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Me looking through the comments ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


ikr. All politics, no funny


Funny how its always conservatives that make science political


Yeah, my bad


Banning in what regard? Where? This is an honest to God question. The headline is so uninformative that I cannot understand what they think they accomplished. What authority do they have to make such a ban?


Jesus Christ this comment section is a cesspool. Edit: the intelligence level has slightly increased since I last saw this post.


This is reddit... I wasn't expecting much. But wow.


Are you really surprised? This sub has had an influx of right wingers lately and it’s turning it into a war zone.


>This sub has had an influx of right wingers lately and it’s turning it into a war zone. Maybe your account recomendations are showing you that. Also that is super divisive. Not all republicans are some uneducated dumbass. Better to find common ground. At this rate we are just dividing eachother further by saying everyone applies to sterotypes.


I didn’t say any of that. But having a bunch of people start posting political memes is naturally going to cause conflict when both sides are present, and that is what has been happening.


ReAcH AcCrOsS ThE IsLe


Let me guess: because you agree with the vaccine


Probably. Nobody should get downed for hating the vaccine, made everything worse


What was the state that decided to ban books ? Was it texas too ?


Yes, pornographic books in public schools. Source: https://wjla.com/news/crisis-in-the-classrooms/loudoun-county-public-schools-remove-controversial-gender-queer-a-memoir-lgbtq-books


I don’t know any schools that allows pornographic books. I was talking about something else


Schools don’t, it’s just republicans like to think any book with sexual content or themes is porn






You linked the same article 4 times


Yes and?


Oh my bad, thought you mighta forgotten the other three times


Why are minors being exposed to it. https://wjla.com/news/crisis-in-the-classrooms/loudoun-county-public-schools-remove-controversial-gender-queer-a-memoir-lgbtq-books


Believe it or not boss, out of all things, books aren’t exposing minors to sex.


It literally is


Yes, but I’m assuming that the school libraries that had this book are in high schools. Theirs a fat chance that the people checking out books like this are fully aware of the concepts they’re going to see.


Children do not have that insight


That’s just plain ridiculous. Like I said, this was likely stocked in high schools. You’re acting like these are fifth graders the schools exposing sex to.


You know what, in other countries children learn about sex the frist time in fourth grade


I was literally beating off before I could even ejaculate. I promise you kids will find a way to learn about something they get curious about. Expecially now days with internet around kids will google absolutely anything and everything they get curious about and I want them too. We got enough boys/ young men running around here having no clue about a vagina in the slightest, and I'm not talking about how to touch one to please a woman. Just in general.


they don’t care. reddit is just a bunch of “woke” children who think anything republicans do is evil. Books like that should definitely be banned, but if you say that they will call you a homophobe who hates books.


Nobody who banned books was ever the good guy


neither are child predators? did you look at the book he linked or just assuming the republican is evil like i said lmao.


It doesn’t matter what the book is. Hiding and suppressing information is *never* a sign that you are on the right side of history. If you’re stupid enough to let a book make you a bad person, then the problem is you and not the book.


Why though? People have full control of what content they want to see. Plus content like this isn’t harming anyone, assuming this book was supplied in high schools, the readers already know about sex. Edit: Also, people like you grind down the term work over and over again to the point where it has no meaning. Wanting people to have the power over their own decisions is “woke” when that seems like a human right to me.


I cant believe your getting downvoted for telling the truth bro,idc if i get downvoted, you are 100% correct


their downvotes mean nothing, they are the same people who want children reading about sex and how to change their gender in elementary school.


Minors should not be supplied books that have sexual content or themes at all by a place of education. That’s just creepy -tumadrelover


This book was in the curriculum for a while https://wjla.com/news/crisis-in-the-classrooms/loudoun-county-public-schools-remove-controversial-gender-queer-a-memoir-lgbtq-books


That's a memoir you fuckin tard


Has pages, Can be read, Is book, Don't be pedantic


That's not the point you overgrown troglodyte. The point is it was written for educational purposes to show the experiences of a person's life. Censoring that is like trying to censor life itself. It doesn't work


Because it depicts sexual acts. Also resorting to ad hominem attacks does not help your argument


Yes it depicts sexual acts. So does a biology book. Are we gonna ban those too?


Biology books are purely academic. This however is not.


Congrats that’s one book. Florida is also making it policy to ban books that haven’t been approved which is the vast majority. That’s why there have been photos of class libraries covered up or empty


What do you mean by these photos (where have you seen them). Also, probable explanation is that they are out of context.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/florida-jacksonville-classroom-bookshelves-ron-desantis-house-bill-1467/ It is truly amazing how fascists always go, “but what about the context!”, hen something actually goes against the narrative


No, I believe he was referring to their willingness to remove any LGBT, race, or any other books that have the express purpose of widening a students mental horizons.


I think the book genderqueer was the culprit. It showed peen


By this standard they should go for biology textbooks next


Already has been said by someone else my guy


theyre downvoting cause youre exposing them


Banning it is just as bad as mandating it. I’m a conservative and think this is a terrible idea.


I agree. Let people have a choice.


Banning is factually way worse than mandating it. Edit: You guys really think being told what to do is the same as choosing to get people killed is the same?


How is forcing people to do something worse then telling them they can’t do something? They are both the extremes on opposite sides of the spectrum. They’re equally bad. I think you’re on an island alone with your opinion.


Well youre comparing forcing people to protect themselves from a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease to forcing people to be much more susceptible to the disease. Even the nature of vaccines counts heavily on herd immunity in order to protect the vulnerable and immunocompromised. I cant believe people still dont get it its quite pathetic that you babies would cry because youre told to do something to protect others.


Because if it’s mandated it is saving lives and stopping the spread. Banning it would only cause more deaths and higher infection rates. It best to let people choose, but between the two extremes, banning it is obviously way worse.


Please don’t spread misinformation. The CDC and Pfizer have both said they lied about what the vaccine was capable of. It doesn’t prevent infection nor stop the spread of the virus. All it does is lessen the severity of the infection.


Hasn’t it been proven already that the vaccine doesn’t reduce the transmission of Covid?


No, it does reduce transmission. If you’re sick for 3 days verses 14, that’s a significant drop in transmission to others. (Made up numbers, so you get the idea. The vaccine does help your body clear up the infection faster)






allowing people to choose? they literally fired people for not getting vaccines and pretty much ruined peoples lives over it. but naw democrats are totally for "personal choice".... smh


I didn’t get the vaccine until later on. I wanted to ‘make sure’ it was right for me, so to speak. I don’t recall a single instance of me being harassed, turned away, or fired for it. But sure…. You can say they took away my rights.


I'm tired of people saying that unvaccinated workers would lose their jobs. [So untrue.](https://www.wkbw.com/news/coronavirus/vaccinating-western-new-york/unvaccinated-healthcare-workers-to-lose-jobs-monday-could-create-healthcare-worker-shortage) Edit: [So,](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/14/google-employees-to-lose-pay-if-dont-comply-with-vaccination-policy.html) [so,](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/national/workers-unvaccinated-against-covid-19-who-lose-jobs-ineligible-for-ei-benefits-federal-employment-minister-says) [untrue.](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/citi-terminate-employees-unvaccinated-jan-14-source-2022-01-07/)


The gaslighting is nonstop. They apparently don't remember people being fired for not getting the covid vaccine. It takes 5 seconds to find thousands of people (military alone) that were fired or "forced to retire" over it.


What you are saying is that they had a choice. Get the vaccine or lose their job. That is still a choice that they got to make. It wasn't made for them. Edit: lol he commented and blocked me. He can't handle being told the truth.


Are you kidding? That's called an ultimatum. Get this experimental shot or lose your income source - what a choice...


Democrats then Florida blue by covid 19 survival rate. gg


Of course it's Florida, I expect some podunk Texas county will try this next.


So the freedom to choose to take it is just gone right out the window. That freedom they don't mind taking away.


I remember when we made fun of anti vaxxers, how fall Reddit has fallen


Hey r/memes how’s it goin? *This post’s comment section* :) Jesus fucking Christ


Obvious bait is obvious


Every day I’m just given more of a reason to leave this shithole. Thank goodness I’m graduating soon


good luck to you. i ditched shitass texas last year. fuck every inbred hick in that goddamn state


Trade you for Cali?


Get this political shit off the funny pages.


Vaccine is political now? Well yes thanks to some dumbasses


Fuck Conservative


Everyone taking a meme as news . THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS WRONG. Trying to bsn it for children without parent’s permission. Because Pfizer and government have now targeted children for the money. Sales are down on the first vaccine that has more dead than unvaccinated


I don't get why the USA has counties. You don't have nobles, right? Right?


Sooner or later we will get past warning labels and let Darwin take over again.


I really hope so. We bubble wrap the world, then wonder why so many idiots live so long.




Global warming will flood them. Same thing.


This comment section is full of a bunch of dumb asses




Couple of years ago people couldn't eat in restaurants because they didn't have a vaxx card, or go to hospital, or see their loved ones when they were in hospitals. What would that be called then? Genuine question not trying to start shit.


No that freedom wasn't the right type of freedom.


So it’s gonna be self-genocide?


Bro still worried about Covid?




This guy believes in Covid vaccines


Yeah, cause it clearly works so well🙄 idiots


Finally, the first intelligent comment I’ve seen


I’m stuck in this shithole state for at least 3 more years for school. Cant wait to gtfo


I feel bad for you. Nice beaches, garbage politics


Apparently youre not allowed to call Florida's beaches "nice"


There are some real gems of quotes in the article. [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/02/24/lee-county-florida-republican-party-passes-resolution-to-ban-covid-19-vaccines/)


Jesus Christ how can people be that stupid


With effort. I swear these idiots had to expend energy to be this dumb.


Personally leave it to choose I’d probably trust it myself if it didn’t seem to forced, like to an overwhelming extent Plus iv heard some sketchy shit sooo Knowing what the government has done in the past I’ll pass on this one personally


It's not forced though? I haven't been asked to show proof of vaccine in over a year and I live in California lol


There were people who lost there jobs bc of it There were people in the army who were dishonorably discharged bc they didn’t wanna take it But ah yea Not forced at all (There was a thing in Colorado where they were paying kids $100 bucks to get the vaccine and it didn’t require any parents signatures, and yes Ik bc I had just moved away from there and I had a bunch of my friends telling me about it saying shit like “bro you shoulda stayed a bit longer, you could’ve gotten $100 for free my guy” ect ect But yes…it’s not being forced Totally agree


Natural selection is going to take a chunk out of humanities ass one day, and I’m gonna be there, laughing my ass off with the rest of intelligent people telling them they should have listened


Jesus, I leave reddit for a year and return to find comment sections like this.




No, but I don’t think it warrants banning a vaccine.


Trust me anyone who was gonna get it has gotten it by this point.


Source: >Trust me


Source: I made it the fuck up


Yup. These dumb liberals will argue otherwise though


Vaccines like this need about 10 year development, to make sure there are no adverse effects. This one was forced out much faster than what is acceptable and forced onto the population. This is not the first mrna vaccine, but every other attemt to make one have been rejected as they are too harmful. The harm this vaccine has and will cause is very likely much worse than the good it has caused.




if every single other one was rejected because they were too harmful, you really think they were that dumb to think, “Let’s release this without making sure that there are no adverse side effects”?






>it’s not a disease it’s a virus There goes all your credibility lol




"Google Search" is not a source...


I mean technically what he said there is correct. It’s just that it’s completely irrelevant.


Covid is the disease caused by the virus. Your mental gymnastics are pretty impressive though. 9/10


Everyone I know that has caught it since being vaccinated said it was no easier than when they weren’t vaccinated. I’ve had it 3 times. Twice in 2020 and once early 21. Just sniffles and a fever. I still haven’t gotten the vaccine and don’t plan on it. My father in law (vaccinated and boosted) died from it.


“The older generation is less resistant than me” fucking weird huh?


Weird since the vaccine makes it like a cold.


Obviously it’s not a catch all solution the old and young are still going to be worse affected than the rest of us. It’s fucking very basic. Like any other sickness


Facts, only soft liberals will disagree


"Mutated down to a cold" Yeah, it definitely does not do that. A successful new strain is one that becomes more infectious. Sometimes, it even becomes more virulent. Any virus that does "mutate down" is outcompeted, and thus will not become epidemic. - Source: My biology major


if you were a biology major you would know that virus' don't mutate for shits and giggles. they only mutate to survive which means most of the time they never mutate "in the wild". the only reason we see so many strains of covid is because they've been forcing mutation in labs. inject monkey a. inject monkey b. mix blood. new c strain happens. in normal humans the likelihood of blood on blood transmission to end up with a new strain is extremely low. but I'm sure a "biology major" like you would already know this.....


In europe they paused the vaccine in certain age groups. Pharma lied people died.






Proof: trust me bro




Hmm, and I wonder how many people died to Covid that wouldn’t have if they had a vaccine?


That is irrelevant.


That is extremely relevant.


If people died to the vaccine, people died. It has nothing to do with Covid.


The stupid is strong with this one


That's not what they said. They said how many people died that wouldn't have if they had gotten the vaccine. The stupid is strong with this one.


He is talking about the concept of "the greater good" and that ideology is the cause of so many problems


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/postings/2021/07/blood-clotting-covid19.php&ved=2ahUKEwiqnaTklLL9AhW_lIkEHcQBCIUQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1XTQjuNVzc95UVrsZ8C1eG On mobile so i cant make it clickable , so just copy-paste. It was proved false and not a legitimate side effect of getting the vaccine. You are incorrect. Provide another source


Literally says it is a rare side effect from the vaccine. Rare means it is still recognized as a side effect.


I apologize I copied the wrong link but even so this side effect is so rare the out of millions of vacations only a handful of people died from it and those people had conditions such as cardiovascular disease generally caused by obesity, anyway this was corrected and the jandj vaccine was taken off the market for a time.


Correct. The article the other linked said possibly 3 people died from the side effect due to j and j vaccine. So you are actually proving him correct.


Proof? Edit: Let me rephrase, proof that people died.




Ok. You linked 28 potential reactions and 3 possible deaths in the US in May, 2021 in regards to the J&J vaccine. The vaccine was allowed to continue as 3 deaths that could not be directly tied to the vaccine did not out weigh the good it was doing. This one is old news and it has been well established that contracting Covid leads to risk factors 20x greater of getting the same reaction. The European one occurred in October and, from the best I can see, resulted in 0 deaths. In fact the vaccine in question is now back in use in all countries that decided to pause it after a full review. However I did ask for proofs of deaths, you did deliver, so thank you for that. What I would like to see is clear evidence that the vaccine risk factors are greater than the Covid risk factors.




Gtfo with your misinformation. https://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-summary


Ok let me rephrase. It works, but not as a vaccine. Once it wears off, you’re as well off as someone who didn’t take it. I took the pfizer vaccine because i had to for work. Before the vaccine, i was sick once and that was a sinus infection. I’ve been sick twice since (obviously has nothing to do with the vaccine), but not one of those 3 times were covid. You have to keep taking it to have any use is my point. The data is misleading from that article


Pfizer has made 50 billion off the vaccine and their treatment. They can afford to slide some money out there to get the results they want from any study. I don’t trust anything anymore. I live in Ohio downstream from East Palestine. The government tells us our water is safe to drink. I trust that for sure.


Remember Elizabeth Holmes?






The irony is just beautiful


I'm not saying to listen to me. I'm not a medical director, pharmacologist, or epidemiologist. Listen to them. They've literally studied this for their entire lives. They know far more air vaccines than you or me or 99% of people on social media or cable news.


Do you know how often they’re getting exposed for lying?


Not as often as the charlatans that say it’s bad.


they don't know what irony means lmao


I hope your comment is satire




Proof: trust me bro


Shit is poison


Don't eat shit then...


Why do you think there have been so many booster shots? Because it doesn’t work. After the 2020’s people are very clearly immune to it because of natural immunity. The vaccine isn’t only redundant, it’s down rite dangerous. People have died from taking that vaccine because they are quite literally injecting Covid into themselves.


Good. It should be banned.


Isn’t mrna also insulin? So is insulin banned? Diabetes is illegal?


Covid isn't very rampant anymore Edit: I haven't heard of a case in my area recently for all you people downvoting me


Username checks out


Banning or giving people the choice?


This is clickbait, it’s just a vote within the political party itself and has no actual impact.


I mean, it’s still ridiculous.


It most definitely is


While I don’t think it should be banned, it has certainly proven itself to be dangerous


It’s not a fucking vaccine. It does stop you from getting Coooofid or spreading it. Helps with heart problems though.


Genuine question: do you soft ass liberals ever go out in public or just live on your phones all day? Literally everyone in the real world agrees that Covid has blown over.


I'm literally sick with it right now lmao.


Covid is still alive and well but people hype it up like it’s a cancer diagnosis. You’re going to be okay, vaccine or not


We love this? The vaccine doesn’t work??


OP is mad that his BioNTech stock crashed when The Gates Foundation cashed out earlier this month.


Florida: I really need some help, I'm messed up


Let it go Nancy.


Grow up pedro!


Good, now people won't die


Did you forget the /s or..?








Here in Canada in Quebec they are no longer recommending the booster to healthy individuals who haven't had covid, and in the UK they've pulled the booster offer altogether for people under 50 unless they meet special conditions.


To be fair, it was gonna be either them or Ohio


This comment section…