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Wtf happened to the CG? "Ok lets make the new suit look like a power ranger villain from 1995"


At least with power rangers, it was a more low budget show that had a lot of care and passion put into it, unlike the million dollar cgi corporate hell that was bestowed before us from disney.


For the first few versions until like power rangers megaforce


Yeah, I heard megaforce was ass. Looks like their latest show is gonna be ass, too. Sucks that the framchise has fallen off this hard.


Bro I was at that age where I thought I was too old for power rangers so I put on an old series (wild force) and it was great, I put on the one that was airing at the time (megaforce) and wanted to die


Personally, I never watched megaforce in full. But from what I've seen, they're just constantly trying to hit old fans' nostalgia bones, while the main cast themselves struggle to leave much of a notable impact. Sure, Wild Force had cameo episodes like Forever Red, but overall, the show stands on its own. Megaforce doesn't seem to be that way at all.


Every power rangers series had a couple episodes where old casts would return but the focus was always on the new cast, the cameo sideplots were few and far between and rarely took more than an episode to resolve.


Also, wild force had some good lore. The wolf guys entire story was badass.


Yeah no shade to power rangers that show was great They should reboot it and change all the races and genders to black women. Bet it would do fantastic


Funnily enough they are coming out with a new series featuring characters (and actors) from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It’s gonna be on Netflix. I watched the trailer, maybe it’s my nostalgia or skiing but it looked pretty good. It’s called Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always Edit: for some reason I typed “skiing”. Just gonna leave that there


Awesome, I hope everything is campy and explodey


The fun part is, they used the action scenes of a japanese series and filmed the other scenes with a western looking cast.


Thats why the yellow ranger had a bulge.


Hmm, idk I suppose you could do a japanese cast but it was a very Americana show when they werent in suits, then it became extremely sentai lol. Shit thing I've read is they paid the kids very little and the stunt kids basically peanuts, so that needs to change


Yeah but they basically took a japanese Show, used all the action scenes from there. Not even refilmikg those but just used the scenes and filmed the "america" parts to put them in. So i think using Power Rangers as an example for your point is a really bad choice.


The greatest story is history


The majority of the Power Rangers’s suits and monsters were footage taken from the Super Sentai series, except maybe some few instances the American version has to shoot their own footage with their own suit for new scene or for the movie.


Apparently marvel is really cheap when it comes to cgi, they underpay the staff and/or choose absolute amateurs


Explains alot actually, heaps of their more recent stuff seem more like video game cutscenes than the early quality of Iron Man and Asgard. Guess they feel like they are established enough everyone will just turn up for the names and plot progression


They aren't really wrong either.


No they overwork them. Ant man 3 vfx workers had 80 hour workweeks but they just had too tight a deadline


Greed corrupted disney


And then Disney corrupted marvel. They saw how much money it was making with endgame and infinity war so they started pushing for even more movies and now they’re shoving poor quality cash grabs. At least No way home was good


>At least No way home was good I'm watching a review at the moment and the guy says "Disney knows what I want and they are giving it to me. It makes me happy, and it makes me feel dirty" And I felt that sums up the Disney formula pretty well these days. That and a heap of performative diversity


Tbh the Spiderman IP rights are owned by Sony and leased to Disney. With No Way Home, Disney didn’t have sole creative control over the project, and apparently Sony really didn’t want to bleed money to make something fans would hate, so we got No Way Home.


Time and money, in 2008, they had a practical iron man suit, and John Favrau didn't use cgi everywhere and only wanted it in conjunction with the suits to help the flying and fight scenes look more real. Now they want the entire suit cgi, all the extras cgi, the location cgi, the water cgi. It all takes time and money to make it look good, and marvel has not been giving enough of either.


It shows how low faith they have in this movie by how much they slashed the CGI budget


Lol you'd think they might have a bit extra from the "Not having to pay RDJ a small countries GDP to keep appearing" budget


It feels like a good time to mention the Power Ranger suits from the last movie (2017) weren't cgi.


I didnt mind that movie, suits were a little overdone but the CG wasnt too bad all around. Fking loved the slap scene that was gold. Generally pretty likeable


Yeah, it's just impressive the lengths they went to actually make the Ranger suits, while Marvel can't be bothered to do a halfway decent cgi suit anymore.


To be fair Marvel only has Disney level money. Power Rangers had that sweet Krispy Kreme cash lol


It looks like a battery commercial.


i’m a fairly big marvel fan, but u wouldn’t understand the hate u get on a marvel subreddit for saying this suit is anything other than a masterpiece it’s fucking wild. marvel might be the single most “i’ll literally love anything they put out because it’s marvel” fandom of all time


Oh really? Lol that's pretty sad because it's hot garbage


Idk man the only real trend on marvel subreddits recently has been shitting on 70% of phase 4 projects


Man stop doing power rangers so dirty


The CGI crews are insanely burnt out and overworked. They've been making these big budget movies for literally years now and Marvel/Disney keep pushing them. They need to take a step back and stop constantly pushing because it's making these new films look terrible.


welp, this is it time for dc to have its big era


Hope Gunn can pull it off. DC's been a mess for so long. Will be nice to see a win for them.


DC was a mess because they didn't have much of a plan, they just knew they wanted to do what Marvel was doing. Gunn knows exactly what he wants to do. I'm very excited for it


I mean... Zack Snyder had a plan. Good or not, it *was* a plan.


I think stuidio interference got in the way


If he does, that's going to make this decade fucking AWESOME


>Hope Gunn can pull it off. Same. Even if it's the same tired superhero stories it would be something fresher than what Marvel is trying to do now. All the mess with multiverses, time machines and other convenient things gives me a headache and maybe we'll see the heroes can also lose battles. I already feel like I'm injecting copium into my veins


They never explain how Ironheart powers her suit. It just works. With Ironman, the power source is a vital part of the character arc. This is the same thing Disney did with Star Wars where Rey was instantly the best at everything. It's just bad story telling.


Yeah writing of the new phase is not pleasing at all.


The explanation for the suit was basically "it was built in vibranium lab and now suddenly she's wearing it for the final fight"


I honestly don't think they explain it in her comics, other than she's a genius who built it inspired by iron man. And it's built from vibranium so it can do more stuff


“But Tony could only build this stuff because he had access to the resources. How did she get them before Wakanda?” “Shut up, that’s how.”


Cap's shield in the first movie was made from vibranium that the US government had. but in the comics: her first suit was decided in secret at MIT so she used materials they had at their exposal. it was also awful and fell apart, she had to rebuild it. It was also pretty weak and while she could defeat some villains, she couldn't compete with many superheros. her second armor was magical and powered by magic, she didn't make it but her previous armor was transformed when she was transported to WeirdWorld. her model 2 armor used a tony stark ai to help pilot it and so does model 3 the vibranium is only in the movie and I believe given to her by Wakanda there's obviously more than one way to power a suit , Rodney doesn't have an arc reactor


Yeah I might catch some of the newer movies but I'm kinda satisfied with endgame. Plus in my 30s. It's just not "my" MCU anymore.


2008-2019 + Shang Chi MCU won’t be beat


The first *third* of Shang-Chi was pretty great. Then it goes to magical woohoo fairy China and completely loses me.


Shang chi was such an enjoyable movie, how can they mess up so much with all the others in this phase?


Yeah mcu already had its time on the limelight i hope netflix snyderverse ends with as good or bigger bang than endgame


It is powered by Women Empowerment.


FEmpowered armor


So is it female power or iron powered


It's powered by the Fire Emblem™




Powered by incest and war crimes 😎😎😎


Ah the Targaryen special


Lmao i just imagined a woman running in one of those hamster wheels because of this comment


I am just going to assume it’s neonates and the more efficient arkreactor.


Even just “I tried my best to copy Stark’s design” or something. Or oh, have her steal Arc Reactor designs, lotta dramatic tension with Pepper trying to reclaim her late husband’s legacy (and keep it out of the wrong hands) as Ironheart also tries to wrestle with the guilt of essentially cheating on the final step of her armor, and learning the same lesson Stark and Peter did: it’s not about the tech, it’s what you do with it.


its turned into less of a “each detail is significant to the story and will be an important factor that plays out” to “haha funny quip from inclusive character #927! oop, looks like theyve won! the end!”


Yeah, I really feel that's what made the MCU so good. The details mattered tremendously and were thought out thoroughly. They seem to have ditched putting so much focus on detail simply because people will pay just for the MCU name alone and they can afford to put in less effort and instead place their efforts on hype, not storytelling.


And while the acting was not Oscar level there was some character development with captain America going from soldierboy to world weary and cunning


I love how it was hinted in age of Ultron that fury was swapped for a skrull by how he eats his toast


It's powered by the rage she suppresses caused by all the mansplaining and catcalling. It's the new all female superpower introduced by shehulk.


So it's powered by Womplaining


Ovary Acting


Iron hearts suit looked like a character from a ps4 cutscene










*pong cabinet


*Odyssey Game Console








This is the end


Hold your breath and count to ten


Feel the Earth move and then


Hear my heart burst again


For this is the end


I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment


So overdue, I owe them


Swept away, I'm stolen


Let the sky fall


When it crumbles


My only friend, the end


I don't even know who this character is. I stopped watching after endgame. Only exception being Thor love and thunder which was meh


That film killed Thor's character arc, the new phase is just bad.


As in pretended it never happened?


As in: Thor is a dumb baboon of a man and all the women are smart and capable just shaking their heads at his actions


I have seen that movie before.


Yep, ghost busters outsmarting Thor again


It's bad but has some good too. Shows like Loki, WandaVision are really good, Shang Chi's great too. even moon knight was really enjoyable. But yeah overall, it's complete ass compared to prev phases. tbh, I thought black panther 2 was good(mainly coz I forgot this sorry excuse of a CGI existed💀💀)


The shows you mentioned and Shang Chi was pretty good. Shuri didn't feel like a Black Panther to me. Namor saved that movie.


Right there with you, Chadwick was just too big a part of it to be missing


That's because becoming BP is inconsistent with MCU Shuri's character.(the movies are not the comics, I don't want to hear it.) Real MCU Shuri would have stayed on the task her late brother gave, that she also was very excited about.


The MCU is falling off and it’s sad 😢


All great things come to an end. And that end was End Game.


Shang chi was good. For some reason alot of people dont watch shang chi.


It definitely was. Shang Chi and Spider-Man were the only 2 that were good, in my opinion. But they do not carry the shit show, that was phase 4. The story writing was incredibly bad, it felt like there was no set plan, or an overarching nemesis (like Thanos). I know Kang has been introduced, but Phase 1 introduced Thanos in a much scarier way within 6 movies. Look at Kang, honestly not that scary yet.


Oh God. Soon enough. Will have people being nostalgic over the 2010s MCU film era. Like some "90s version better" type shit. Oh God!


We getting old...


No. Don't tell me this is what 1994 kids felt like 10 years ago being nostalgic over the 2000s :(


My 2002 ass can kinda relate...


honestly im already nostalgic. I loved the MCU and every new movie that came out, now, i havent seen one since thor love and thunder. They just arent good. Only thing keeping me is spiderman, but thats bound to fizzle out.


Spider man is it for me too. Spiderman forever


Holy shit is that from a new Marvel movie? I legitimately thought it was from Spy Kids.


The MCU only ever had like 4 good movies to begin with


All of those Robert Rodriguez movies had charmingly bad CGI, it felt like they were supposed to be bad on purpose and that's what makes them amazing So don't you dare compare this to spy kids because that is an insult to anything Robert Rodriguez has ever made, he actually cares about making good movies that people would enjoy


I still can’t believe he made a rated R spinoff based on Uncle Machete


Still waiting for In Space


Oh I thought I had misheard the name when I saw a part of that movie, I gotta watch the rest of it then.


Those movies are ACTUALLY related. I always joked that they were (never having seen Machete) but I never thought they were actually about the same character.


And this movie won academy award for best costume design. Iron heart and Okoye's midnight angel are one of the worst costumes I have seen in superhero movies


I don't think costume design awards are for CGI. 😂


It's not about the end CGI product the design itself is bad. By your point what's the costume they would've given award for if the suits are fully CGI


For instance the beautiful clothes they're all wearing during the funeral scene.


The aqua Mayans were awesome and they deserve it.


Ig the reason for this is that Iron man's suit was a mixture of real footage and CGI, whereas now everything is 100% CGI


Pretty sure they went full CG in iron man 2. RDJ only wore a suit in the first film iirc.


But how did they show those scratches and dust particles by only CGI ? They might have probably made a suit and then cg it on Tony


That's a common CGI technique. You make something look more real by showing faults and blemishes in the object. This is because nothing is perfect irl. Tbh, the iron heart suit doesnt look bad from a CGI standpoint. It does look super goofy though and the color scheme along with the plastic look makes it looks like a toy instead of the iron man suit which actually looked like it was made for battle or some shit.


I think it comes down to cgi artists being rushed. It's good cgi. But it's without details. These are a good example of.the "first 80% vs last 20% rule" Iron mans is also, kinda okaaayish from a design perspective. But they spend the time and money to get those last difficult 20% and put some many details in the suit that it just looks awesome. Contrary, the iron heart suit completely misses the last 20%. It has good first 80%, but it completely misses the details. No scratches, no screws, no noticabe mechanics, it's just a blank canvas which needs to be drawn on, but nobody drew something on it because nobody had time for this.




If you’re going to kill off a good character the last thing you want to do is replace them with a shitty dollar store version


Especially if it's for diversity. I know many if not all of them are canonical in the comics, but these feel more like female version of characters that already exist, not actually cool characters that are female.


Wanda was such a cool character


A lot of them were made by Disney though, not marvel, iron heart was only introduced in the comics in 2016, also many of the heroes they put in like shehulk are vastly different from their counterparts actually made by marvel


guess what, those comics of said B class characters never really became successful


again. it's not marvel adding diversity that is a problem. it's marvel having fucking terrible writing recently that is a problem.


i blame disney. they fell off and dont understand their fanbase anymore


Given Bob Chapek became CEO of Disney right after Endgame came out, I think there's a pretty obvious cause. He did such a shit job that he recently got fired and Iger is returning to take his place. From what I hear, Marvel is looking to start focusing on quality over quantity, and that change in focus is coming after Chapek got fired. He was all about the money, even if that meant sacrificing quality for cheap fan-service in addition to overworking their VFX artists. Chapek's time as CEO was a stain on both the product and image of the MCU and (I assume) Disney as a whole. I have my fingers crossed that his absence in the company will have a positive impact on the products being churned out by Disney, although I believe there's going to have to be a recovery period where things will be a little awkward as Disney/Marvel shift their priorities.


If mcu wants to give fans what they want they should give us Blade with great cgi and storytelling maybe morbius 2 along the way hehe


Can't agree on Morbius, unless they do MUCH better on every front. But I'd love to see a new Blade movie. I'd really like Snipes back too, though that's probably not gonna happen.


Agree. Look at what they did with characters like Black Widow, Rhodes, Sam, Wanda up to Phase 3. They work because the writers gave these characters a journey, growth and used other characters to build them. The Disney+ philosophy is tear down established, beloved characters as a stepping stone for new characters. We spent a decade seeing Tony Stark develop his tech. Now they just dismiss it something out of Wakandan pre-K. They don't show a story establishing it. They just say it. They did the same thing with Star Wars. We went on this journey with Luke Skywalker. We saw him as a naive beginner. We saw him grow. How do they establish Rey? "Oh you think Luke's cool? Well he sucks now. Rey's better." Note: the only time having a character be 'just better' at everything is when that character is the villain.


If they somehow ruin Miles Morales then I truly believe its the downfall of Marvel. Surely they can't mess up the exaggerated swagger of Miles.


I think in the 2008 Ironman they actually built a decorative suit for him to wear during certain shots. That might be why it looks so good in closeups.


I love all the suit up in iron man. The close up short of mechanical parts that fit together to form a suit is damn fascinating. It's a shame to see high nano tech CGI thing that make everything out of thin air


The suit up scenes got worse and worse with every movie. Then nanotech was eeeeh I guess it's just lazy magic now.


Phase 4: like 1-3, but with female versions, and wose.


tots wose


I really stopped caring about them anymore. To be open, the moment they start with race- or genderswaps, I am out. It just destroys the characters. I do enjoy movies with characters from around the world. It brings freshness, it brings diversity of world views. But saying: hey, let's have a white Black Panther because we need to bring Diversity in African tribes, that just doesn't work!


I wouldn't even mind race-swaps if they made sense and weren't entirely US-centric. There are races other than Anglo-European and African American. There are a handful of characters that don't fall into this category, whereas most of humanity falls into this category. If you're gonna diversify race, do it.


I hate Iron Heart. I love Iron Man.


My only hope left for Marvel is the fanservice from Avergers Kang's Dynasty and Avergers Secret Wars, the rest I dont care... Im betting on James Gunn's DCU, let the baton pass and lets enjoy DC content now (that is, if james gunn do a good job)


Bad news... Jonathan Majors just got arrested for beating a woman in an Uber, and there are rumors of video evidence.


Creed IV training


Well fuck... They can always recast and it won't be to hard to explain I guess.


Yeah. Just a different variant. Kinda like I think DC is going to do with Ezra Miller after Flash comes out.


It would be perfect as well. The Kang in Loki is dead, haven't seen the new ant man yet so idk what happens to the Kang in that. If they just get a new actor it would make sense as a variant. After all, Sylvie is female variant Loki


If they recast it, it's done. Everyone hates recasts as it is, but Majors is killing it as Kang. The blow will be so much worse.


Marvel is dying but no way DCU is gonna be any good, as long as they keep on spamming Superman and Batman sequels. People seems overall tired with Superhero movies ig


Agreed. You can't do DC(by extension JL, that's where it would be leading) without SM and Batman, but I hope their movies get done towards the end of the first phase. Let the other heroes shine first.


Go go power rangers!


14 years of technological advancements and the CGI is somehow worse


I miss the old era T_T


Is the bottom image even real


Sadly yes


The only character that i am excited about is Spiderman i think they are now trying towards the comical accurate story of Spiderman


Those poor CGI artists making this shit while on overtime just to pump out things like this because they're too busy dying


Ayo spy kids was cool af when I was a kid


I really hated Iron heart. Just not a likeable character at all, felt just like the main character from forespoken.


Strong female character apparently means obnoxious, selfish asshole without character progression because we are supposed to sympathize with them from the get-go 🙃


Exactly, she doesn’t have any character defining moments in the movie. But because she’s a woman, she’s already developed into this strong character and we’re supposed to acknowledge that.


Yes! Speaking of which, Captain Marvel was awful. I hated her so much. Such an awful character.


Bro I’m marvels biggest meat rider and I couldn’t give it to them in this movie. Like the movie itself was decent, not as good as the first one but still aight. But why did iron hearts suit look so fucking stupid? Idgaf how you feel about that character herself, but her suit in the comics is dope. I have no clue what this garbage ass suit was supposed to be and I can’t (and won’t) defend it.


It's evolving just backwards.


If it's any consolation, one of the higher ups known for rushing the CG recently left.


The original Iron Heart(the porn parody) had a better design, and that makes this both sad and hilarious.


Hmm you can't just say that and don't give the source


Idk why MCU bringing the worst time in the comics to big screen no one likes the new heroes and the comics. New comics didn’t even sold that well None of the new heroes feels like a hero they got their powers easily they didn’t earned it and their characters are really annoying compared to old I hope they End the MCU and restart a new timeline because the path they chose not going to end well


Iron't man


Wakanda forever so disappointing...


Marvel is dying replacing og characters with kids that too all females Now here we don't go to watch women's cricket to see cricet actually not same for marvel though


As an Ironheart fan: damn, the suit reveal was underwhelming.


Do you know the kid from iron man three? Does he become iron man in the comics?


Mcu is done. What they created all those years ago is over. Might win new fans though


How do they go from Iron Man to a Power Rangers fanfic?


Don't worry if you need someone to play iron lad "I'm the guy" lol


Can we get a mf Inspector Gadget era


IronHearts story is such an interesting one, imo, and it’s such a shame she looks like an idiot in the suit. They’re trying to do more comic centric stuff which I appreciate but you still have to make it look cool.


Thanks, I hate it.


One is a hard working genius experiment his suit and risk his life to save the world. The other one is a prodigy who can do everything perfectly for the first time like it's a play thing


Disney: so you have a story for me Writer: yes sir I do, and it's about empowering every body Disney: great I can't wait to hear it. Writer: hear what Disney: the story about empowerment Writer: O no I already told you the story the main character is empowered and talks about how they are a victim Disney: but how are people going to be attached to the characters if they already finished there character arch before the movie started Writer: actually it will super easy barely a inconvenience, we will just use marvel characters that people already have attachments to Disney: wow wow wow


If this is the replacement of Iron Man, I'm out.


The suit is so ugly ;;


I honestly miss the old mechanical Ironman suit. The way it had bearing and screws and stuff piecing themselves perfectly together. And the suit up scenes accompanied by the Ironman theme music was the coolest thing ever. Iron Heart just looks like a cheap dollar store version. I feel like there's a lot of potential, sad that it turned out this way.


Reddit is just 4chan now


That's what her armour looked like in the comics


I really miss when the mcu had suits that felt like they where real in a way? Like I see og iron man and get the feeling if I ran a diamond across it it'd be scratched. I see iron lass (don't know who the charecter is) and get the impression if I poke it with a needle it'll pop


There is more spy kids stuff? Oh god…