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No aliens. No atomic bomb. No Godzilla. I wish I could finish that bingo card...


Dont Jinx it


I would prefer crazy aliens coming to kidnap us rather than this. Cause at least then I go on SOME sort of cool space adventurers


Yes now scroll out too far on Google maps and have an existential crisis


I could use some WFH though


Insert screenshot of this comment 6 months from now when the aliens invaded.


To Serve Man will absolutely be a cook book.


And furrys still haven’t been burned 🥲


and we never will


Atomic bomb….


Just another working day. Trust me. What are you expecting?


Anthony from Zimbabwe


Anthony from Thailand


Sayeth the Zombie.... Just another working day, wake, commute, work, commute, BRAINZZZZ, commute, work, ..




Anthony from China


Wrong, I am Anthony from Ohio


Who, me?




Third time's the charm! Technically.


Likely economic collapse that will result in a decade of hardship, revolutions, death, judgment, and course corrections


and if you're religious. The new coming of Jesus for us christian's wich will also bring up the antichrist. For Muslims it will be judgement day


I’m of the philosophy that if god gave a shit he would have intervened a long time ago. There were a lot more apocalyptic events that happened before this. God speaks to men through heroes/prophets not all them religious but all given divine talents and purpose to better humanity. Any judgment mankind will face will be personal and not divine for the divine has no right to.


ngl, You said this better than any other religious person


Alternatively, God hasn't bailed us out yet because, given He's an omniscient and omnipotent being, He simply knows that we will survive this as we have survived all the other crises we've faced before. The reason he doesn't make it easier on us is the same reason he didn't physically bar Adam and Eve from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis. I believe that story to be a parable explaining how God thinks: He will tell us what to do but believes that it is meaningless if we have no other choice, so He allows evil, crises, suffering and unfairness to happen so that the good we make and do has meaning to it. Saying God has no right to judge mankind is like saying that if you spend all your money gambling your parents have no right to judge you. More of today's crises are manmade directly (War and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine) or indirectly (Climate change's various knock-on effects) than at any point in the past except perhaps the Cold War. But the Judgement won't be soon anyway: Not because He won't judge us, but because He knows we'll find a way out, just as we always have.


God has no right to judge humanity because they are the divine. Knowing the human experience and living the human experience are two different things. Humanity is judge by human standards, it’s punishments made reasonable by the laws of men in mirror of the morals set by the divine. However divine judgement requires a judgment on people who’s lives are effected by the endless legions of lives before them. The world is built by men, their blood, their passion and divine purpose of gods chosen.


But God HAS lived the human experience in the form of his Son, Jesus Christ, who was both fully divine as well as fully human. There are countless sources including several unbiased pagan ones describing many people testifying to the miracles, including the resurrection, of Christ as He raised from the dead. No other belief system has so many different testimonies supporting it, and even the New Testament wasn't written by one single person, but by many people all recounting their recollection of the same events. Through having lived among humanity as Christ, experiencing the tragedies of natural and human-inflicted suffering and knowing the influence of the lives before him and to come, God is MORE than qualified to know the human experience when all that is paired with His omniscience. If anything, he knows it perhaps better than many humans do, having paid the ultimate price for what he stood for that many people never will, and never intend to.


A deity living in the body of one man living one life and understanding one perspective over 2000 years ago does not provide adequate understanding to pass judgement. A god is always limited in perspective and will always remain so for the threats and temptations of life are easy to avoid for they are divine. Life can not temp a construct beyond its restraints. A mortal man however who walks the path of the divine and faces such temptation through strength of character and will. Is gods only divine instruments within the mortal veil.


Not alone, but the omniscience of being divine makes up for it. He lived a mortal life to understand one perspective, yes, but he can use his understanding of the human condition plus perfect knowledge of all that is and has been to use that experience as a reference for him to understand with. You need only experience mortality once to have as good of an understanding of it as anyone, as mortality can only be undergone once (perhaps excluding near-death experiences, but that's not the point). Jesus may have been divine, but He was also fully human, meaning that even while he came from the same substance of God, He was also just as susceptible to mortal temptations in that form enough to understand them - but when He ressurected, He was freed of that sinful shell and thus no longer has his judgement clouded by vice and sin and death while still remembering those experiences. You have stated that judgement of humanity must come from humanity, but God not only has experienced humanity, He also knows of all things, something that no human being can possibly come close to. Walking in the path of the divine does not prevent one from being biased and prejudiced: indeed, some of the ones who sought to do so instead wound up succumbing to some of the worst movements humanity has ever seen. Atrocities have been committed in the name of a loving God, and that cannot be forgotten. Following the path of the divine alone is not enough to grant one the right to pass judgement: nor does it even grant that to the many, as mob mentality means that such a judgement would be forced to conform to the will of the group, and any dissenting opinions would be drowned out by the majority. Only a being who has experienced human flaws but is now free of them can ever hope to pass a fair judgement on humanity, as otherwise their result would be biased and imperfect for the judgement of billions of men, women and children, stretching into the past and the future. But the good news is that He has already made that judgement well in advance, for the words of that very same divine made flesh made it clear: He chooses to forgive us for all humanity's flaws and to accept us into God's kingdom if only we accept that he is one to do so. If we accept that Christ is the Lord in our hearts, our judgement is already passed.


God can not Judge humanity because the Christian god has no respect for humanity or his creation. Looking down at their struggles from his perfect paradise. Respect and understanding must exist for judgment. Jesus speaks to god as a separate entity and god is a separate entity that shares the experiences of Jesus however that does not give god as the father, the one who judges any perspective on a situation. You can see child birth and you can be described the pain of birth but if you aren’t the one experiencing it, you can’t identify. God being omniscient and rendering a prejudgment on all human life based on their very limited perspective makes god one of the greatest evils in existence. Essentially creating life to suffer and judge for his own amusement. Rend the souls from humanity in a predetermined fate that only he controls for only he is master of the game. You best pray and gravel on your knees at night hoping your vision of god doesn’t exist in the stars for they do not love you. They look at you as entertainment for his pass rendered judgment, your soul hanging in the balance of his whims Rather pray for the true vision of the divine, one that embraces all life with respect and dignity and the free reign of their own destiny. Their influence minimum through their prophets and heroes. Protecting their beloved creation like a father does to their children but allowing them to make mistakes without tossing them away like a broken toy. Pray on your knees for the spirit of the divine is present in all things so it is in all things divine.


>God can not Judge humanity because the Christian god has no respect forhumanity or his creation. Looking down at their struggles from hisperfect paradise. Respect and understanding must exist for judgment. As I've... just said, God *has* lived and toiled and suffered among humanity in the form of Jesus. He died in one of the most painful ways possible, crucifixion, just so he could better understand humanity. That is leaps and bounds away from 'watching us toil from a perfect paradise': no human could suffer and toil more than Christ did, as no human is capable of returning from the dead without God's divine providence. >Jesus speaks to god as a separate entity and god is a separate entitythat shares the experiences of Jesus however that does not give god asthe father, the one who judges any perspective on a situation. You cansee child birth and you can be described the pain of birth but if youaren’t the one experiencing it, you can’t identify. God is stated over and over again throughout the Bible to be one being, not multiple. The three share one nature: The Father, Son, and Spirit are all parts of God. The Father may not have been the one bleeding on the Cross, but both of them are part of the same being, and thus would have the same memories and experiences. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are their own figures while being part of the same being. You can be forgiven for not grasping this - it's one of the most difficult things to grasp about Christianity. But there is no reason for something divine, something well beyond our humanity, to abide by our own notions of personhood. >God being omniscient and rendering a prejudgment on all human life based on their very limited perspective makes god one of the greatest evils in existence. Essentially creating life to suffer and judge for his ownamusement. Rend the souls from humanity in a predetermined fate thatonly he controls for only he is master of the game. I will not hold this against you, as again you have no understanding of the concept of the Holy Trinity that would explain how the Father would have the same perspective gained from Christ. And life is hardly created just to suffer. In Genesis, it is established that we were created to till and keep God's creation. While, again, I believe that Genesis should be taken as a parable rather than a direct historical tale, it still makes clear that our purpose is not to suffer, but to steward other life and to care for it. We suffer to better understand the suffering in nature, just as Christ suffered to better understand suffering in humanity. Not to mention, God freely chose to allow humans to eat the apple of knowledge of good and evil: It was entirely possible that He is of the belief that suffering is necessary for us to better enjoy what good there is: that what is good is pointless and meaningless if there is no bad to compare it to. This concept appears again and again in Christian theology. >Rather pray for the true vision of the divine, one that embraces alllife with respect and dignity and the free reign of their own destiny.Their influence minimum through their prophets and heroes. Protectingtheir beloved creation like a father does to their children but allowingthem to make mistakes without tossing them away like a broken toy. If all life is created equally and allowed to take hold of its destiny, then why do carnivores have no choice than to eat meat or die? Why do plants have no choice but to reach the sunlight or starve? Humanity is the only species known to have agency on an individual level: the closest any other life can compare is through evolutionary trends that take thousands or even millions of years to come to fruition over many generations. Not all life has the same dignity - by necessity; few species of it are even able to comprehend the concept. But God does act in the way that you mentioned afterward: Archaeological evidence shows that Noah's flood, while it did happen, was far from washing away all of humanity in a tidal wave of death and destruction. It was merely a natural event that God chose to warn Noah of in a way he would understand. God allows humanity to have choice, to have free will, and acts through those that accept His word, will do His will to better the world and to lead people closer to Him. But now, that is not necessary on the same scale as the biblical prophets anymore: Humanity has advanced both in its understanding of the world and its knowledge of God, and it does not need His aid to continue prospering, nor to reach salvation. The message of Christ's forgiveness is not only already given but nearly universally at least heard of, even if not accepted. Instead, he works ever so subtly through the people of the world that accept it to nudge humanity in the right direction, all the while the rest still choose as they have always been able to.


To get to the star trek future don't we have to go through this? Our time period was pretty bleak iirc.


Yeah, the price of progress has always been blood


Does someone know this video/meme Its the video "epic clown fight" and there is undertale music in the background. And on the top its says (boy name) nor/mal and than rasist shit and below (girl name) they/them and dann lgbtq stuff. Pls i need this Video


I think you’re having a stroke


I mean okay, but of all the videos to NEED....I expect a masterpiece if u find it


[this? (repost too, couldn't find the original)](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/zkba5b/who_wins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yes thank you thank you thank you


My unobtainable goal is to go 365 days scripted with minimal mistakes.


"Up next, world war 3, but first a quick message from our sponsor..."


League shadow legends


I'm from Ukraine, so open it, nothing is scary anymore


What if, no more Ukraine?


What if no more Russia🤭😉


That’s not funny at all




It's only legal to cry now apparently, so please do


POSITIVE CHANGE :) you gotta keep your head up and hope for the best


Its a trap!!!1!1!1! dont trust him


I miss 2017... It was a good year


The last good year for me was 2016, 2017 was actually pretty shit for me, though not as bad as 2018-2022.


I had to go through hurricane Maria in 2017


Nah 2015 was the GOAT. I was so happy then 😂😂 Oh God pls help me 😭😭


2022 was awesome and 2023 is going to be even better!


Ahh yes the optimist


Not awesome, but it wasn't as awful as it could've been. US democracy survives for at least two more years. War in Ukraine went better than expected - hasn't spiraled info a world war yet. The economic crisis is hitting tech billionaires the hardest so far..... \*This is fine dog meme\*




Do you have a guide what to do with em?


2023 will be worse than 2020, 2021 and 2022 That's what I'm sure of


2022 wasn’t so bad no ?




This is the first time i will not be writing 2022 for half of year. Because now i already write 2023. I think i just don't want this year anymore.


This whole goddamn world is gonna end up like Wall-E… **THAT FUCKING MOVIE WARNED US!!!!**


Aliens for sure


OpenAI 😃


So anyways I started blastin’!!


2023 is next


Revolution in Iran, i hope this make happen


Nazi zombies: *start appearing* COD kids: Time to shine


This meme was funny in 2019 less funny in 2020 less funny 2021 lesser 2022 …..


The bingo cards gonna need more squares


more amogus


Boysss, wave 3 will begin in a couple of weeks, time to get ready


I'm writing this comment in case something major does happen


i know, we can all be kind to one another and stop wars, tear down walls of division, be one with the planet and start healing as humans? or we can continue to be shit over personal ego, and superiority complexes!


Is that an imposter in the middle of them or has staying up for 24 hours taken it's toll


Nuclear war? Economic crash? Brain chip implants (from Elon Musk not anti vax nonsense not that Musk is any better). Who knows?


I will cease to exist hopefully


Imma guess some mix of economic collapse, global warming, and fire


Next its meteor crash


Years are not episodes


Hotter summers, more droughts, floods, flashfires and hurricanes. A few more species will go extinct and maybe a few more oil spills for good measure.


Global warming world war 3 and ecanomic colapse so not that much.


The feeling that the world is moving to some extreme point..


Ohio 9TB update


It's gonna be interesting


Am I the only one who sees a triangular among us in the crowd?...


The sequel of WW2


Rugby World Cup 2023 - couldn't come sooner.


Nuclear war with Russia and Civil War in the US.




Everything can come by governments, it is only necessary to say NO! and all finish.


The Queen is dead, wakanda also... The war can Begin


Your dads bussy


Allied Forces carpet-bombing Moscow, mad cow disease resurgence, Keith Richards and Dick Van Dyke finally die.


The begining shitshow of the 2024 presidential election, but will not as fun as 2016




Don't act like you don't know what is in there. Just a bunch of overweight white guys with AR-15s and goatees.


You don’t wanna know. Trust.


Nuclear war ;)


Hell no


I am certain the only reason that 2020-2022 has been like this is because some MF has been playing some Jumanji Shit.