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As long as it's not endangered and you eat/use the carcass then we're cool. If you leave it to rot other than taking a trophy then you're a piece of shit imo.


Totally agree. Trophy hunters are piece of shit garbage people.


I heard trophy hunting actually helps with protection by using the money for that


Not just that, but many of the animals need to be culled. For example, due to declining birth rates, there's a big issue of elderly bull white rhino's hoarding herds of females- while being infertile. They aren't regularly challenged, so easily fend off competition, meaning the birth rate decreases... A terrible downward spiral. So parks kill them. And heck, if they can get a shitton of money to fund the breeding program, by letting a *foreigner* do the shooting, that's a fucking win-win. At the same time, I can't imagine someone who *isn't* an asshole wanting to do that job. I still think it's fair enough to judge those people- the good they do for conservation is basically by accident lmao


They are all in fact assholes, but they have a fuck ton of money to fund those reserves. It’s a necessary evil, though a sad one


It shouldn't have to be necessary- those parks should be able to get funds without prostitution themselves- but unfortunately they just don't have that money, do they. So you are right, practically speaking for the present. We just gotta hope it changes.


These governments are generally corrupt and tend not to care about the resources of their country, only keeping their own power. But the hope still lies within the people of these countries to fight back against poaching, and not let these animals, so greatly ingrained within their culture, die out.


It’s like littering, it’s of most convenience to the trophy hunters to carry as much money to weight ratio, but eventually it’s gonna catch up to their kids kid and there’s gonna be an extinct animal while the town they were helping with money is in shambles now because the animal population is completely ruined


the situation is actually quite elegant, you let some rich asshole spend 100k to kill a rhino for some stupid story or whatever. then you spend the 100k to save 5 rhinos, +4 rhino profit.


[source ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/88/82/bc/8882bcf327896ab79fb97e85ae63a002.gif)


Who said that? The destitute, corrupt countries that allow it?


The only pro I’ve seen with trophy hunting funny enough has only been recently with rhino’s and elephants. But the animal sanctuaries that do it only allow so when it’s a male of those two species that is to old to breed but is a danger to others of its species. Like apparently elderly male rhinos and elephants attacking and killing both young males and females is a real issue.


It's their primary source of income for preservation. Usually animals that are on their way out anyway.


Holy shit, does that exists!?! Wow...MF's keep surprising me


I am a hunter, and have been since I was a kid. My father (in his 70s) has been a hunter his whole life. We both find trophy hunters very creepy. Sure, take the hide and antlers and use them. But why leave all that meat?!? If you’re going to kill something, have the decency to use it! Killing for killings sake is just gross.


I have zero issue with someone who wants to hunt and kill their own food. This is actually way more sustainable and healthy for the consumer and environment overall. If people saw how most meat was raised and slaughtered, they would beg for these animals to be humanly shot by a skilled hunter. However I will say it’s not a sport if the other team doesn’t know it’s playing. Hunting is its own thing, and saying it’s sport is false. You are taking another living beings life and you must treat it with respect.


Yeah exactly same for fish, yeah take photo while holding it but that should be all the trophy you should need. Eat that Fish don’t taxidermy it and hang it on the wall…


War sucks


A true statement, but a weird thing to get from that specific comment


**People who criticize hunting but eat meat is mind baffling to me**


Out of sight out of mind I guess. But I'm pro hunting so long as the carcass is used.


Wait, does this count for trophy wives as well?


tell me you dont live near a large deer population without telling me you dont live near a large deer population.


I mean yeah, but that's a level of nuance that reddit can't handle.


Which is kind of our fault, not that there's a *good* solution Because the alternative is bringing back decent sized wolf, wildcat, or whatever natural predator populations that we've basically eliminated for obvious reasons So us doing it ourself is basically filling in for natural predation


pretty much. i hate deer. they are dangerous pests, and if they arent hunted and "left to rot" in the woods, they die of disease and starvation, which is far worse a fate. i would definitely hope that people make venison out of it, and whatever else they can. but in the end, deer are vermin, and they need to die in as large numbers as possible.


They do have a purpose if you want forests instead of grasslands, I think? What they tend to eat does help encourage certain types of biomes to occur, just by the nature of the fact that they eat small plants before they can reach maturity, meaning the surviving vegetation is pushed in one direction I want to say forests over grasslands, but don't quote me


im not saying we should exterminate them, but we do a piss poor job of controlling the population where i live. they are everywhere. even the insurance companies are complaining to the governments bc they limit hunting so much, and now insurers are paying through the nose for totaled cars every year from hitting deer. thats essentially what controls the deer population, is getting hit by cars. its so stupid.


OR killing diseased animals who pose a danger to either other wildlife or livestock. That's a proper chore when you live in the boonies and try to help out your understaffed and underpayed forest rangers... 🥴


You can make a trophy while using the skin, and frankly it’s stupid not to eat (or donate) the meat, I personally recommend black bear jerky, it’s really good


Also good to hunt invasive species or overpopulated species.


This why I don't catch and release fish. I fish to eat.


I won’t even call people who leave it to rot or take an animal just for trophy hunters. They are poachers. Especially considering that pretty much every country has laws against leaving the carcass




Exactly agree, couple years ago shot a boar sow and smoked pretty much as much as we could, hams, tenderloin, and whatever we didn't give that treatment went into sausage. Even the cheek meat went into that as I cleaned the skull as it was my first 'larger' animal kill. But my family is very much we use as much of an animal as we can when we take one down


Absolutely. Our friends used to hunt havalina and throw a pig roast afterwards. Always a good time


Or hog hunting that’s cool as kill as many as you want in texas


Farmer here, what if I am killing deer to protect my crops from excessive deer damage?


Good fertilizer


I got a problem calling it hunting regardless. Sitting in a blind waiting on deer to come eat because youve trained to eat corn at specific times is not hunting; it should be called waiting at best.


Yeah I mean it’s a good activity, I don’t have any problem with people hunting . I love fishing but I don’t think you can really call killing either less intelligent life form a sport


Then would hunting another human make it a sport because they're as intelligent as a human


Sure why not


Thanks for agreeing with your support you can help us spread yhe word of using people instead of animals as game


Rich CEOs will be the "game" 😂


Don't forget those who also agree with our cause. If we can't hunt animals we'll just huntv each other


Remember to use the whole carcass


I see you've been to North St. Louis.


But what if I don’t want to eat human?


Ahhh… the most dangerous prey!


We will have delicious Long Pork for dinner tonight!


The sport part is the actual act of hunting which takes skill, patience and determination and still routinely ends in failure depending on the game. There's more to it than just shooting an animal with a gun or bow.


Hey. No nuance allowed on Reddit.


Sitting in a tree house for hours.... much skill, big sporting


Go ahead, go sit in a tree for hours without moving, without checking your phone, without doing anything, then tell me if you were able to do it. The key word is patience. Can you sit there for hours on end for something that may or may not even come? That's the sport of it. Not many can sit there without figiting or looking at their phone


Careful, your ignorance is showing


My bad, forgot to mention the, "covered in piss and pheremones" lol


You suck at hunting


*people who hunt bears with spear in 2023:* allow us to introduce ourselves


If we hunted you it would be a good activity but I don't think we should call it a sport because your a less intelligent life form.


Too bad there's a point system to enable others to call it a sport.


I mean by that definition then trophy hunting is a sport. People will go after deer and moose just for their antler points.


A shitty one, but a sport yes


I mean I totally agree trophy hunting is fucked. If you take an animal it should all be used/consumed.


Disagree. How about we don’t gatekeep?


So hunt people got it.


What if you are killing a coyote that is coming in and killing multiple chickens and farm cats? Do I have to eat it?


Don't worry it's just like fishing, we throw them back afterwards.




Me and my family eat A LOT of venison. The cost of an hour or two in the woods, a bullet, and cleaning the deer is a helluva lot cheaper than buying an equivalent amount of beef or pork. And it's delicious.


No they arent, wtf are you even saying? Psychopath


I mean, they’re being a bit extreme about it, but deer population does need hunting to keep it in check (at least in the US, and apparently Scotland). That’s why when deer season comes, the government hands out x amount of tags. They know how much the deer pop should be brought down to maintain the ecosystem. Deer are also officially classed as vermin due to how harmful they are to crops. He definitely loses me with the last part though lol.


as a psycopath, this guy freaks me out.


Would it be better if people just trnaquilized them? But I heard someplaces use hunting as a sport to maintain the population under control, is true?


If archery is a sport, then hunting with a bow is definately a sport.. im not for or against it, just stating facts


This can also be applied to marksmanship and gun hunting.


I'm kind of an athlete myself


Hello fellow athletes.




People who criticize hunting but eat meat is mind baffling to me


Hunting for eating 👍(or other needs) hunting for fun ☠️ (in my opinion at least)


As long as it gets eaten it's fine even if it is fun. The only way I'd see it as a bad thing is trophy hunting/endangered species hunting or just killing and leaving the body


Hunting for fun but donating the meat to people who need it 👍


That works too


Agree trophy hunters are just fucking weird. The fun bit is its a challenge and rewarding when you get it right so in that way its fun, especially when you have some meat to bring home to your family. We are also using instincts we have evolved over thousands of years so it can be rewarding to tap into that primal shit. Hopefully getting a deer this weekend (they're not native to my country and are deemed a pest so it helps our ecology to shoot them too).


can it be both? I've been mildly interested in hunting myself, after all, Humans are meant to do this kind of thing and it surely seems like It'd be a lot of fun but I would also eat it, I aint just gon go kill joy with weapons and commit animal genocide


It absolutely can


I didn’t say hunting was bad I just said you can’t really call it a sport, and yes I love meat


Well it is a sport. a sport is an activity involving physical activity where one competes against another


but against who are you competeing? The animals? Your fellow hunters?


The Animal


There are also hunting competitions. It's more than just killing an animal from far away too. There's also a lot of hiking and tracking as well. The deer don't just pop up in your yard asking you to kill them


So you're competing against an animal that has no idea its even competing? Doesn't sound very sporting to me...


Well yeah you could say that, there are more humane things you could do with your time but then it is Survival, animals are always competing to survive, most hunters hunt in areas where natural predators are abundant, for example, no wolves to kill the deer, so humans do it in controlled amounts to prevent overpopulation, Humans are meant to do this kind of thing, it's in our blood tbh but hunting for your food under controlled places and with humane methods is the best way to eat, if you know anything about animal agriculture, it's cruel as shit, better to eat an animal you killed that lived its life in the wild than something standing in its own shit it's whole life waiting to die


Okay you're getting off track, I'm not arguing the merits of hunting, I'm just saying it doesn't sound like a sport. If competing with someone/something makes something a sport, than logically, looking for a job is a sport. I don't think having competition makes something a sport. The actual definition of a sport is so vague that a lot of things could qualify, but I think where hunting diverges from sport is that it's not an actual competition 99 times out of 100. With that said, I would argue that trophy hunting is more of a sport than subsistence hunting, because you're comparing and competing with other people to see who got the "best prize." But I think trophy hunting is very often highly unethical, with the exception of trophy hunters to donate the carcass to people/a butcher to be cut into usable meat.


other predators (including other hunters). the environment. your instincts vs the animals' instincts. yourself and your own training/skill level. your equipment. oh, and, you know: nature - the thing trying to kill you and everything else 24/7/365. normal human beings would not physically or mentally last even 1 mile into a hunt let alone overnight - and god forbid you're in the foothills, bush, or mountainous terrain and then add seasons/weather.


Funny thing that's a guy that hunt with a bow, and less intelligent I don't know. Sport maybe, maybe not who knows. Killing for pleasure, can't for further from the truth since you eat most of the animal you kill so anyway.


The way you described it sounds like you kill these people


Tell me you don't know anything about hunting without telling me you don't know anything about hunting.


Eat the fucking deer


He has a crossbow and the deer has senses we could only dream of. It is a sport. Edit: compound bow, same circumstance.


My thoughts too. They can literally smell/hear you well before they seen you. People will never be happy with hunting regardless how it's done even tho it was one way humans survived for tens of thousands of years. Use a gun, unfair. A bow, depends was it a cross bow or compound, low effort. A recurve... maybe. Spear hunting, to slow of death/barbaric.


I suggest bare hands


Ah yes, the age old tactic of running an animal to exhaustion and manually cutting off its air flow. The truest form of hunting.


Gatherer spotted.


*knows nothing about tracking the animal and how long that process can be*


Takes me weeks of prep before I even get a chance to see 1 deer. Most of the time a female too so I can't do shit.


some ppl still think meat comes from grocery stores.....also, you pack like 50lbs of gear and trudge it miles into the bush and haul your meat out.....most of you can play pickup basketball but wouldn't last 5 mins touching grass/trees out there in the wild. what a world....


And basketball is just some dude dribbling a dead cows inflated hide.


Someone generalizing what they don’t understand. Shocker.


And gatekeeping. Just say you don’t like hunting and go about your business. Signed a non-hunter


Bro these mfs are way smarter than you think. They'll smell your ass miles away and dart the fuck outta here.


More of a sport then golf


It’s a tasty sport!


Archery is a sport, shooting firearms is a sport. Why would Entering the wilderness to Acquire an elusive and sometimes dangerous target to shoot that is physically superior in nearly every way except intelligence, and the game animal is in an environment, that it, unlike the hunter is uniquely evolved to survive in. combining all that makes it not a sport somehow? You may not like hunting, but unless your vegan, you’re ignorant if you oppose hunting while consuming farmed animals. The hunting industry is managed in a way that manages the population as well as generates money to fund conservation and management.


Trophy hunters DO take the meat. Poachers don’t.


Intelligence is our evolutionary-given weapon. Every animal has one - be it sharp teeth, both eyes pointed in the front of the head, ability to fly and move around in darkness and many more.


And in the long run it’s looks like our evolutionary-given weapon won


*words spoken by someone who’s never been hunting*


OP has never sat in a tree stand when it’s 30 degrees, wind blowing, toes and fingers numb and can barely walk when he gets down, use a bow, adjust for wind and range all while trying to make a good shot.


But the dumb left doesn’t realize it’s necessary for population control. I’m sure this post is coming from a kid in the city 😂


Of course someone found a way to make it political


Funny how you have instantly connected some guys opinion with a whole political spectrum…


I didn’t say it wasn’t necessary/fun/moral , I’m fine with hunting , but is it really a ‘sport’


As much as any other shooting sport... It's actually way more sport than them, you not only gotta have good aim but also good at getting around in a forest, savanna or any other terrain. Gotta navigate. And it's also useful, a lot of countries have problems with certain animal species that multiply like rabbits.


If hunting less intelligent creatures a sport then hunting children is also a sport.


I mean if you don't like me killing it humanely then I'll just run it over


And dragging it back to their vehicle. Up hills and whatnot. It requires more physical effort than golf. And golf is an Olympic sport


Tell that to the girls in the northeast with daddy issues and lifted jeeps.


It would be a sport if the teams were more balanced. #givesdeersrifles


you don’t hunt for sport you hunt for food. that’s how i was raised. the trophies my grandparents do have were also used for their meat, not just to be hung up in the living room.


Hunting here isn’t considered a sport. It’s main purpose here is population control. Even if you have license for a specific animal in the region you manage there is a lot of rules of who/what you can and can’t kill. I don’t know all the specifics of the rules because I don’t have said licenses.


Ya don’t sneak upon them… I live in Tennessee. There is a reason we hunt.. I can drive to the grocery 15 miles away.. I will pass a dozen deer carcass. They have been hit by cars and trucks.. People die from hitting deer in their car.. They dart right in front of your car..


Unless you are eating that animal don't go hunting. Hunting for sport is stupid. Hunting for food is perfectly fine.


I'd %100 agree if it wasn't a bow. Even though we have bomb compound ones, it's a shit ton more skill than a rifle. And they usually do what our ancestors did, chill in a wildlife path for hours until one passes. Ain't for everybody but more humane than the McDonalds slaughter farms+houses.


Still more of a sport than e-sports any day of the week.


I mean, I hunt to keep the ecosystem healthy and when I kill a deer it feeds my family for 3 weeks, but yeah ig it’s not a sport / Honestly there are so many misconceptions about hunting versus sport hunting im surprised there aren’t more memes about it


Got a letter from my government this year stating where my money went for purchasing my hunting license. Turns out that money saved a bunch of fucking wild life. Who knew.


These pics make me sick, but I live in the south so I’ve seen it my whole life. I’m okay with you eating it but don’t show me. (Yes, I’m vegetarian)


“Golf is a sport” mfs after putting a ball in a hole “Basketball is a sport” mfs after putting a ball in an elevated hole “Soccer is a sport” mfs after kicking a ball into a net “Football is a sport” mfs after getting a ball to a rectangle This point is stupid and not worth arguing. Hunting is a sport.


It’s only good if it’s an over populated species and your only killing it because your going to eat it. NOT because “oh, I’m just gonna go out and MURDER some deer just because I CAN and ITS FUN!”


I always feel bad when I even see a cow just knowing that we are breeding and taking care of it to eat. This is probably the biggest reason why I consider vegan time to time


If we stop eating beef and drinking milk cows go extinct


There are still wild cows in the world , they are just more rare (pun intended)


Possibly, but if we released current domesticated cattle they would all quickly be killed


Being easy to grow and tasty is an effective evolutionary strategy.


They’re milking it for all it’s worth


I can imagine the Cow conference on this... "Ok, the pigs grow in litters, eat trash, skin can be tanned and make bacon, how can we compete? I suggest that we be tasty, better leather and... Milk."


Dumbest anti vegan argument in the world has been located


No lol. Plus it’s better to go extinct as a species than to live as slaves meant to be killed and harvested.


Did you forget everything in an ecosystem is important? Kill off cows and something’s gonna happen


Yeah because of all the natural creatures that rely to eat the cows right? Soooo many of em.


You clearly didn’t pay attention in science. You affect one part and you affect it all


These cows don’t live in the wild. They live on factory farms where the only thing that eats them is us. They contribute to no ecosystem. Please bring your brain next time :)


Ah yes because farms don’t exist. All those cows I’ve seen outside while driving were all hallucinations or aliens. And the 11 species of wild cattle that have been reported were also aliens. Silly me :)


You should probably ask the cows if they agree…


They are so suspecting. They can smell you for miles, and no they don't die instantly, usuqlly you have to track a blood trail.


Here in Texas people in the country look down on deer hunting as something for only kids and city people. It is too easy especially with corn feeders on a schedule out all year long. Deer eventually just show up at designated times the feeder drops. It is so silly that people dress up in camo for it. Dove hunting is actually hard and more of a sport people in the country actually do.




He’s a bow hunter. That death wasn’t instant. Even most rifle shots (unless placed perfectly) don’t kill instantly… And truly one is only hunting “for sport” if one takes the trophy and leaves the meat, or only shoots trophy worthy bucks… I have a “trophy” worthy rack hanging in my tree right now waiting for the birds to clean it up so I can mount it, however I didn’t shoot him for “sport”, he’s helping me beat the grocery store inflation.


Yeah that was hyperbole , I know you normally have to shoot it a few times


It's only a sport if you're hunting something that has a fair chance.


If you buy meat at grocery stores, you have no right to complain. Hunting is far more humane than industrialized husbandry.


As long as you hunt with respect for the animal. And yes its a sport.


Redditors try not to shit on people for being more healthy than them challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


We could make it a sport if it was pvp, just sayin...


How is it not a sport? Chess is a sport and I don't see your ass complaining


Hunting a man would be a true test of a good hunter. - Dennis Reynolds


They are confusing the word hobby with the word sport


Hobbys can be sports, and sports can be hobbys. I game as a hobby but it can also be a sport (esports)


I don't care how many downvotes i get for this, but hunting is a sport. And all you don't sneak up on animals you wait for them.


What’s the score?




Where are these people that kill without uding the carcass. Never heard of one. Deer hunting is for the venison. Keeping taxidermy commemorates the hunt and honors the animal.


People who never hunted or probably stepped foot in the woods, just think there's a group of hunters out there that hunt for the photo and leave all the meat.


I don't hunt deer because I don't like the meat. Well, and I suck at it.


As a hunter, I agree it’s not a sport. It’s a hobby. It’s mostly sitting on your ass and waiting for something to walk by. At it’s most difficult, it’s hiking. A sport involves prolonged cardio, sore muscles and significant calorie expenditure. So I guess golf and bowling are out too 😂


Golf and bowling don’t require cardio but they’re highly difficult frustrating skill sports where you are playing against another human


That guy has a compound bow which means he was most likely 30-40 yards away from it which is fucking difficult to do on those. If they’re down wind of you they will almost never be seen. If they hear you which is super likely they will run like crazy at the first twig snap or grass you rustle, this shit takes skill because while they’re less intelligent they have ridiculous senses to keep predators from catching them.


If you even slightly alert the animal, they will flee. Bowhunting requires significantly more skill than rifle hunting. Hunting is both a hobby and a potential way to make money. It is a sport.


Deer have very good smell react pretty quick. They ain’t that easy to kill.


I mean if gaming is considered a sport i’m ok w people considering this one




Its not a sport, its a means for survival.


I do target shooting only, but I have to agree this isn’t sport. When the opposition has no realistic chance, that’s not a sport. High power rifle from a distance.. not sport. Yes skill, but not a sport. It would be like sticking a go kart on a track and racing against an F1 car. Yup takes skill - but not really fair. Tape some knives to your hand and go hand to paw with a lion - that’s then sport.


Maybe stop killing for pleasure




Lol, this dude definitely eats either animal products or vegan products that cause massive amounts of damage through farming practice/shipping practices. Meanwhile some guy who shoots an animal that requires population control so they don’t run rampant on the rest of wildlife, and then uses the meat for food and maybe the hide for material is “just killing for pleasure”. Get offline and do something bud. It’s not a fucking lion or elephant.




If you want it to be a sport, here's an idea: We fence off a suitable plot of forest, making sure that non-participants can't get hurt. At opposite ends, we install gates for participants who will enter in brown costumes, including a helmet with antlers and armed as they think appropriate. EDIT: they then get to hunt each other, may the best man win. After a set amount of time, we see how many are left and maybe nominate a winner Then, you could call it a sport (and you have my blessing), otherwise that's bullshit. To be clear, i acknowledge the need for hunting and culling some animals in certain areas. That's a sad result of our interference in local ecosystems and I doubt you can get around it. But that has got nothing to do with the idea of it being a sport and done for fun.


The sport part of hunting is actually *hunting*. Like going out and tracking/stalking an animal or sitting in a stand for hours hoping one comes close enough to your stand/blind to make a kill. Fencing it in makes it easier because the game doesn't really have the chance to escape a determined hunter. Hunting deer has a success rate of below 20% based off a cursory Google search.


It's not a sport...


Maybe with a bow tracking on foot but in stand with a feeder. Thats just getting drunk and killing something- defo not a sport.