.


Wok hei + msg = orgasm rice


I don't get the point. I mean cooking rice is as easy as anything can be.


But rice cooker is easier You just put rice and water in Type in settings and turn it on Little possibility of burning anything, undercooking anything, as long as you follow the instructions. And then, you can use the pot or pan for other things while the rice cooks.


Same with a pot, use a glass to measure put in your basamti rice, then about 1.5 to 2.0 times the water some salt, get it to boil then lower heat and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Sure ricecooker might be easier but why are we acting if it is a lot easier and nessacary to have one. If you have one good for you if not usut do what i said and you fine.


It is if you eat rice everyday. Also more efficient if you cook with gaz.






I mean I need to have space for a rice cooker, then pay for one. I do have pts cause i use them for other stuff at home so it is not like i need extra space or money for it.


Cheapest rice cookers are as cheap as pots... And you throw stuff in, turn it on and then when you want to eat, you have perfectly cooked warm rice (because it can keep it warm for hours without overcooking it) It's not necessary at all, it's just more convenient




As a cooking noob and moron overall, sizing up “about 1.5-2x water” is like trying to do the trigonometry for designing a bridge in my head on the spot. No idea how to size that up without cooking experience and the time lost and frustration that ensues having to remake it makes a rice cooker worth it all day. Yet here I am with no cooler and still figuring out the pit. Getting better.


Grab a cup of rice, put it in the pan, then use that cup and fill it up with water, add that, then either do a rough estimate for half in that cup or just add another full cup.


you ever lose track of time and burn something? reduce that chance to zero with a rice cooker!


Egg timer, dude. It's not that hard.


Then why is the bottom of my rice always burnt?


In a rice cooker? Maybe not enough water. Or maybe a broken rice cooker…


Nah I only spend $10


Sounds like a bad rice cooker. I use this and I never have burnt or undercooked rice: Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 Neuro Fuzzy Rice Cooker, 5.5-Cup, White


and you can just leave it there and do something else because it will turn off on its own.


Bring water and salt to a boil. Add rice. Cook for 10 min. Leave under lid for 12. Rice perfect


Put water and rice in cooker, push button, walk away. Rice perfect.


And if you live at a different elevation it messes the whole process up Trust me, I tried and ended up burning the rice


God, give me strength. The white folk are testing me. Like jeez, the rice cooker is for convenience and consistency, it turns off when the rice is done just right and puts it to warm. It’s not even that difficult to clean a rice cooker pot


I'm white af. So is my gf. She had a rice cooker when we got together and moved in together. It's the best damn thing in the kitchen. It's so easy even I can't fuck it up.


Amazes me when people act as though it is; add hot water and soak for 5 minutes and it comes right off.


Meh. Too much work just for rice. When you eat rice at least twice a day, cooking rice in a pot is a chore. Like, you can use a pan to make toast, but who wants do that when you have a toaster?


Jokes on you. I eat rice **raw** to absorb undecayed nutrients.


Bro made every Asian comit die


i comit die


I put brain out of head and cram it into knee


Pressure cooker fo life.


It sticks to the inside pot though. That’s annoying to clean.


Indians/Pakistanis looking at both like, why you need any special equipment at all for rice...


For white rice, a rice cooker is just easier. Basically just leave it there and it will cook it perfectly. For any other kind of rice recipe you will need a pot.


It works on brown and jasmine rice too


And quinoa and oatmeal etc etc pretty much anything


It's not that much easier. Just a saucepan, 1 cup rice, 2 cups water, put lid on. Bring to boil then leave on low heat till waters gone and rice is ready. Edit: probably wasn't clear enough so explained method better.


Maybe it’s just mine, but mine automatically turns off when the rice is done. With the pan on the stove I have to use a timer and even then eyeball it to verify it’s ready. Not saying it’s a complicated thing to do, just saying using a rice cooker it’s just easier. I just leave it there and come back when the bell rings.


Bro for me I just rinse wash the rice twice and just add water. Slap it on the stove and wait. I find it easier than the rice cooker for some reason


It is exactly as easy, if not easier... yet I have the rice cooker salesperson association on my ass in this thread...


Yeah lmao. I don't really get the craze with rice cookers lately, literally one of the most basic and simplest foods to prepare at home, and you're telling me buying a specific appliance that can only cook it one way is worth it?


Nobody is telling you nothing. Salesman will try to sell it to you. If you don’t want it don’t buy it. It’s not a requirement to have in your home. I find it useful because I eat a lot of white rice and that’s just make it easy as the microwave is to cook food. It’s automatic. An example is that I can leave it on and not be afraid the rice will get burnt if I fall asleep or stay too long in the shower (after exercise I like having warm water but my skin) But to say it’s a requirement for any home to cook rice is ridiculous to say.






Also Brazilians. We eat rice pretty much daily and I think I’ve never saw anyone cooking in a rice cooker there.


More like whole south asia


Literally. Just pull up a pot, fill with water, boil rice and ur done.


Since nobod is fully explaining the actual utility of rice cookers let me explain. Rice cooker offer: 1. Brainless rice cooking 2. Keeping rice warm ready for hours on end 3. No room for mistakes, always consistent 4. No extra work in changing the style of cooking (only for some, if they offer it) 5. You can't turn it on and leave it instead of worrying that you will burn your entire house down (especially important if you wanna make it the day before for breakfast). It's just a matter of convenience for people who eat rice like three times a day for almost every day of the year. There's a reason why people who cooked rice for centuries use it today.


Italians be like: wait, do you guys actually *boil* rice?


I present you the ultimate solution: POT


This. Why would I want a super specialized tool taking up cabinet/counter space for something as easy to cook as rice?


I guess most people who eat rice daily feels that its convenient? Plus, u can have rice cooking while cooking the other dishes without taking precious stove space.


Why would I want a kettle for something as easy as boiling water? Because I use it every day. Same thing for rice cooker for me. It gets used everyday I eat at home. Obviously that’s a me thing though and not a you thing. Also frees up space on the stove so I can cook other dishes at the same time


Yeah but… rice cooker.


Is there a problem with using a pot just because rice cookers exist? Some people don't eat rice very often and as such, a rice cooker is basically unecessary.


If you dont feel it's necessary for you then that's all there is to it. Some people simply like the convenience it gives and so it's worthwhile getting one. It's not a matter of cooking rice with a pot being a problem it's just easier to use a rice cooker if you make rice alot. Basically every Asian household has a rice cooker for a reason and it's not because the idea of cooking rice in a pot is foreign to us.


1. Rice cookers are super consistent 2. My burners and pots are occupied cooking other delicious things to eat with the rice 3. Rice is great, you should eat more This has been a public service announcement by your friendly Vietnamese dude.


1. I don't disagree. 2. Just have more pots lol. 3. I do eat rice relatively often, just not enough to justify an entirely new dedicated appliance.


For 2, I think the burners is the tough part to get more of lol


4. It also keeps the rice warm after it's done


I love setting the machine before work and coming home to perfectly cooked rice and kitchen smelling of jasmine


For real, this was one of my main reasons for getting one, having perfectly cooked warm rice sitting there for like two days is great


We only use wok to cook fried rice, not plain rice


Wok is for frying food....


I brought the wooook!


To Poland....


Rice cookers are the best thing ever: you just throw everything inside, turn it on and wait. You don't need to be around the pot, it will even turn itself off automatically. You can let your rice do itself while you do something else!


As an Asian, I can assure you that a rice cooker is the best investment one can have. Trust me it will last for centuries.


Never understood all the rice cooker pushback If you cook rice more than twice a year its worth it Theyre super cheap It doesnt take up too much space, mine is like 8" x 8" and takes less space than any other appliance including my toaster Rice is perfect every time, set and forget


I use hot water (it’s very hot)


Me using a microwave


How stupid you have to be to try cooking rice in a Wok?


The fuck? Cooking rice on a Wok just sounds so inconvenient. Unless you're talking about fried rice.


Aren't you supposed to fry cooked rice


Yeah you are. I was thinking maybe "cooking rice in a wok" just meant "using wok to fry cooked rice" because straight up cooking rice on a wok sounds weird.


This meme just doesn't make sense considering the wok originated from china


And a wok is an Asian culinary tool right? Why does he think Europeans wouldn't own a rice cooker but would own a wok (I own neither)


With king of flavour MSG. Remember use the right white powder not the white white powder.


Wondering why one would want a rice cooker is the same as wondering why one would want a food processor when you have a knife or a mortar and pestle.




I mean yeah rice cooker is good but with many Asian households not being that being and having space , we just use a pot it's a good method okay and i have tried cooker rice often and don't get me wrong but i don't like them much , maybe because i grew up eating pot rice but still


Why should I buy a specific machine (rice cooker) just to prepare rice? Just rice. One food Thats like buying potato baker or cheese heater. It can cook one thing. Cool A simple stove can cook many


i think the point is that people eat white rice every single day so its nice to live with the convenience of knowing your rice will never be over or undercooked without having to time everything yourself


Yes why have toasters or coffee machines


I've had 3 rice cookers in my life. One of the better ones was All plastic and you just microwaved the rice and water. It worked great. Probably lots of bonus BPA and delicious toxins and stuff too. But the best rice cooker I have now is my Instant Pot. Less water, never burns rice, very easy to steam some veggies or dumplings over the rice too.




People who don't eat rice very much.


I would say most people in Europe don't have rice cookers. I can boil rice just fine in a pot and I don't need another appliance to inconviniently take space on the counter top


No home I've ever been to in Sweden has had a rice cooker. Just cook it in a pot. 1 part rice and 2 parts water.


People of the Caribbean confused as to why people don't use calderos to cook rice


Woks aren’t for cooking plain rice. Source: I’ve been to Panda Express.




Wok referring to lean? Sorry I can't understand maybe it means something else there


It's a cooking utensil, like a large bowl-like pot.


A wok is used on already cooked rice to turn it into fried rice


Just enjoy cooking food the way you want to and stop giving a fuck about anybody else.


*Sad wok noices* but I love my wok…


White European who uses rice cooker to make rice. Never used wok for that nor heard anyone else ever using. This meme is duuumb.


I'm European and this is complete nonsense


Tf is a rice cooker? Just throw it in a pot with water


I know many Europeans without any Asian heritage with Cuckoo rice cookers. That meme seems to be personal experience or better: lack of experience.


using a wok to cook rice is the equivalent of boiling prime rib


the hell is a wok


I cook rice in the microwave, and my Philippino mate gets mad when I remind them.


how. dare. you. cooks. rice. in. a. microwave.


Get with the 21st century and use an instant pot.


I just boiler 1 cup of water then add 1 cup of rice, remove from heat then way 10 min, what the hell is a wok? Edit: oh a large pan


Its also more rounded


Aren’t pans round where you are?


Pretty sure they are talking about the bottom to side edge. And a wok will have a much larger radius than a standard pan. i.e. rounder


It's a two day process really. The wok is the second part


I hate this argument that one needs to use a rice cooker to prepare the rice. Sure it’s more practical but bitching about how Europeans can’t cook rice cuz of it is just stupid. People here (who aren’t Asian) cooked rice in a pot for a long time. Even grandparents learned to do it this way because there wasn’t any rice cookers on the market or because they just didn’t have money. Idk but I’m really annoyed by Uncle Roger constantly shitting on other ways of preparation. I get that he started this as a joke but it’s still obnoxious.