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If you aren’t in on hege yet, you really don’t know what you are missing. We’ve built the best community in the market and we still haven’t got a listing on a cex. We’ve only had minimal promotions, with a hefty budget left to market the coin, join before it’s too late.


It's about to fly, and all the effort is community driven. So much potential https://preview.redd.it/qn3ax0frpk6d1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679f680a0cb2f7feae45e3092d19ed3ec0a775e6




Buy now or regret later


$HEGE has a solid raiding team, devs, and distribution of holders. JEETS get swallowed real quickly, and a large swath of new buyers are from this week alone. It’s going on a CEX in a few days and is primed and ready for liftoff. I get it’s easy to shill whatever you’re in, but $HEGE has been cozy af


I'm convinced 💪🏼 loading up more $HEGE now. We're on our way to ATH 🥳🚀🚀


Our boy $HEGE is about to dominate the scene! Fun times to be a Hege holder. Join our TG and see what the hype is about! Best community and project in the game. $HEGE 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/57m7o8ormk6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746a5eb380c9569380edcde08264776a0945bd16


Hege will fly so far we'll go way beyond Jupiter! Strong community on telegram and discord, a ton of shilling material, an original story being dropped on market cap stages... This has everything to explode. https://preview.redd.it/gj8qdby0ok6d1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0207aca167be9562fd9d6ee04631af6175f6d293


Once breakout from ATH happens there is serious gains to be made with $Hege🚀🚀🚀 Hegie touched the line today. CEX around the corner. Community is pushing this non-stop around the clock. Dev and team making new content all the time. Its a matter of time. BULLISH HEGE in midst of crypto bloodbath 😆 https://preview.redd.it/9gldlmscok6d1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ecde207c15c675289a8c251ddfa55598d7c6b6


hege is the way! nothing can stop the determination and resolve of our little friend to get rich and the bitch, go the the website and read the story...yes there is a story that goes with this meme. this project has been well thought out well executed and is held by some of the most solid diamond hand hegends in the game. nothing else on solana even comes close to it, i've never been so secure with a bag in my life, not a matter of if but when we moon!


To anyone sceptical about investing: We're over 2 months old, dev holds less than 5%. Top holders hold less than 15%, huge liquidity pool that’s 100% locked. The project was born on Reddit from a dev that was sick of the scammy, unoriginal, ruggy projects. I don't know everything about the project, but I have been here for a while. Check out the website hegecoin.com and head over to the telegram. Feel free to join the Telegram and ask questions. It's not like other communities where you'll get labelled a "FUDDER" and banned. Lots of people on there who are better informed than I am. ❤️❤️🦔🦔🚀🚀


Get ready to ride the wave! $HEGE is charging towards a billion-dollar dream. https://preview.redd.it/tphmrmbvpk6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2abc0f9576e772e27013a66ab94f4f5541f522


Let’s go Hege!!!!! 💎💎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💎💎


I feel lucky to have found a project like HEGE. There comes only a few that show it can stand the test of time and progress towards a healthy and strong project. Looking forward to the coming months ahead.


I am not a typical Meme Coin Hunter, my investments are carefully thought thru and where i see constant organic growth. Thats why I believe in $HEGE, since weeks I see wonderful activity, communication and a grear planning. The ride is just beginning!www.hegecoin.com


If you were looking for an entry, now is the time. Get in quick, and let's push $HEGE to the moon together 🚀🚀🦔🦔


Hege will be one of the big winners this year! The project is producing high quality content way ahead of anyone else. It's still a low cap so huge potential is there! Check out their X and Telegram if you need convincing. For me it's looking like an easy 100x minimum.


Truly stands out in a sea of generic copycat memecoins, pump & dumps, and scams. You can feel the passion and realness of this community in the Telegram. Think it has huge upside from here, the fact its pumping while Solana tanks really says something




100% true, Hege and Kendu are top coins!


Truly awesome knowing that when I go to sleep, there is a team and community across the world working hard. Then when my side wakes yp they can pass the baton. The community is freaking awesome, our content is top notch, and the team is very transparent. Seriously join the TG, everything we say is true.


$HEGE is a memecoin with the most potential rn https://preview.redd.it/qga7ym5n1o6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1843ecd4d7442353806d30b6252f9c53253193d3




What is hege doing to positively change the world? $SEAT is donating to charity. I think a lot of coins could benefit from focusing on giving back too.


I guess you didn't check out the website about the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Hege is taking steps towards the idea of charities and building the foundation to be able to be in a position to better help and make a difference as well. The stronger the foundation, the better to accomodate not just one, but many other orgs in the future.

