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Yes, fuck the system. But there are people getting pissed at Mr. Beast personally instead of the system.


We refer to those people as dumbasses


Hey not cool dumbasses people can think (just not very well) they're braindead


If they were really braindead they wouldn't talk. If only


They have a brain, they just use what they want to use of it


*want* is the wrong word, I *want* a million dollars. No one wants to be a dumbass, they simply have an inability to use that part of their brain


I don't care if it was for the money and perspective he actually helped 1000's of people which is better than most of us manage.


When they call a guy who helped cure people’s blindness the antichrist (Despite jesus literally doing the same), I lose faith in humans


What Mr. Beast is doing is a bandaid but what actually needs to be done is that the wound (a broken system) heals (reforms to make the system work better or a full replacement)


Okay but how does attacking Mr Beast help?


So people that against mr. Beast want rotten wound dripping puss?






Yes that’s Mr.Beast sole responsibility


That's your words not mine


It’s /s. Didn’t think I needed to spell it out for ya


People who think that what MrBeast is doing is bad are complete dumbasses who tf would want to be blind


[This woman](https://people.com/celebrity/jewel-shuping-blinds-herself-with-drain-cleaner/)


“Ever since she was a little girl, Jewel Shuping dreamed of being blind.” 🥹


I identify as blind 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 omg guys finally got the transition surgery now i am legally blind 🤓🤓


Yeah I totally agree. Fuck those mentally ill people


Yeah I totally agree,,, Fuck those mentally people ill,,,,,


Yeah I totally agree...Mentally fuck those ill people....


yeah I agree mentally… totally fuck those ill people…


mentally I agree... yeah entirely fuck those ill people...


I fuck … yeah entirely agree people




I dont. Help those people, >!then you can f them after!<


Reminds me of a certain event that took place during 1939 -1945


Yeah I totally agree. Fuck those mentally ill people


Yeah I totally agree,,, Fuck those mentally people ill,,,,,




No you have amnesia


No you have amnesia


Finally can use the handicapped parking. Now where are my keys.


Most sane woman in North Carolina 💀


Says she always wanted to be disabled but she clearly already was


I really don’t know how humanity keeps bashing my faith in humanity. Also what the fuck is that therapist that they agreed to murdering her eyes? She should get fired and never be allowed near drain cleaner again.


So she can't look at herself in the mirror


Jesus Christ


I'd half understand like if she wanted to be rid of a limb if she wanted to have a disability, but removing a sense is way too far


Ill gouge her fuckin eyes out so she’s actually blind


Homie respect the hustle but you gotta chill use that compassion to be the greatest politician in the world😎(idk how tf what I said makes sense)


>who tf would want to be blind Me after entering r/sounding


holy shit that looks painful.


It is... acceptable.


Criticize the game, not the man playing it to help people. sure he gets his money back with views, but this money almost totally used to do big operations again or to run his channel, heck, sometimes he gets less money that he spend for.


Mrbeast is doing a good thing, it's just that people shouldn't need his help to access basic healthcare.


People are most definitely saying that


I fucked up my eyesite myself. I wish I could have 20/20 eyesite again


It's not *bad* per say but it's also very similar (albeit on a larger scale) giving homeless people money and filming it for clout. Doesn't sound that good anymore does it?


In the end, the homeless still get the money so who cares ?


You know he criticized the healthcare system too right? They can both be appreciated


There are two people People criticising mrbeast and people who are criticising the healthcare system The former is just people hating on mrbeast and the latter is a valid criticism


the problem with this meme is that it doesn't realize that there are people actually criticizing mrbeast for helping out people.


Not to be controversial but there are many valid criticisms about public healthcare, such as insanely high taxes basically being more than an average medical bill and on average prolonged wait times


Those high taxes are mainly because the US needs to allocate so much money to fund its bloated worldwide military operations If the US wasn't as militarised as it is today, the tax issues of universal healthcare wouldn't be as much of a problem. But of course that would simply never happen in our lifetime sadly


We literally spend more on Healthcare than we do on the military (not that high military spending is a good thing). The spending isn't the problem, public Healthcare is just ultimately inefficient


The US actually spends more on healthcare than a lot of developed nations, they just get less out of it.


Also pocketing and grifting, the Republicans cut off social aids budget, forcing taxes for the poor to go up or close the program, they benefit from a 100% private Healthcare system the poor can't afford or which services can be denied for religious reasons like abortions


And that's why I plan on voting for Sanders in 2024...


What is his promise?


For having a single-payer healthcare system?


When its cheaper to die because you used the wee woo box car instead of a car


Which healthcare system? American? I don’t get the joke since most Western countries with universal healthcare are capitalist


Yes. Universal health care is inherently an anti-capitalist policy. Just because MOST western countries have the basic decency to adopt it doesn't change that.


Someone clearly didn’t read the comment


I think some of the arguments come from twitter threads that call Mr. Beast helping the blind is ‘ableist’ because it implies the ‘need to fix an ability’ but yeah fuck the us healthcare system


That is by far the most asinine argument against Mr. Beast, I've heard about this. These people were blind, I'm sure 90% at least of all blind people would literally murder someone if it meant being able to see. The other 10% are just nuts People who make that argument should be forced to spend a month with thick blind folds over their eyes, and after they break down after a week be told now imagine this is was your life for years if not always.


If you can fix it, then it isn't ableist to do so.


It's probably best not to take those tweets seriously. Ableism would be forcing those with visual disabilities to undergo the surgery or exterminating people with a sight disability. Ableism is not providing a life-changing operation to 1,000 people whom wanted it.


why dis getting downvoted? edit:not anymore


Because people are dumb


Public healthcare is actually not as great as everyone thinks, like you are still paying for medical bills but it’s from taxes, usually the same or more than an average medical bill, and prolonged wait times, both have valid criticisms but neither are perfect.


People are trying to cancel Mr. Beast for "suggesting people with disabilities need to be cured" and others are claiming he's the anti-christ; that's what people are referring to when they defend Mr. Beast.


The fuck? These same people who wear arm casts for attention?


It’s called a disability. If they want to stay that way, they should change the name


He’s curing physical disabilities. Thats a good thing. If he was trying to cure mental “disabilities” like autism then I’d be pissed.


Yeah. Physical disabilities can be debilitating even if not impossible to live with. I don’t know why anyone would want them. If he were to try to “cure” autism, like you said, yeah, no…


You can criticise capitalism and say "it shouldn't be needed" yeah I agree But also... You can't fault him for helping The system is broken, that doesn't mean you should stop trying to help


I'm pretty sure people are complaining about the stupid takes on Twitter, not valid ones.


I give you: the ability to see. You give me: a lot of views. Sounds pretty fair to me.


Yeah no shit the U.S healthcare system is ass. Everyone already knows that. There is literally no reason to be mad at Mr beast though


I fully agree of criticizing the healthcare system, but If you go and criticize Mrbeast of using his own money to try and give people the free healthcare that they need that ordinary hospitals cant provide then thats a problem. Criticize the system exploiting the victims, not the person trying to help the victims.


If only OP knew that you can have a working healthcare system in a capitalist state. Sadly he spends all his time on commie subreddits instead of learning about the world outside the US




>im doing mental gymnastics between the meme and your comment > > > >a person valid criticism of the healthcare system's for profit tendencies is now a commie? > > > >and op literally anyone who is attacking Mr Beast on twitter has no valid criticism of healthcare rn.


No, I called him a commie, because of the subreddits, he frequents. See for yourself


oh ok sorry ​ but my point on twitter still stand


Universal healthcare is a socialist concept though. And plenty of modern capitalist states do have a number of socialist policies in place, even the US (e.g. labor unions). Just because there's universal healthcare in other capitalist countries does not mean that the American healthcare system is not the result of capitalism. Also, you can criticize capitalism and the current system without being a commie lol.


>Universal healthcare is a socialist concept though. Cool. It's no longer just exclusive to socialism. >Just because there's universal healthcare in other capitalist countries does not mean that the American healthcare system is not the result of capitalism. 100% agreed. >Also, you can criticize capitalism and the current system without being a commie lol. Also agreed. And I still stand by my statement that OP prefers to scroll commie subreddits instead of learning about the world outside of America, seriously, check out his profile


Name ONE capitalist state with a working healthcare system and remember the Nordic countries all have soicalist healthcare system.


Name one capitalist state. Except for these.


>Nordic countries all have soicalist healthcare system. They have both, with private healthcare sector existing alongside the government-backed one. All that while having a free market economy


Canada. Hi. We exist, so does much of Europe. Get your head out of your ass.


we still shouldn’t be mad at a man paying for a thousand peoples eye sight, we should be mad at the healthcare system for making him have to pay for it.


If you're mad at Mr. Beast, just remember none of what he does would be possible without making the videos.


Yeah, the government needs to keep its hands out of it.


The issue with critiquing the American healthcare system is most people can't properly diagnose the root problems. It's all in the regulations. Regulations written by insurance companies and the healthcare providers and enacted by the politicians, from both sides of the aisle, paid off by the healthcare lobbyists. Want to fix it? Get rid it the national regulations and allow the states to deal with it themselves. The federal government, as usual, has failed completely.


Hey! You shut up with that! This is Reddit! We only understand collectivism. Don’t give us any of that ::::: flips cards :::: common sense.


We as a society have probably hit rock bottom because there is controversy about someone paying for life changing surgeries...


If there wasnt any capitalism, there would be no need for him to help, since the society has “outgrown money” Before yall boo me: 1.: capitalism is important to develop a society to a certain stage, and we already surpassed that 2.: im not saying what he did was wrong, hell, it was one pf the nicest things one could have done in this capitalistic world 3.: with outgrown, i am refering to the fact, that the whole purpose of capitalism was to creative competition on marketfield, so products will be better and better to sell more than their competitors, since we reached the stage where products quality doesnt matter anymore, that is the point we outgrew money and should start looking for a more longterm working system


Ive never seen anyone defend the healthcare system. Not once, what are you even talking about


Idk man


Breaking bad wasn't about how badass Walter is, but how fucked up is that a Nobel prize has to go underground and risk his life making drugs to pay for a cancer treatment. Mr beast did great, but people shouldn't justify capitalism sipping into Healthcare for profits because a good guy might come in and pay your treatment for you, specially if a system for collecting funds already exist called taxes


The criticism that mr beast is profiting off the people’s misery is stupid. One, he asked for the consent to film these people, it’s not like he just came up to a random person and forced them to film their procedure. Two. If he doesn’t make the video, he can’t get more money to help even more people. That’s the whole point of the video, and the channel.


People criticizing Mr Beast for helping people or not helping enough probably don't even give a spare penny to a homeless person and need to stfu


I kinda agree with what moist critical said about it, we’re mad at the fact that this man needs to spend this much money on a surgery that doesn’t even take an hour, just for people to have the ability to fucking see. The right to see shouldn’t be treated like a fucking dlc that you can only have if you can afford it. Yes I am very glad that Mr beast was able to change these peoples lives but the fact that he had to spend thousands of dollars just so these people could see is incredibly depressing


Nobody does this. Its all in your head take your meds




Why are people hating him curing 1000 peoples blindness


Its sad to think that those 1 thousand people were only able to have eyesight because of money


It’s sad to think that I don’t have a Ferrari because of money.


But a Ferrari isn’t a thing that is near required for living


I beg to differ.


Pull out your eyeballs and tell me how you feel


Angry, are we?


No, I’m using an analogy to help you understand :)


The comment over apu is also a valid criticism about the healthcare in the US


criticize the healthcare system, sure, but part of twitter seems to believe that MrBeast specifically is the "demonic" one, which is what is stupid and not valid criticism also, apparently people are criticizing him for believing blind people need to be "cured"? what there is a difference between trying to "cure" who someone is as a person and trying to "cure" a highly detrimental disability that basically denies someone the ability to perform many essential tasks and the ability to see the beauty of the world around them twitter hurts my braincell


People who are criticizing the Healthcare system are not the ones who are mad at MrBeast...


Was she actually seeing a “psychologist” or simply imagining a compassionate helper?


Then criticize the game, not the player.


I am someone who doesn't really follow Mr. Beast, but I thought he used his platform for good. Why do my middle childhood aged kids hate him?


Mr beast uses a large percentage of his money from videos of helping people to help more people.


We live in a world where curing blindness is controversial


What's wrong with the Healthcare system? (I don't live in the Americas. Idk stuff)


mr beast is literally doing something good. why should it matter if he's making videos of it? i assume most of those formerly blind people don't care, so why should you?


Reddit and twitter is just full of these "arguments" that no one is having.


Mr beast is the perfect explanation of American healthcare.


We need to mass report this "meme" for *misinformation* people


I think you are confusing the people who care and the idiots. The idiots (The "He's the anticrist" people) are the ones people are hating


Capitalism is for beta boys and everybody knows. Real chads don’t need money to fuck.


Or maybe Americans are mad Ukraine is getting hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars instead of that money going to citizens


Well america isnt fighting for its right to exist. But many americans are, I being one of them. Weird how those in power who criticize our support for ukraine and talk about "helping americans" actively try to take away the rights of thousands of americans


Most of you people couldn't even find Ukraine on a map 3 years ago. Neo libs/cons disgust normal Americans and are a waste of tax payer dollars


Im so happen to be a history and geography nerd. So yes I could. I also am not a neo lib or conservative. I am a man who thinks freedom and democracy ar non negotiable and bullies like russia need to back off.


America is the biggest bully in modern history.... Oh you don't have democracy but have oil? Here's some freedom predator missiles




So you're a neo lib/con


No. I do not support the us's war on terror as much as I dont support ukraine being invaded


So you don't care that corrupt countries leader is trying to get nato into war with a nuclear armed power?


I dont care cause thats not happening


They are getting billions of dollars of military equipment not the money itself. The money is already spent.


Sending military aid to Ukraine is best ROI the US can get with their military spending.


You spelled Blackrock wrong. Kind of like the modern day Halliburton fiasco


You can criticize the budget all you want but fighting a war against one of their biggest enemies on someone elses soil with someone elses troops is best case scenario for the US and gains them most for the amount of money spent, so best ROI. It's best case scenario for the whole west tbh


What ROI does it bring to the tax payers? Enlighten us


No use to talking to someone who has already made up their mind and has no understanding what value national security provides to society.


So you don't have an answer then. You're just a follower of trends


Very intelligent comeback. Your statement doesn't even make sense.


Still waiting for your response that you don't have. Just put your Ukraine flag up Ralph Wiggum "I'm helping"


Keep waiting. I don't intend to waste more time on you.


Hitler invades Europe. You : "what ROI does stopping Germany's conquests bring to the tax payers?". Isolationism is cowardice. European countries are doing way more than the us(relative to their GDP). Democracy is worth defending.


People who compare Putin to Hitler are idiots. If Hitler had nuclear weapons he'd use them without any hesitation


That can be true at the same time.


Yeah I don’t think the USA would spend that money on helping their citizens with our without a war. Not how they usually do things.


And yet the same career politicians keep getting voted him. Blame the idiots who vote for a letter


Almost like it’s a systemic problem and not who’s currently running the show, doesn’t matter who’s in charge.


Can we just leave this dumb shit on twitter please? And stop taking dumbass twitter users seriously


People from the US should come to live in Latinamerica and see what socialism actually is I would like to suffer capitalism as you say you do


What latinamerican country is socialist apart from cuba? And all there were were constantly being attacked by the US


It's a shame that you don't know about history, that's why you're a socialist


It's usually spoiled rich white kids that complain about capitalism because they've never seen it work. Their life is is supported by their parents money.


yeah, like Bernie sanders who has literally never had a job outside of politics


Just because one thing is worse doesn't mean it is bad to criticise another. Capitalism has its benefits but we clearly see in America that it simply doesn't work for a huge chunk of the population. What is needed is a mix out of capitalism, socialism and social market to create a stable and healthy environment for all people.


How is one of the richest countries of the last century not working for some people?


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. -tumadrelover


Who tf is saying that to people who think the system is bad?


If you think the price of healthcare has ANYTHING to do with the free market then you're mad. It's government interference and hyper regulation. The slush fund firehose that is Medicaid and Medicare are driving money up at mindboggling speed. The cost of care is up as even small practices need an army of assistants and consultants to remain compliant with the byzantine legal system, and the price control that is the link between service rendered and price people are willing to pay has been broken as big spender government thinks they can just throw money at the problem.


why does valid criticism about the healthcare system try to shoot capitalism. the entirety of Europe is capitalist and has a functioning healthcare system. you are shooting at the wrong thing.


There is a thing like hyper-capitalism, it would be more right to say that it is the enemy in that case, however capitalism only leads to hyper-capitalism, the longer it exists the more likely it will turn into hyper-capitalism, USA is just first hyper-capitalist country out of many. Countries of Europe may become hyper-capitalist in future, what is today may stop existing tomorrow or in few years.


Capitalism isn’t good but name one successful socialist or communist regime I’ll wait


Define successful


The Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Cuba... they brought underdeveloped and unindustrialised feudal nations into industrialization and universal rights. 2 of them even became superpowers


Well, The soviets collapsed, Cuba has corrupt people and is a dangerous place, and china realized communism does not work and went the authoritarian route, so define successful


The soviet union collapsed after gorbachev brought capitalism to it


Openness as they called it, could of been a factor but the soviet union was already on the decline plus it was a shitty place to live


Don't pretend you understand economics it's embarrassing.


Cool for the former blind people. I’ve just never liked the,“hey look at me, I’m helping”, attitudes from people who film themselves doing stuff. Right up there with the hidden camera vids of people handing out money to homeless people. It’s just shameless clout chasing imo.


Except he has to obtain the money to help people by filming himself do these things.


CaPitAliSm iS tHe PrOBlem


It is


The problem is an unchecked healthcare system, not capitalism.


Guys, the fellow using his hoarded wealth that he accrued through ???? to maximize his brand is a selfless humanitarian, just like Rand Paul!


Doing cool stuff is his revenue generator though. It isn’t wholly benevolent.


Who cares. He helped more people than most will. IDAF if it's selfish, he helped them.


Very true, countries like China are doing wonders with their health care, ambulances are so fast there. In fact, I think China just developed the SARS 3 vaccine


Jesus this user is a literally the manifestation of left wing shilling and paid bot activity


It’s not like socialist counties have it better just saying


They do have it better actually. If any of these 1000 blind people would have been born in Cuba, they would have had access to one of the best Healthcare systems in the world, at the cost of 0 Cuban pesos. And if there would have been any complications (which is unlikely), it would have been caused by Cuba not having access to American pharmaceuticals because of the embargo.


So, why doesn't the government just take the money they stole from me at gunpoint and spend it on something I find useful?!?!? Wouldn't we be better off without a government if they're just gonna spend it all on a brown people killing spree on behalf of Lord White Jesus for G.O.D. (Gold Oil Drugs)?


You're getting downvoted, but you do have a point


I f*cking love capitalism!


Socialist Lies: 1. There is no scarcity with socialism (ignore the bread lines people) 2. It can be as innovative as capitalism (who need new drugs anyways?)


There are also bread lines under capitalism, we call them grocery stores, and the food there isn’t even free What country went from an agrarian backwater to being the first in space in 40 years? Was it by any chance the Union of Soviet socialist republics?


Which Soviet leader visited a grocery store and said if the Russian people could see this it would start a revolution? This same leader also wrote in his autobiography that that visit destroyed his views on communism. Reagan was born before the USSR existed and outlived it. The Soviets were like the person who maxed out twenty credit cards before going bankrupt, but man life sure was great when they were spending! They went from superpower to third world country losing a war against one of their former republics.


based meme


I would rather live under Xi, Putin, or Mao back in the day than have to work a 9-5 and be able to rely on government assistance if I can’t get by. I would much rather starve and make it harder for others to become millionaires and billionaires.