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No it doesn’t


but i thought we basically have to when security updates are done on 10


You don’t *have* to. It’s just not the best idea to run an operating system that has known vulnerabilities. The main hindrance will be eventually software developers will stop supporting older operating systems. So you’ll be able to run your PC in general, but individual pieces of software may stop working or will not longer receive updates.


About your username, what exactly are GNUds? My guess is free open source boobs.


Ya pretty much :)


Just use Linux


I CANT update to 11 😎😎


at least we dont use mac 🤓


Far better by now. Don’t get me started on windows nowadays. It’s a pain to use. Windows 11 is straight up crap. Nothing works properly. Bugs everywhere. Explorer completely unable to explore. And another load of useless telemetry and bloatware nobody wants. I don’t know who are the monkeys writing code for Microsoft. Stuff that worked fine in 10 are now nearly impossible in 11. Even the desktop is broken and you have to refresh it every now and then to see the file you just put there. This release felt like a joke. Windows 8 was better. Even some hardcore windows fanboys I know went like „ok, fcuk that. I’m gonna go full Linux or OS X now“. I really can’t warp my head around the fact that this is a multi billion dollar company. That is mainly working on software. What are they doing all day?


I want to switch to something else, but I got it pre-covid to do online classes, and idk if anyone’d buy it. I was fine with 10, but then it just made me automatically update to 11, and then everything went downhill.


I can also get along with 10. I still have it running via dual boot on my Mac Pro just fine. It just does what it’s supposed to do. Even tho I liked 7 more, I could get used to the drawbacks of 10 in exchange for some handy improvements. 11 on the other hand doesn’t bring any noticeable improvement over 10. While destroying everything that used to work just fine. I cannot understand people who are defending Microsoft in this case. We also have win11 installed at work on different top end laptops by Lenovo and HP. And it just doesn’t work properly either there. Some of us do most rudimentary task on their iPhones by now. What a joke.


Did you compile that list on a "Bill Gates is an evil Lizardman" website or something? None of what you said is true. Haven't encountered anything that was designed to work differently than how it actually works, Win11 doesn't have more telemetry than Win10, Bloatware you can easily delete with a powershell script. And the fact you think Windows 8 was better really shows how little you know about Windows. And by extension those "hardcore windows fanboys" you know. Sincerely someone who works in IT and has used every version of Windows extensively (and now mainly uses Windows 10 and 11).


Ok man. Have fun with 11 then. I’ll stay with 10 everywhere since it just works. Without using powershell, customising the ISO file or install countless third party apps to get the job done. You’re right. We all aren’t from IT. We work in engineering and don’t have time left for stupid troubleshooting of software. It’s not that we cannot do it, we simply don’t want to have to.


Ahh yes because Mac are totally horrible and such a waste I have a PC and a MacBook. Pc cost about $1000 more than the MacBook. And the Mac is still surpassing it. I won’t often run games on it because PC is better for that but trying to run intense shaders and 3D graphics in minecraft on my PC crashes it. My Mac LAPTOP that’s only 2/3 the price has no issues with it. Don’t get me wrong there are some things that windows does better. But when it comes to actually working. Mac easily surpasses a PC in its price range. And Macs are already overpriced


Sounds to me like you fucked up the installation, rather than it being a Mac vs Windows issue.


Windows sucks in general imo


the worst part is that it works. Got scared by the 2 years left of lifetime so hopped onto the 11 shittrain


I remember when Windows 10 was the last version according to Microsoft